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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


It could be.


I was re-reading the lore regarding the War in Heaven for the Eldar. No wonder the Eldar are such assholes, their Gods are too!

Not only did their gods fuck up, and then they did too in creating Slaanesh. Why do they act so high and mighty considering their fucking awful track record?

Only Cegorach, Isha and Vaul seem to not be retards.


It wasn't really her fault now was it?

This is all on that dumbass Khaine's head. He seemed to single handedly fuck the entire Eldar.


Unconfirmed Member
In the game Space Marine you pick up servo skulls that tell the story of different happening to different people during the ork invasion.
One of them is where a family is trying to get out and leaving messages for one of their family members to find them asap.
My question is how are families living on forge worlds? Aren't forge worlds apart of the adeptus mechanicus? The AM don't have traditional "families" I thought. I thought they were created in vats.

Funky Papa

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong (most of my lore knowledge derives from 3rd edition rule books), but aren't the Eldar a dying race because they can't form babiez no more? Does that mean that they are irreversibly fucked due to casualties unless they go full Tau or some shit?

Also, could somebody provide me with a list of books to avoid? I want to get into the lore again, but I know there are some true stinkers that I'd really like to avoid (fucking Matt Ward)...


The problem with the Eldar (and Elves in GW stuff in general) is that they were originally designed years ago before anyone realised that just because Tolkien had his elves fading and leaving doesn't mean every Elf in the universe has to do the same. It was the standard trope at the time and they stuck with it, even though it doesn't make any sense.

Yes, the Eldar were obliterated by The Fall, and trillions dead. But you don't need a huge population to rebuild a race, and the Eldar still have millions upon million of live Eldar on craftworlds and the Maiden Worlds. But that doesn't fit so instead we gets vague hand waving and a 'they no longer have enough babies' excuse which makes no sense at all.


Well it seems that Eldar souls actually go through a recyling process and are reborn, however since Slaanesh is fucking eating them all that cannot happen. So now they are trapped in Soul stones as well. Then there's the fact that Eldar live ridiculously long and thus producing children isn't something they do like rabbits.

Also apparently the Eldar baby-making process is some long ass thing that happens in 4 stages! Then there's the fact that so many of them are dedicated to their aspect that they don't have time for that shenanigans coupled with the long ass child making process.

In the game Space Marine you pick up servo skulls that tell the story of different happening to different people during the ork invasion.
One of them is where a family is trying to get out and leaving messages for one of their family members to find them asap.
My question is how are families living on forge worlds? Aren't forge worlds apart of the adeptus mechanicus? The AM don't have traditional "families" I thought. I thought they were created in vats.

Yes the Mechanicus has sway and lordship over them, but they still need manpower. The populations are huge on Forge Worlds where they work in factories, or mining and what not. The entire planet is used as a giant factory, you can't have millions of servitors, so you need people.


Ah, sweet, you can your Daemon Prince Wings to make him a Winged Monstrous Creature. Maybe a MURDER SWORD as well.

Before the game you declare one enemy model to be the target of the MURDER SWORD. Once the wielder of the MURDER SWORD comes into base contact with the model during Assault, the MURDER SWORD doubles the users strength, the weapon becomes AP1 and gains Instant Death due to its special rule, MURDER

Huyck huyck


In the game Space Marine you pick up servo skulls that tell the story of different happening to different people during the ork invasion.
One of them is where a family is trying to get out and leaving messages for one of their family members to find them asap.
My question is how are families living on forge worlds? Aren't forge worlds apart of the adeptus mechanicus? The AM don't have traditional "families" I thought. I thought they were created in vats.

Yes the Mechanicus has sway and lordship over them, but they still need manpower. The populations are huge on Forge Worlds where they work in factories, or mining and what not. The entire planet is used as a giant factory, you can't have millions of servitors, so you need people.

It's similar to (but not the same as) chapter/legion serfs in the Astartes.
As a pet project I might write a feature-film screenplay set in the Warhammer 40k universe. I figure the only way you could do it is if the story revolved the imperial guard - y'know... the "normies" - and not the giant superhuman space marines.

I've got plenty of experience in screenwriting and script reading so I want to put a decent amount of effort into this little pet project. I like the idea of featuring the imperial guard as they are far more relatable and you can invent any world to fit your story needs.

