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WAPO: North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead


I feel like a stand off with North Korea has been inevitable for awhile, and I can't imagine having a worse president in charge to deal with it. It's almost a relief Trump has willingly delegated so much foreign policy to generals if it comes down to a military stand off.

Tracking this has made me the scariest I have felt about the security of the world in some time.


If they actually do have nukes then war is inevitable and probably necessary.
War should always be a last resort but if they have any kind of nukes then you can't just keep on waiting and waiting. They will get bigger and more powerful nukes in a short matter of time and then we're all fucked.

If there's ever been a justifiable war it's this. The entire nation are slaves and the lunatic leader now has nuclear capabilities...


Fuck. Brace for war people.

The war never technically ended... NK will be annihilated if they were to attempt to attack someone with a nuke, so it wouldn't be a war so much as a brief, unthinkable tragedy given all the innocent people who would die.

China needs to stop fucking around and use the leverage they have to stop this BS.
Is it weird I'm more worried about what Trump is gonna do than what NK might do?

I mean, they're a murderous awful regime, but it's understandable WHY they want to have nuclear capabilities. It's about regime self-preservation.

In regards to war? That's not weird, its the logical position.

It is worrying what NK will try to do with coercive diplomacy but their not going to start a war

What it means is that North Korea will most likely be joining the other world leaders at future meetings, which is effectively all they ever wanted, validation.

Kim has zero interest in actual war. He just wants a seat at the big boy table.

Long term they absolutely still want reunification under their terms. Before they could not build their military beyond deterrence because the cannot win against the US. If the report is correct, it wouldn't surprise me to see them now move to build their military into a fighting force beyond shelling Seoul.

Yeah. Not shocked at the sudden acceleration as soon as Trump became president. Maybe it would have happened anyway, but I feel the lack of diplomatic capability, desire for war, and possibly help from a hostile force may have contributed.

Maybe tinfoil but I firmly believe Un was let off his leash because of the Taiwan spat in November from Trump.


I feel like we need to dial it back a little on the war talk. Nobody wants war, not even North Korea. Even with a nuke they aren't winning shit.


I assume Kim likes life. He won't do shit. He will just keep pushing to see how far it goes.

Kind of like Trump!


It's too late for war now anyway. Even if you ignore the foolishness of a attack and the consequences for SK and Japan there is now a active danger the nuke a US city incase of a attack.


Jesus people, would y'all just calm down!

If they actually do have nukes then war is inevitable and probably necessary.
War should always be a last resort but if they have any kind of nukes then you can't just keep on waiting and waiting. They will get bigger and more powerful nukes in a short matter of time and then we're all fucked.

If there's ever been a justifiable war it's this. The entire nation are slaves and the lunatic leader now has nuclear capabilities...

Grow up!
If they actually do have nukes then war is inevitable and probably necessary.
War should always be a last resort but if they have any kind of nukes then you can't just keep on waiting and waiting.
They will get bigger and more powerful nukes in a short matter of time and then we're all fucked.

If there's ever been a justifiable war it's this. The entire nation are slaves and the lunatic leader now has nuclear capabilities...
No no no no no.

you people literally don't know what your advocating.

Likely entire cities gone, tens of millions dead, a US city or more possibly destroyed by a nuke.

This is no inevitable nor necessary.

We have ICBMs pointed at us by the Chinese and Russians. Nukes are defensive.

The only way the North would use nukes is if we attack them. Any attack by them would be suicidal.

Maybe tinfoil but I firmly believe Un was let off his leash because of the Taiwan spat in November from Trump.

Its no tinfoil. Its wrong. The acceleration as been happening ever since he took over with real progress from 2015 onwards


Homeland Security Fail
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

After many years of failure,countries are coming together to finally address the dangers posed by North Korea. We must be tough & decisive!

I'm afraid at what he thinks should be done. Tweet is from this morning btw.
Why the fuck did this have to happen under Trump? We are screwed.

I think this a lot.


What it means is that North Korea will most likely be joining the other world leaders at future meetings, which is effectively all they ever wanted, validation.

Kim has zero interest in actual war. He just wants a seat at the big boy table.

It doesn't matter what Kim wants. What matters is how Trump reacts. And there is literally no one in the world I trust less with as delicate and volatile a situation as this.

