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Wargame: European Escalation |OT| Ralph Peters Approved

And also trying to decide what looks better graphically?



World in conflict

So how is the SP narrative? I noticed the opening cutscenes for the first mission and it seems to do a decent job of not being silly in terms of setup and logic. I'd only be getting this for SP mostly (I have a $10 Amazon credit so it's only 25 bucks), but I want to make sure it's enjoyable first.


Trucker Sexologist
Wargame, by quite a lot.
Are you joking? WiC is the only RTS that still makes modern high end GPUs cry. The particle effects are some of the best I've ever seen in any game.

Wargame has a better camera system though. And those screenshots are not flattering to either game.


Are you joking? WiC is the only RTS that still makes modern high end GPUs cry. The particle effects are some of the best I've ever seen in any game.

Are you?

No it doesn't. It makes them 'cry' because of excess use of smoke and particles that doesn't even look that good. Here's a revelation, go back to any game in the last few years that has heavy smoke screens or plenty of particles, that will make any GPU slow down for a brief period of time, because developers just choose an annoyingly intense way to render them. The game itself looks okay and that's it. Oh and try out Company of Heroes in DX11 mode, that will make your GPU cry as well and even harder, but just like WiC not because of great graphical effects.

Everybody went on about the nukes in WiC, they looked and felt like shit.


So how is the SP narrative? I noticed the opening cutscenes for the first mission and it seems to do a decent job of not being silly in terms of setup and logic. I'd only be getting this for SP mostly (I have a $10 Amazon credit so it's only 25 bucks), but I want to make sure it's enjoyable first.

I just finished up the first campaign, and it's been enjoyable so far. Nothing groundbreaking, but does a decent job of describing a plausible "what if" sceanrio if the Cold War went hot.

Not as dramatic as the WiC storyline, but pretty solid. I've pretty much been playing the main storyline to get Command Points to unlock some units, and been testing 'em out against the AI before I go online.


So how is the SP narrative? I noticed the opening cutscenes for the first mission and it seems to do a decent job of not being silly in terms of setup and logic. I'd only be getting this for SP mostly (I have a $10 Amazon credit so it's only 25 bucks), but I want to make sure it's enjoyable first.

As mentioned, the introduction to each mission is great with some very grounded "What if" scenarios and an alternative take on the cold war. However it falls a bit flat once the game actually start as the story elements don't feel so connected to the actual gameplay or any sort of events. It's very static.
This game looks right up my alley, cant believe no one is talking about it.Visuals and sound like top notch.Company of hero's and me of valor are some of my favorite games.I will be buying this later, no doubt about it.But why are there no jets?and do you get predator missiles and stuff like that?

I'd certainly like a few air strikes, specifically a fuel-air bomb or something, but I dunno. Close-air support with choppers/gunships feels right. I've a feeling fast-movers would upset the balance quite profoundly, despite being in all honestly totally at home in the era.

I suspect they'd have to be like special abilities OR have such a long prep and refuel time that you'd see a flyby/airstrike/bomb run quite rarely. If it's ever instituted, make that shit way expensive, please.


While I agree in some respect (choppers wouldn't stand a chance against a MiG or F-16 loaded with sidewinders), I think if implemented properly, fast movers could have a good balance, and prove an effective counter against artillery. Either way, somewhat of a moot point unless the developer is looking at some DLC down the road.

Got some decent multiplayer time this weekend, and I absolutely see the draw to this game now. Unlocking units and building my decks will become an obsession. The amount of flexibility is staggering - do I want to field a very mobile Air Cav Platoon at higher cost for the choppers, or support troops on the ground with Bradley IFV's? Do I want SAM's with more range that need constant resupply, or Mobile AA that does less damage, but doesn't need to worry about resupply nearly as much? And tanks...do I follow the Soviet strategy of strength in numbers, or the American policy of fielding high tech, well supported units? So many potential options here, I definitely need to start getting my tactics in order.

And for the record, I already love the community within the game. After most of my first few rounds, I actually chatted tactics with my opponent afterwards. Always good to get some feedback, hear a few suggestions, and just chat with a few like-minded gamers. Played some really close matches, won a couple, lost a few, still had a blast though.

...still need to find a counter for the BMP rush though, lost a couple to that one already. One of those was on me though, air recon didn't pick up the blob until is was way too late, couldn't get armor into position fast enough. The second one I caught early, but there were waaaaaay too many units, and the map was small enough that I couldn't get enough cheap tanks deployed quick enough to make a stand. Red wave washed over my squad of Abrams before they could get 3 shots off. Oh well.
Love these reports, Icefire. More of 'em! I'm trying to have a little self-control at the moment, one game at a time. Just plugging through Jagged Alliance: Back in Action, then I'll return to Wargame once that's dusted.