I can imagine the main character being uplifted from his home planet and conscripted into the imperial guard, encountering "tons of crazy shit" (I'm just putting that there because I haven't though of anything yet) and then hurrying back to his home planet before a tyranid force wipes it out.

Drop (no pun intended) some great big awe inspiring space marines from the sky via drop pods and have them be extremely present in the action sequences and some of the story but keep the characterisation mostly contained to the imperial guard (ie the perspective of the normal humans).

It wouldn't be Warhammer 40k if it wasn't "shit your pants in despair" bleak, so I don't want the protagonist to be some great hero that rallies the troops to repel the alien force. The imperial guard are cannon fodder and the protagonist knows the situation is bleak with the only thing he can really do is rescue his family from the planet and let the space marines and tyranids destroy each other on the surface.

The end sequence in Children of Men will be an influence, but scaled up to suit the 40k universe.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share that because it'd be interesting to brainstorm ideas with people.
As a pet project I might write a feature-film screenplay set in the Warhammer 40k universe. I figure the only way you could do it is if the story revolved the imperial guard - y'know... the "normies" - and not the giant superhuman space marines.

I've got plenty of experience in screenwriting and script reading so I want to put a decent amount of effort into this little pet project. I like the idea of featuring the imperial guard as they are far more relatable and you can invent any world to fit your story needs.

I can imagine the main character being uplifted from his home planet and conscripted into the imperial guard, encountering "tons of crazy shit" (I'm just putting that there because I haven't though of anything yet) and then hurrying back to his home planet before a tyranid force wipes it out.

Drop (no pun intended) some great big awe inspiring space marines from the sky via drop pods and have them be extremely present in the action sequences and some of the story but keep the characterisation mostly contained to the imperial guard (ie the perspective of the normal humans).

It wouldn't be Warhammer 40k if it wasn't "shit your pants in despair" bleak, so I don't want the protagonist to be some great hero that rallies the troops to repel the alien force. The imperial guard are cannon fodder and the protagonist knows the situation is bleak with the only thing he can really do is rescue his family from the planet and let the space marines and tyranids destroy each other on the surface.

The end sequence in Children of Men will be an influence, but scaled up to suit the 40k universe.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share that because it'd be interesting to brainstorm ideas with people.

Why would he be uplifted? normally planets send whole regiments not just one person. Unless he is special somehow (psyker or something) guess that would make him harder to identify with and i dont think he would be fighting to save his own planet. They will send him to some backwater planet he never heard of.


As a pet project I might write a feature-film screenplay set in the Warhammer 40k universe. I figure the only way you could do it is if the story revolved the imperial guard - y'know... the "normies" - and not the giant superhuman space marines.

I've got plenty of experience in screenwriting and script reading so I want to put a decent amount of effort into this little pet project. I like the idea of featuring the imperial guard as they are far more relatable and you can invent any world to fit your story needs.

I can imagine the main character being uplifted from his home planet and conscripted into the imperial guard, encountering "tons of crazy shit" (I'm just putting that there because I haven't though of anything yet) and then hurrying back to his home planet before a tyranid force wipes it out.

Drop (no pun intended) some great big awe inspiring space marines from the sky via drop pods and have them be extremely present in the action sequences and some of the story but keep the characterisation mostly contained to the imperial guard (ie the perspective of the normal humans).

It wouldn't be Warhammer 40k if it wasn't "shit your pants in despair" bleak, so I don't want the protagonist to be some great hero that rallies the troops to repel the alien force. The imperial guard are cannon fodder and the protagonist knows the situation is bleak with the only thing he can really do is rescue his family from the planet and let the space marines and tyranids destroy each other on the surface.

The end sequence in Children of Men will be an influence, but scaled up to suit the 40k universe.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share that because it'd be interesting to brainstorm ideas with people.

Abandoning your post, soldier? *BLAM*


As a pet project I might write a feature-film screenplay set in the Warhammer 40k universe. I figure the only way you could do it is if the story revolved the imperial guard - y'know... the "normies" - and not the giant superhuman space marines.

I've got plenty of experience in screenwriting and script reading so I want to put a decent amount of effort into this little pet project. I like the idea of featuring the imperial guard as they are far more relatable and you can invent any world to fit your story needs.

I can imagine the main character being uplifted from his home planet and conscripted into the imperial guard, encountering "tons of crazy shit" (I'm just putting that there because I haven't though of anything yet) and then hurrying back to his home planet before a tyranid force wipes it out.

