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Warframe |OT| Ninjas Play Free - PS4

I'd like to run some derelict defend or survival to collect mutagen for the clan..seems I'm always the only one! If anyone else would like to help, let me know. Don't want to waste any more keys on just 5 waves.


Anybody up for trying to clear out some planets on Neptune, Pluto or Ceres?

Really difficult to get decent randoms thus late in the solar system and I'm sick of not seeing the good alerts because I don't have the missions unlocked...

I'm down for sure. Invite for this any time; I've been slowly chipping away at the Star Map and would love to have it completed.

I'd like to run some derelict defend or survival to collect mutagen for the clan..seems I'm always the only one! If anyone else would like to help, let me know. Don't want to waste any more keys on just 5 waves.

Down for this too. Especially Survival. Love me some Survival. =)


Question about playing online. It it frowned upon to play without using a mic? I have a headset with no mic that I hook to my controller. When my wife is around with the baby, I prefer not to be barking out all sorts of chatter.

I do this too as I like to have my music playing while I game. I switch to a mic headset if we're doing guild runs, but when I'm with randoms I don't even have the in-game voice chat enabled. I started doing this when it became apparent to me that many others did as well. I'd be yelling stuff to my teammates and get no response... yet when I typed it out in social chat they responded accordingly. So yeah, anything goes with randoms.

One a side note, I am assuming the voice of who I am playing with will come out of my headset?

That's up to you. Hold the PS button on the DS4 and select "Adjust Devices." You can choose to have the headset play back all audio or just voice chat.
Is there any way to select the name of a person in the chat room without having to scroll through hundreds of names alphabetically?

Is there any way to change builds quickly without leaving your group if you're going from say corpus to infestation?
Is there any way to select the name of a person in the chat room without having to scroll through hundreds of names alphabetically?

Is there any way to change builds quickly without leaving your group if you're going from say corpus to infestation?

Chat, no, builds, yes. You can get into the arsenal with r2 while in the group screen.


Is there any way to select the name of a person in the chat room without having to scroll through hundreds of names alphabetically?

Is there any way to change builds quickly without leaving your group if you're going from say corpus to infestation?

Use the "keyboard" commands. Seriously, enter in /? like it tells you to see them!

/invite [NAME] -- invite to your group
/w [NAME] -- start chat convo in new tab


Using a USB/Bluetooth keyboard is highly recommended for Warframe. ;-)
Hey guys, don't disregard the potential for "combos".

Example, Vauban and Ash. Have Vauban load Ash up with Teslas. Ash runs into a room flooded with bad guys, activates his Ult. While his Ult is teleporting him around, all the Teslas are going off and dealing additional damage.

Also Mags? Bullet attraction? Paired with an Excalibur with maximised power specced Javelin.

It's devastating.


I have some mods I'd rather trade to GAFers than try and sell, lemme know if you're interested in any.

- Flow
- Focus +1
- 3x Reflex Guard
- Streamline
- Hell's Chamber
- Metal Auger
- Sniper Ammo Mutation
- Pistol Ammo Mutation
- Steady Hands
- Power Throw +2
- Sundering Strike
- Pistol Scavenver Aura

I'm looking for the Energy aura more than anything else, so if anyone has a spare (alerts that give it always seem to occur when I'm asleep, stupid timezones) I'd love to trade :)
Now you have to TRY to work together or at least attempt to put effort into the capture. It feels just as intense as defense and survival with the new changes.

4 Tenno chasing down the capture target, sliding through laser doors, flipping over groups of enemies while trying to get a shot off at running prey. Health dwindling. Desperate to get that extra bit of speed by making a blind jump instead of taking the stairs down. Two of you sliding under the escape pod doors at THE LAST minute to face off with the capture target. One Tenno goes down. The last Tenno popping that ULT FOR THE WIN!!!
Thats kind of the problem though. Along with spy missions, rescues and exterminations, captures used to be possible to solo, or duo up for the takedown. They also used to be doable by randoms and new players, and they used to have the same difficulty as their nearby spy, rescue and extermination missions. Now captures are harder than bosses and rely upon an element of luck.

Ultimately I think this game has a problem with communicating difficulty, and the devs seem to be tuning the game towards players who are already kitted out and running in mixed groups. Thats great for those players, but these changes are turning the ladders that get you to those heights into a frustrating experience - one thats only alleviated by hoping those kitted players join your match and handwave enemies away at high speed.

