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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

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If I don't answer you ingame its because my wife gets the hump if I use the headset when she is sitting beside me lol.. I'm not ignoring you and I apologise in advance lol
I wouldn't even call that pay-to-win, that's just the "price" of the game. I think it's brilliant because you won't need more potatoes unless you've played a shitload, and then again when you've played a shitload more. Instead of charging you $20 up front the game spaces the charges out, so if you don't play all that much you won't need to pay all that much either. The more you play the more you'll probably want to throw in a few bucks every now and then for potatoes. It's basically an "opt-in" subscription; only the people who play the most will need to continue paying in the future. It's perfect.

Yeah, I don't mind it all either. . . slots/potatoes don't cost much given how much time it takes to max out a gun and a frame.

There's not punch point debating semantics, at the end of the day it feels more like pay to play, just like 'normal' games, but with the added flexibility of only anteing up when you want to sink some time into a new frame or weapon.


Any advice for a noob? I took the Excalibur Warframe as my starting selection and only did the first two maps of Mercury.

I also have only played in a solo match.


GAF parliamentarian
Eh, I've only spent money on colour packs and a weapon (which I could've done without - turns out I don't like it!). I've received my reactors and catalysts through alerts and the current invasion event.

I've spent 30$ (because I felt that after 15 hours, they deserved it) but I didn't need to. I'm still sitting on a lot of platinum, wondering if I should buy more cosmetic stuff.
Any advice for a noob? I took the Excalibur Warframe as my starting selection and only did the first two maps of Mercury.

I also have only played in a solo match.

I'll be happy to play with you and offer some advice when i'm off work in a few hours if you're free as i'm leveling up my Nova. I certainly consider myself fairly new at the game, but can offer enough advice to get you started and feeling a bit more comfortable with everything.

my psn is jacob_armitage.
Eh, I've only spent money on colour packs and a weapon (which I could've done without). I've received my reactors and catalysts through alerts and the current event.

I've spent 30$ (because I felt that after 15 hours, they deserved it) but I didn't need to. I'm still sitting on a lot of platinum, wondering if I should buy more cosmetic stuff.

Buy weapon and warframe slots.. thats the main advice I have been reading


GAF parliamentarian
Buy weapon and warframe slots.. thats the main advice I have been reading
Oh yeah, I bought one Warframe slot too (which comes to a dollar). Haven't purchased any weapon slots, because I don't plan on having that many. Working towards leveling the ones I have for mastery and them selling the ones I dislike to make room (like the Boltor, Lato, Cronus and Braton). I'm not a hoarder!

Honestly, I think Warframe is a very generous game, which is why I'm happy to spend a little on it.
Oh yeah, I bought one Warframe slot too (which comes to a dollar). Haven't purchased any weapon slots, because I don't plan on having that many. Working towards leveling the ones I have for mastery and them selling the ones I dislike to make room.

I had the starting 50 for a few weeks, only today I bought 1 warframe slot and a few weapon slots.. I wish we could get the discount though, although I'm definitely going to throw a good chunk of cash the devs way when I get some money (Friday)

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
niiice... hey bitmap did you get that bow from tower drops?.

Paris Prime... yep, that's the one I'm using.

Set it up as a crit build... 59.8% chance to crit and 3.3x damage on crits. I even potatoed it, it's so fun to use.

This time with a 75% boosted roar... boom a 20k headshot.

Easiest boss ever lawl.


Love this game, it tickles many gaming spots perfectly. I love the co-op aspect, coupled with character progression and replayablility. Sure there's a grind/farming aspect that can be daunting, I try not to think about it.

Not a fan of the operations. One, they're pretty much the same map each time. I guess there's small changes but by and large I can run through it without even paying attention. It really takes away from what I think they're going for. Second, I hate that they are timed. If I miss a day I could miss a key BP like forma. Why not simply have operations act like missions. When you complete one you get the next one. Add the ability to pass on an op and only allow a certain amount of runs per day. I hate the feeling "crap I gotta grind 5 ops tonight to get X or it will be gone by tomorrow..."