Drop (no pun intended) some great big awe inspiring space marines from the sky via drop pods and have them be extremely present in the action sequences and some of the story but keep the characterisation mostly contained to the imperial guard (ie the perspective of the normal humans).

It wouldn't be Warhammer 40k if it wasn't "shit your pants in despair" bleak, so I don't want the protagonist to be some great hero that rallies the troops to repel the alien force. The imperial guard are cannon fodder and the protagonist knows the situation is bleak with the only thing he can really do is rescue his family from the planet and let the space marines and tyranids destroy each other on the surface.

The end sequence in Children of Men will be an influence, but scaled up to suit the 40k universe.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share that because it'd be interesting to brainstorm ideas with people.
I think you've got the right idea. The most an IG could hope to accomplish would be small potatoes galactically. Getting his girlfriend onto the last civilian transport or something. Human drama playing out against the backdrop of giants slugging the hell out of each other can be compelling. It would never make it onto the screen, though. How long do you think a draft could survive like that until it got buried under notes like, Couldn't the hero plant a bomb on the alien mothership?, or What if the hero is secretly the Emperor reincarnated! And now the Emperor is a pretty decent guy who doesn't hate aliens and a wisecracking Tau provides comic relief.
Why would he be uplifted? normally planets send whole regiments not just one person. Unless he is special somehow (psyker or something) guess that would make him harder to identify with and i dont think he would be fighting to save his own planet. They will send him to some backwater planet he never heard of.

I meant the entire planet would be targeted for conscription.

I think you've got the right idea. The most an IG could hope to accomplish would be small potatoes galactically. Getting his girlfriend onto the last civilian transport or something. Human drama playing out against the backdrop of giants slugging the hell out of each other can be compelling. It would never make it onto the screen, though. How long do you think a draft could survive like that until it got buried under notes like, Couldn't the hero plant a bomb on the alien mothership?, or What if the hero is secretly the Emperor reincarnated! And now the Emperor is a pretty decent guy who doesn't hate aliens and a wisecracking Tau provides comic relief.
I personally prefer to not to cheapen projects with cliche Hollywood tropes as I think they're a lazy method of engaging the audience. This type of screenplay would never get made but I wanted something that is good enough to be included in my portfolio, and I wanted to do something with Warhammer 40k because the lore is so rich and the scope of the universe so vast that I thought it would provide a huge number of story opportunities.

As for the elements of the story: I like the idea of the protagonist being from a garden/agriculture world because it'd provide a juxtaposition against the relentlessly bleak war machine of the Imperium.


Online Ho Champ
The problem I see with the whole Emperor not being a God (God-God, not a Warp-God) is that there are saints and shit running around the Imperium. Hell even in the first 3 books
Euphrati Keeler somehow managed to channel some of the Emperor's power by invoking it
which sort of even leaves the reader in a state of not knowing which is truly correct.

Yes the Emperor the pre-eminent psyker in the 40k Universe. I don't know why the Eldar insult his powers, not even Eldrad Ulthran compares to him. He single handedly:
- Provides the Astronomicon for the entire Imperium
- Holds Chaos at bay
- Prevents the souls of men from being consumed by Chaos
- Astropaths exist solely because of him and his ability to impart powers to them
- Powers living saints
- Guides other psykers through his tarot
- Gets more powerful the more humans die as their souls become part of his warp presence.

wait i thought the emperor of man was purposely made by like 12 ..psykers and the best shamanistic rituals and etc etc . He's not a god because he was engineered to bring man into a golden age i though. He is worshiped as a god but ...yeah he's not like the chaos/warp gods or anything
Guys, why are there no female space marines or guardsmen? Is there some kind of fluff reason for this? It just seems a bit weird that the Sisters of Battle have a monopoly on women soldiers. And I seem to remember something about the Sisters of Silence, are they still around?
There are female IG troops and Commissars. There is no reason you couldn't make your own all female IG army if you wanted to convert all the troops. The fluff allows for this and much more.

Necromunda has an all female gang from House Escher, along with female special characters, bounty hunters, and there are females in the Spyrer Gangs too.

Many of the Eldar, both regular and dark, are female.

Of course, the Sisters of Battle are almost entirely female and it contains one of my favorite minis ever made.

