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Warhammer 40,000 |OT| In the Grim Darkness of the Community Forum There Is Only War


The new developer walk through video for Total War: Warhammer is


Just imagine a game like this set during the Horus Heresy

Leading in Imperator titans and the Dark Angels against the Emperors Children and the daemons of Slaanesh.

Having a company of chaos marines charge on me and I use an orbital drop right in the center of them

Thunderhawk strafing runs

Primarchs as hero units and terminator squads

I think Relic should keep 40k since astartes are limited in number for conflicts but a Horus Heresy game like this NEEDS to happen.

yeah a 40k or horus heresy era Total War game would be kray, and i think its likely that we will see one if this is a success.

One of the things that irks me about 40k games (and maybe I'm wrong) is there are so many cool special characters in the lore but they are never in the games. It looks like Total War:Warhammer is going to have them in game.
Most of the Eldar Phoenix Lords need new models. The Howling Banshee Lord, yikes.

Guy who made the amazing Warp Spiders you may have seen kicking around has come up with this:

Helmet's a bit dodgy but I still think I'll get one. Hopefully he does all the phoenix lords.

Yeah, I think they're supposed to be frag grenade launchers. I don't recall any Eavy Metal painters ever giving them the effects that they used for lenses.

What's a frag grenade launcher? All I can see are his mega armour's stikkbomb chukkas!
I popped into my local store with a view to getting either a Land Raider (Crusader) for Arjac's formation or a Battlewagon for my Orks. Either would've been a practical purchase for either army, providing an essential role for getting some hard-hitting units where they're needed safely and providing covering fire when needed.

I ended up buying a completely impractical, overpriced (points AND money) Gorkanaut because WAAAAAAAAAGH!
How so? I absolutely love the miniature and will field it every chance I get but aside from it looking like something unbelievably nasty which needs to be taken down quickly (and therefore soaking up shots which would otherwise be popping open my transports) I can't really see much use for it. It'll tear open vehicles if it ever gets close enough but otherwise the firepower is pretty lacklustre.


RE HH games:

1. Yes please.
2. You could make a sweet RPG about the Knights-Errant. Like 30% of the story is collecting party members already.
How so? I absolutely love the miniature and will field it every chance I get but aside from it looking like something unbelievably nasty which needs to be taken down quickly (and therefore soaking up shots which would otherwise be popping open my transports) I can't really see much use for it. It'll tear open vehicles if it ever gets close enough but otherwise the firepower is pretty lacklustre.

That's pretty much problem with any of the giant units in the smaller scale games, they just become instant slag as everything on the table shoots at them. You just got to hope that rolls fail and that they don't take it down quick enough that it can return enough fire to get a return on investment.
I've finished painting him a couple of nights ago, very happy with how he's come out and I've learned a lot about resisting the urge to fully assemble large models before painting them - the gunners and areas around/behind the legs and arms were an arseache, but lesson learned!




The base still needs flocking and I'm sure the more I look at it, the more I'll want to touch up parts of it, but I'm very pleased with where it's at.


Looks pretty good. That is some solid yellow you laid down on that.

I've got a quick question: What is he best way to take apart a partially assembled mini that is made up of panels and large flat pieces? My buddy had a Necron monolith that he started assembling a couple months ago. He got the main pyramid portion of the monolith assembled before realizing that the corner guns were supposed to go in before he got that far. I have now found myself in possession of the monolith and want to assemble it but I don't really know what my options are. I figured that I would try to work a hobby knife into the glue seams and separate large pieces off but another guy told me that would be extremely tough.

Also, I have now added to my 40K collection. The owner of the monolith is the guy who gave my the SW portion of his StormClaw box, then bought a shitton of Ork stuff, decided he didn't want to play Orks and wanted to play CSM instead, and sold me all of his Ork stuff for $100. He bought a bunch of CSM stuff, decided he didn't want to play that and wanted to play Necrons instead, and traded all CSM minis for a handful of WFB dwarves from another coworker. After accumulating a large amount of Necron minis (probably several hundred dollars in Doom Scythes alone), he bought a bunch of Grey Knight boxes. Now he is at the point where he plans on going back to the U.S. at the end of the year and doesn't see himself playing Warhammer, only WarmaHordes and Malifaux. He also said selling the stuff online would be a hassle, so he was going to throw it all away. I have seen him throw away tons of minis when frustrated with them (I thought he had thrown that Monolith away) and knew he was serious, so I said I would buy them. He told me he wanted $200. So for $200 I got a ton of GKs, at least 2600 puts in Necrons (we added up 2600 in only assembled minis and there are still dozens of sprues full of minis, as well as three more Doom Scythes and a bunch of boxes of other stuff), tons of boxes of WFB chaos minis and barbarians and stuff, his WFB dwarves, several hundred dollars in codices (he went on a buying spree in May or so and bought 7 different WFB codices because he didn't know what army he wanted to play), a bunch of templates and dice cubes and assorted items, a massive castle that he bought made up of many wall sections, a transport case, and a bunch of trays of the new channel foam. I hit the jackpot I guess, but then again I already have incomplete Ork and SW armies. And I never wanted to play WFB. So I don't know what to do with all of it but I'll figure something out I guess.
I really wouldn't know where to start with prying apart that Monolith. Is it possible to remove something from the bottom, where you wouldn't really see it, and pop the gun up and through from there?

