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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


So I've been playing these Tier 3 Survival missions in an attempt to get some Tower 3 Void Survival keys to help a buddy get Rhino Prime parts. So far, no luck, but we've now got plenty of Tower 2 keys and non-survival Tower 3 keys from running those high level missions.

So we decide to change things up this evening and forma our primaries and run some lower level missions with em - my buddy polarizes his Gorgon for the fourth time, I forma the Soma for the same - and we run the very first defense mission on Mercury, (level range 1 to 5) to bloody em up enough to slap some mods in and wham - at 10 waves we get a Tower 3 Survival Key, like seriously discounted mana from the heavens.

Then, since our rifles went up 6 levels in that time - thanks to Lotus and her affinity booster - we hightail it to the first Earth defense mission - to rank up our stuff, to get a chance at Fever Strike (a toxin damage mod for melee weapons), and to generally blow shit up (always the #1 goal) - 15 waves later we get, wouldn't you know it, a Tower 3 Survival key.

Two Tower 3 Survival Keys - and not from some high level Survival mission at wave 15, and not from facing 45th+ level enemies on Pluto, but out of the blue from the very earliest missions in the game. And not just tonight - the last Tower 3 key I got was a reward from that same first defense mission on Mercury, running it solo this last weekend.

RNG is a fickle temptress, but she's literally taking it easy as of late.

I have 2 T3 survivor keys so if you want them then they're yours. I know that rhino prime chassis is a bitch to get. I'll be on later hopefully around 5pm EST so send me a message.

Name on there is tOSUBuckeyes


I did one of the invasion events and the options were either 35,000 credits or 3 of something. It started with an 'F' I remember and might have been Fieldron. If that's what it was it looks like that is just used for clan research so should I just trade it to you Bitmap sometime?
I did one of the invasion events and the options were either 35,000 credits or 3 of something. It started with an 'F' I remember and might have been Fieldron. If that's what it was it looks like that is just used for clan research so should I just trade it to you Bitmap sometime?

You can't trade resources at this time, so it's no matter.
Just hold on to the Fieldron or use it to craft some clan-only weapons for yourself.

If you wish to contribute it to the clan in the future, you can do so when the new updates drop.
At that time you can contribute resources to start/speed up researches in the lab or construction of new halls/decorations.
If that's the case, you've probably been booted for inactivity. I say this because (I think) I may have been the one who booted you. Feliz navidad.

Also, I skip out on this thread for a couple of days and y'all start acting like you've been drinking the water in Chernobyl o_O

I wasn't booted, not yet at least. I still play the game just not as much at the moment because I just moved from DC to NYC and now I have friends over who want to play FIFA and BF4 non stop.

EDIT: Dudebro friends.


Neo Member
Just hit the first interception mission on earth..... It seems outright impossible for me. Any help from the GAF clan would be very much appreciated. I feel like I've hit a brick wall.


Just hit the first interception mission on earth..... It seems outright impossible for me. Any help from the GAF clan would be very much appreciated. I feel like I've hit a brick wall.

Eurasia? Yeah, I could never do that one either. Tried and wasted way too much time. Finally decided to just forget about it and if the group I'm in ever put's it up in the vote I just leave the group.

From Bit's post it sounds like it might be bugged or something?
What is the change?
The problem I've had is that matchmaking has never put me in a lobby with more than one player - and even in public games that show a LOT of other players doing the same mission I've never had additional players drop in. Is there a two player max on this mission type? Or have I just had bad luck?

So its either been me and one other random, which works out maybe 30% of the time, or I jump into a public game with a buddy and nobody else ever joins.

Its a shitty mission type to do with two people, though it can be done.

But all things considered its a weird mission type for a game like this. Splitting players up with separate objectives anyway - seems to go against the co-op nature at the heart of the game.

I have 2 T3 survivor keys so if you want them then they're yours. I know that rhino prime chassis is a bitch to get. I'll be on later hopefully around 5pm EST so send me a message.