Saint Celestine


All things considered, they do lack a presence in the 40k universe. However, the ones that are there are usually pretty bad ass. Lots of Inquisitors seem to be women!


Online Ho Champ
Guys, why are there no female space marines or guardsmen? Is there some kind of fluff reason for this? It just seems a bit weird that the Sisters of Battle have a monopoly on women soldiers. And I seem to remember something about the Sisters of Silence, are they still around?

there are inquisitors and female guardsmen and of course the sisters of battle. The gene seed of the emperor must be for XY only.
I meant the entire planet would be targeted for conscription.

I personally prefer to not to cheapen projects with cliche Hollywood tropes as I think they're a lazy method of engaging the audience. This type of screenplay would never get made but I wanted something that is good enough to be included in my portfolio, and I wanted to do something with Warhammer 40k because the lore is so rich and the scope of the universe so vast that I thought it would provide a huge number of story opportunities.

As for the elements of the story: I like the idea of the protagonist being from a garden/agriculture world because it'd provide a juxtaposition against the relentlessly bleak war machine of the Imperium.

It's very much how Blomkamp wanted to approach Halo, I think itll be the easiest way to transition audiences into the big crazy world of 40k.


Guys, why are there no female space marines or guardsmen? Is there some kind of fluff reason for this? It just seems a bit weird that the Sisters of Battle have a monopoly on women soldiers. And I seem to remember something about the Sisters of Silence, are they still around?

Gender representation probably never occurred to the original writers, and people like Matt Ward and C.S. Goto are still employed by Games Workshop. See also: racial diversity.

The Sistahs are not around in anything recent, but I don't think there's been a reason given why.
Gender representation probably never occurred to the original writers, and people like Matt Ward and C.S. Goto are still employed by Games Workshop. See also: racial diversity.

The Sistahs are not around in anything recent, but I don't think there's been a reason given why.

I was reading on id40k about all the sick shit Ward put the Sisters through. He seems to have a weird fascination with having them die in the most horrific ways possible.
Gender representation probably never occurred to the original writers, and people like Matt Ward and C.S. Goto are still employed by Games Workshop. See also: racial diversity.

The Sistahs are not around in anything recent, but I don't think there's been a reason given why.
But the Salamanders are black!

Sadly, the Sisters of Battle seem to lately be used for one thing: getting shit on and killed, and if they're lucky it's not in that order. See Mat "I need your blood for extra cleanliness" Ward's Grey Knight codex for a pretty good example.

From a gaming standpoint, the all-metal force with no physical codex basically guarantees that they don't see much play, and few people starting a new Sisters army. The "codex" being trash doesn't really help.


wait i thought the emperor of man was purposely made by like 12 ..psykers and the best shamanistic rituals and etc etc . He's not a god because he was engineered to bring man into a golden age i though. He is worshiped as a god but ...yeah he's not like the chaos/warp gods or anything

The Emperor is akin to Godhood as much as the Chaos God's are akin to it. The Chaos Gods aren't "God" in the way that they are omnipotent. They are just incredibly powerful beings and for all intents and purposes may as well be a god. Thus the Emperor by the same nature is also a "God" as he pretty much has super ridiculous powers that seem to rival the Chaos gods.

As for females. Yep there are loads of female IG, but no female SM. I would think the physiological change would be too demanding for pretty much close to all females. Men barely cope with it, and by nature men are physically stronger than women. So if they can barely do it, what's the point of trying it on a woman?


Dark Eldar horrible?

I think a squad of Grey Knights slaughtered a bunch of them to make blood wards from them.
The Emperor is akin to Godhood as much as the Chaos God's are akin to it. The Chaos Gods aren't "God" in the way that they are omnipotent. They are just incredibly powerful beings and for all intents and purposes may as well be a god. Thus the Emperor by the same nature is also a "God" as he pretty much has super ridiculous powers that seem to rival the Chaos gods.

The Chaos Gods are literal gods in the Warp. They can craft planets out of thin air if they choose to.
Mother Gullet - Legends tell of a daring and hideous crime perpetrated by a Callidus Assasin against a Planetary Governor who though himself strong enough to defy Imperial rule. The governor doted on his infant son, and had him guarded night and day to prevent his kidnapping to be used against him as a hostage. According to the tale, a Callidus Assassin disguised herself as the child's nanny, and so gained access to the princeling. Employing the shape-changing powers of polymorphine, the resourceful Assassin swallowed the child like a python, and carried it away past the guards in her belly. The Planetary Governor soon capitulated to Imperial authority.



