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Guys how do I access the PlayStation plus freebie for this game (in-game). PS+ says I downloaded it, but I can't see it in game.



Unlimited Capacity
Lech Kril is the worst. All the old bosses and their invulnerability phases suck.

Kril is not anywhere close to as annoying. I ran Vor + Kril easy to farm miter but I have yet to beat Vay Hek one time because the fight is so miserable.

Also, I got a barrel diffusion finally. Happened to get it the same time as my Lex Prime and now that gun is my most powerful lol
What does Mirage bring to a squad?

I've only got her to lv15 but outside of her 4 her other abilities seem really lackluster. Is there a specific mode she excels because right now I feel like her 1, 2 and 3 do basically nothing worthwhile.


What does Mirage bring to a squad?

I've only got her to lv15 but outside of her 4 her other abilities seem really lackluster. Is there a specific mode she excels because right now I feel like her 1, 2 and 3 do basically nothing worthwhile.
To a squad? Um. Well, she can blind rooms with her 4. But it's really slow to cast, and it requires enemies to have line of sight. It's something Excalibur is much better at. I've never been much of a Mirage fan. Her main thing is to hit 1 and then use AOE weapons to kill everything. She has that gimmick ability to trap doors and boxes, but I never felt like that was worth playing her for.
To a squad? Um. Well, she can blind rooms with her 4. But it's really slow to cast, and it requires enemies to have line of sight. It's something Excalibur is much better at. I've never been much of a Mirage fan. Her main thing is to hit 1 and then use AOE weapons to kill everything. She has that gimmick ability to trap doors and boxes, but I never felt like that was worth playing her for.

That's something I forgot to mention, the windup on her 4 makes her a sitting duck. I feel like I have to cast it just before it's actually needed or the enemies are gonna whale on me and she's not exactly tanky enough to take too much damage.
I remember using Mirage to share a 300+% damage buff with Eclipse. Using Sleight of Hand and shooting crates was a good Excal blind too. I used her a lot for defense maps.
What does Mirage bring to a squad?

I've only got her to lv15 but outside of her 4 her other abilities seem really lackluster. Is there a specific mode she excels because right now I feel like her 1, 2 and 3 do basically nothing worthwhile.

Mirage with Hall of Malevolence, her augment, boosts the damage of her clones for every kill. With something that has a high fire rate or spread, such as the Surpa and Kohmak, or high area of effect, like the Simulor and Drakgoon or Zarr, it turns her into a room nuking machine. Her 3 gives her either a stupid high damage boost or up to 95% damage reduction. Her 2 is gimmick but actually useful in some situations for stopping enemies from activating panels. Her 4 has been nerfed from its old glory but it's still a handy blind and continual damage with better range than Excal. But you'll want Natural Talent or Speed Drift.


Posting again for this page, does anyone happen to have a Nyx Prime Chassis blueprint? I have a ton of random prime blueprints or about 100 plat that I'd be willing to trade for it.
To a squad? Um. Well, she can blind rooms with her 4. But it's really slow to cast, and it requires enemies to have line of sight. It's something Excalibur is much better at. I've never been much of a Mirage fan. Her main thing is to hit 1 and then use AOE weapons to kill everything. She has that gimmick ability to trap doors and boxes, but I never felt like that was worth playing her for.

didnt they nerf her 4 at some point?

I know her and Tonkor was a thing


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
How necessary is Body Count to a Blood Rush/Berserker crit build? There doesn't seem to be any way to get it currently aside from paying someone for it.
How necessary is Body Count to a Blood Rush/Berserker crit build? There doesn't seem to be any way to get it currently aside from paying someone for it.
Technically, to don't need it at all, but good luck getting a combo multi higher than 1.5 without a way of increasing your combo time.

Fortunately, Drifting Contact is a nightmare mod you can get that will do the same thing along with a boost to your status chance. Riven mods can also increase your counter time.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Technically, to don't need it at all, but good luck getting a combo multi higher than 1.5 without a way of increasing your combo time.

Fortunately, Drifting Contact is a nightmare mod you can get that will do the same thing along with a boost to your status chance. Riven mods can also increase your counter time.