Fix the solar system map. For the love of god.
Not a fan of the operations. One, they're pretty much the same map each time. I guess there's small changes but by and large I can run through it without even paying attention. It really takes away from what I think they're going for. Second, I hate that they are timed. If I miss a day I could miss a key BP like forma. Why not simply have operations act like missions. When you complete one you get the next one. Add the ability to pass on an op and only allow a certain amount of runs per day. I hate the feeling "crap I gotta grind 5 ops tonight to get X or it will be gone by tomorrow..."

I'm not going to defend the operations, but i actually kind of dig the current event. I can zone out and watch some cartoons/chat with the wife about her day and feel like i've really accomplished something with how strong the rewards are. If i wasn't just running on auto pilot i'm sure i'd be far more upset.


I'm not going to defend the operations, but i actually kind of dig the current event. I can zone out and watch some cartoons/chat with the wife about her day and feel like i've really accomplished something with how strong the rewards are. If i wasn't just running on auto pilot i'm sure i'd be far more upset.

That's certainly one way to look at it and I know exactly what you mean. very much an autopilot system. I tend to run low level frames to help no brain level them up some.


Any advice for a noob? I took the Excalibur Warframe as my starting selection and only did the first two maps of Mercury.

I also have only played in a solo match.

Don't get too hung up on frames. Get to know your Excalibur and collect other parts. The Excalibur is a great frame, when you're truly bored you should be close to getting another frame, assuming you don't buy one.

Power Cores are used to boost mods so pick mods you like. I personally swear by Vitality (boosts you health) and redirection (boosts your shields). these will help you live longer in the beginning. don't be afraid of open sessions, you'll level quickly, see other frames in action and get a feel of the game. Keep your eyes open of mod drops, they don't show up on radar.

A lot of people are going to be high level with a different perspective on the game. Thing you are doing are going to be trivial to them. Just work your way through the solar system map, Survival and Defend maps are very tough, team up or skip them while you work through the map.

Ops are a great way to make credits. Alerts will pop up, some have great rewards, some have a crappy low cred reward. The wiki is your friend.

Solo play is a great way to get to know your frame, be wary of group sessions where everyone just rushes through "farming" the level. That can be frustrating for a new player as you have no idea what's going on.

Joining a clan gives you more options to team up and access to a dojo.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
If I have no interest in paying any money in Micro DLC for this game will I hate it? The concept seems interesting, but I don't want to drop a ton of money into a Pay to Win type game.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
If I have no interest in paying any money in Micro DLC for this game will I hate it? The concept seems interesting, but I don't want to drop a ton of money into a Pay to Win type game.


The initial platinum they give you is enough to get a few warframe and weapon slots, but you'll be tight. Y'all have to manage that stuff.

The biggest offender are the potatoes. They give out 2 per month on alerts, something like that. So if you can wait it, it's fine.
Only tried a few levels, and every time I start off with a full squad, and over time I'm always alone waiting by the extraction point. Pretty repetitive gameplay too.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Only tried a few levels, and every time I start off with a full squad, and over time I'm always alone waiting by the extraction point. Pretty repetitive gameplay too.

The shooting is amazing. It's a breath of fresh air... you don't get penalized for shooting from the hip so the gameplay isn't slowed by having to pull the sights every time. It's not a cover shooter neither, so it isn't constricted by the need to jump from waist-high wall to waist high wall.

It feels like Unreal circa 2000.... run, jump and shoot.

I like that.


Buying weapons and Warframes doesn't really do much for you though, honestly. It's the mods that make you powerful and you can't buy those from the Market. I suppose you could try and "trade" platinum for them with other players now, but that's not exactly a sure bet and it'd be a huge hassle to troll trade chat for hours just to hunt down what you need. You'd also have to know what you need. ;-)

My point here is that there's no real way for a new player to "pay-to-win" in Warframe. Buying a weapon will only help you out in the early stages of the game. That's why everyone praises Warframe's f2p model -- you're really only paying for convenience. You have to actually play the game (and quite a bit of it) to attain any reasonable level of power.

Even if you bought mods, you'd still need to level up the weapon and frame in order to access the points, so trading wouldn't really circumvent having to play to win.

The reactors and catalysts are more guilty of being pay to win. . . the blueprints don't get offered up very often, and doubling the available mod points is huge. At a buck a pop, I see them as kind of a tax of sorts, but even then the game still delivers tremendous value for time.

