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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

The goal of this initiative is to recruit 10-15 really active players to bulk up a little.
Maybe the simplest solution is to simply require any GAF clan member to have a posted score with each event? That way people can play as casual or as hardcore as they want as long as they contribute to the clan when needed. Its also easy to clean house after each event too.

Just a suggestion anyway. I find the simplest solutions to be the easiest to manage and maintain over time.


Neo Member
What are these clan events people are talking about - I'm worried I'm going to miss one and would like to contribute.

Also how difficult is tower 1. Thinking of giving it a crack tonight.
Yep. I have all 4 ability mod cards and they are in the 4 corners of the Mod screen. Even use the Auto install feature to get them in case for some reason they needed to be in a certain location.
Reset your configuration. After patches it becomes glitchy.

What are these clan events people are talking about - I'm worried I'm going to miss one and would like to contribute.

Also how difficult is tower 1. Thinking of giving it a crack tonight.
Take a crack at it. Keys only disappear if you succeed. No risk involved!


Neo Member
Whilst I'm asking questions some evil looking dude appeared in my game last night, promptly killed me then buggered off! Who was this guy, can you beat him and what happens if you do?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Maybe the simplest solution is to simply require any GAF clan member to have a posted score with each event? That way people can play as casual or as hardcore as they want as long as they contribute to the clan when needed. Its also easy to clean house after each event too.

Just a suggestion anyway. I find the simplest solutions to be the easiest to manage and maintain over time.

They are the easiest to manage and maintain over time indeed.

However, two things:

The number of really involved players has dwindled tremendously and we're close to reaching a tipping point.

Many of our current GAF members joined with the promise that they could play at their own leisure and it would be unfair to them to change the deal.
Whilst I'm asking questions some evil looking dude appeared in my game last night, promptly killed me then buggered off! Who was this guy, can you beat him and what happens if you do?
Did he talk shit to you, kill you and then disappear in a puff of smoke? If so, you got stalked.

Many of our current GAF members joined with the promise that they could play at their own leisure and it would be unfair to them to change the deal.


Invite sent.

Also invited you to our PSN chat, we use that instead of the in game clan chat. Don't forget to say hi and talk with everyone!

Ahhh, sorry I missed your invite dude, I was actually just wrapping it up when I posted that.

I will be hopping on tonight for a few hours though, so if I see you're on we'll get some rounds in.


i'm fine with non-gaffers being recruited into the clan. god knows we need more active members to participate if we're going to remain an upper-echelon clan during events. can't believe we were contemplating upping the clan size before U12; that would've been disastrous. i don't think NGers should be held to a more stricter set of rules than GAF members, viz., they should be allowed the same amount of inactivity. the caveat being that they must participate in all clan events if they wish to remain a member. considering the events aren't too difficult, especially with clan members helping each other out with runs, i don't think that's particularly demanding. my 2¢.


As a practical matter, I've already recruited a non-gaffer into the clan.

It was the same day I cleared 7-10 people for being 25ish days inactive, and it was in the last couple days of Tethra, and he had a decent score. Honestly, he was a dude I met randomly, but we got to talking about his PSN name "readyplayer01", which is taken from a book you all should have read.

I did make him apply for a GAF account before inviting him, and I have absolutely no doubt he'll fit right in both in the clan and on GAF. A few of you ran a couple of T3 Defenses with him last night, and he already had a decent score in Tethra.

I think it's a fine plan to recruit some non-gaffers, obviously. ;-)


As a practical matter, I've already recruited a non-gaffer into the clan.

It was the same day I cleared 7-10 people for being 25ish days inactive, and it was in the last couple days of Tethra, and he had a decent score. Honestly, he was a dude I met randomly, but we got to talking about his PSN name "readyplayer01", which is taken from a book you all should have read.

I did make him apply for a GAF account before inviting him, and I have absolutely no doubt he'll fit right in both in the clan and on GAF. A few of you ran a couple of T3 Defenses with him last night, and he already had a decent score in Tethra.

I think it's a fine plan to recruit some non-gaffers, obviously. ;-)
I've seen him online and he's been very regular in GAF Chat, so he seems fine in my book

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Allright, according to the feedback on the last pages, I suggest as rules for non-gaffers:

14 days inactivity, mandatory participation in events.

If you have a friend that enjoys the game, is active and is willing to participate in clan life, message an officer (helscream, das mookid, frizby, stray_dog (grinlok GAF name) or kurt (snake eyes GAF name)). I strongly suggest you contact them in-game, but if your timezone does not fit, you can use gaf messaging service.

