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Want to trade in old PS2 for thin PS2 what is a trade in on a PS2?


according to my EB, just trade in the console and you get the newer one...this offer's supposed to be good all month

unfortunately, (you knew there would be a catch) you will not be able to get your hands on a new PS2 without putting some money down to reserve one...so you have to put down $20 extra to make sure you get one


Currently at EB you can get $100 trade in for your old PS2 (says $80 on screen but when you hit total it will go up to $100). Trade in any 5 games with it and get $50 more. You also get $10 for the NA and $25ish for the HDD. From what I understand EBs should be getting more PSTwos late this week, early next week. Might be hard to find if your local eb has lots of preorders.


signet said:
Trade in any 5 games with it and get $50 more.

I may do this deal Monday, but I don't have five games I want to trade in. If I just trade in three or four games, do I get partial credit?


B.K. said:
I may do this deal Monday, but I don't have five games I want to trade in. If I just trade in three or four games, do I get partial credit?

Just go to somewhere like Gamestop and buy some really cheap games like Madden 2001-2003.


Are greatest hits, players choice, etc.. excluded in the 5 game trade-in?

And is the trade-in value of $50 a set rate? ie. all games worth $10 each or something?

What if some games exceed $10 trade-in, and some are less?


Is the PSTwo and PS2 $100 in the US?

How does buying old consoles for $100 work, when you can only sell them for maybe $75-80?

Dave Long

AniHawk said:
Just go to somewhere like Gamestop and buy some really cheap games like Madden 2001-2003.

Can't do that. EB's exclusion list applies to this trade-in deal. If it's on this list...


...you cannot get the $10 credit.

The PS2 and PSTwo are both $150 here. $100 trade-in value is still going to net them a thirty dollar markup or something like that. I think they sell pre-owned for $129.99.


Tag of Excellence
Dave Long said:
Can't do that. EB's exclusion list applies to this trade-in deal. If it's on this list...
I went to Gamestop last night and I bought four $4.99 games and immediately went to EB (after removing the GS skus just in case) and traded it all in without ANY trouble. I got a brand new PSTwo and it was the last one in EB's in Miami (for those that didn't preorder)!

Yay brand new PS2 for only $25 and I paid no taxes! I bought my original for $80 back in 2002 with two controllers memory card and all the cables (it was used of course). In the end I only ended up paying $5.

Now I can finally take the thing online!

Dave Long

Yeah, but what games did you take in? And if they did take ones on the exclusion list then that EB simply made an error and you got lucky. They're not supposed to take just any games this time.

There's not a lot of exclusions, but the sports games are the most obvious and prolific bunch among them.

I did the deal too and they wouldn't take Virtua Fighter 4 (the original release) because it's on that list. The new PS2 is definitely worth trading up to if you don't already have the broadband adapter and/or the HDD.


Tag of Excellence
Dave Long said:
Yeah, but what games did you take in? And if they did take ones on the exclusion list then that EB simply made an error and you got lucky. They're not supposed to take just any games this time.
Grand Theft Auto 3
Project Eden

She scanned them all in and none of them were on the list so she says. I seriously just grabbed them off the shelf at GameStop and left within 5 minutes. I don't care about the HDD because Sony has done a good job of making it utterly worthless unless you play FFXI or pirate games.

HA HA I just saw the link you gave us and they're all the on the exclusion list! I have no clue what happened but I'm lucky.
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