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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


There needs to be a massive shift in the story for even one Primarch to come back. Their revival would be such a huge unifying event across the Imperium, especially if it was someone like Roboute Guilliman, and mankind would no longer be on the brink of destruction at every corner.

Even Daemon Primarchs were a big deal. Angrons presence at Armageddon was enough to bring about the culling of entire human populations.


I think there was a retcon somewhere in there. The story that I remember had The Emperor and juiced up Hours going blow for blow, with The Emperor losing. He found a tiny weak spot in Horus' armor that was caused by his fight with Sanguinus earlier that he used to deliver a killing blow.

The new story has The Emperor holding back, trying to talk sense into Horus. When a lone guardsman entered the room where they were fighting, Horus destroyed him with a single glance, at which point The Emperor knew his son was lost and he had no hope of bringing him back. One massive psychic blast later and Horus, having lost all power granted by the Chaos Pantheon and subsequently gaining a brief moment of clarity to see what he has caused, was finally put down by the now drained Emperor of Mankind.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

this sounds right but not 100% sure. I have the 3rd edition rulebook somewhere, vaguely recall the Emperor just barely being able to defeat Horus due to Sanguinius putting a crack in his armor. Will have to go back and look if i can find it. It will be cool to see the final battle told in a book, if we ever get there lol.


Not until they decide to end/reboot the setting. Russ has promised to come back then and there's a few Primarchs MIA and/or on stasis.

I suppose they have more leeway with the traitor primarchs, but so far all I recall are some brief mentions of them brooding away in their mancaves.


I think only Angron has made an appearance post Heresy. Fulgrim put Guilliman in stasis essentially but that was still before the era we know now.


I think only Angron has made an appearance post Heresy. Fulgrim put Guilliman in stasis essentially but that was still before the era we know now.

Angron fucked up Armageddon before the Orks did it and he's done a couple of other gigs. Other than that, Magnus rekt the Space Wolves at one point, but the rest of them are sitting in the warp, playing the Great Game.
I really wish we could get a book to fill in the blanks with Alpha Legion. At the end of Legion they make you think they are on
the empruhs side when Alpharion says "for the emperor" after that imperial lord commander asks him why is he doing this.

After that they just seem to join up Horus' cause willy nilly. So are they kind of playing all the angles or what? I don't see how they can be playing both sides after sending the strike team after Guilliman.


Best leader, I'd say. Probably wasn't a better craftsman than Ferrus, as skilled a fighter as Fulgrim, or as powerful a sorcerer as Magnus.
Best leader, I'd say. Probably wasn't a better craftsman than Ferrus, as skilled a fighter as Fulgrim, or as powerful a sorcerer as Magnus.

I'd say that either Kurze or Sanguinus are just as good as fighters as Horus. Kurze took on Guilliman and the Lion 2v1 and both of them could barely hold their own against him. Even Vulkan
with infinite lives couldn't take out Kurze.

Sanguinus would have fared better against Horus if he had not been severely wounded before he fought him.
I'd say that either Kurze or Sanguinus are just as good as fighters as Horus. Kurze took on Guilliman and the Lion 2v1 and both of them could barely hold their own against him. Even Vulkan
with infinite lives couldn't take out Kurze.

Sanguinus would have fared better against Horus if he had not been severely wounded before he fought him.

The Lion was unparalleled when it came to military genius like tactics and strategies


I'd say Magnus or Alpharius/Omegon. The rest of them are too rulebound to think laterally. Guilliman especially, since he threw a hissy fit about Alpha Legion doing war in the "wrong way".


Rapid Response Threadmaker
so its pretty much confirmed that the Emperor is the most powerful psyker of all time in imperium history

wait so the Emperor was holding back against Horus in their fight in the beginning?

That's established. All of the Primarchs just have a fraction of one part of the Emperors power.

The Emperor's psyker power is so powerful he could project his image to everyone within several miles radius, basically cause what you would call a Battle Hymn miles wide, could blast someone out of existence with a glance, and without any effort make his appearance and others look completely different.
who had the most raw intellect of the primarchs

The Lion?


I agree with Tacitus as far as outside the box thinking. I'd say the top primarchs engineering wise would be Vulkan, Manus, and Perturabo. Angron had the most potential out of all of them intellectually but the butcher's nails ruined any chance of that.

I'd also say Fulgrim was a mid tier fighter since
he nearly fell if Manus had not hesitated to finish him off on Isstvan.

edit: I also love Alpha Legions Machiavellian motif from Legion "Why struggle for Utopia when we are an imperfect species?"
lets say a primarch did come back..lets say Guilliman and his orginizational genius..how much of a paradigm shift would occur in the Imperium

would he try to overhaul the imperium right away....would the high lords of terra and the powers at be try to get rid of him..


A civil war most likely. "You did WHAT while I was in stasis? You are worshipping my half dead father as a god? And the primarchs as holy?" Then he'd get the blueberries and go knocking on Terras door.

Mego Thor

Neo Member
First order of business for Robot Gorillaman is to clear up the pronunciation that's been butchered over the millennia.


"Get your own Sister of Battle, buddy!"
weren't the Primarchs pretty much full of superior complexes..

i mean these 18 guys saw themselves as pretty much superior to the billions and billions and billions of people in the imperium


Much more mechanical than the fluff has them. They tend to be on megasteroids there and a weapon arm + integral augmetics.

E: Then again, the mechanicus like to tinker with their own stuff so these are just to that forge worlds specification


weren't the Primarchs pretty much full of superior complexes..

i mean these 18 guys saw themselves as pretty much superior to the billions and billions and billions of people in the imperium

Well I think you need to be a bit of a sociopath to lead massive legions or entire planetary systems. It's in the job description.


