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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


So my local hardware store has started carrying Warhammer stuff, and I was considering getting into the game. Couple of questions:

  1. Should I get the big ass starter box, or am I better off buying the rulebooks and some minis and just starting from there.
  2. Is there any good alternatives to the Citadel paints/tools/etc?

The starter box is a great deal, more so if you want to play either army in the box. Maybe split the minis and cost with a friend?

I really like Citadel paints, but I also use Vallejo paints as well. Mainly Citadel, though. For everything else there is always tamiya or whatever generic brand you can find at your local hobby supply spot. I think the only Citadel tool I have is the sprue cutters and that's just because I was impatient at the time when I needed them. Besides that, I only buy glue and paints. You could find better glue elsewhere but I like the applicator.

Hah Alpharius/Omegnon are just a giant ? in every way including tier ranking.

Precisely the way they like it.
I think I'm pretty much done with (collecting) my Space Wolves. I'm up to;

20 Grey Hunters
25 Blood Claws
12 Long Fangs
5 Wolf Scouts
20 Wolf Guard Terminators
10 Skyclaws
3 Swiftclaws
3 Dreadnoughts (Bjorn, Murderclaw and venerable)
a Stormwolf
2 Rhinos
A drop pod
Logan Grimnar
Harold Deathwolf
Njal Stormcaller
A Rune Priest
A nameless Wolf Lord
Ragnar Blackmane
Ulrik the Slayer
An Iron Priest
A Land Speeder

I think aside from a couple of notable exceptions (Thunderwolf Cavalry and a Land Raider or two, maybe a couple more drop pods) I have the core of really good fast assault force ready to go. Those are most definitely on the shopping list once I've got a chunk more of these painted.

Anybody have any suggestions for options I may have overlooked?

I'm itching to try out the Grimnar's War Council +Arjac/Grimnar formation in a drop pod just for shits & giggles in a friendly game.


Does anyone know what color Vellejo Game or Model Color (or Army Painter too I guess) paint Russ Grey would match up with? I've checked paint compatibility charts on Dakka but the ones I saw didn't list Russ Grey. Searching around led me to posts saying Wolf Grey in Vallejo was the equivilant but the charts I saw said Fenrisian Grey and Wolf Grey were the same (and other people elsewhere said Fenrisian and Wolf were the same. How could Vallejo's Wolf Grey be the same as Citadel's Fenrisian AND Russ Grey (which are two separate colors?).
I bought a bunch of Vallejo paint from MiniatureMarket today for my Space Wolves but have to resort to getting Citadel Russ Grey from somewhere else. That and Guilliman Blue, but the Russ Grey base coat is more important than Guilliman blue at the moment.


Those charts might be a touch outdated and could be going by the old Citadel color names before they went ahead and redid the names. Might be worth looking up what they used to be called.
The starter box is a great deal, more so if you want to play either army in the box. Maybe split the minis and cost with a friend?

I really like Citadel paints, but I also use Vallejo paints as well. Mainly Citadel, though. For everything else there is always tamiya or whatever generic brand you can find at your local hobby supply spot. I think the only Citadel tool I have is the sprue cutters and that's just because I was impatient at the time when I needed them. Besides that, I only buy glue and paints. You could find better glue elsewhere but I like the applicator.

Thanks for the info.

Follow up question: Can I get the other two books that come with the main rulebook (A Galaxy of War and Dark Millennium) separate for a decent price? Or is my best bet to just get the full set when I'm ready to move on from the starter game?


Does anyone know what color Vellejo Game or Model Color (or Army Painter too I guess) paint Russ Grey would match up with? I've checked paint compatibility charts on Dakka but the ones I saw didn't list Russ Grey. Searching around led me to posts saying Wolf Grey in Vallejo was the equivilant but the charts I saw said Fenrisian Grey and Wolf Grey were the same (and other people elsewhere said Fenrisian and Wolf were the same. How could Vallejo's Wolf Grey be the same as Citadel's Fenrisian AND Russ Grey (which are two separate colors?).
I bought a bunch of Vallejo paint from MiniatureMarket today for my Space Wolves but have to resort to getting Citadel Russ Grey from somewhere else. That and Guilliman Blue, but the Russ Grey base coat is more important than Guilliman blue at the moment.

Check this chart out



Considering getting into Warhammer (mainly want a hobby that doesn't involve a screen), I've had a look around the internet and it seems that 40K is massively favoured over Fantasy? Kind of a shame because I'm quite into the whole fantasy aesthetic.

I'm also not sure how much I'll actually play the game - part of the reason I'm considering miniature wargaming as a hobby is the painting, setup and lore appeals to me. If that's the case, should I just not worry that fantasy isn't as popular?

I'm also curious what the minimum size/cost army is needed for each? Not really interested in competitive play, but it would be nice to buy two opposing armies so my partner and I could occasionally play together.

Finally, I know this is the 40K OT, but whats the thinking/word on the alternative games (Kings of War, WarMachine, Horde, etc)?