Name on there is tOSUBuckeyes
I appreciate the offer, but keep your keys :)

I won't be on today anyway, and the hunter/gathering has been going really well besides.
The problem I've had is that matchmaking has never put me in a lobby with more than one player - and even in public games that show a LOT of other players doing the same mission I've never had additional players drop in. Is there a two player max on this mission type? Or have I just had bad luck?

So its either been me and one other random, which works out maybe 30% of the time, or I jump into a public game with a buddy and nobody else ever joins.

Its a shitty mission type to do with two people, though it can be done.

But all things considered its a weird mission type for a game like this. Splitting players up with separate objectives anyway - seems to go against the co-op nature at the heart of the game.

I appreciate the offer, but keep your keys :)

I won't be on today anyway, and the hunter/gathering has been going really well besides.

Go intoi settings and change the ping limit to none. I used to have a hard time getting in with people also but I changed that it and works much better now.
I've never had a problem being matched up with other players, joining a game or being joined by 3 others, with a ping limit of 300.

That is, until the 12 update.

I play with it online, but 80% of the time, even when it says 10+ players in the lobby for that mission/Alert, I play Solo.

I'll try the no limit option this weekend, see how it goes.
Go intoi settings and change the ping limit to none. I used to have a hard time getting in with people also but I changed that it and works much better now.
I've only had this problem with Interception missions. Everything else works fine, and I've run at my current ping limit since shortly after launch with no issues.

Something is up with that game type, though its not the only weirdness I've seen lately. I ran a solo extermination mission on Eris last night only to be told that it was actually a sabotage mission once I was inside it. Thinking I might have selected the wrong location by mistake I played it again, double checking that it was indeed and extermination mission. Once I dropped into the world I saw a datamass on the ground and Lotus told me that it was a mobile defense mission. I ditched Eris entirely after that and didn't have any more problems, but that was still weird.




Why the hell is the drop chance so low for swords? Shouldn't that be way more common since you practically start the game with them?


Just hit the first interception mission on earth..... It seems outright impossible for me. Any help from the GAF clan would be very much appreciated. I feel like I've hit a brick wall.

It doesn't make much sense to me either. The grineer here a tad bit tougher than their normal versions, players at this point are still underpowered and underequipped compared to the challenge, and you're asking them to split up to take 4 different points? Splitting up cuts into the effectiveness of the squad, leaving them more vulnerable to being taken down, which forces others to abandon their points to go revived downed team mates.
So I finally put in the bug report about my rank a little over 24 hours ago, they manually bumped me up once but said that's the last they can do it. They also said they have the fix already given to Sony, so hopefully that's soon.


I just rank 30 my first warframe (its my excalibur) and I am so happy. cant wait to get more stuff

also I just found something called split chamber, is this any good? I am using a Latron so it seems like a perfect fit
I just rank 30 my first warframe (its my excalibur) and I am so happy. cant wait to get more stuff

also I just found something called split chamber, is this any good? I am using a Latron so it seems like a perfect fit

Where did you get it? I just looked it up and it sounds awesome.


Where did you get it? I just looked it up and it sounds awesome.

I found it off of the boss on saturn. I was just doing that mission over and over (was just following this guy cause he was super strong and we were able to do the mission super fast)

I am really happy that I have this split chamber card now lol. There is still so much stuff for me to figure out but now I feel like I can be more effective.
I just rank 30 my first warframe (its my excalibur) and I am so happy. cant wait to get more stuff

also I just found something called split chamber, is this any good? I am using a Latron so it seems like a perfect fit

"I just found split chamber"

lol you'd make a lot of people jealous who spent ages finding it. It's a great mod.


This is true.

Been trying to get it off Sargas Ruk for two weeks now for my Soma. RNG gods will act in my favor one of these days. I choose to believe that anyway...

Here's an "easier" way to get Split Chamber: Get marked by Hek, join gaffers / randoms running G3 farms, farm invasions until G3 appear. There's a pretty high chance you'll end up with a Split Chamber and a Hell's Chamber if your party manages to kill them.