I hope the community sticks around. Why the hell this isn't more popular on GAF, I will never know. Keep climbing that Starcraft ladder, peeps. *sigh*


Can almost replace Wargame, as this is out in 2 days;

GAH! How dare you tempt me with your CoH deliciousness...(even if it's only a mod, and not a true sequel / offshoot / whatever).

...Hm, I seem to be drooling. Moving on...

Fortunately for me anyways, I think the scope of both games is distict enough that I could enjoy both, independantly. Was starting to get tired of the base building / smaller skirmish gameplay that is more prevalent in CoH. Larger terrain, more tactics oriented gameplay within Wargame is somewhat refreshing.

But, to each their own. I'm sure once Relic announces the next official title in the CoH franchise (please), I'll be all over that one too.


The mystery of Wargames relative obscurity deepens...

Went back to check out the reviews (since they really weren't around when the game launched), and the reviews are pretty impressive, with a Meta score of 80.

Reviewers comments were generally as expected, commenting on the depth of the game, the innovative deck system, the comparisons to RUSE, WiC and the like, but nearly all applauded Wargame for taking the RTS genre a step forward, and rewarding tactical thought and technique. Negatives were focused around the lack of a "comp stomp" (an issue already addressed by the developer, and a work in progress), the learning curve of the game, and the fact that a player often won't enjoy the pretty graphics, as a majority of the battles are spent zoomed all the way out.

Admittedly, my excitement for Wargame was "reserved" prior to launch, as I thought Eugen would more closely follow the formula set by RUSE instead of evolving the genre, an assumption I'm sorry I made, because Wargame is excellent. I haven't been able to play in a couple days now (thank you, work), but my my thoughts throughout the day are still devoted to pondering what strategies might be effective in my next match, what units should I bring into my Airborne deck, or what do I want to unlock next.

Consider this my plead to all the Armchair Generals, Strategy GAF. Don't miss out on this game, especially if you loved WiC, RUSE, or EndWar, as Wargame really brought forth the best in all of them. Wargame is getting a bit of a following, and there are usually over a thousand players or so online at any time (if the Steam starts are to be believed), but I want to see more.

Check it out, you won't be disappointed.


So it seems YouTube user "Arsenalrobert" has decided to put a full walkthrough of Wargame on the Interwebs for all to enjoy, or at least give us something to watch when we are otherwise unable to play for ourselves (likely due to certain "employment impairments").

Either way, checked out a couple of the episodes, pretty interesting to watch how someone else decided to tackle some of the single player missions. Check out the link below.


Personally, I'm almost through the 2nd campaign, and have a few more MP games under my belt - although I don't quite feel confident in my abilities, yet. Still coming back to the SP Comp Stomp for some more "training", and development of a strategy to bring into multiplayer. Bit of advice for anyone wanting to try a match against the AI - it's worth upping the difficulty to Medium right out of the gate. The AI has some unusual logic on Easy (namely keeping half it's army in the exact same starting location, only sending out a handful of units out at a time). Medium opponent seems to be at least competent enough to present a worthwhile challenge - and a good proving ground to get your tactics in order.

Anyone else been putting in some MP time?


From the official Wargame forums:



It seems that you will not only receive chocolates for Easter this year.

Indeed, a completely free DLC will be available very soon for Wargame. Eugen is checking everything, so until April 12th, prepare and improve your tactics, because battles will soon gain strategic depth!

For more information, you will have to wait a few days more:)


Focus Team

DLC is good, and FREE DLC is even better. Wouldn't be surprised if this will include the "Comp Stomp" and map ping additions, but the "strategic depth" comment has me intruiged. Speculation on the boards running the gambit of the release of new maps, new units to the inclusion of air support. Either way, time shall tell.


I really, really like RUSE, and yes, I play it on 360. I wish this was on console too, as my PC is knackered ;(

I loved RUSE as well (as I'm sure everyone in this thread will also concur), as it brought a different flavor of RTS to the table. W:EE expanded on that, making some pretty intelligent changes to the formula that worked well in RUSE, and making a damn good game in the process.

It's too bad W:EE didn't get a console release to get out to a larger group of gamers, but I'm sure Eugen knew they were taking a bit of a risk with this one, only targeting the "core" RTS crowd through a PC only release.

In the meantime however, "de-knacker" your rig, or whatever it takes, and pick this one up!


Free DLC dropping in a few days! New "Siege" mode sounds like it could be interesting, and we have a night map among the 7 new. See link / below for details.


