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Want tickets to the exclusive E3 parties? Or perhaps a private tour of Nintendo?

This should pay off some karma for all the anti-Nintendo truth I spew. Your chance to visit your mecca, nintendorks! ;P



Dana Carvey to Host Computer and Video Game Industry’s Black Tie Dinner

WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 6, 2004) — The fifth annual computer and video game industry charity auction featuring rare computer and video games and memorabilia and benefiting children's charities will be held from October 11 to 18 on eBay, The World’s Online Marketplace. The charity auction is presented by the ESA Foundation, the charitable foundation of the interactive entertainment software industry, and will be held in conjunction with the computer and video game industry's annual “Nite to Unite for Kids” charity dinner.

Highly prized items in this year’s charity auction will be available on eBay at http://members.ebay.com/ws2/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid=nite2unite and include:

Fiberglass statue of Master Chief from Halo

Autographed Halo artwork and memorabilia

Private tour of Nintendo of America

Tickets to private parties at E3Expo

Doom 3 autographed by the design team


Tag of Excellence
Ha ha "anti-Nintendo truth". That alone fills the hilarity quota for this thread.

Nice auction with some decent prizes.


Tag of Excellence
IJoel said:
I want an E3 pass!
A pass into E3 itself or a pass into the parties?

Getting into E3 is beyond ridiculously easy. The recent rise in attendance is a good example of that.

Justin Bailey

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TekunoRobby said:
A pass into E3 itself or a pass into the parties?

Getting into E3 is beyond ridiculously easy. The recent rise in attendance is a good example of that.
Yeah so how exactly would someone that doesn't work for a fansite get in pray tell?


TekunoRobby said:
A pass into E3 itself or a pass into the parties?

Getting into E3 is beyond ridiculously easy. The recent rise in attendance is a good example of that.

If I find out how, or get a pass, I'm taking that week for vacation and spending the first half of the week on sunny Cali and the rest on E3. That would r0x.


Tag of Excellence
Justin Bailey said:
Yeah so how exactly would someone that doesn't work for a fansite get in pray tell?
DBA plus some business cards, worked beautifully for 1997 - 2000. And hey I got to say I'm the CEO when I was 14, yay!


Tag of Excellence
I should explain what a DBA is just in case. It means "Doing Business As", a fictitious name. A legal business entity that doesn't fall under the corperation rules but allows you to operate as a business. Back when I went I used RGLago which is the one my dad registered us as. I was the CEO/Game Designer of the company and my dad was head of Marketing, weee! I haven't gone since then because L.A. is really fucking expensive and Atlanta, Georgia is only a 12 hour car ride (I'm hardcore, I know) from Miami. It was also in Atlanta from '97 - '98, and LA from '99 and after. Those two L.A. trips were very expensive and plus I had to worry about college acceptance.

My Receipt from 1997:

My father, Miyamoto, and myself (when I was 14):

You too can go to E3 whenever the hell you please! Well actually I don't know how strict they've become since 2001 but I'm positive the same trick will work.


I want a Master Chief statue,do they actually sell those anywhere?If people buy those stupid ass Carbonite Han Solo replica's I'd assume people would definitely buy a MC statue :p


Tag of Excellence
Justin Bailey said:
That's awesome man, thanks for the info. I'd die if I actually got to go next year :D
The E3 parties are a different ballgame however and you won't be able to have a snazzy press badge, just the general one. So while this will "MOST LIKELY" get you into E3 without any trouble whatsoever hooking up with a friend who has a Press badge or access to parties is what you want to aim for. I mean really, I missed out on the parties and press acess the first two years and that was a big mistake.

Hell you might be able to say that instead of a game development company you're a member of the press. I don't know if that would work but it can't hurt trying.
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