Let's get this party started!


Just logged in and got mines thought the skin for excalibur was free guess not smh gonna play him though just for the anniversary hehe haven't played him in a while

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Mooks, Frizby, Helscream, Kurt, Stray Dog... you guys will handle the friends and family new recruits. The MOTD instructs people to contact you guys when you are online.

Be ready for it.

10-15 people who enjoy this game and play often, that's our goal.

As for everyone else, start forwarding your candidates.

My two cents on activity, inactivity and whatnot. Might be a little chaotic to read, bear with me and my unconventional thought process. It's a wall of text xd, so sorry.

The thing with a 100 member clan is that you do have a pretty finite amount of slots for members, and it's understandable that once a critical mass of inactivity happens, the clan might dwindle and die... I can totally understand how some of the most active players can be tired of seeing only a couple active members in a 100 member clan on at any time.

But then again, to put it simply, everyone gets burned out of doing the same thing eventually, of playing the same game, we each have our own breaking points, thus it's pretty much inevitable, in the long run, if you intend to keep an active clan, you'll have to either make the clan bigger , retire members, or use a third solution that's less straightforward and that I'll discuss later. Anything that stagnates dies, that's how life works after all.

Then again, I don't have that feeling of inactivity yet for NeoGaf. I mean, objectively speaking, we just got 2ND place for the last event, got Zephyr built about as fast as humanely possible and have pretty much all decorations paid for in the dojo, so I feel the clan as a whole is more than functional. As long as we can pay for the new stuff, score good in events, isn't that what Warframe is all about ?

I feel when there's stuff to do, people do their part, at least that's what I'm feeling. The key part is : when there's stuff to do... Not just repeating the same grinding of void missions over and over again for random RNG drops, especially now that you can buy your prime stuff nowadays. That said, it's true there's less and less people hanging out all day, playing, doing void runs and such. I think that's understandable, because let's face it, the endgame provides mostly repeat grinding and farming, not exactly the best Warframe has to offer.

Without the drive of getting and leveling new frames, with the tediousness involved in getting platinum/weapon parts/forma/leveling weapons and frame to 30 over and over again, I find myself playing in short burst during events, when a new frame is released, and so on... I'll admit I consider myself as part of the "burned out" crowd , been like this for about a month, heck, sometimes I don't even bother logging to grab my daily rewards lately. There comes a point when you have all frames at level 30,more than 15 different sets of Primary Secondary and Melee weapons, pretty much all mods, all helmets and unique alert rewards, most of the primes you care about, you don't feel like logging in and hanging out doing missions for no reasons.

That said, Warframe is a game that gets big patches, alerts, new frames and new content regularly, which can bring back inactive players back. Then again, depending of how long and how fresh the new content is, some people come back for hours ,days, weeks. I personally went from playing Warframe like 200 hours every month to playing maybe 40 ish hours a month, granted, getting a job as beta tester did help in burning me out of my already excessive gaming life, but simply put, I get a feel they simply cannot provide enough new, exciting content to keep me occupied for 200 hours every month anymore. Maybe with update 13, we'll see... I want some gameplay , not some more farming, basically.

That said, I always find it really annoying when people don't do their part in events. Personally, that's IMHO the biggest thing that defines what being active is about : Are you willing to do your part for the clan when the clan needs it. I mean, it was clearly said that we all needed to get at least 2000 points in the event, yet some didn't. That event lasted 10 days or so, it took about 3 hours of effort to get that score, yet some people didn't care. Personally, I could not care less if a guy logs on once a week or something, as long as he's there when he's really needed.

I was in a bigger clan before NeoGaf, we had top spot in the kills leaderboard, and when an event ended, we were 2ND.... Yet when you looked at the actual scores of the clan overall, only the top 25 or something had contributed significantly to the victory. That was insane considering it was a 1000 members clan. Personally, I didn't care, but most of people did, and a mass exodus happened, with about 20 of the most active players leaving to create a smaller clan together. That pretty much killed the clan. I left because it was a desert, with nobody playing anymore since all the active guys had left. Clan was dead, nobody talked anymore in the clan chat, it was over.

This perfectly illustrates how complicated this issue is, overall. The most active players don't want people to freeload on their hard work, (in that case to farm more resources or get higher scores to offload the people that won't do it) plus they hate losing first place in an event due to inactivity. I get that. That said, it's always hard to judge what can be considered "pulling your weight", so to speak.

Personally, going back to my past example, I was looking at the results in a different light : I was proud that us 25 most hardcore members could pull a group of inactive to 2ND place, to me it was something to be proud of, Instead of focusing on the inactive that had cost us first place.