Here's an "easier" way to get Split Chamber: Get marked by Hek, join gaffers / randoms running G3 farms, farm invasions until G3 appear. There's a pretty high chance you'll end up with a Split Chamber and a Hell's Chamber if your party manages to kill them.

couldn't hurt, been trying the other way without success for a while. I just happened to get a hit put on me from Hek from running a few invasions a minute ago anyway.
just do it at narc-pluto
Let's see, farming split chamber for Ty? got it first try on round 5
farming split chamber for some random friends? got it 2nd try by round 15.

Yep that was awesome, thanks again. Narc-Pluto would be my choice for farming split chamber based on the experience that I had.

Wow, got Split Chamber on my third Narcissus run. This also confirms that the nodes use their original loot tables when the faction is changed, though it seems like that was already obvious, lol.

I got a split chamber for 5 waves on Pluto defense. I would've been a lot more excited if I didn't already have 2.


You palus (survival) players just keep on trying

just got Serration and Split Chamber today, just doing several wave 5 or 10 runs

Ah, that is because it was on GameFAQs.

Farming Sargas Ruk is such a PITA for Split Chamber.

Wave 5 of my 9th attempt I got split chamber :D

And I was just saying in game "I've been on here all night, I'm beginning to doubt it even exists"

Split Chamber on Narcissus wave 10 on my first try tonight...yeah...

Narc for life!

need to test if the drop table hasn't been adjusted


I'm going to put the call out here, as the WarGAF chat and Trade chat are hit-and-miss.

Does anyone have a spare Rhino Prime Blueprint and Chassis they can trade me? I have some other Prime components I can trade for them, and some Platinum, and would like to know if anyone in GAF can help me out. Systems is a piece of cake to get (I have 6...) and I got the Helm in a fantastic trade earlier today. If anyone can help, flick me a PM either in here or on PSN (KurtNiisan.)

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
As you all know, we at the clan have been facing some activity issues as of late. Either because of new games or just plain burn out or RL issues, many good clan mates and friends have stopped playing. While we still get a trickle of new recruits, it clearly is not enough to compensate.

I would like to point out that although we have around 95 members, only around 55 of them scored on Tethra's doom and a good chunk of those 55 had to be dragged in catching them on the rare occasion they log on. The truth is our active userbase is around 30 people, a few of which are solo style players/play with other people, who don't interact much with other clan members.

At the heart of this issue is the way DE designed the clans, with population caps, tiers, and the way it relates to both events and construction costs. Bumping up to a Mountain clan would solve our clan management issues and let us invite at leisure, but would put an undue burden on active members due to the rising costs and research and dojo building. Being a storm clan with low activity creates a similar pressure.

For this reason, we would like you all to consider opening our clan to non-gaffers (to whom we will refer as NG's) under these conditions:

1.- NG's need to be endorsed by a GAF member. NG's clan members cannot endorse other NG's.

2.- Ideally they need to be people who you know well, friends and family perhaps, people who you've played online with in several games, or even warframe-only acquittances that you've played with for months.

3.- While we are quite lax on activity levels for GAF members, activity requirements on NG's will be stricter.They need to be people who enjoy the game and who play it often. The activity requirement will be 7 days, mandatory participation on events and general participation in clan life (joining groups, starting groups, etc).

4.- Endorsing players who fail to meet activity requirements or otherwise disappoint will have an effect on the consideration of future endorsements.

5.- We do not intend at the moment to set a hard cap of NG's, we will deal in a case by case basis.

We would like to hear your opinions on this issue which affects all of us. As you know the new patch will add the badlands system that involves entire clans fighting over territory and they have already stated they are gonna add more of this type of content through the proxy wars. It is clear DE believes that clan-wide activities is where they want to go.

So please, let us know what you think about this.



As you all know, we at the clan have been facing some activity issues as of late. Either because of new games or just plain burn out or RL issues, many good clan mates and friends have stopped playing. While we still get a trickle of new recruits, it clearly is not enough to compensate.

I would like to point out that although we have around 95 members, only around 55 of them scored on Tethra's doom and a good chunk of those 55 had to be dragged in catching them on the rare occasion they log on. The truth is our active userbase is around 30 people, a few of which are solo style players/play with other people, who don't interact much with other clan members.

