No. Everyone always tries to find the 3 images that exist of someone hanging a Bush...
Compare that to the hanging swinging Curious George Monkeys w/obamas shirts, calling Michelle Obama a wookie then factor in:
- Don't Renig in 2012
- Put the White back in White house.
None of that was around for Bush.
Careful, those straws you're grasping at are pretty thin. Everyone is aware that a minority of people make Effigies for the presidential run, unfortunately for the world today, there is a clear case of racism and related history with lynchings in Obama's case.
You tried though!
Thats like saying you know everyone is going to tell you 2+2 is 4, yet you're going to do it anyway just for ________.
Lets all remember, Bush is was a horrible person due to lying about a war that lost a lot of lives.
People were hanging Obama's before he was even president.