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Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Once you get used Flow its impossible to go without it.

Once you get a streamline on top of that you can crank out 4 stomps at max energy.

I like the sound of that, lots.

Also thanks for the invite ArtistDude88. Out little group of people basically made a clan to see what it did really but I'm not sure what'll come of it.
Tossed you an invite but it's saying you're already in a clan. You might have an invite pending from a different clan!

Yeah this event was not really fun, at all. Loved the new Earth tileset though. Dat rippling water. Have a good break! I know taking a break helped me a lot when I was burned out.

Of course when you took a break all the good events happened.


Did they keep the earth tile set in yet? I think I'm gonna start leveling my Oberon now. Going Tigris, wraith vipers, scindo.


I was in a pub and two guys started tossing max rank +bounce glaives around in a grineer breeching pod or an elevator. At least that's what I think it was. A pure cacophony. Still doesn't beat more then more than two Hysterias at once though.



Dev Livestream #20 on Friday!


Goo gun, flak cannon.... Not surprising considering Scott/Grineer worked on some console versions of UT/UC if I remember right. Now all we need is a shock rifle (or whatever the 4 key was in UT.)

Not sure how the alternate fire combo would work thou. Maybe as two warframe powers.


Regarding Survival if youre farming is there any point staying past 20 minutes? The drops dont seem to get significantly better
Would anyone be up for a vault raiding extravaganza this weekend? I could greatly use a Heavy Caliber, and there's a handful of other corrupted mods I'm missing as well.

If a lot of people log on we could organize multiple groups and make some sort of contest out of it.

Hyun Sai

Would anyone be up for a vault raiding extravaganza this weekend? I could greatly use a Heavy Caliber, and there's a handful of other corrupted mods I'm missing as well.

If a lot of people log on we could organize multiple groups and make some sort of contest out of it.

I'm up. Will be available between 9AM and 12AM, and between 9PM and 12PM EAST.


Would anyone be up for a vault raiding extravaganza this weekend? I could greatly use a Heavy Caliber, and there's a handful of other corrupted mods I'm missing as well.

If a lot of people log on we could organize multiple groups and make some sort of contest out of it.

You know I'm in Saav.
Hopefully I will be on at the same times as you guys.
If we all work together we can all get a few of those hard to get mods.
As for a contest, I'm sure we can figure something out.


I'd be down as well. I have way too many nav coords, keys, and ODEs cluttering my inventory. I was soloing them for awhile for the true survival ("horror") experience (once I had fucking grinner invade while I had an extinguished key equipped) but all I was getting was shotgun mods.

Edit: every time there's an alert with the vanguard helmet as a reward I'm stuck at work. Fuck!


Just wanted to say thanks for the guild membership, wasnt in for a huge amount of time but it was good craic whenever we ran missions together. Unfortuantely got dragged into one with real life friends who need a hand so fond farwells and thanks again.
I'd be up for some guild runs but I can't contribute to the super high end content you guys are going after. If you're doing regular void missions and have space in the party I'd love to come along.
Dude Uthered your avatar is hella creepy.

edit: Was hella lost with my old account; decided to make a brand new account. If there's room in the GAF clan, I'd love an invite. Username: MintieFresh
^ invite sent

I miss Ketch. He was the only one who ever invited people to the clan from this thread. Now it's just me again.

So many other Veterans in the clan who can invite, too...

*goes to sleep


So, this is interesting, but she does make a good point that I hadn't considered.

Hi Rebecca.
Sorry to bother you.
I had an idea for the physical merchandise shop that you guys have been teasing for a while now.
When we can finally buy a Warframe shirt, please let us have the choice to have our clan emblem printed on the shoulder, and possibly our founders badge or whatever event badge we choose on the opposite shoulder?
Maybe even our Syandana on the back?
I assume this could be done?
I think it would be brilliant, and others in my clan agree.
Of course, I figure this may have already been suggested, sorry for wasting your time if so.
Thank you.

metalshade01. NeoGAF clan.

Hey metalshade!

Cool to hear from the neoGAF clan!

In this case I'm not sure we could implement it from the get go (or for a while.) The Syandana would be neat, but the clan emblems we receive from clans are 128 x 128 pixels and would not scale well for material printing.

It could happen down the road - upload your emblem in a CMYK + high-res, but I don't think it'll happen soon.

Talk later,



Man I really need to poke my head in here more often. Trouble is, if the PC is on, i'm playing Warframe right up until the point I turn the PC off, no time for chitchat, there's an interstellar war to be fought!


Waw Hyun (I'm Deyno) I hope you'll get well soon. I remember the craze when those mosquitoes arrived in metropolitan France...

Hyun Sai

Shit dude, sorry to hear that. I hope you can get well soon, that does not sound like fun. Mind if I ask where you live at?


It's not a local virus, but we've got the mosquitoes who carry it. Some tourist may have come with it. Around 50 cases right now.


Guys, I may have this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chikungunya

I will be less present for game sessions, depending of the pain I've got in my hand (which is a lot currently) for around 2 weeks.

Well, at least now I will be immune to this. Always stay positive !

Wow Hyun Sai, sorry to hear that!
Hope you feel better soon mate.
And yeah, good point, once its over, you wont have to worry again, which is nice.
Hope to see you around soon dude.


Taking a break for a bit. Matchmaking errors are getting to be too much of a headache. Seems like there's some new issue each patch. That and post sales backlog.

See you all next event/big content patch :^)
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