Yeah I see there are level caps on lot's of stuff so fair enough. Will probably spend some cash next session for some new colours or something, maybe a scarf...


No it gives you a polarity.

The idea behind polarity is fairly simple. A slot has a symbol, a polarity. If you put a mod in that slot with the same polarity it costs half the power points stated on the mod card. It does not make the card itself stronger in anyway. Slots with no polarity symbol simply cost the full amount to slot. So blank slots are non-polarity. If you slot the wrong polarity into a slot (conflicting polarities) then it costs 25% more.

When you use a forma to respec a level 30 item it resets to level 1 but you may change the polarity symbol of one slot, be that a blank one or another type of polarity. This allows you to max out your item and is meant for high, high level gameplay.

Aura mods actually give you more power points which isn't so obvious. This can be great for new warframes to give you a starting boost. Though you don't typically find aura mods until your 15-20's level. You might find it useful to buy an aura of the trade market or ask someone for a spare one. In all my play I've only found two...


I didn't even see the option to use one until I hit level 30.

You're thinking of Forma. You can only do those at level 30. "Potatoes" refer to Orokin Catalysts and Reactors, which can be applied at any level. You should apply them immediately, even at Unranked -- ESPECIALLY on your goddamn Warframes. A potato will double your mod capacity according to your Warframe or weapon's level. It's not just an increase from 30 to 60 when maxed out. If your Warframe/weapon is level 2 then it'll have 4 slots with a potato applied, if it's level 15 then it'll have 30, etc. Due to this it's smart to add a potato ASAP since you will reap the benefits of it throughout the leveling process. Potatoes also persist through Formas. A Warframe or weapon only needs to be potato'd once to have double mod capacity forever.

Seriously. On your Warframe at least, a potato should be applied immediately -- as soon as it's finished crafting. When you run around in an un-potato'd Warframe you're basically whispering a silent, undetectable "fuck you" to anyone you group with. Don't be that bastard!

As for weapons, if you're just carrying a weapon along for mastery rank then maybe you won't want to waste a Catalyst on it. That's a judgement call. When you take into consideration that the price of a potato is like $1, you might decide that it's worth applying to any weapon that you plan to spend any reasonable amount of time with. I potato everything myself, but I'm a bit of a completionist and have spent quite a bit of both time and money on the game. I'm trying to collect every single weapon, heh. I bought like 90 weapon slots.

tl;dr - potato all Warframes immediately, no exceptions. Potato weapons as you see fit.

Yeah I see there are level caps on lot's of stuff so fair enough. Will probably spend some cash next session for some new colours or something, maybe a scarf...

I really don't recommend the scarves. Everyone I've encountered who bought one has grown to find it more annoying than anything else. Myself included. I bought all three of them... worst fucking use of platinum ever.


I just wanted to make a quick post to reassure some newcomers that Warframe is NOT pay 2 win, not in the slightest, based on my experience.

Every item in the game except cosmetics and more item slots, can be earn't through gameplay.
Sure, if someone spends a bit of cash, he may have the option to buy himself a different weapon sooner than you, but you can easily get the very same weapon with just a little time investment and no cash expenditure.
Seeing as how you don't fight versus each-other, it's co-op only, it doesn't matter who has what weapon, not until you get to really high level play, and at that point, you will have a sizeable armoury anyway.
I personally chose to give DE my money because what they had planned for the game really excited me, and it has provided me with a great many hours of entertainment and I felt they deserved the cash, but in all that time, I never felt like I needed to have spent anything, all I ever bought were cosmetics and inventory slots, none of which I needed, but I wanted just because I like having everything in the game.

In the interest of being transparent, yes, I bought a founders package (funded the original development,) have over 1000 hours in the game, am mastery rank 14, and am a Warlord in the Gaf PC clan.
Tbh i personally potato every frame, weapon, sentinel and sentinel weapon that I get.

There's no real reason not to,and it's probably why I usually end up doing 50%+ of the groups damage the majority of the time.

The only problem I have just now is that my sentinel and his weapon has LOADS of spare wasted points which I have no mods to fill the gaps up unfortunately. Also I've run into the problem in some cases on my frame/weapons that the cost of upgrading to the next level of mod is just too high and I don't have the spare mods/fusion/cash to allow me to do so.