Free DLC will have 7 new multiplayer maps.

2 of them will be "game mode" maps. We call them "Siege".
Same victory conditions as now, but the initial placing is uneven:
- One team starts in the middle of the map, controling high value command zone but no reinforcement zones.
- The opponent team deploys on the map's edges, more like it is already the case with the current. It controls low value points command zone but can call in reinforcements.

Therefore, the besieged team has to force its way through the besiegers' line to take control of a reinforcement zone, or be denied any opportunity to use its vast amount of command points. Besiegers have to spread (therefore usually being weaker on a given spot) to keep the besieged away from reinforcement points, and hold their line against (usually) superior forces long enough for their allies to come to the rescue.
It is worth mentionning that, on both side, coordinated teamplay is highly required!

Both maps will be playable with both faction as besieged/besiegers.


So those who've had it a while, does this game keep you coming back for more? This is my type of game but I don't want it to grow old quick.


So those who've had it a while, does this game keep you coming back for more? This is my type of game but I don't want it to grow old quick.

Unfortunately, I'd say no. It just doesn't have the right flow, the rewarding gameplay or the variation to keep you coming back.


Unfortunately, I'd say no. It just doesn't have the right flow, the rewarding gameplay or the variation to keep you coming back.

I say yes.

Just happened to notice that I've already put the same amount of hours into W:EE as I did in RUSE (right around 45), and while I tired of RUSE, I have no intention to stop playing this anytime soon.

Granted, this only applies to multiplayer. I got into the American campaign in SP, and have since put that aside to get into MP. I'll probably get back to it at some point, but honestly, just having too much fun online.

The draw to me has been the proverbial "dangling carrot" - hitting the next level to unlock more command points, and customize my decks further. Have more than a few created, and it's been a blast adjusting my play style depending on the map, or the number of teammates I might be playing with. One round I might field my "Armored" Division with heavy tanks, Artillery and ATGM Infanty loaded up in Bradley IFV's, while on a larger map it might be an "Airborne" Division, with Riflemen and Spec Ops Troops loaded up on Hueys and Blackhawks with Apache and Cobra gunships providing close air support.

Again, it's just me though. There's just something so satisfying about executing a perfectly thought out strategy, and seeing it all come together on the battlefield. That's why I keep coming back.


Watched a few videos of this, and it looks awesome. No idea how I missed it. At 40% Steam sale as well.



Watched a few videos of this, and it looks awesome. No idea how I missed it. At 40% Steam sale as well.


You wouldn't be the only one to miss it - almost zero publicity out there. Pylon said it best earlier, this game has succeeded solely on word of mouth. Great write up on RPS.

I bought this game on an impulse while it was on sale. Man, I'm so glad I did!

Thus far I've only played the first mission - though that one about four times. Getting used to the UI, the points economy, and learning the basic tactics forced 3 restarts.


Yes, I realize I am bumping a thread that has been inactive for over two months now, and for that I apologize.


In the rare event there is anyone out there still interested in Wargame, figured I would post some relevant info. Eugen has announced that they will be releasing a second round off free DLC sometime on July, which will include a new game mode.


1st free DLC released a bunch of new maps, AI comp stomp and "Siege" mode, sort of an "Alamo" type mode where one team is cutoff from reinforecements and must break through the attackers defense to obtain territory and be reinforced.

Cool to see Eugen supporting the community via free DLC, even if interest for the game has been waning.


Patch and DLC Incoming! Good to see the ATGM's getting some attention, looks like infantry is becoming a real threat to armor...

From the Official Site:


==> Adding a new map : « Mecklenburg ».
==> Adding a new game mode : « Conquest ». Seven maps will be available for this mode, including « Mecklenburg », which can be played both against humans or AI.
==> Adapting two more actual maps for the « Siege » mode : « Hold until relieved » & « None shall pass ».
==> New game lobby interface (multi & skirmish).
==> Better visibility of the number of people in the ranked games.
==> Major tuning patch (see below).


==> Fixing a cause causing a crash when a game host leave the lobby.
==> Fixing a cause causing a crash when using custom flares.
==> Fixing some rare bugs (when a command unit of the edge of a zone is forced to move into another, when loading infantry under fire into a transport, during some solo campaign’s briefings, …).
==> Fixing a graphic bug on map « Mlada Boleslav » (solo campaign) & « Open Range » / « Duel Field » (multi). Therefore the patch’s weight …



=> All flamethrowers are now restricted to direct fire. It means they need a LOS on target to fire.
=> All flamethrowers are now able to auto fire.
=> Aiming time for all flamethrowers decreased.