EDIT: I've also borrowed several of the latest 40K codices, so am going to have a look through those as well.
Considering getting into Warhammer (mainly want a hobby that doesn't involve a screen), I've had a look around the internet and it seems that 40K is massively favoured over Fantasy? Kind of a shame because I'm quite into the whole fantasy aesthetic.

I'm also not sure how much I'll actually play the game - part of the reason I'm considering miniature wargaming as a hobby is the painting, setup and lore appeals to me. If that's the case, should I just not worry that fantasy isn't as popular?

I'm also curious what the minimum size/cost army is needed for each? Not really interested in competitive play, but it would be nice to buy two opposing armies so my partner and I could occasionally play together.

Finally, I know this is the 40K OT, but whats the thinking/word on the alternative games (Kings of War, WarMachine, Horde, etc)?

EDIT: I've also borrowed several of the latest 40K codices, so am going to have a look through those as well.

Warhammer Fantasy is about to undergo a massive shake-up with several of the armies going the way of the dodo, so I'd hold off getting anything for it (or alternatively buy up everything you like the look of before they disappear from the shelves, but that would be extremely expensive). I'm more of a collector at this point myself. The games have a lot of flaws but the models are still amazing and I love the lore. If you're the same then I really wouldn't worry about its popularity, or lack thereof.

I couldn't really comment on other gaming systems but if you're interested I would suggest going to this thread and BattleMonkey will tell you all you'll ever need to know.


Warhammer Fantasy is about to undergo a massive shake-up with several of the armies going the way of the dodo, so I'd hold off getting anything for it (or alternatively buy up everything you like the look of before they disappear from the shelves, but that would be extremely expensive). I'm more of a collector at this point myself. The games have a lot of flaws but the models are still amazing and I love the lore. If you're the same then I really wouldn't worry about its popularity, or lack thereof.

I couldn't really comment on other gaming systems but if you're interested I would suggest going to this thread and BattleMonkey will tell you all you'll ever need to know.
Thanks for the link! (didn't come up in my 'warhammer' title search :p ).

Thanks for the info re Fantasy. It's a hard decision, I definitely think being a collector is what I'll end up doing, but I don't necessarily want to rule out playing the game (and obviously a more popular system makes that more feasible).
As someone who has recently come back to the hobby and started from scratch there are a few things which, when combined, have already saved me hundreds of pounds.

Those things are eBay, Dettol (or Simple Green for the U.S.), toothbrushes and awful, awful painters. Buying stuff on eBay will typically save you maybe a pound or two if you buy it new or just assembled/undercoated, but if you go for the stuff that's been really badly mistreated, the stuff with 5mm of paint applied in several layers all over it (to the point where they should really get extra armour saves) you can get some real bargains.

Just chuck those blobbilly painted monstrosities in a sealed container with the dettol for 24 hours, then scrub them with the toothbrush (and maybe a toothpick for tiny bits left in crevices) and the paint will slide right off, leaving you with a brand new looking miniature. Just whatever you do don't rinse them in water until you've got all the paint off or they'll go slimy.

About half if my current army has been salvaged this way and once they're undercoated it's impossible to tell between the salvaged ones and the ones I assembled myself brand new out of the box.

Bonus points go to people who use super glue on plastic figures - they're so much easier to swap out arms and weapons.
For eBay? Nah, I just search the army name I'm looking for and filter it by ending soonest, and check throughout the day.

Typically the really poorly painted stuff won't have been bid on anyway.
Thanks for the link! (didn't come up in my 'warhammer' title search :p ).

Thanks for the info re Fantasy. It's a hard decision, I definitely think being a collector is what I'll end up doing, but I don't necessarily want to rule out playing the game (and obviously a more popular system makes that more feasible).

Well, it might be worth waiting to see if the rumours of this new fantasy system is true since it might revitalise the player base (I'm guessing part of the reason this is happening is because of Fantasy's lack of popularity), and the armies will be smaller so it'll be easier to get started. There's a risk that the new lore and factions will suck but at least I'm confident the models will look pretty.


For eBay? Nah, I just search the army name I'm looking for and filter it by ending soonest, and check throughout the day.

Typically the really poorly painted stuff won't have been bid on anyway.

Thanks for the tips... I might grab some minis this way later in the summer. A basepainted mini that goes for 45€ is 20€ on ebay.


I dunno, searching for items in EU tends to give some really nice stuff.

Yeah that was a little harsh, there's some really nicely painted stuff on there at suitably high prices, but when you're checking every couple of hours you see some really cheeky buggers trying to pass off awful paint jobs as Golden Demon runners up, people putting up photos taken from codex photos for unassembled, unpainted figures with half the pieces stripped out, blatantly misleading photos of Epic vehicles made to seem like out-of-focus 40k vehicles... all kinds of scumbaggery.


Yeah I found one piece that had it's arm off and unpainted, but the rest of the mini was pretty good, other than there being no fake text on the purity seal vellum.