The Chaos Gods are literal gods in the Warp. They can craft planets out of thin air if they choose to.

Yet they too were created, not begotten. Comparing power in the warp to power in the material universe doesn't seem quite the same. They are very different planes of existence that follow different rules.

I am of the belief that the Emperor also has a sort of presence in the warp. If the Chaos gods (and the random minor one's) are created due to emotion and what not, then human devotion to the Emperor must also produce something.


I was reading on id40k about all the sick shit Ward put the Sisters through. He seems to have a weird fascination with having them die in the most horrific ways possible.

Sadly, the Sisters of Battle seem to lately be used for one thing: getting shit on and killed, and if they're lucky it's not in that order. See Mat "I need your blood for extra cleanliness" Ward's Grey Knight codex for a pretty good example.

I'm kind of surprised that Abnett has never done any Sisters work, their function is an interesting case study in the paranoia and rivalry that characterizes the Imperium and we all know how much he loves writing about that, plus his Inquisitorial series was pretty strong on both gender and racial representation, at least by 40K's "final round of limbo" low standards.


Speaking of Abnett, I finished Prospero Burns on my way to see a client today.
Bjorn the Fell-Handed
ruminating on how horrible it must be to spend your days as a dreadnought? Holy fanservice, Night Haunter!


As for females. Yep there are loads of female IG, but no female SM. I would think the physiological change would be too demanding for pretty much close to all females. Men barely cope with it, and by nature men are physically stronger than women. So if they can barely do it, what's the point of trying it on a woman?

Um, I'm fairly sure there's a fair amount of research out there that shows women have a higher pain threshold than men, and given their longer life expectancies are fairly resilient overall.

Lets be honest - there are no female space marines because the universe was invented in the eighties by a group of guys who would have first thought of aardvark space marines before women entered their heads. A huge amount of the GW universe really does come from that teenage boy 'grim dark!' perspective.


Um, I'm fairly sure there's a fair amount of research out there that shows women have a higher pain threshold than men, and given their longer life expectancies are fairly resilient overall.

Lets be honest - there are no female space marines because the universe was invented in the eighties by a group of guys who would have first thought of aardvark space marines before women entered their heads. A huge amount of the GW universe really does come from that teenage boy 'grim dark!' perspective.

It's not about pain threshold, but the fact that the human female is smaller and weaker than the male. The change isn't about the pain, but whether the body can take the trauma of the change. A cockroach is more resilient than a human....but it's still pretty weak by comparison!

Yea, I get you; the whole 40k Universe is geared towards guys, but you could definitely put forward a "scientifically logical" reason as to why they are no female SM. I'm sure you could get around it, but all I'm saying is the genetic potential of a male in terms of physical capacity is greater than that of a female. If you want the best physical creation, why would you use a female?


Speaking of Abnett, I finished Prospero Burns on my way to see a client today.
Bjorn the Fell-Handed
ruminating on how horrible it must be to spend your days as a dreadnought? Holy fanservice, Night Haunter!

Not going to lie, as a Space Wolves fan after seeing Ahriman, Kharn, Abaddon etc as their books point of view characters I was really, really disappointed that we got a lame human character in PB and not the big man himself.


is now taking requests
Yea, I get you; the whole 40k Universe is geared towards guys, but you could definitely put forward a "scientifically logical" reason as to why they are no female SM.

Yeah, i'm not exactly an expert but aren't the space marines genetically altered with their primarchs gene seed or whatever? It could be as easy as having females not being compatible with that genetical change.
It's not about pain threshold, but the fact that the human female is smaller and weaker than the male. The change isn't about the pain, but whether the body can take the trauma of the change. A cockroach is more resilient than a human....but it's still pretty weak by comparison!

Yea, I get you; the whole 40k Universe is geared towards guys, but you could definitely put forward a "scientifically logical" reason as to why they are no female SM.

The obvious solution to me seems to be just make smaller, weaker Space Marines when necessary. The Imperium could only benefit from having more Marines, right?