Holy fuck Rakarth Flesh + Carroburg Crimson shade on it makes absolutely disgusting looking flesh tubes.

weren't the Primarchs pretty much full of superior complexes..

i mean these 18 guys saw themselves as pretty much superior to the billions and billions and billions of people in the imperium

All of them knew they were superior to anyone but the Emperor. Some of them let it get to their heads, some of them did not.
༼つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give II and XI legion origin stories BL ༼つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
it's funny though Abaddon achieved more than all the primarchs and surpassed Horus
in the words of Abaddon

"Horus was weak, Horus was a fool. He had the whole galaxy within his grasp and he let it slip away.


I think there was a retcon somewhere in there. The story that I remember had The Emperor and juiced up Hours going blow for blow, with The Emperor losing. He found a tiny weak spot in Horus' armor that was caused by his fight with Sanguinus earlier that he used to deliver a killing blow.

The new story has The Emperor holding back, trying to talk sense into Horus. When a lone guardsman entered the room where they were fighting, Horus destroyed him with a single glance, at which point The Emperor knew his son was lost and he had no hope of bringing him back. One massive psychic blast later and Horus, having lost all power granted by the Chaos Pantheon and subsequently gaining a brief moment of clarity to see what he has caused, was finally put down by the now drained Emperor of Mankind.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Might be true, but if so that retcon is 20+ years old. I remember reading the latter story with the Emperor finally realising Horus's true nature and nuking him instantly in high school which was a loooong time ago.


Unconfirmed Member
Might be true, but if so that retcon is 20+ years old. I remember reading the latter story with the Emperor finally realising Horus's true nature and nuking him instantly in high school which was a loooong time ago.

The first version is from 2nd edition. I think it was retconned in 3rd edition..
So, after starting to build a new army (I stopped playing/collecting at the start of 3rd edition, and lost all my miniatures in a move ten years or so ago) I've got the foundation of my Space Wolves up and running. So far I have;

•10 x Grey Hunters
•15 x Blood Claws
•5 x either Skyclaws or jump pack Wolf Guard
•A bunch of assorted Wolf Guard with misc weapon combos to act as Pack Leaders as needed
•5 x Wolf Guard Terminators
•5 x Long Fangs
•Bjorn the Fell Handed
•Some nameless Wolf Lord in boringly neutral power armour
•Njal Stormcaller in Terminator armour
•A Rune Priest
•A Tech Priest
•Ulrik the Slayer
•A drop pod
•Crafting knife scores on my thumbs
•A shit-ton of painting to do.

Pretty happy with that lot, but I just managed to get a Rhino, three space marine bikers, about 30 more assorted Space Wolf troops, a couple of characters (including the old metal Logan Grimnar) an old metal Bjorn and a new bog-standard Space Marine dreadnought for £30. That should fill out the ranks nicely, very pleased with that acquisition.

I'm going to strip the ones which have been painted so that I can repainted them to fit in with the colour scheme I'm aiming for (despite the fact that the test model I've painted shows I'll probably do a worse job that the previous owner!) but I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do with the dreadnoughts.

A metal Bjorn seems a bit useless since I have a new, far superior plastic one already assembled and primed, but I'm reluctant to sell him on when there's bound to be something interesting I could do with the model. As for the standard plastic dreadnought, I'm wondering if there are enough bits left over from the space wolves box I assembled Bjorn from to give it a bit more... wolfiness. Perhaps there are even enough bits left over to turn it into a Murderfang...
Awesome work :)

I finished my first Skitarii unit off today! Hoping I can afford some more soon, when money isn't so ridiculously hard to come by.

Oh god, it's happening.

Between this and the seemingly hilarious news of the Eldar update, this is turning into a very interesting week.

Edit: better image added.

Some people are throwing a massive shit fit over the proposed Eldar changes and nobody's even seen the damn book yet.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Awesome work :)

I finished my first Skitarii unit off today! Hoping I can afford some more soon, when money isn't so ridiculously hard to come by.

Nice job. Not the best pictures but they look really nice. I just think the bases aren't quite there. Maybe a black rim or a tuft or something will finish it off nicely. Lovely models that you've done justice to.


Unconfirmed Member
GW are releasing a new 40k board game featuring the Imperial Assassin's next month. Hopefully the rules have more thought put in to them than the new Eldar codex.
GW are releasing a new 40k board game featuring the Imperial Assassin's next month. Hopefully the rules have more thought put in to them than the new Eldar codex.

Here's hoping for some amazing new assassin models, although all the old ones still look great. And wow at the eldar codex. I thought it would be another case of people whining over nothing but they really do seem to have wrecked the balance of the game. Looks like I'll need to shelve my warhost for a while.


Oh god, it's happening.

Between this and the seemingly hilarious news of the Eldar update, this is turning into a very interesting week.

Edit: better image added.

Some people are throwing a massive shit fit over the proposed Eldar changes and nobody's even seen the damn book yet.

Never been so hyped over something I will never own. That thing is going to make the Manta look like a bargain.

Edit: Was thinking about starting an all infantry Guard army after re-reading Gaunt's Ghosts. Don't think that'll be happening at almost £2 a model though haha.
Edit: Was thinking about starting an all infantry Guard army after re-reading Gaunt's Ghosts. Don't think that'll be happening at almost £2 a model though haha.

Shame those Tanith models aren't available anymore, they were really nice.

Surely it must be possible to get regular guard for a good bit less than £2 a man. If not then goddam, I'm amazed anyone starts a guard army.

That is pretty cheap, it used to be 2.5k.

I can't tell if you're joking but he's talking pounds sterling, not points. Or maybe some other currency. £2k seems nuts, even for forgewold.

Never mind, had a look at the thread in question and it's just someone having a laugh. I'm fully expecting it to be around £1k though.
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