Anyway, all of that discussion doesn't offer clear solutions. I'm thinking of three possible outcomes:

First one is removing inactive players and replacing them with more active players. The advantage of such a method is to keep a steady flow of new blood and active players, which will indeed keep the clan active, competitive , but at the expense of continuity and loyalty to existing members. It makes people feel like they are sitting on an replaceable seats, and since the game does burn out everyone eventually, this means in the long run the clan, as an entity, kinda becomes a passing, formless, shapeless organization that recruits new players and spits them out once they reach a high enough rank to get tired of this game.

Second solution would be to make the clan bigger : That way, existing members get to stay and new ones can fill in for the less active members. The Problem with such a method is that a bigger clan means bigger costs for everything, and as you open up a clan to more and more application, like I showed in my example above, you do get a few more core active members, but unless you have a great screening process, you get a hellalot more random leechers that just joined to grab the clan tech and are content with not doing anything. It would also make it impossible to retain the current chat message system, and honestly, most clans that go big experience terrible growing pains, dilluted leadership, and it's not always a good move overall. The big advantage, however, would be in regards to how the endgame is apparently evolving. This game will be about solar rails soon , and to do a solar rail, you need alot of resources, which means if we stay smaller, we'll need to go in alliances with tons of other smaller clans to be able to compete with the bigger clans. This could be a motivation to go bigger, because let's face it , how many small 100 member clans will need to be in an alliance to compete with the bigger clans ?

Another idea would be splitting the clan into two branches : A less active clan, and a more active and competitive clan, both in an alliance together.This would allow recruitment of new blood, and once the 2ND clan has caught up in terms of research, tech and so on, it could allow migration from one clan to another, depending of play-style, needs and such. The biggest problem with such a division would of course be that everyone active would probably want to be in the more successful clan, while the other clan could potentially devolve into a place to put all the inactive players and newbies before they prove they are active enough to be promoted... I think if implemented correctly, this setup could work, but it would need balance : Keeping enough active members to get new research done , recruiting enough new blood to keep things active, making sure people were motivated to be in both, basically. In terms of size, it would have to be one smaller, one bigger , the big question is how big should both be in that hypothetical scenario ? The new clan would have to start small, to allow a handful of extremely motivated members to get the research done while the costs are low. To be honest, in terms of actual player interaction, it would not change much , since we don't really use clan chat anyway, you would be able to play with every member just fine. And if the new branch is bigger , it could allow a bigger influence in terms of alliances... I dunno.

Anyway , those are my thoughts on the issues. I'm not convinced by any of these, but I think in the long long we might be forced to get bigger, if only to be more relevant when it comes to upcoming alliances. Take that for what it's worth, just my opinion and thoughts on an issue I probably doesn't comprehend fully.
Little pissed about the timing of the update, I'm in an airport hotel right now and flying to the USA in less than 5 hours.
Won't get home until the 22nd.


I'll go with whatever is decided - I'll show up for the events until the time when I'm completely done with the game and I'll let you know (and dump / trade resources, mods etc) when that is so I'm not taking up space.


Im rank 3 and have a burston. Been researching rifles but I dont see anything great until I can get a soma. Suggestions?


Neo Member
Could I get a clan invite please? Been feeling I'm missing out recently not doing the events and making use of all those keys, would be good to join up and take part in these.

PSN: Wintermute_TA


Little pissed about the timing of the update, I'm in an airport hotel right now and flying to the USA in less than 5 hours.
Won't get home until the 22nd.

Don't worry about it. This update only adds the anniversary skin for Excalibur and the Dax Afuris. It's not U13.


Little pissed about the timing of the update, I'm in an airport hotel right now and flying to the USA in less than 5 hours.
Won't get home until the 22nd.

Give somebody you trust your PSN email and password. They log in on their PS4 with your account. They log into Warframe. They log out. Done.

Edit: I'm sure any of the clan officers would be willing to do it for you. You could also log in yourself on any PS4 in the world, but you might have to download the Warframe app.


Im rank 3 and have a burston. Been researching rifles but I dont see anything great until I can get a soma. Suggestions?

Until you can get the Soma, the primes are your best options. Just farm them up by running towers with randoms and then farm up the required Orokin Cells to build them.

Boltor Prime
Boar Prime
Burston Prime

I also find that the Bronco Prime (a secondary weapon) is fully usable as a primary.

If you want to stick with the lower level guns that are available to you and don't want to go through the admittedly difficult process of farming up an elite gun yet, I enjoyed the Boltor.