I'm all for female SM if they can create them. However the Imperium and the Chapters themselves are all about THE BEST OF THE BEST and what not so they probably only recruit men as they are the strong of the 2 sexes physically. The only one who truly knows the science of the gene-seed is the Emperor. So it would be pretty hard to produce a gene seed that is compatible with women (if that's even how it works).

Hey maybe those lost 2 Primarchs were female?


In a universe full of post and ab humans, the aspects of sexual dimorphism in homo sapiens sapiens doesn't seem very relevant to me.

Not going to lie, as a Space Wolves fan after seeing Ahriman, Kharn, Abaddon etc as their books point of view characters I was really, really disappointed that we got a lame human character in PB and not the big man himself.

identity was even a cheap reveal. -_-

Kharn being the calm voice of reason in Butcher's Nails is probably the highlight of the HH series for me.


The obvious solution to me seems to be just make smaller, weaker Space Marines when necessary. The Imperium could only benefit from having more Marines, right?

I don't think that really an option, not enough Gene-Seed to go round. Remember that Chapters have to recover the gene-seed from fallen marines in order to create new ones.


They are wearing *power armour*. Physical strength doesn't come into it at that point - that's the entire purpose of the armour! Plus also, space marines are supposed to be the elite, special forces of the Imperium - are we really saying that the main requirement for that is physical strength? Not tactical planning, strategic thinking, resilience etc?

Sorry but there's no real, logical reason that space marines should all be men. But then this is a universe where the average hand weapon appears to have half the range of a modern gun and chain swords are all the rage so who knows what's going on logically. ;-)
I decided to start working on the Eldar army I have been collecting for over 20 years. I'm doing a unique Craftworld (untitled right now) and it is going to have several distinct forces. I don't play the game. I just paint and model scenery.

First - Scouts
This will be done in loose olive/worn leather/grey, even the jetbikes. The vehicles will be converted to look like they have been away from the Craftworld for decades with lots of packs/gear, a very worn look, and modifications made in the field by the sout riders.
3 WarWalkers
5 Jetbikes
15 Scouts
Illic Nightspear

Second - Guardians
I found my color scheme (which can be the hardest part!). It is based off of this artwork by Andrew Bawidamann.

I want a bright, exotic look. A bright orange should be easy to deepen and highlight, with black/white as a stark contrast. Yellow will be my "pop" color, so things like clear canopys and such will pop out a bit.
2 Falcons
2 Wave Serpents
40 Guardians
3 Support Weapons
3 War Walkers
1 Autarch

Third - Psychics
I want a lot of Warlocks to mix within the Guardian/Wraith armies if I want to.
1 Farseers
10 Warlocks

Fourth - Wraiths
1 Wrathknight
2 Wrathlords
15 Wraithguard (10 ranged, 5 CC)

Fifth - Aspects
Unlike the above Guardians, these will all be colored pretty much to the "normal" paint schemes, with a Fairweather twist of course! I love the aspects. I love the variety. I love the hierarchy within each one. I have always had a thing for them.

Each Aspect will also have it's respective Phoenix Lord and exarch!

20 Dire Avengers
10 Banshees
10 Scorpions
10 Hawks
10 Warp Spiders
10 Reapers
10 Specters
10 Dragons

No shining Spears, heavy armor, or flyers because I don't have any of them. I already own about 65% of what I listed above! If/when I ever finish the above, I would look into adding armor and flyers. I really like the flyers so those would come first. I would also add a single squad of 10 Harlequins for fluff and as a painting break.

I just need to come up with a symbol/name for the Craftworld and do a couple test models. I would do the Scout Squad first because all I need is 10 pathfinders and I'll have everything I need to finish that off. Next, I would work on the Guardians and paint an Aspect squad in between so I don't get sick of the same color scheme.


They are wearing *power armour*. Physical strength doesn't come into it at that point - that's the entire purpose of the armour! Plus also, space marines are supposed to be the elite, special forces of the Imperium - are we really saying that the main requirement for that is physical strength? Not tactical planning, strategic thinking, resilience etc?

Sorry but there's no real, logical reason that space marines should all be men. But then this is a universe where the average hand weapon appears to have half the range of a modern gun and chain swords are all the rage so who knows what's going on logically. ;-)

There really is. Marines are monstrously huge even without their armour and they're enlarged to this state because they're implanted with genes from their 'father' Primarch. Potential aspirants can't even be over the age of like 30 otherwise the process will kill them. If this helps, it kind shows their anatomy:

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