=> Aiming time for all ATGM decreased.
=> Fire range for all ATGM have been increased of +175m, except for both M47 Dragon.

• PACT :

=> 23mm ammunitions loadout for the Soviet ZSU-23-4V Shilka & NVA FlaKPz Shilka decreased from 4.000 to 2.000 rounds.
=> Fire range of the ZSU-23-4V Shilka increased from 1.575m to 1.750m.
=> Accuracy of the ZSU-23-4V Shilka increased from 3 to 4.

=> Fire range of the ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka increased from 1.575m to 1.750m.
=> Accuracy of the ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka increased from 4 to 5.

=> Fire range of the ZSU-23-4M2 Biryusa increased from 1.575m to 1.925m.

=> Replacing the actual (NATO ) rocket pods of the MI-2URN with a correct 16-rockets S-5 57mm pod.

=> Accuracy of the FJB-40’s Strela-2 increased from 4 to 8 (on par with the SAS & Rangers’ Redeyes).

=> Accuracy of the MT-LB Strela-10 increased from 4 to 6
=> Aiming time of the MT-LB Strela-10 decreased.

=> Price of the Soviet BRDM-2 Malyutka-M & NVA SPW-40P2 Malyutka-M decreased from $35 to $30.
=> Price of the Soviet BRDM-2 Malyutka-P & NVA SPW-40P2 Malyutka-P decreased from $45 to $40.

=> Price of the Soviet BM-21 Grad & NVA MFRW BM-21 decreased from $80 to $70.
=> Price of the CSLA RM-70 & NVA MFRW RM-70 decreased from $150 to $130.

=> Fire range of the obsolete 85mm gun of the Polish T-34/85M1 & NVA KPz T-34/85 decreased from 1.925 to 1.500m.

=> Fire range of the obsolete 76,2mm gun of the Soviet PT-76B & NVA SpPz PT-76B decreased from 1.925 to 1.500m.
=> Price of the Soviet PT-76B & NVA SpPz PT-76B decreased from 30$ to 25$.

=> Fire range of the obsolete 76,2mm gun of the Soviet PT-71 decreased from 1.925 to 1.500m.
=> Price of the Soviet PT-71 decreased from 35$ to 30$.

=> Fire range of the following MBT’s main gun increased from 1.925m to 2.100m :
* T-62M-V
* T-64A & T-64B
* T-72A

=> The following ATGMs' AP value is increased :
* Falanga from AP 10 to 12.
* Fleyta from AP 10 to 12.
* Malyutka from AP 10 to 11.
* Malyutka-M from AP 10 to 11.
* Malyutka-P from AP 10 to 12.
* Bastion from AP 10 to 12.
* Sheksna from AP 10 to 12.
* Kobra from AP 11 to 13.
* Svir from AP 11 to 14.
* Refleks from AP 11 to 15.
* Fagot from AP 10 to 11.
* Konkurs from AP 10 to 12.
* Konkurs-M from AP 11 to 14.
* Kokon from AP 11 to 14.
* Ataka V from AP 11 to 14.

• NATO :

=> Fire range of the US M109 decreased from 18.200m to 14.000m (does not affect the Bundeswehr variant).
=> Price of the US M109 decreased from $50 to $40 (does not affect the Bundeswehr variant).

=> Size of the British FV102 Striker changed from "Small" to "Normal".
=> Speed and maniability of the SwingFire increased.

=> Price of the French MILAN F2 team increased from $20 to $25.

=> Price of the German Panzergrenadiers decreased from 35$ to 30$.

=> Blindicide (German Jäger)’s caliber changed to 83mm (no gameplay effect, just a realistical change ).

=> Disponibility of the US M132 Zippo increased from 8 to 12.

=> Stabilizer of the US MBT-70 changed from "None" to "Bad".

=> Price of the German SPz 11-2 Kurz decreased from $35 to $30.

=> Speed of the British Saracen increased from 65km/h to 70km/h.

=> Price of the US V-150 90mm decreased from $50 to $45.
=> Speed of the British FV432 Rarden increased from 45km/h to 50km/h.
=> Replacing the Marder 1A3’s actual MILAN F1 with a MILAN F2.

=> Fire range of the following MBT’s main gun increased from 1.925m to 2.100m :
* Leopard 1A4 & Leopard 1A5
* Chieftain Mk.10
* M1 Abrams & IPM1 Abrams
* M8 AGS
* AMX-30B Valorisé & AMX-30B2
* M60A3 Patton & Super M60

=> The following ATGMs' AP value is increased :
* Shillelagh from AP 10 à 11.
* Shillelagh-C from AP 10 à 12.
* TOW from AP 10 à 12.
* I-TOW from AP 11 à 14.
* TOW 2 from AP 12 à 15.
* HOT 1 from AP 11 à 13.
* HOT 2 from AP 12 à 15.
* MILAN F1 from AP 10 à 12.
* MILAN F2 from AP 12 à 15.
* Swingfire from AP 11 à 13.
* SS-11 from AP 10 à 12.
* Hellfire from AP 13 à 16.