Control configuration.

Reset controls back to defaults and then set them up to my d-pad again. The power in question that doesn't work is power C and I have it on the left d-pad. Tried it and still didn't work. I was thinking maybe my left d-pad button was broken but then I remembered for defense missions after 5 rounds I use the left d-pad button to select Claim the reward so I know it works.

Tried switching my power C to the down d-pad button and entered a level and it worked, but I had also leveled up my warframe to level 18. Next mission I switched it back to the left d-pad and it still worked.

So now I don't know if it was related to leveling up my warframe or if it was due to switching it to the down d-pad and then back to the left-d pad.

Are powers locked and unlocked based on your warframe level? Seems odd that the other 3 powers worked and it was just power C that didn't.
Mooks, Frizby, Helscream, Kurt, Stray Dog... you guys will handle the friends and family new recruits. The MOTD instructs people to contact you guys when you are online.

Be ready for it.

10-15 people who enjoy this game and play often, that's our goal.

As for everyone else, start forwarding your candidates.


I'm confused here a little. Are you getting rid of everyone but 15 people then getting others to ask for clan membership again?

What about the dojo size? It can't be reduced right? Wouldn't that hurt overall for building?
When I do survival or some void missions and my reward is credit and that...thing next to the credits, what is this?

I'm almost 99% sure that sign shows u how much life support u used in a survival mission.

on the subject of the new change of the clan, I'm fine with whatever, but when is the rainbow bridge coming again? would we be able to check with the PC frame gaffers and get an idea on how many will make the move over to PS4? that might have an impact on the future of our clan's development.
I'm confused here a little. Are you getting rid of everyone but 15 people then getting others to ask for clan membership again?

What about the dojo size? It can't be reduced right? Wouldn't that hurt overall for building?

No. No one is getting laid off here.

Bitmap is just asking the 5 managers to do the preliminary background check and interviews for 15 non-gaffer hires.

Of course, the 15 new hires are expected to be from internal recommendations or backdoor family connections. Preferred candidates are attractive and can do a lot of needless small talk.
Reset controls back to defaults and then set them up to my d-pad again. The power in question that doesn't work is power C and I have it on the left d-pad. Tried it and still didn't work. I was thinking maybe my left d-pad button was broken but then I remembered for defense missions after 5 rounds I use the left d-pad button to select Claim the reward so I know it works.

Tried switching my power C to the down d-pad button and entered a level and it worked, but I had also leveled up my warframe to level 18. Next mission I switched it back to the left d-pad and it still worked.

So now I don't know if it was related to leveling up my warframe or if it was due to switching it to the down d-pad and then back to the left-d pad.

Are powers locked and unlocked based on your warframe level? Seems odd that the other 3 powers worked and it was just power C that didn't.
You can use any power at level 1. What power/frame are you trying to use?


You can use any power at level 1. What power/frame are you trying to use?

It was the Chaos power for the Nyx frame. But I had the same issue with the Roar power for the Rhino frame. But it works now. If it wasn't level blocked it must have been switching the control to down d-pad and then switching it back to the left d-pad.


Ended up buying the Rhino Prime BP off of someone. I got a good deal on it so I jumped on it.

Plus the obsession became too much
It was the Chaos power for the Nyx frame. But I had the same issue with the Roar power for the Rhino frame. But it works now. If it wasn't level blocked it must have been switching the control to down d-pad and then switching it back to the left d-pad.
Oh okay. The other thing to note is that Chaos can't be cast if it is currently affecting an enemy unit.
No. No one is getting laid off here.

Bitmap is just asking the 5 managers to do the preliminary background check and interviews for 15 non-gaffer hires.

Of course, the 15 new hires are expected to be from internal recommendations or backdoor family connections. Preferred candidates are attractive and can do a lot of needless small talk.

Ooooh, ok.


GAF parliamentarian
I'll be honest, I haven't logged on in a week because I'm hoping to use the event reward booster during a slow weekend. Haven't been home the last few days either.
Until you can get the Soma, the primes are your best options. Just farm them up by running towers with randoms and then farm up the required Orokin Cells to build them.

Boltor Prime
Boar Prime
Burston Prime

I also find that the Bronco Prime (a secondary weapon) is fully usable as a primary.

If you want to stick with the lower level guns that are available to you and don't want to go through the admittedly difficult process of farming up an elite gun yet, I enjoyed the Boltor.

How do you do tower missions with randoms? I keep trying to solo the level missions but I keep failing.
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