At the heart of this issue is the way DE designed the clans, with population caps, tiers, and the way it relates to both events and construction costs. Bumping up to a Mountain clan would solve our clan management issues and let us invite at leisure, but would put an undue burden on active members due to the rising costs and research and dojo building. Being a storm clan with low activity creates a similar pressure.

For this reason, we would like you all to consider opening our clan to non-gaffers (to whom we will refer as NG's) under these conditions:

1.- NG's need to be endorsed by a GAF member. NG's clan members cannot endorse other NG's.

2.- Ideally they need to be people who you know well, friends and family perhaps, people who you've played online with in several games, or even warframe-only acquittances that you've played with for months.

3.- While we are quite lax on activity levels for GAF members, activity requirements on NG's will be stricter.They need to be people who enjoy the game and who play it often. The activity requirement will be 7 days, mandatory participation on events and general participation in clan life (joining groups, starting groups, etc).

4.- Endorsing players who fail to meet activity requirements or otherwise disappoint will have an effect on the consideration of future endorsements.

5.- We do not intend at the moment to set a hard cap of NG's, we will deal in a case by case basis.

We would like to hear your opinions on this issue which affects all of us. As you know the new patch will add the badlands system that involves entire clans fighting over territory and they have already stated they are gonna add more of this type of content through the proxy wars. It is clear DE believes that clan-wide activities is where they want to go.

So please, let us know what you think about this.

You already know my thoughts on this, but it all sounds good. Friends and Family recruitment away~!
It wouldn't bother me any, I had originally wanted to invite a friend in but they don't play so much anymore now. I myself aren't playing as much right now but a lot of that is about RL temporary things. I missed out on Tethra and I'm a little butthurt I missed out on mods, so I've been trying to get on at least twice a week now.
3.- While we are quite lax on activity levels for GAF members, activity requirements on NG's will be stricter.They need to be people who enjoy the game and who play it often. The activity requirement will be 7 days, mandatory participation on events and general participation in clan life (joining groups, starting groups, etc).

4.- Endorsing players who fail to meet activity requirements or otherwise disappoint will have an effect on the consideration of future endorsements.

Just wanted to highlight that.

Un(?)fortunately that means we don't need people who "just want to relax after work and don't plan on taking anything too seriously" or "just intend to do the bare minimum to get stuff.'
4 Saturn boss runs for me and no Split Chamber. :(
I wish I could unlock Pluto but I cant get through a lot of the higher worlds solo and no one ever plays those missions.


Just wanted to highlight that.

Un(?)fortunately that means we don't need people who "just want to relax after work and don't plan on taking anything too seriously" or "just intend to do the bare minimum to get stuff.'
The whole point of opening the clan up to Non-GAF players is to directly combat inactive players. The issue we're having is that we have too many inactive or "casual" players who did not participate in the event and are just taking up space, when we could (hopefully) get more active players instead who would participate more... enthusiastically towards Clan activities.


"I just found split chamber"

lol you'd make a lot of people jealous who spent ages finding it. It's a great mod.

heh you weren't joking. This actually makes me really happy that its one that i found considering how noob I am at the game. Reminds me of how Tinkmaster overspark is my only legendary that I got in like 100 games of hearthstone then the patch came where I could dust it for a full 1600 (which means I can exchange it for any legendary in the game). I feel like I got some great noob luck.

I would like to join GAF again but I feel like I need to know more and its not as noob friendly as just running into random people and playing with them. At least from my experiences in the past.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
heh you weren't joking. This actually makes me really happy that its one that i found considering how noob I am at the game. Reminds me of how Tinkmaster overspark is my only legendary that I got in like 100 games of hearthstone then the patch came where I could dust it for a full 1600 (which means I can exchange it for any legendary in the game). I feel like I got some great noob luck.

I would like to join GAF again but I feel like I need to know more and its not as noob friendly as just running into random people and playing with them. At least from my experiences in the past.

We are very noob friendly haha.

Are those experiences from other GAF clans or specifically the warframe clan?


I can vouch for the newb friendliness on the GAF clan, very welcoming and what not. I just have not logged on a few days because I had to fix my pc and had no time to play warframe, however tomorrow I think I'd like to get some T2 exterminations down.
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