Wow it really does. 2 less seconds but more cost efficient, and I have a copy of it already! Thank you for the tip. Now to forma the shiiiit out of my Orthos Prime!

edit: damn it, it really chaps my ass that there are so many unattainable mods out there. Would be really nice to have a copy of Maiming Strike...
Wow it really does. 2 less seconds but more cost efficient, and I have a copy of it already! Thank you for the tip. Now to forma the shiiiit out of my Orthos Prime!

edit: damn it, it really chaps my ass that there are so many unattainable mods out there. Would be really nice to have a copy of Maiming Strike...
Acolytes do pop up now and then, so there's always a chance. Also, riven mods given bonuses like maiming strike.


Wow it really does. 2 less seconds but more cost efficient, and I have a copy of it already! Thank you for the tip. Now to forma the shiiiit out of my Orthos Prime!

edit: damn it, it really chaps my ass that there are so many unattainable mods out there. Would be really nice to have a copy of Maiming Strike...

Yeah, I was looking into what mods are used in melee and it's all these acolyte event mods that are useful for crit builds. I guess I can farm/buy a Condition Overload instead to do status stuff.

At least have Baro bring back Shell Shock soon so I can fix my Hek: 👀


Finished levelling Soma Prime and put the first Forma into it, but decided to switch to this Opticor that's been sitting in my Foundry for a week now.

I kinda dig it. Charge time is hella long, but it takes a max Shred from the get-go due to the polarity slot, so it's like a massive railgun sniper cannon. Was popping multiple mobs from across maps. Can't wait to see what it's like when I can dump a Split Chamber and Serration into it.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Just did 5 Axi B2 radshares looking for a Banshee System to complete my set, aaand NADA. Really puts into perspective how lucky I got to get Rhino BP out of my very first radshare the other day and reaffirms that I won't be opening any of the 13 I have saved up chasing a 2nd Rhino set to sell.


TIL that forma'ing a frame means not getting any MR for it while you rank it back up. MR 7 lyfe!

In other news I have a Valkyr and a Trinity baking in the oven :-D
Got a 20% off plat coupon this morning, gonna buy 4 warframe slots. Now i just need to decide between the 9 frames I have sitting in my foundry.


Just did 5 Axi B2 radshares looking for a Banshee System to complete my set, aaand NADA. Really puts into perspective how lucky I got to get Rhino BP out of my very first radshare the other day and reaffirms that I won't be opening any of the 13 I have saved up chasing a 2nd Rhino set to sell.


Unlimited Capacity
Playing Trinity is gold. You can see the realization that infinite energy is upon your team and then the light show begins.
Playing Trinity is gold. You can see the realization that infinite energy is upon your team and then the light show begins.
Trinity is the backbone of most high level play. She can even give overshields with the vampire leech mod. Used to be invincible with the right build but now she's just to tanky.
Just did 5 Axi B2 radshares looking for a Banshee System to complete my set, aaand NADA. Really puts into perspective how lucky I got to get Rhino BP out of my very first radshare the other day and reaffirms that I won't be opening any of the 13 I have saved up chasing a 2nd Rhino set to sell.

I... have an extra systems, but I need a chassis for Banshee Prime to finish my set for that.


Farming at Akkad is no joke eh? Levelling up really fast now and the credits are pouring in.

I prefer Hydron - Sedna, you can get relics too while you're at it and usually people are there for the XP so there's less of a chance of people leaving a 5th wave for credits.


Trinity is the backbone of most high level play. She can even give overshields with the vampire leech mod. Used to be invincible with the right build but now she's just to tanky.

Got about half a level to max out Banshee, then Trinity Prime is coming out of the oven.

I look forward to my newfound popularity.
Got about half a level to max out Banshee, then Trinity Prime is coming out of the oven.

I look forward to my newfound popularity.

You'll face the classic support class problem of people bitching about you even if you do a good job. It's not your fault they have zero energy because they were channeling an ability the entire time, or that they died because they were on the other side of the map but why didn't you heal them anyway?!?!