All that being said, I still have no aura mod as of yet so I still have points etc to receive from getting one of those! Plus I haven't used forma on anything as of yet. Didn't realise that it reset my weapon back to level 1 so I'm going to hold off and forma all the slots first instead of just adding one.

Oh and flow is a must have mod.


Tbh i personally potato every frame, weapon, sentinel and sentinel weapon that I get.

There's no real reason not to,and it's probably why I usually end up doing 50%+ of the groups damage the majority of the time.

The only problem I have just now is that my sentinel and his weapon has LOADS of spare wasted points which I have no mods to fill the gaps up unfortunately. Also I've run into the problem in some cases on my frame/weapons that the cost of upgrading to the next level of mod is just too high and I don't have the spare mods/fusion/cash to allow me to do so.

All that being said, I still have no aura mod as of yet so I still have points etc to receive from getting one of those! Plus I haven't used forma on anything as of yet. Didn't realise that it reset my weapon back to level 1 so I'm going to hold off and forma all the slots first instead of just adding one.

Oh and flow is a must have mod.

You can't use Forma on all slots at once. To apply Forma it must be lvl 30 and it resets to lvl one immediately. So you would have to level it up again to apply the next Forma.
You can't use Forma on all slots at once. To apply Forma it must be lvl 30 and it resets to lvl one immediately. So you would have to level it up again to apply the next Forma.


Bummer :(

Do we keep getting the mastery points for re-leveling a weapon though?

Please say yes.
Man im lost in this game!

Can anyone recommend me a an upgrade to the Braton? I've just opened up Earth(still rocking the Excaliber frame), have no clue on the Damage 2.0 stuff....i was thinking of a bolter and akboltos as my next builds after rhino...thoughts?


Man im lost in this game!

Can anyone recommend me a an upgrade to the Braton? I've just opened up Earth(still rocking the Excaliber frame), have no clue on the Damage 2.0 stuff....i was thinking of a bolter and akboltos as my next builds after rhino...thoughts?

Look up the Damage 2.0 stuff. It's not a matter of having a good weapon. It's now a matter of bringing the right weapon for the particular enemy that you'll be fighting.
Fuck no! Just the polarity.

It sucks, but you gotta do it. I'm about to do a 4th Forma on the Ignis...

Grimløck;93838165 said:

Ahhh noooooo!

Oh well will be worth it in the end, I guess it counts for good replay value for going back to the beginning worlds

Man im lost in this game!

Can anyone recommend me a an upgrade to the Braton? I've just opened up Earth(still rocking the Excaliber frame), have no clue on the Damage 2.0 stuff....i was thinking of a bolter and akboltos as my next builds after rhino...thoughts?

There isn't really a best weapon anymore. It's all about bringing the right weapon and right mods to a battle now for the enemies that you are facing.

Probably best to find the play style that you enjoy, get a frame that compliments that, then grab a few weapons that covers all damage type bases, and then spec your mods accordingly.


Man im lost in this game!

Can anyone recommend me a an upgrade to the Braton? I've just opened up Earth(still rocking the Excaliber frame), have no clue on the Damage 2.0 stuff....i was thinking of a bolter and akboltos as my next builds after rhino...thoughts?
The Boltor is primarily Puncture damage, which is good against armored enemies like the Grineer. With damage 2.0, you're going to have to be flexible with your loadouts depending on which enemies you face.


Grimløck;93838551 said:
The Boltor is primarily Puncture damage, which is good against armored enemies like the Grineer. With damage 2.0, you're going to have to be flexible with your loadouts depending on which enemies you face.

The Braton is a fine all around weapon. You just need to put the right mods on it depending on the enemy.
Look up the Damage 2.0 stuff. It's not a matter of having a good weapon. It's now a matter of bringing the right weapon for the particular enemy that you'll be fighting.

i had a look and was still confused..hence i was posting here..i just need an upgrade to the braton, im not interested in min/maxing or whatever...just some suggestions on weapons


i had a look and was still confused..hence i was posting here..i just need an upgrade to the braton, im not interested in min/maxing or whatever...just some suggestions on weapons
Here's a cheatsheet for damage 2.0:


If you're still relatively early in the game, just use whichever weapon you want to get Mastery levels. The Boltor is a good choice.
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