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Popped in for some missions after building my new computer. This game can look very pretty! I really like the new mission types where you side with a faction. Entering a huge chamber to a big firefight is awesome.

I am having trouble figuring out the new event. I've done the event mission a few times, and we find the big toxic machines, but then nothing seems to happen - kill the rest of the enemies and leave. Is there a guide for the "antidotes" you can craft and how to use them?

Take one of the scanners into the map and look around for various scanable plants. Collect these, buy recipe and you can make what you need. Just make sure you team up before you jump into the final part. You can solo run the scanning part with no issues over and over for the right stuff.

Grim Technique

Neo Member
Man, the Stalker must have my number or something. Is it the norm to get him twice in a day? This time he showed up in the middle of a Derelict defense mission. Thought I was toast because the other Gaffer I was playing with was too focused on farming the Infested (wouldn't have even known if I hadn't mentioned the fight post-mission), but I kept spamming my Absorb when he came in to wail on me. I've gotten a couple Dread blueprints off of him already, and was hoping to score Hate blueprints, but no such luck. Until next time.


Hyun Sai

The poor thing popped in Xini defense mission in a middle of a Frost / Vauban / Nova / Nyx heavily armed.

When we saw the flickers we were like : ah ah ah seriously ?

Only Slash dash though... :(
Here. Someone take this. It's for 25 ingame dollary doos worth of whatever the ingame monies is called for warframe.



Man, I am loving the Trinity Special Combo. :D My only issue seems to be playing online, most people kill monsters so fast, I never get to Life Well them.


I'd also love an invite. playing by yourself is very lonesome in this game T_T
Warframe name is zeox, same as here


Do you only get extra weapons for the sentinels when you buy/make that specific one? i.e. I need to make Dethcube to get its gun
Do you only get extra weapons for the sentinels when you buy/make that specific one? i.e. I need to make Dethcube to get its gun

Yeppers! Each sent comes with its own weapon. Once you obtain a sentinel, you can change its weapon around between all your sentinels!
I just started playing this game properly a few days ago. Would appreciate an invite to the GAF guild (ingame name - spindoctor). Is it possible to get an invite for my friend who's GAF account is not yet validated? He plays a lot more than me too. His ingame name is PsychoBoyTyler.


I've been playing this game for a while, just finally got a new warframe other than the starter. I don't post too often on here, but I'd love the join the GAF guild (ingame name: 1044). Also could my friend who plays way more than me could join too? His game name is SwackMS.
Four prime weapons sitting in my foundry, each missing 1 piece. Enough cells to craft only one. Which part will the RNG God grant me first?!

They seriously need to add a token system to the Void... Sucks spending 20+ minutes in a T3 Defense only to get a fraking Braton barrel or Forma for the 253rd time. I've never even seen a single Fang Prime blade since it was released...


Four prime weapons sitting in my foundry, each missing 1 piece. Enough cells to craft only one. Which part will the RNG God grant me first?!

They seriously need to add a token system to the Void... Sucks spending 20+ minutes in a T3 Defense only to get a fraking Braton barrel or Forma for the 253rd time. I've never even seen a single Fang Prime blade since it was released...

Agreed with the frustration, but I don't think DE will ever implement it. Boiler plate WoW post-vanilla argument, etc. and probably due to the f2p.

Remember that 40 minute t2 surv run we went on a month or two ago, where three mag prime helmet bps popped but I crashed during extraction and lost everything? Since then all my farming has produced jack shit. I've seen the rarest drops in t1 and t2, but no helmet drop which is supposed to be common in T2. I would've asked support for help, but reading around they generally don't help with lost stuff after a crash, apparently you need to force quit Warframe when it crashes/freezes up to save your haul.
I contacted support once after getting a rare mod and crashing. They said something along the lines of "Your profile only gets updated on our server at extraction, so if you crashed before we can't confirm you actually did get [item] because we have no record of it. Sorry!"

Next time the gang's on, we can run another survival for that Mag helm :p

Edit: I got my Warframe headband in the mail today!
So, after putting about 60 hours into this game on the PS4, I'm now starting to think about switching to the PC. I tried it out, and it just plays and looks so much better, along with getting updates more frequently. I'm really only hesitant because I won't be able to play with the few people I play with on the PS4, and I bought one of those 1000 Platinum packs when they were on sale. Ugh, I wish I started playing it on the PC from the start.
I contacted support once after getting a rare mod and crashing. They said something along the lines of "Your profile only gets updated on our server at extraction, so if you crashed before we can't confirm you actually did get [item] because we have no record of it. Sorry!"

Next time the gang's on, we can run another survival for that Mag helm :p

Edit: I got my Warframe headband in the mail today!

I got mine too!
^ Awww yeah. We stylin'

So, after putting about 60 hours into this game on the PS4, I'm now starting to think about switching to the PC. I tried it out, and it just plays and looks so much better, along with getting updates more frequently. I'm really only hesitant because I won't be able to play with the few people I play with on the PS4, and I bought one of those 1000 Platinum packs when they were on sale. Ugh, I wish I started playing it on the PC from the start.

There is one solution. You must get all your PS4 friends on the PC! :p
Then you must ask yourself, "Is it worth it to lose 1000 plat for the PC option to disable bloom and color correction?"
^ Awww yeah. We stylin'

There is one solution. You must get all your PS4 friends on the PC! :p
Then you must ask yourself, "Is it worth it to lose 1000 plat for the PC option to disable bloom and color correction?"

Haha, disabling Bloom was the first thing I did!

I didn't even notice the color correction option, amazing!