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I... have an extra systems, but I need a chassis for Banshee Prime to finish my set for that.

Only have the one I need on me but I have 8 relics with the chassis in them. I'll upgrade them as I can and see if I can get a chassis to drop and maybe we can swap for em.
You'll face the classic support class problem of people bitching about you even if you do a good job. It's not your fault they have zero energy because they were channeling an ability the entire time, or that they died because they were on the other side of the map but why didn't you heal them anyway?!?!


Its why i haven't played much Trinity (non frame is maxed, haven't touched her Prime yet) because i cant be bothered with that shit.

Reminds me of a time i carried a Vauban with the wrong build (had a woefully low duration) in a sortie defense and i decided to compensate by using bounce pads. Fucked up the pattern i was going with and we eventually failed the mission, queue some asshat messaging in the chat how vauban sucked, calling be the f word, etc but when i looked at the mission stats i did better than him in most of the stats.

Instead of responding to that trash i just left the squad.
Ok, so Frost and Excal are level 30 and I'm just trying to get through the planet map now and level my MR. Should I be using any formas and reactors on my frames yet? I have the blueprints and ingredients for both.


Ok, so Frost and Excal are level 30 and I'm just trying to get through the planet map now and level my MR. Should I be using any formas and reactors on my frames yet? I have the blueprints and ingredients for both.

My advice would be to save them until you decide which (prime) frames you would like to use later during the game.
Ok, so Frost and Excal are level 30 and I'm just trying to get through the planet map now and level my MR. Should I be using any formas and reactors on my frames yet? I have the blueprints and ingredients for both.

If they are frames and weapons you are interested in and want to keep for the long haul then you can use both otherwise just hold on to them.

The first step is always gonna be adding a reactor then afterwards once you are convinced you want to unleash the full potential then you forma.

Its most advantageous to use them (especially Forma's) on the Prime Versions if available but adding reactor to a non prime frame/weapon because you don't have the prime version yet wont hurt if you have one to spare.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
After about 2 weeks of playing I passed my MR11 test this morning surpassing the 3 friends I play with who are all MR10 and they've all been playing (admittedly on and off) for years. I think I've gone a little too hard.

In related news fuuuuuuuuuuuuck mastery rank tests. This latest one was such a stressful piece of crap by the final few seconds of it my heart was beating out of my chest and I needed a literal 10 minute cool down cause the adrenaline was making me feel nauseous. I'm too god damned old and fat for this.


Can I get one of those sweet invites to the clan? I'm kind of a noob in the game.

Played it about... 2 years ago, and now I can't understand anything that pops in my UI :_D

Maybe I should start from zero again.

My ID is jokera900, nickname Star Platinum, from Greenland.


After about 2 weeks of playing I passed my MR11 test this morning surpassing the 3 friends I play with who are all MR10 and they've all been playing (admittedly on and off) for years. I think I've gone a little too hard.

In related news fuuuuuuuuuuuuck mastery rank tests. This latest one was such a stressful piece of crap by the final few seconds of it my heart was beating out of my chest and I needed a literal 10 minute cool down cause the adrenaline was making me feel nauseous. I'm too god damned old and fat for this.
If you go to Cephalon Simaris' room in the relay, you can actually practice for the next MR test so you know what to expect.
After about 2 weeks of playing I passed my MR11 test this morning surpassing the 3 friends I play with who are all MR10 and they've all been playing (admittedly on and off) for years. I think I've gone a little too hard.

In related news fuuuuuuuuuuuuck mastery rank tests. This latest one was such a stressful piece of crap by the final few seconds of it my heart was beating out of my chest and I needed a literal 10 minute cool down cause the adrenaline was making me feel nauseous. I'm too god damned old and fat for this.
Some are chill, some not so much. Just wait until you get to the MR 19 test. No warframe abilities for a stealth rescue test, better bring your best metal gear game on.
Some are chill, some not so much. Just wait until you get to the MR 19 test. No warframe abilities for a stealth rescue test, better bring your best metal gear game on.

I think i used Loki and the Glaive for that test lol.

Tricked that thing out to go as far as it could (or at least from the mods i had available)
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