He is itching for an excuse to use the full military might of the US. He doesn't give a shit about North Korean civilians or the millions of South Korean and Japanese allies that will lose their lives. He doesn't care if he instigates violence and in retaliation one of those warheads is dropped on Tokyo or, hell, somewhere in the states as a last minute retaliatory show of force. He doesn't care about anything other than feeling powerful. And will take any opportunity to do so.
No one's seriously worried about Kim preemptively launching a strike. The danger lies in how he responds when Trump inevitably makes a bad call. When Donnie has a bad day and decides to strike first, which US city wins the nuclear lottery in Kim's last "fuck you"?
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

After many years of failure,countries are coming together to finally address the dangers posed by North Korea. We must be tough & decisive!

I'm afraid at what he thinks should be done. Tweet is from this morning btw.

He's calling Dennis Rodman as we speak.


If they already have the weapons, then diplomacy is the only option. I have no desire in seeing a war between two nuclear powers. That article might be correct I think, that the world is overestimating Pyongyang's desire for MAD.

It'll be hard to establish the necessary relations, especially under Trump. What are North Korea's goals? Regionally and Globally?



What it means is that North Korea will most likely be joining the other world leaders at future meetings, which is effectively all they ever wanted, validation.

Kim has zero interest in actual war. He just wants a seat at the big boy table.

This is as much as I see happening.


Looking for meaning in GAF

What it means is that North Korea will most likely be joining the other world leaders at future meetings, which is effectively all they ever wanted, validation.

Kim has zero interest in actual war. He just wants a seat at the big boy table.
Makes sense. NK has nothing to gain from going to actual war, and everything to lose. They know that they will get blown up if they actually do anything big. They just know that sabre rattling can make people give them things. That's why they keep acting like assholes but never follow up on any of their threats.

Unfortunately Trump likely won't understand that subtlety and will likely take that sabre rattling at face value.

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

After many years of failure,countries are coming together to finally address the dangers posed by North Korea. We must be tough & decisive!

I'm afraid at what he thinks should be done. Tweet is from this morning btw.
Bleh. This guy actually has the authority to order acts of war from his goddamn golf course.

That's fucking horrifying.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
All of this is true. But it's a bad time for the U.S. Department of State to be basically disintegrating. And for Donald Trump to be mashing his Twitter app with his fat fucking thumbs.

I don't disagree. I'm just hoping we can laugh off his blatant attempts to normalize support for preemptive action (leak to Fox News, tweet about it) until he's gone.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If they actually do have nukes then war is inevitable and probably necessary.
War should always be a last resort but if they have any kind of nukes then you can't just keep on waiting and waiting. They will get bigger and more powerful nukes in a short matter of time and then we're all fucked.

If there's ever been a justifiable war it's this. The entire nation are slaves and the lunatic leader now has nuclear capabilities...

Unfortunately you have a point.

Speed is of the essence and the lunatics have taken over the asylum. China needs to fix this and agitate immediately for regime change but will likely seek to use this as proxy leverage on the world stage.



What it means is that North Korea will most likely be joining the other world leaders at future meetings, which is effectively all they ever wanted, validation.

Kim has zero interest in actual war. He just wants a seat at the big boy table.

Yep. They want to be treated like any United States, Canada, UK, hell, even Russia-level country. That's what this is all about: getting appeasement. Which is what they'll probably get because the world is collectively out of options at this point.

That said, while the NK regime may seem crazy to the rest of us, they know good and well they could never fire one of these things; Pyongyang would be flattened before state TV could announce their victory over whatever country they launched it at. They're making nukes because they want political leverage, and ultimately respect, not because they legitimately think they could win a war against western civilization.
No no no no no.

you people literally don't know what your advocating.

Likely entire cities gone, tens of millions dead, a US city or more possibly destroyed by a nuke.

This is no inevitable nor necessary.

We have ICBMs pointed at us by the Chinese and Russians. Nukes are defensive.

The only way the North would use nukes is if we attack them. Any attack by them would be suicidal.

Its no tinfoil. Its wrong. The acceleration as been happening ever since he took over with real progress from 2015 onwards

Does NK know that? Their current leader seems somewhat unstable and paranoid. Not a fun mix. Do I think they will launch a nuke no, as I'd like to think he wouldn't sacrifice his country, as NK wouldn't last if it attacked. If anything it's to try to get more power on a global level.


If they already have the weapons, then diplomacy is the only option. I have no desire in seeing a war between two nuclear powers. That article might be correct I think, that the world is overestimating Pyongyang's desire for MAD.

