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WAPO: North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead

Parking lot time. Why do they feel the need to be the obnoxious kid on the block that nobody likes that keeps doing harmful things for attention??


If they actually do have nukes then war is inevitable and probably necessary.
War should always be a last resort but if they have any kind of nukes then you can't just keep on waiting and waiting. They will get bigger and more powerful nukes in a short matter of time and then we're all fucked.

If there's ever been a justifiable war it's this. The entire nation are slaves and the lunatic leader now has nuclear capabilities...

Your name is spot on.


My worry is basically just for South Korea.

I am sure the USA has all kinds of missile defenses between here and North Korea, especially since they are up to no good. I do not think the USA is any imminent danger. I do fear for South Korea though. At any moment North Korea can just fire shells into Seoul and kill millions. Trump has to be careful or he could trigger the deaths of millions in Asia.
We don't have any working and reliable systems to defend against ICBMs.

Fox Mulder

Under a normal US presidency we would be discussing this issue like adults and see what NK is trying to win and to accomodate a new nuclear power.
Under Trump, we're all probably looking at ways to move out of range of nuclear strikes at this point.

We already fucked up the situation years and years ago. If you don't have nukes you get invaded by America. No one will touch North Korea now, not even Donald Trump.

Iran would be stupid to halt their program as well.


Different times.

Any first strike by the US would be devastating for South Korea.

Hoping generals will keep the president from military action is like hoping a drug addict won't do drugs.

There are countless examples during the cold war where generals were advocating for a nuclear first strike on the soviet union
Exactly. Right now the regime is stable. If China abandons them, like people want, and they're pushed to the brink; that's the time to actually worry about a nuke going off.

This still makes no sense. Them losing china would give them incentive to signal to the world their nukes are only for deterrence. It wouldn't cause them to use nukes, because that still equals suicide, even more so (because they wouldn't have the potential for China's second strike).

At that point they'd likely look at more formal treaties establishing a clear deterient but one that is inspected and mutual with he region


We already fucked up the situation years and years ago. If you don't have nukes you get invaded by America. No one will touch North Korea now, not even Donald Trump.

Iran would be stupid to halt their program as well.
Yeah this is the part that should terrify people that seems to get overlooked.
Long term, reunification on their terms and the Americans completely off the Korean peninsula.

TBH Reunification doesn't seem to be NK or SK goal for at least the time being.

A stable korea and reduction of tensions with steps towards reunification (with nobody actually seeing a real true unification anytime soon)

We already fucked up the situation years and years ago. If you don't have nukes you get invaded by America. No one will touch North Korea now, not even Donald Trump.

Iran would be stupid to halt their program as well.

Maybe, but halting their program also forestalls an attack by the US. Again, nukes are deterrence weapons, if you've got other means of deterrence you'd likely do that because the time between building up your nuclear deterrence and having one is super dangerous

If anything NK increases the likelihood of a preemptive strike on Iran if they resume, especially under trump. They'd also lose their economic ties that were lifted under sanctions. They don't have the autarkic economy that NK does


I wish I was surprised by the amount of fear mongering on display here. This will actually bring a little stability to the situation.
Going to be a fine line in the response to this, as a first surgical strike is extremely messy, risky, and probably not effective. So then you look toward other motivators. The tricky part comes in that you don't want to use too much of a carrot and stick approach, because it just encourages other states to follow the same approach to get what they want. And if NK doesn't get what they want, the threat of nuclear strike or selling their secrets becomes a legitimate option.

NK wants a seat at the big boy table? Fine. They'll need to start acting like one, such as discontinuing offensive nuclear operations, opening borders to humanitarian and inspection efforts. Will it work? Who knows.


Because while the rest of the world is taking steps to limit and reduce their nuclear arsenal, it should not be tolerated for another nation to gain nuclear weapons. It cannot be justified.
Then you should not have placed yours on their borders now, hmmm? And radar that can look in to China, so the only one that could negotiate is annoyed. Well played USA.


I am sure the USA has all kinds of missile defenses between here and North Korea, especially since they are up to no good.

You'd be wrong. ICBM re-entry vehicles are almost impossible to intercept and destroy. Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) is still a work in progress and hasn't been perfected. It's somewhat easier to intercept them in the launch and boost phase but still quite difficult.

The only sure fire way of eliminating a nuclear threat is to take out the launchers on the pad before they're airborne. But that requires identification of their location first, a difficult job if they're on road-mobile transporters.


Looking for meaning in GAF
How is North Korea so advanced given they are so isolated and have sanctions up the ass. Much of it has to do with China right?
I think it's mostly by starving the shit out of the rest of the country. Not hard to scrape together enough resources to make a few hundred people live like kings when most of the country doesn't have food or electricity.

I don't think China actually helps them that much. China generally seems to treat NK like that bratty kid that no one likes but, but has to tolerate because he somehow gets invited to every family gathering.

Fox Mulder

I wish I was surprised by the amount of fear mongering on display here. This will actually bring a little stability to the situation.

If anything, it'll fire up the war with Iran stuff again. North Korea has nukes, republicans will want war with Iran to stop them absolutely.


It's looking more and more like a US military intervention will be inevitable.

Well, that and Trump needs a good war in order to justify suspending elections "until the crisis has passed." Which it will never do.


The U.S. calculated last month that up to 60 nuclear weapons are now controlled by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

This is also significant.

Last estimates were somewhere between 10-40.


TBH Reunification doesn't seem to be NK or SK goal for at least the time being.