^ Awww yeah. We stylin'

Mine hasn't arrived yet, but then again im in the UK, it might not ever turn up lol.
I think that I will probably buy a shirt when they open the store up though.
Would be cool if it could be personalised with our clan emblem on our shoulder like in-game!
Doesn't look like it, unfortunately. They're working on a new HUD and stuff, so maybe they'll include an option when that gets implemented...
Ah okay. It's not unplayable, I'd probably just like it if it was like 10% larger.

Does anyone have one of those 75% off platinum vouchers they aren't going to use?


Sorry I haven't been on too much lately. With holidays and steam sake games.

I ordered a dual shock 4 for my PC and I'm excited to try it in warframe. So I'll probably be in again soon.
You mean the login reward discount things? I'm pretty sure those aren't tradable :(

Ah damn, I saw on their page they have a spot to redeem a code, I figured it was for the login reward bonus. Oh well, I'll grind it out until I manage to get one.

Can I get an invite to the GAF clan? Name is flashburn2012.


So my damage with the Sobek is sort of stalling out, is the only way to forma it? Maybe I'm using the wrong mods, my current layout is

Hell's chamber (Formaed this slot)
Point Blank
Ammo stock
Tactical Pump
Charged Shell
Chilling Grasp

I switch around the elemental mods depending on which enemies Im facing


So my damage with the Sobek is sort of stalling out, is the only way to forma it? Maybe I'm using the wrong mods, my current layout is

Hell's chamber (Formaed this slot)
Point Blank
Ammo stock
Tactical Pump
Charged Shell
Chilling Grasp

I switch around the elemental mods depending on which enemies Im facing

I'd remove the Ammo Stock for Seeking Force(gives puncture through up to 2 meters) to clear out enemy packs fast and easier time with enemies behind corners/cover.
So my damage with the Sobek is sort of stalling out, is the only way to forma it? Maybe I'm using the wrong mods, my current layout is

Hell's chamber (Formaed this slot)
Point Blank
Ammo stock
Tactical Pump
Charged Shell
Chilling Grasp

I switch around the elemental mods depending on which enemies Im facing

I like using blast for everything so i'd switch charged shell with incendiary coat.

And i'd take off ammo stock and Tactical Pump and put on Ravage and Blunderbuss.


I'd remove the Ammo Stock for Seeking Force(gives puncture through up to 2 meters) to clear out enemy packs fast and easier time with enemies behind corners/cover.

I like using blast for everything so i'd switch charged shell with incendiary coat.

And i'd take off ammo stock and Tactical Pump and put on Ravage and Blunderbuss.

Thanks for the suggestions, been playing around a bit swapping out ammo stock for seeking force and tactical pump for ravage, seems to have upped my dps but man that reload speed stings, guess animation cancelling on the Soma spoiled me.


Cicero crisis rewards are quite nice, but Im wondering if the +60% status chance would make up for the -30% damage for swappin out say Infected Clip for Malignant Force

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Just starting to get into the game. (Cross post from the wrong thread, oops)

Yes, I'm weak and spent a bit (Approx £12) on a couple of packs from Amazon etc and now have a Rhino, Karak, Twin Ether, Dual Ether Combo mixed with a Dethcube for good measure.

Rhino Stomp at level 3 & Stretch mod at 30% is basically a "Kill everything around you" button at the level I'm currently playing at. Playing with a group of 3 of us usually but would gladly play with GAF people (PC, StopIt username, same as my Steam name) if people wanted.

This game, once you start to get into the mods, fusion and the stats etc is lots of fun. The game just works really well with decent group composition too which helps. Encountered a few bugs here and there (The mods reset if you're in the Inventory when accepting a mission bug is a pain) but aside from that it's smooth, looks nice and seems to have a decent netcode.

Edit: I got the Flow mod today, which means that I can get enough energy at once to hit off 2 Stomps in a row if needed, which for Survival missions may be the difference between getting out alive or being smashed.


Well I think I've hit the point where I'm burned out on the game. This recent event killed a lot of joy I had with the game and the recent influx of weapons have been pretty bad except the penta.

Guess I'll have to wait for the next big patch.
Just starting to get into the game. (Cross post from the wrong thread, oops)

Yes, I'm weak and spent a bit (Approx £12) on a couple of packs from Amazon etc and now have a Rhino, Karak, Twin Ether, Dual Ether Combo mixed with a Dethcube for good measure.

Rhino Stomp at level 3 & Stretch mod at 30% is basically a "Kill everything around you" button at the level I'm currently playing at. Playing with a group of 3 of us usually but would gladly play with GAF people (PC, StopIt username, same as my Steam name) if people wanted.

This game, once you start to get into the mods, fusion and the stats etc is lots of fun. The game just works really well with decent group composition too which helps. Encountered a few bugs here and there (The mods reset if you're in the Inventory when accepting a mission bug is a pain) but aside from that it's smooth, looks nice and seems to have a decent netcode.

Edit: I got the Flow mod today, which means that I can get enough energy at once to hit off 2 Stomps in a row if needed, which for Survival missions may be the difference between getting out alive or being smashed.

Once you get used Flow its impossible to go without it.

Once you get a streamline on top of that you can crank out 4 stomps at max energy.
Playing with a group of 3 of us usually but would gladly play with GAF people (PC, StopIt username, same as my Steam name) if people wanted.
Tossed you an invite but it's saying you're already in a clan. You might have an invite pending from a different clan!

Well I think I've hit the point where I'm burned out on the game. This recent event killed a lot of joy I had with the game and the recent influx of weapons have been pretty bad except the penta.

Guess I'll have to wait for the next big patch.
Yeah this event was not really fun, at all. Loved the new Earth tileset though. Dat rippling water. Have a good break! I know taking a break helped me a lot when I was burned out.
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