It'll be hard to establish the necessary relations, especially under Trump. What are North Korea's goals? Regionally and Globally?

Self-preservation. Nukes are NK's ultimate insurance policy. It's actually very rational behaviour on the part of the Norks, especially given that they are so paranoid about being invaded by the US.




War is the last thing anyone should advocate for. Seoul and Tokyo are well within NK's range, do you want those cities nuked? Then stop, just stop thinking war is an option. It should be completely off the table.


Does NK know that? Their current leader seems somewhat unstable and paranoid. Not a fun mix. Do I think they will launch a nuke no, as I'd like to think he wouldn't sacrifice his country as NK wouldn't last if it attacked.

No offense but kim is probably more stable and less paranoid than the current US president.


I feel like we need to dial it back a little on the war talk. Nobody wants war, not even North Korea. Even with a nuke they aren't winning shit.

That's the thing. NK has no reason to go to war. The military who are the people in charge of NK have way too much to lose than they'll gain from war. They live like gods.

Why is it also suddenly an issue when they get a nuke, when other nations have had a lot more for a lot longer? It should be an issue that anyone has nukes, not just NK now. It's like the whole Iran thing and their nuclear program. Why is it fine for x to have nukes but not y? Neither side is ever going to use them anyway, just get rid of them all somehow.


NK wouldn't last a year without economic support from China and SK. If they were completely sanctioned they would collapse.
War is the last thing anyone should advocate for. Seoul and Tokyo are well within NK's range, do you want those cities nuked? Then stop, just stop thinking war is an option. It should be completely off the table.

Then surely the question should be why didn't we act sooner.
No no no no no.

you people literally don't know what your advocating.

Likely entire cities gone, tens of millions dead, a US city or more possibly destroyed by a nuke.

This is no inevitable nor necessary.

We have ICBMs pointed at us by the Chinese and Russians. Nukes are defensive.

The only way the North would use nukes is if we attack them. Any attack by them would be suicidal.

Its no tinfoil. Its wrong. The acceleration as been happening ever since he took over with real progress from 2015 onwards
This. If they have nuclear warheads, they've won already. They can't be attacked. That's all they want. It's as simple as that.
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

After many years of failure,countries are coming together to finally address the dangers posed by North Korea. We must be tough & decisive!

I'm afraid at what he thinks should be done. Tweet is from this morning btw.

I do not worry about Kim starting a war and ending my life with a nuke. I worry constantly about Donald Trumps toxic manhood starting nuclear war and possibly dying because he can't stand "loosing"

You know how there's "always a tweet for something trump does" well already a tweet about foolish leaders leading us to nuclear war.

Then surely the question should be why didn't we act sooner.

There was never a time when war was possible to be "won"

Does NK know that? Their current leader seems somewhat unstable and paranoid. Not a fun mix. Do I think they will launch a nuke no, as I'd like to think he wouldn't sacrifice his country, as NK wouldn't last if it attacked. If anything it's to try to get more power on a global level.

Yes, literally ever one of their statements reiterate this. They're nukes are to preserve the regime. Not to launch a war
That's the thing. NK has no reason to go to war. The military who are the people in charge of NK have way too much to lose than they'll gain from war. They live like gods.

Why is it also suddenly an issue when they get a nuke, when other nations have had a lot more for a lot longer? It should be an issue that anyone has nukes, not just NK now. It's like the whole Iran thing and their nuclear program. Why is it fine for x to have nukes but not y? Neither side is ever going to use them anyway, just get rid of them all somehow.

Because while the rest of the world is taking steps to limit and reduce their nuclear arsenal, it should not be tolerated for another nation to gain nuclear weapons. It cannot be justified.


Currently Kim Jong-Un gets to rule over his little patch of dirt like a feudal lord. He fires a nuke at anyone, the entire world community turns that little patch of dirt into The Glowing Sea from Fallout 4. He doesn't want that, the world doesn't want that. If anything this is to shore up control of the people of NK than anything else.


Self-preservation. Nukes are NK's ultimate insurance policy. It's actually very rational behaviour on the part of the Norks, especially given that they are so paranoid about being invaded by the US.

Well they have that now, I guess I should've phrased my question better. I know self-preservation was the main goal of their nuclear program, but do they have anything else beyond that? Are they willing to see their economy and markets open up if it means American war is no longer a threat to them? I'm not well versed in their regional politics. And I expect not many are.
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