A stable korea and reduction of tensions with steps towards reunification (with nobody actually seeing a real true unification anytime soon)

I did say "long term" at the beginning. No one is suggesting reunification is viable in the short to medium term. In a few decades? Who knows, maybe.


War isn't inevitable here. They have to be aware that they will no longer exist if they fire anything. None of the people in that government want to lose their cushy life.


How is North Korea so advanced given they are so isolated and have sanctions up the ass. Much of it has to do with China right?

IIRC a lot of their ability to make nuclear weaponry came from knowledge that a Pakistani engineer who worked in Pakistan's nuclear program sold to both them and Iran.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
My worry is basically just for South Korea.

I am sure the USA has all kinds of missile defenses between here and North Korea, especially since they are up to no good. I do not think the USA is any imminent danger. I do fear for South Korea though. At any moment North Korea can just fire shells into Seoul and kill millions. Trump has to be careful or he could trigger the deaths of millions in Asia.

I know everyone likes to talk about Kim being an irrational actor, but I think Trump would do this without a second thought if he was convinced it would secure his place as a prominent figure in American history.

When was the last time we had a war that killed millions? When was the last time nuclear weapons were used against civilians? Talk about ratings...


Innocent and uninformed question:

I've been hearing NK has nuclear capabilities since I don't know how long, so how come apparently the last couple of months it seems they developed this much stuff that can start a war?


War isn't inevitable here. They have to be aware that they will no longer exist if they fire anything. None of the people in that government want to lose their cushy life.
I'm pretty sure they don't WANT war, but a few foolish mistakes on either side's part will lead to disastrous consequences.
How is North Korea so advanced given they are so isolated and have sanctions up the ass. Much of it has to do with China right?

Dedication of resources. Thing is that North Korea isn't really 'advanced' in most other areas, nor does it really care to be; getting working nukes, and a means of dropping them on someone else's front doorstep is something they've worked on for decades. To use a somewhat crude analogy, they're the equivalent of a Civ player racing down one branch of the tech tree at the expense of everything else.
I hope you'll understand my reluctance to believe US intelligence officials when they claim a foreign country has weapons of mass destruction at their disposal. America is the last country in the world I would consider trusting on this matter.


Hey maybe we can be adults for once and just stop antagonizing them.

It's better for NK to exist as a secluded hellhole than to go bomb them and start a nuclear war. If we got through the Cold War, there's no reason to attack NK. They want nukes to deter the US from attacking, not because the Kims are nuts who want to take over Asia or something.
I think this is the most likely short term course of action but only further shows kim the need for continued development.

It needs to include dialogue and the ability to back down on tensions.

China and Russia are not going to like it at all, not even sure if that action would go smoothly without starting a war

best case is another Cold War where no one does anything and North Korea keeps stockpiling and improving ICBMs
So am I naive for hoping that the result of this will be with round-table discussions similar to the Iran situation? Perhaps it's too late for that. I also don't think the Trump administration is up to the task either.


I hope you'll understand my reluctance to believe US intelligence officials when they claim a foreign country has weapons of mass destruction at their disposal. America is the last country in the world I would consider trusting on this matter.
How about Japan claiming the same thing days ago


I hope you'll understand my reluctance to believe US intelligence officials when they claim a foreign country has weapons of mass destruction at their disposal. America is the last country in the world I would consider trusting on this matter.

Unlike Iraq North Korea has admitted and acknowledged that it has nukes and is working to create a small enough device to place on a long range missile. Quite a difference.
You'd be wrong. ICBM re-entry vehicles are almost impossible to intercept and destroy. Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) is still a work in progress and hasn't been perfected. It's somewhat easier to intercept them in the launch and boost phase but still quite difficult.

The only sure fire way of eliminating a nuclear threat is to take out the launchers on the pad before they're airborne. But that requires identification of their location first, a difficult job if they're on road-mobile transporters.
Why are they impossible to intercept? Is it because of the speed at which they move?
Good lesson for all countries out there especially dictators . Build nukes and you'll be safe, give them up or go the diplomatic route and you'll end up like Libya, Iraq, Ukraine etc...

That idea is a lot more dangerous and a lot more relevant then the idea that NK is just going to randomly launch nukes at people.

Very true unfortunately, but thankfully most countries prefer to have comparably normalized relations with the rest of the world. But the precedent is concerning nonetheless.
He has military advisers, the Joint Chiefs and like two generals in his staff, so they'll probably explain if necessary.

Ah, yeah. Good point. Trump does have a history of listening to the reasoned guidance of his most experienced advisers. And he doesn't really have a reason to want to give a show of force anyway. He doesn't have a dangerous obsession with feeling powerful and in-command after all and it's not like war historically increases failing presidents' approval ratings.

Fucking SLASH mother fucking S.
How about Japan claiming the same thing days ago

I don't distrust Japan in the same way, but it would be good to get this information from a country that does not have a history of war with the nation being investigated...or maybe...maybe the UN. Could that not be their job?


Hey maybe we can be adults for once and just stop antagonizing them.

It's better for NK to exist as a secluded hellhole than to go bomb them and start a nuclear war. If we got through the Cold War, there's no reason to attack NK. They want nukes to deter the US from attacking, not because the Kims are nuts who want to take over Asia or something.

We'll likely find out, because I have a hard time believing that the US will preemptively attack NK even if they have acquired this technology.

Not much else the world can do but hope NK doesn't use them.
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