So yeah, there are some missions that seem to ramp up naturally with difficulty, from Mercury to the later planets - Spy, Rescue and Exterminations and even the Boss missions. Defense, Survival and now Captures are only doable if those same nearby missions have become a cakewalk. That just seems so very weird and imbalanced.


Thats kind of the problem though. Along with spy missions, rescues and exterminations, captures used to be possible to solo, or duo up for the takedown. They also used to be doable by randoms and new players, and they used to have the same difficulty as their nearby spy, rescue and extermination missions. Now captures are harder than bosses and rely upon an element of luck.

Capture missions are still extremely easy to solo, you're just not using the right Warframe. You need to CC/stun the VIP and then burn him down. Many Warframes have such abilities; the easiest one for you to acquire is probably Rhino. Just Rhino Stomp the VIP and burn him down while he's floating in the air. Easy-peasy.

DE shouldn't have to explicitly spell that out to you. There are many things that they do need to do a better job communicating but this isn't really one of them. The sprinting VIP should be sufficient enough to make you realize that you need to stun him. ;-)


I need help with Derelict exterminate later. If anyone can lend a hand, that'd be great. Trying to get mutagen samples but I don't want to use my level 30 frames; I'd rather level up while farming.


Grimløck;93914961 said:
I need help with Derelict exterminate later. If anyone can lend a hand, that'd be great. Trying to get mutagen samples but I don't want to use my level 30 frames; I'd rather level up while farming.
Provided your "later" can be 8hrs from now, then sure I'll help :)
Capture missions are still extremely easy to solo, you're just not using the right Warframe.
But here's the rub we've gone over before: To get that Rhino you need the blueprints and thats the easy part. To actually build the warframe you need an orokin cell and control module. These items are easy to acquire when you've got most of the world map unlocked and a full group of mixed frames.

But come at this from the perspective of a new player who has none of these things, and maybe a friend or two they group up with to play with.

To get to the planets with control modules and cells you'll be blocked by survival, defense, mobile defense and capture missions. These missions are much, much harder than the missions they connect to and near impossible without more advanced players doing the bulk of the work.

And in order to run void missions you need keys and friends to run them since there is no matchmaking. You could use that hidden chat system to ask for invites, but I'm sure most people don't know its there and new players wouldn't even know what to ask for. And as far as difficulty goes I have no idea how it works in Tower missions, save for the three level breakdown, which is different from the rest of the game for some reason.

I keep bringing up issues for new players and am always told that things are easy once you've acquired X. Yeah, I'm sure things are much easier, but I'm actually talking about the process to acquire X here. Thats kind of the problem.

Bringing higher level players along to do the work isn't a good answer to wonky spikes in difficulty, but its how this game seems to go about things.


I keep bringing up issues for new players and am always told that things are easy once you've acquired X. Yeah, I'm sure things are much easier, but I'm actually talking about the process to acquire X here. Thats kind of the problem.

Bringing higher level players along to do the work isn't a good answer to wonky spikes in difficulty, but its how this game seems to go about things.

The game is f2p man, they want you to buy stuff from the Market. It's possible to progress without buying anything but no one ever said that it was fun or easy. I agree that the difficulty needs to be tuned a bit but those Survival and Defense missions are blocking your way for a reason. DE wants you to be playing with others and they want you to be in a clan. No one ever said that this was a game you should play solo either. ;-)
The game is f2p man, they want you to buy stuff from the Market. It's possible to progress without buying anything but no one ever said it was fun or easy.

And that's fine really, but I think people should know that before getting too invested. I mention this become it seems a lot of answers are disingenuous, or at the very least coming from the wrong perspective.

Just get a mix of frames! That'll help you progress through the game to the point where you can get a mix of frames!

Its easy to get resource X - Just do survival and defense missions or tower missions. But to do those missions you'll want to have these frames and items, and they'll need a lot of resource X, which you get by doing survival and defense missions!

Thats not aimed at you BTW, but many of the comments and answers I've seen here and on the official forums. Everything is easy when you're already set up and tuned for it.

No one ever said that this was a game you should play solo either. ;-)
There is a solo mode which is about as clear as it gets. It also used to be more soloable but the game is shifting and that shift has involved a near universal rise in difficulty and a push towards survival and defense oriented missions.


Based on this thread I made on the official forums, I am going to attribute my equippable melee suggestion as being taken up by the devs.

Geoff mentioned in the livestream that improvements/changes are being made to the melee system. I think we should all think of some ways to make it better and more diverse.

