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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4


Damnit, did 5 T2 and a T3 Ext this morning and still no Frost Prime Systems. Did a T2 Survival last night and got ALL Mag Prime components! Goddamn RNG.

I just need the 3x Orokin Cells to pay out so I can make my Mag Prime.


Damnit, did 5 T2 and a T3 Ext this morning and still no Frost Prime Systems. Did a T2 Survival last night and got ALL Mag Prime components! Goddamn RNG.

I just need the 3x Orokin Cells to pay out so I can make my Mag Prime.

I like Mag a lot. I need to get me a prime version once I have Nova.


Grimløck;93758949 said:
How do you guys get tier 3 Void keys? I have some tier 1 and 2 keys I think I got as rewards.
T3 keys drop the same way as the others, I think I've gotten my couple from doing other Void Survival missions.


Grimløck;93758949 said:
How do you guys get tier 3 Void keys? I have some tier 1 and 2 keys I think I got as rewards.

You can get Tower 3 Void keys as rewards from Tier 3 Defense/Survival missions on the Star Map. Note that the game doesn't explicitly tell you whether a mission is tier 1/2/3, you have to look up the list on the Wiki. Defense rewards will scale up with the enemy levels, so after enough waves even the lowbie Defense missions will start awarding from the "Tier 3" loot table. Survival is unfortunately locked, so even if you make it 55 minutes on Appolodorus you will still receive awards from the "Tier 1" table. You've gotta consult the Wiki to make sure you're farming the correct mission.


You can get Tower 3 Void keys as rewards from Tier 3 Defense/Survival missions on the Star Map. Note that the game doesn't explicitly tell you whether a mission is tier 1/2/3, you have to look up the list on the Wiki. Defense rewards will scale up with the enemy levels, so after enough waves even the lowbie Defense missions will start awarding from the "Tier 3" loot table. Survival is unfortunately locked, so even if you make it 55 minutes on Appolodorus you will still receive awards from the "Tier 1" table. You've gotta consult the Wiki to make sure you're farming the correct mission.
Thanks so much for the info. Apparently Ceres is the easiest of the tier 3 missions to farm keys.
I am shocked at how much I am enjoying this game to be honest. Holy crap it is getting more play then most other games except maybe Res0gun! Great stuff coming from the game. Love the newest changes where you can cancel the Slide whenever you want, or do not have to be sprinting to wall-run, etc. Feels like I have more control over my character. Love doing a slide into a group, doing a spin slash and then cartwheeling out of there while firing behind me which does a john woo looking shooting animation and then lands with a cartwheel. Fun shit.

Then all the different mods and whatnot. Game is getting some serious play when I finally get a chance to play something.

Very impressed! And I am only on the 2nd world lol. Finally got passed Mercury and will likely farm the Infestation level ( or whatever it is called, there are like 80 enemies )


Did the forma blueprint and 100k conquering missions. That covers the cost of making a sentinel. They should start putting those missions on more outer planets soon. The xp gained from them is piss poor for weapons.

EL Beefo

Forma Blueprint alert going on right now.

Also, I really wish these invasion missions were more varied. I can't pass them up because the rewards are to good, but I hate doing the same mission over and over and over and over.
Also, I really wish these invasion missions were more varied. I can't pass them up because the rewards are to good, but I hate doing the same mission over and over and over and over.
Thats one aspect of the game I don't get. Its dynamic sure, but you feel that dynamism more when you're cutting a path through the system and unlocking missions.

Once you settle on a single mission to repeatedly play/farm the game loses a lot of its luster.


Did the forma blueprint and 100k conquering missions. That covers the cost of making a sentinel. They should start putting those missions on more outer planets soon. The xp gained from them is piss poor for weapons.

Happening in 11.3. Infested are being removed from the "normal" game entirely and will only show up in random invasions around the solar system.


Grimløck;93738565 said:
I hate the Spy missions the most. If you're playing solo, you're relegated to using your secondary or melee because you have to carry the datamass. If you run out of secondary ammo you automatically switch to your primary, dropping the datamass. Sometimes when you drop it it glitches and the datamass disappears.

Yeah it's a bit annoying having to put them down to clear the enemies and then pick them up again but not that bad. The more annoying thing was the absolute sh*t storm of enemies that appeared periodically. Not sure how I will get all four to extraction, especially since you don't know where that is in advance. I'd be pretty pissed of if it disappeared though.

So the second half of my play session was a bit more productive. Got me a new gun :). I splashed some credits for a Braton which I wasn't that interested in because I thought it was the same as the default but it's way better. Like really. And I've got a ceramic sword in the oven so all in all I'm a pretty happy guy. :)

Think I am getting addicted to this game. It's one of those digital crack kind of games I think.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Just to warn you guys about the ongoing Jupiter event:

The next rewards are gonna be a forma blueprint, a reactor blueprint and a catalyst blueprint.

So stay tuned and pay attention to them.

The forma blueprint is now ongoing.


Just to warn you guys about the ongoing Jupiter event:

The next rewards are gonna be a forma blueprint, a reactor blueprint and a catalyst blueprint.

So stay tuned and pay attention to them.

The forma blueprint is now ongoing.