3rd free DLC released yesterday, accompanied by a Steam Sale on W:EE until the 27th ($13.60). DLC includes a new game mode, and several new maps. Details from the official forums below. Goes without saying, but very much reccomend picking up for $13.

Wargame European Escalation players have not been forgotten either! Today, a 3rd free DLC will be available!

Named ‘COMMANDER’, this new, entirely free DLC first offers a new game mode, ‘Economy’, available in both single and multiplayer. To earn victory in this mode, you will have to make hard choices: continue your march toward victory by saving up command points, or spend them to replace your losses and defend your territory!
In addition to the Economy mode, two new maps are now available for Destruction, Conquest and Economy modes. On these rugged maps, hilly regions provide a serious height advantage with many ambush opportunities. For even more varied battles, the map ‘Storm Eye’ is now playable in Alamo mode, while the maps Fulda Gap and River of Blood are available for Conquest mode.

And if that's not enough to reawaken the sleeping commanders inside players, Wargame European Escalation is also 66% off on Steam! This exceptional offer begins today and lasts until Thursday September 27th! This is the perfect occasion for every potential Wargamer to step forward and experience this exceptional real-time strategy game!

Focus Team


Well I realize I'm necro-bumping this thread back to life, but I just purchased this game during the steam-sale and I think the term "hidden gem" really applies to this game!

I've only managed to sneak in an hours worth of play last night, but damn this feels like a game I'll be playing intensively for the next couple of weeks!
Hope more people jumped on this during the steam sale, because this is something more people would enjoy....


Neo Member
I've had this for a while...think I bought it while drunk from a sale a long time ago. Only found that out after I tried to buy it again from steam the other day.

Problem is I only have my laptop right now and as beefy as it is I don't want to deprive myself of the joy of seeing it on a much nicer system.


I've had this for a while...think I bought it while drunk from a sale a long time ago. Only found that out after I tried to buy it again from steam the other day.

Problem is I only have my laptop right now and as beefy as it is I don't want to deprive myself of the joy of seeing it on a much nicer system.

Yeah, although you will be zoomed out most of the time, I do think you should wait and see if you can play this later on a better equipped PC.
Necro (?)-bump! Just got this in the weekend sale now that it's on the Mac (yeah, I'm one of those degenerates).

I'm pretty terrible at it (just in the second game). Anyone up for some multiplayer? Feel free to add me on Steam ('GrilledFishJones'). Don't look like a TF2 hat-trader and I'll add you.


Necro (?)-bump! Just got this in the weekend sale now that it's on the Mac (yeah, I'm one of those degenerates).

I'm pretty terrible at it (just in the second game). Anyone up for some multiplayer? Feel free to add me on Steam ('GrilledFishJones'). Don't look like a TF2 hat-trader and I'll add you.

Welcome to the war, soldier - glad to see the Mac launch bringing more players to the game. Don't worry about being terrible out of the gate, W:EE is pretty unique for an RTS, and single player is definitely not where the game shines - multiplayer is definitely the draw here.

Best bit of advice I can give for a rookie - learn to use Recon units effectively! Knowing what the enemy is fielding and being able to counter is vital. Not a bad idea to have a "balanced" force from the start (Recon, Armour and some AA especially) and reinforce based on what the other players are bringing to the fight. Logistic support is also key, should always have some Support trucks nearby to refuel / rearm / repair any units that need it, especially if your strategy involves attempting to capture points further away from your starting zone(s).

Hoping to see more players jumping back into W:EE, especially with the sequel coming out sometime this year (Wargame: AirLand Battle). Feel free to add me on Steam ('IceFire1424') - been out of the fight for a bit, but always willing to jump back in.


Speaking of the MAC launch, it appears cross-platform play has not yet been implemented, but Eugen hopes to have this addressed within the month. Knowing their support on W:EE thus far, shouldn't be too far off.

Edit: Did I really say cross-functional? Know you've been working too hard if...


Per the official Wargame site, cross-platform play is "available this evening" - so check your Steam downloads.


The cross-platform patch will be released this evening (it is already 7 PM here, so that shouldn't be long).

From that moment, you will be able to fight new opponents playing under Windows, Mac or Linux.

Beware the penguins and the apples!"
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