Some ideas:

- Different charge attacks for each weapon. For example, while you're holding down E to charge your melee, you can press spacebar and your Tenno will do an upwards slash that will deal higher damage to a single target, as opposed to the basic horizontal slash that hits multiple enemies. It would be a nice trade off between more damage or more targets.
- Charged sliding attacks - self explanatory
- Equippable melee weapons - instead of just hitting E to melee, have the ability to holster both guns and use your mouse to perform various melee attacks. LMB for fast, weaker attacks, right mouse for slower, strong attacks and charged attacks.
- Obvious - Buff straight swords to make them more viable compared to other melee weapons


Thats not aimed at you BTW, but many of the comments and answers I've seen here and on the official forums. Everything is easy when you're already set up ans tuned for it.

There's an initial "hump" to get over, definitely. However, once you get over that hump the entire game becomes much more feasible. There are things that you know you can't do solo or perhaps not even in a group at present time, but you do have the capability to farm for what you need in order to tackle those challenges.

I was pulling my hair out when I first started and was stuck with Excalibur. My solution was to set aside everything else and concentrate 100% of my play time on getting Rhino. I farmed for the blueprints then the components. Yeah, I failed some Defense and Survival missions here and there before I was able to find decent groups. Not decent groups of high level people either (this was like the second day after release, there were no high level people), just a solid group of 4 who communicated and weren't all using the same Warframe. Then I tackled the missions that dropped the required ingredients repeatedly until I had them all. I ended up joining a few T1 missions for Control Modules. Yes, I had to use the chat. Guess what? You're going to have to use the chat in Warframe. That's just something you'll have to come to terms with. It wasn't hard to find groups to join and the T1 enemies are not that difficult at all. 72 hours later, bam I have a Rhino.

Yes, it was kind of a pain in the ass. However, I'm positive that the pain in the ass is by design. DE would much rather have taken $20 from me in exchange for a new Warframe and some weapons. I didn't want to go that route so I did it the hard, free way. Though it was much more of a hassle, it was entirely doable.


I have some mods I'd rather trade to GAFers than try and sell, lemme know if you're interested in any.

- Flow
- Focus +1
- 3x Reflex Guard
- Streamline
- Hell's Chamber
- Metal Auger
- Sniper Ammo Mutation
- Pistol Ammo Mutation
- Steady Hands
- Power Throw +2
- Sundering Strike
- Pistol Scavenver Aura

I'm looking for the Energy aura more than anything else, so if anyone has a spare (alerts that give it always seem to occur when I'm asleep, stupid timezones) I'd love to trade :)

Interested in Pistol Ammo Mutation
There's an initial "hump" to get over, definitely. However, once you get over that hump the entire game becomes much more feasible. There are things that you know you can't do solo or perhaps not even in a group at present time, but you do have the capability to farm for what you need in order to tackle those challenges.

I was pulling my hair out when I first started and was stuck with Excalibur. My solution was to set aside everything else and concentrate 100% of my play time on getting Rhino. I farmed for the blueprints then the components. Yeah, I failed some Defense and Survival missions here and there before I was able to find decent groups. Not decent groups of high level people either (this was like the second day after release, there were no high level people), just a solid group of 4 who communicated and weren't all using the same Warframe. Then I tackled the missions that dropped the required ingredients repeatedly until I had them all. I ended up joining a few T1 missions for Control Modules. Yes, I had to use the chat. Guess what? You're going to have to use the chat in Warframe. That's just something you'll have to come to terms with. It wasn't hard to find groups to join and the T1 enemies are not that difficult at all. 72 hours later, bam I have a Rhino.

Yes, it was kind of a pain in the ass. However, I'm positive that the pain in the ass is by design. DE would much rather have taken $20 from me in exchange for a new Warframe and some weapons. I didn't want to go that route so I did it the hard, free way. Though it was much more of a hassle, it was entirely doable.
Damn, son..this is EXACTLY the way it went for me. Still haven't spent a dime. Actually sold some duplicate mods for platinum to buy potatoes and forma. It was a grind and a half, but I felt pretty satisfied in the end..Rhino makes that happen pretty easily lol.


I've bought 3 of the 170 Plat packs so far (NZ~$15 a pop, so $45) to buy some 'tatos, Forma, Weapons and WarFrames slots. We didn't get the Starter Pack like the US got, so didn't have much choice :)

IN OTHER NEWS! Has anyone else seen the Login Bonus start paying out the Platinum Discounts on PS4? A guy I was speaking to in one party said he'd gotten one already (Aussie, so should be available for all PAL regions) of the 75% off ones. It gives you a code to redeem through the WarFrame website and it's in-built access to the SEN. Just wondering if anyone else has started seeing these yet?
There's an initial "hump" to get over, definitely. However, once you get over that hump the entire game becomes much more feasible. There are things that you know you can't do solo or perhaps not even in a group at present time, but you do have the capability to farm for what you need in order to tackle those challenges.
I'm trying. The game is too much simple fun to give up so easily :)


Grimløck;93920051 said:
Did some Derelict runs. Only got 5 mutagen samples. Donated to research.