Thanks, how long does the event last?
Because im at work till evening :-(


Probably a blueprint? Check the foundry

Thanks, building it right now! It's gonna take me 12 hours?

Do you mind me asking a couple of questions? I really enjoy this game but haven't really understood everything yet.

*I have three mods slots, why and which one should I focus on? Does it matter which slot I put them, i eg. if I have a card in slot 'C' but not 'A'?

*How do I get platinums without buying them from the store?

*Everyone is talking about a 'Rhino', what is that and why are people wanting one?

*Why is this game so hard to understand for newcomers? =)
Thanks, building it right now! It's gonna take me 12 hours?

Do you mind me asking a couple of questions? I really enjoy this game but haven't really understood everything yet.

*I have three mods slots, why and which one should I focus on? Does it matter which slot I put them, i eg. if I have a card in slot 'C' but not 'A'?

*How do I get platinums without buying them from the store?

*Everyone is talking about a 'Rhino', what is that and why are people wanting one?

*Why is this game so hard to understand for newcomers? =)

You don't get plats outside the store. You can trade some for mods or keys with other player though

Rhino is a warframe. A character. It's a tank also a nuker at the same time. Everyone wants it because it's so op.

This game makes terrible job at explaining tons of its mechanics. use extensivly the wiki


You don't get plats outside the store. You can trade some for mods or keys with other player though

Rhino is a warframe. A character. It's a tank also a nuker at the same time. Everyone wants it because it's so op.

This game makes terrible job at explaining tons of its mechanics. use extensivly the wiki

Thanks for the answers!

Alright, so how do I get the Rhino? Also, do you know about the mods placement? And how to I get my character to look cooler when everything costs platinum, is there no other way than buying it?


Thanks for the answers!

Alright, so how do I get the Rhino? Also, do you know about the mods placement? And how to I get my character to look cooler when everything costs platinum, is there no other way than buying it?

Most cosmetics are platinum only from what I can tell. Most/all gameplay impacting upgrades can be built.

You can acquire parts to build Rhino by repeatedly beating the boss of Venus.


Most cosmetics are platinum only from what I can tell. Most/all gameplay impacting upgrades can be built.

You can acquire parts to build Rhino by repeatedly beating the boss of Venus.

Thanks again! One last question, who is the boss of Venus and on what node do I find her?


The Jupiter operations really bring out the lone assholes who run all the way to the end dont kill a god damn thing, use the elevator while not waiting for all of the team, and bitch on the mic.

Im taking my time on the operations now if I get into a group like these recently. Also dont rez them if they die way up ahead of the group.

Also got into a random high leveled eliminate mission last night. This loki ran through all of the level ahead of everyone and sat at the exit.
When the results were posted. They killed one enemy :mad:
Thanks for the answers!

Alright, so how do I get the Rhino? Also, do you know about the mods placement? And how to I get my character to look cooler when everything costs platinum, is there no other way than buying it?
Think there's also a bonus in the psn store for free platinum if you have plus or something..go check.
It's the Jackal on Fossa. Be prepared for days of grind, though, unless RNG is merciful.

I got lucky, I got all the rhino pieces to drop after 5 or 6 runs at Jackal..

Have I missed the reactor blueprint and catalyst blueprint? I've done all 5 atm, Adrastea, Callisto,Thebe, Metis and lo


Thanks! So am I looking for something specific to drop?

Once again im sorry for all the questions.

You want the helmet, chassis and systems blueprints for the Rhino. Then you buy the Rhino blueprint from the market. If you have all the necessary materials you can build it.


You want the helmet, chassis and systems blueprints for the Rhino. Then you buy the Rhino blueprint from the market. If you have all the necessary materials you can build it.

Thanks, I'll get to it and start grinding then! Any GAF-clan I might be able to join?


Thanks again! One last question, who is the boss of Venus and on what node do I find her?

I'm no expert but I would guess the last node of Venus maybe? You will need to complete all proceeding missions anyway so you might was well just head to Venus and start working through it.


I'm no expert but I would guess the last node of Venus maybe? You will need to complete all proceeding missions anyway so you might was well just head to Venus and start working through it.

The bosses are always the Assassination missions. The nodes now also have a different symbol from the other ones.
What's the easiest way to get the control module? I would have thought going to that E planet that's south of Jupiter but apparently I can't progress in that planet while there's constant operations going on. I want my RHINO!!


What's the easiest way to get the control module? I would have thought going to that E planet that's south of Jupiter but apparently I can't progress in that planet while there's constant operations going on. I want my RHINO!!
The easiest way is to buy one for 10 platinum. I did because of the frustration of repeated failure to obtain single one.


What's the easiest way to get the control module? I would have thought going to that E planet that's south of Jupiter but apparently I can't progress in that planet while there's constant operations going on. I want my RHINO!!

The easiest way is to buy one for 10 platinum. I did because of the frustration of repeated failure to obtain single one.

Do Tower missions. In Tower 1 survival it drops like crazy.


The bosses are always the Assassination missions. The nodes now also have a different symbol from the other ones.

Cool. I think I have seen that symbol on Captain Vor's node. I think I am at Venus right now so will probably run into the Jackal soon. I don't need no Rhino frame though. Loki suits me just fine.

I think I am actually hooked on this game 'cause I'm really itching to play it right now but at work :-(.
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