Just searching "painted" I found some hideous blueberries but all the chaos stuff was at least decent other than the two forgefiends that were only primed.


I think only Angron has made an appearance post Heresy. Fulgrim put Guilliman in stasis essentially but that was still before the era we know now.

Mortarian killed the Grey Knight chapter master who preceded Khal Draigo on some world whose name I can't remember.


Angron fucked up Armageddon before the Orks did it and he's done a couple of other gigs. Other than that, Magnus rekt the Space Wolves at one point, but the rest of them are sitting in the warp, playing the Great Game.

Perturabo has definitely ventured out a few times. The Iron Cage and Toil I think.


Those charts might be a touch outdated and could be going by the old Citadel color names before they went ahead and redid the names. Might be worth looking up what they used to be called.
I'll have to check an official GW chart then because I can't ever find Russ Grey on any of the other charts.
Thanks. That is actually the first chart I checked, I have it bookmarked and pull it up anytime I have a paint question. No Russ on it though.


Just as I'm reinforcing my no-GW purchases rule by not buying the Assassins, Forge World come along and release this:


These would work perfectly as a Rogue Trader and band / Inquisitorial support - which is my entire army cabinet. Damn them.

(Although at £65, it's actually an easy decision for me to make, sadly...)
Yeah, I'd love a set of those just for painting, but I can't justify £65 for what is essentially only a handful of models. They're so nice, but FW prices are just too high for me.


A coworker who just ordered a bunch of FW items let me flip through the catalog they sent him. Some of the ork vehicles were tempting but they don't really have any cool Space Wolf shit, so it is an easy choice to not spend time being interested in FW. Though they will have to make a Leman Russ Primarch figure at some point, so I may have to consider forking over too much money to them when they do.
How are Orks to play these days? Anyone know what the popular force builds are?

And Space Marine is an excellent game, love how well it captures the universe (or rather a tiny corner of it).


I guess I will be getting a third Knight then. I wonder if anyone will actually let me use all three in a single game.

How many guns does that thing have? I see a cannon, the gatling thingie, a twin-linked autocannon (heavy stubbers?), two heavy stubbers and it's that a storm bolter below the gatling? That`s a lot of dakka.
How many guns does that thing have? I see a cannon, the gatling thingie, a twin-linked autocannon (heavy stubbers?), two heavy stubbers and it's that a storm bolter below the gatling? That`s a lot of dakka.

Yeah, it's pretty impressive. There should be a battle cannon coming out of its face. Perhaps a tail with a few multi meltas attached to it as well? Finally, some heavy flamers right at knee level too.
How many guns does that thing have? I see a cannon, the gatling thingie, a twin-linked autocannon (heavy stubbers?), two heavy stubbers and it's that a storm bolter below the gatling? That`s a lot of dakka.

I think they may be flamers underneath the gatling cannon. Almost certainly autocannons up top for AA duties. Stubbers would be too weak.

I guess I will be getting a third Knight then. I wonder if anyone will actually let me use all three in a single game.

Maybe if you let them field three wraithknights :p


Unconfirmed Member

More Admech incoming.

In WD they talk about six branches of the Admech: Skitarii, Cybernetica, Reductor, Myrmidon, Titanica and Ordinatus. The first two now have 40k books, the next two are in 30k, the Titanica are covered by Forge-World. My guess is that we will be seeing an Ordinatus super weapon soon. Hopefully a combied book as well.
I have all the new mechanicus miniatures on a poster that came with the Assassin board game. There are lots more coming. I'll snap some pics and post them later.


I don't quite like those castellax models. I prefer the forge world ones. I think it's the head which is out of place:

The GW ones instantly reminded me of old TV robots from Lost in Space and what have you with the glass dome heads. Isn't that what they're going for, with them supposed to be 10k year old tech? I dunno. Looks kinda cool, kinda silly.
Here are those pics. I thought there were more. Sorry for the poor quality, I'm in a hurry.





Between these and forge world, you could make a pretty sweet army now.


Unconfirmed Member
Here are those pics. I thought there were more. Sorry for the poor quality, I'm in a hurry.

Between these and forge world, you could make a pretty sweet army now.

I really like the Battle Servitors and the Dominus. They should look good together with my Skiitari and Knights.
The GW ones instantly reminded me of old TV robots from Lost in Space and what have you with the glass dome heads. Isn't that what they're going for, with them supposed to be 10k year old tech? I dunno. Looks kinda cool, kinda silly.

They're recreating the old Ad Mech robot models, specifically this one:



If I remember correctly I was reading one of HH forums and supposedly the next three books are all anthology collections

I saw one of the recentish anthology releases promises to detail the ascension on Molech... assholes that should have been in Vengeful Spirit already.


Only ADB could make excited by the prospect of a book about a dude forced to sit on a chair because his son is smartdumb as heck and created a rip in the immaterium on Earth because he never heard of picking up a phone.
I'm actually kind of interested in the human webway wars tho Kara

Plus you might even get ADB styled philosophical debates between Malcador and the Empruh.
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