Defense seems to be the best bet. Our group earlier all had 12-14 Mutagen each after 15 waves.

Damn, son..this is EXACTLY the way it went for me. Still haven't spent a dime. Actually sold some duplicate mods for platinum to buy potatoes and forma. It was a grind and a half, but I felt pretty satisfied in the end..Rhino makes that happen pretty easily lol.

Oh, I've spent loads of money on the game already. Just not on Rhino. ;-)
Farming sargas ruk for a rifle multi shot is draining my soul. And I've never even seen a toxic mod for any weapon type at all. This is annoying.


Anyone know what the deal is with helmets? I spent some plat to acquire a new helmet for Loki which was under the 'appearances' section. But when I get it it say something about reduced health and longer skill range. Are they just cosmetic or what? Feels like I just wasted some doughs...


Anyone know what the deal is with helmets? I spent some plat to acquire a new helmet for Loki which was under the 'appearances' section. But when I get it it say something about reduced health and longer skill range. Are they just cosmetic or what? Feels like I just wasted some doughs...
They're cosmetic, and also have Infected Mod-esque effects (Pos/Neg effects).


Damn, son..this is EXACTLY the way it went for me. Still haven't spent a dime. Actually sold some duplicate mods for platinum to buy potatoes and forma. It was a grind and a half, but I felt pretty satisfied in the end..Rhino makes that happen pretty easily lol.

Same for me also. We are ALL new. Ps4 has only been out for a month. I have not spent any money. Grinded for Rhino and never looked back. I'm getting potatoes and forma from alerts and invasion missions.

Every pickup group is not brain dead. By the time you reach Saturn or mars, most people have a clue. I am not in a clan. I play with randoms. I make it work.


Anyone know what the deal is with helmets? I spent some plat to acquire a new helmet for Loki which was under the 'appearances' section. But when I get it it say something about reduced health and longer skill range. Are they just cosmetic or what? Feels like I just wasted some doughs...

You did effectively waste platinum on it. The helmets appear quite frequently in alerts and cycle enough that even if you miss a certain one, it'll appear again in another week or so.
Same for me also. We are ALL new. Ps4 has only been out for a month. I have not spent any money. Grinded for Rhino and never looked back. I'm getting potatoes and forma from alerts and invasion missions.

Every pickup group is not brain dead. By the time you reach Saturn or mars, most people have a clue. I am not in a clan. I play with randoms. I make it work.
I hear ya! I'm obviously hap happy to be in the clan, but things were working out pretty well before. Nice, no doubt, to have a network. The game kinda works itself out, once you invest a wee bit of time. I DO plan on dropping some loot on this, to say thanks to the devs. Killzone/Battlefield/AssCreed all ignored. This game f'kin rocks..


Farming sargas ruk for a rifle multi shot is draining my soul. And I've never even seen a toxic mod for any weapon type at all. This is annoying.

He has like a 2% chance to drop that... not an effective farm, honestly. You should look up which Defense missions have a chance to drop Split Chamber. I know it's Corpus, either tier 2 or tier 3. I got mine after wave 5 on Europa: Eligor.
After many hours of farming prior to that, of course.

As for the poison weapon mods, you've gotta look them up on the Wiki. I've been trying to farm for the melee one for the past few days. Drops from one particular mob that only spawns on Phobos. The uppermost Phobos mission (Mobile Defense) is the best place to farm for it. I already have the rifle one from something, no idea where it came from.

The pistol one (Pathogen Rounds) doesn't seem to be in the game yet on PS4. It's going to drop off Anti MOA's in the new Corpus tileset, but the mod wasn't added to the loot table until 11.1 on PC. I've yet to see one either drop or be for sale. So that's nice, PS4 players currently have no way of dealing Corrosive damage with their pistols.


Oh man. I just wanted a nice-looking helmet. Didn't know it would have a status effect. Oh well... :-(

Longer skill range is good for Loki. That helmet is far from a "waste." =)

You could always make a ticket for a refund, though. DE is actually really accommodating with that. I've even had them return blueprints that I accidentally sold off in bulk.


Platinum seems to have gone on sale with the Tuesday PSN update. Looks like 25% off:


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