I've been chatting to the manager of my local GW about getting back into painting and my stupid decision to paint 30 Grey Hunters at once. He asked me to paint something up and take it in to show him, so rather than some faceless Space Marines I've decided to paint up something I'd really enjoy: a little history of Ghazghkull! Sorry in advance for both crappy iPhone photos and my very primitive painting ability - I'm back in the hobby after 15+ years away and still learning.
First off, the very first figure to bear the name Ghazghkull. This was a standard Goff (Nob?) back in the day which Andy Chambers took, customised slightly and named Ghazghkull. He took him through a bunch of battles for White Dwarf and eventually he was included in the game's lore.
Obviously this is a
very early work in progress, I've only really got half the base colours on him so far.
Next is the very first figure I was ever given and the one which kickstarted my love of both 40k and the Orks in general. I recently got this figure back from my brother who saved it from the bin about ten years ago without my knowledge when I thought I'd never play/collect 40k again. I stripped it down to the metal and started again, but I really wish I'd taken some photos of just how badly teenage me had painted it - I'd certainly feel a lot better about my current abilities as a painter if I had. I considered replacing the missing spike on his helmet but to be honest I have horrible memories of having to find and reattach that bloody thing every time teenage me took him to and from a battle, so I'm going to let him wear that battle damage with pride.
He's about 90% done so far, there are a few bits I need to touch up and some I want to recolour, but I'm happy with how he's looking. It was a lovely experience repainting as an adult something I really struggled with in my early/mid teens.
Finally, the big guy. I mentioned earlier in this thread that I didn't want to get a finecast version of this model (it's one of those miniatures which
needs some weight to it) so managed to find a metal one on eBay which wasn't missing the horns. It was an absolute arseache to fit together, so many parts were poorly fitting or warped in some way, but I still think he's a magnificent mini.
I'd say I've finished this one, but I think it's one of those minis I'll keep going back to and tidying bits up over years. Already I think his face and adamantium skull could use some work.