Put his ass on jail
And yet they already said they wouldn't charge or investigate him any more, right?
Fucking Comey.
This is your chance to prove yourself a patriot, McCain.
This is your chance to prove yourself a patriot, McCain.
This is your chance to prove yourself a patriot, McCain.
Technically it's not treason. Espionage, though...YEP.
If Flynn is indicated, I imagine he will spill who ordered him to talk to the Russians about the sanctions.
If he says he was ordered by Trump, it will point back to Trump.
But then Trump will be required to speak under oath about his actions and it's been proven he can't stay on topic or on subject.
So Trump again avoids impeachment due to his own incompetence.
he's had a dozen chances and has taken none of them
he's had a dozen chances and has taken none of them
We're fucked
During the press conference, Trump straight up said that he fired, I repeat, fired Flynn for lying to Pence.
Technically it's not treason. Espionage, though...YEP.
After the FBI said FLynn didn't lie to them, and there would be no charges, another 'leak' to the Media shows that he did.
The IC at it again.
Donald knew for weeks that Flynn misled Pence(which by the way isn't to say Flynn wasn't following Trump instructions), and only maneuvered to oust him when all wiggle room ceased to exist.
Donald's out there trying to position himself as some kind of strong leader, but he couldn't be more full of shit.
I'm not watching that conference, but I'll just go ahead and assume no one called him out of knowing long beforehand of the 'deception'.
So, should Flynn start fearing for his life, if he hasn't already? Talk about the weakest link in the chain...
I mean, depending on the context of the conversation, it absolutely could be treason.
Few tried to probe into issues that are Flynn and Russia. Trump bullshitted his way through and only slipped some actual info.
Nah, Sessions won't prosecute him.
Again, only weeks into the administration you have to wonder how long you can run from this stuff. This isn't sustainable for four years.
This is your chance to prove yourself a patriot, McCain.
I mean, if they really go after him and he thinks he's looking at 10 years or something, he'll sing like a goddamn canary, right?
Only if we were at war with Russia. I mean, yeah, I think it's treason, you think it's treason, but going by the definition it just isn't.
Wow.. with Comey and then possibly Sessions at helm.. this shit will just dissolve into nothingness
This is your chance to prove yourself a patriot, McCain.
Why is the FBI in cahoots with Trump?
Why is the FBI in cahoots with Trump?
Comey. That's all you need to know
I can't believe what I'm seeing anymore.
Its providing aid and comfort to an enemy, no?