I really need a friend with that kind of disposable income and that short an attention span haha. God damn that's a lot of stuff, some really good options there.

Oh and that yellow is Averland Sunset (two thin coats over a black undercoat, that paint is amazing for a yellow) with a Lamenters Yellow glaze over the top, it's an absolutely perfect combo for Bad Moonz, definitely going to use it for all of my walkers.


Well, it's not bad at all, man. I am not fond of the color yellow to begin with and Bad Moon Orks aren't my style, but I know how hard yellow is supposed to be to get down, so I had to comment on it. Was it done by hand or with an airbrush?

And as far as the monolith goes, I don't know. The square portion where the green portal goes is open but it is not a big enough opening to get leverage inside of it to force the guns in. And I think they need to be forced in because each of the four guns have a sphere in the back that is supposed to fit inside the gun housing. I might have to try that though, if I can saw the bottom off.
I've never actually seen a monolith in person so I'm not quite sure how the guns mount, but if you can't open it up, brute force it or get at it from another angle you're pretty much left with cutting the ball joint down to shape and gluing them in a set position rather than having them movable. You could tidy it up with some green stuff afterwards though.

And nope, have never used an airbrush, it's all hand painted.


That makes that yellow all the more impressive.

I did some reading today and it seems like freezing it has a slim chance of working; the cold makes the superglue brittle. If that doesn't work, Simple Green is supposedly able to eat right through superglue. So I'll try that if I have to, just submerge it for a couple days.


Anyone play GKs?
I am looking to buy a StormRaven off a guy on dakka and he is selling a ton of terminators. $5 each is the advertised price but he told me to make him an offer if I need some because he is needing to offload them and isn't looking to make a ton of money on them. He's got them kitted out in a wide variety of ways.
I primarily buy Space Wolves stuff (though I am doing a terrible job of putting together anything that resembles an army) and haven't looked into what a Grey Knights army list looks like yet. I do plan on spending a while on dakka and Bolter tomorrow reading some army lists and the codex but if anyone plays them or has some knowledge to drop about them: are there any termies I should be looking to get? I don't have anyone to play atm so I am not trying to tailor a list to beat any one thing. At the moment I only have the Nemesis Vanguard box (Nemesis DreadKnight, Land Raider, Purgation Squad x5, Paladin Squad x5, and Strike Squad x10), a fine cast HQ unit, and some fine cast Inquisitor I guess. I'm just looking for a list that would be a good starting point and let me have some fun.


I don't know if this is the right place for this, but I had a quick question;

So between Vermintide and Total Warhammer and a bunch of other stuff, I'm really interested in getting into the Warhammer universe. The only problem is that I have no what the deal with the different times is (40k, and what seems to be the normal medieval-esque stuff) and how that all works out, and I probably won't ever get into the board games. Are the board games a huge part of getting into the lore of Warhammer, or can I get a lot of it through other media? And if I don't need to play thr board games, where do I begin?
There's a fantasy game (Warhammer/Age of Sigmar) and one set 38,000 years in the future (40k). Both are almost completely unrelated, only some names and themes connect them, so for all intents and purposes they're totally unrelated to each other.

As for the hobby itself, it's kind of a bunch of interests rolled into one - collecting, army building, painting, the stories and lore and the actual tabletop game itself. It's entirely possible to just pick whichever aspect you're interested in and stick to that, but people typically get interested in one aspect and expand from there into whatever takes their fancy.

I'm absolutely the wrong person to ask about where to start with books etc. though, but I've always heard the best place to start reading about 40k is the books/stories surrounding an event called the Horus Heresy.


Even though the Space Wolves are my most-loved faction and the army I want to devote all of my time to, I think my Grey Knights wI'll become my primary focus for the time being. The lower model count compared to my Space Wolves, Orks, and Necrons means I should be able to complete a force and get it onto the tabletop quicker than the others. A ton of the Necrons are assembled and awaiting paint but I still have a lot to buy for them.
So I managed to get a new-on-sprue DreadKnight just now for $29 and some more termies. That makes two DKs, a StormRaven, several squads of Terminators and some power armor squads that I can combat squad, and a brother-captain. Now I figure that I just need a third DreadKnight and a Librarian.
I've got to wait to get back to the U.S. So I can really dig into assembling and painting but I am hoping that I can be playing a game in a store somewhere by the end of the year.
I've started assembling my table at home:

Obviously I need more scenery, it's pretty sparse at the moment and the stuff I do have is pretty cheap but I'll be adding more as the people I'm teaching to play get better at the game and the armies get bigger. The wife is itching to paint up the buildings for me.

I absolutely love the mat, it's a silly little thing but it's really nice to roll dice on, no clattering.

The tables themselves are great. It's an arseache to find a 6'x4' folding table so I ended up getting three 2'x4' tables, which crucially fold away a lot more conveniently than a single table would.


I've been trying to come up with a decent conversion for a terminator lord to lead my lightning claw termies for ages and I just came across this guy on Forgeworld...


How the hell have I not known about this guy?!?! Crazy good model.
Looks like Tyberos, chapter master of the Space Sharks! Sorry, of course I mean Carcharodons. I think he came out back when FW were covering the Badab campaign.
Yeah, I'm going with Space Sharks. That guy is undeniably badass though.

I'm still hoping the Soace Wolves get some forgeworld loving in the form of a Bran Redmaw model at some point, since they scrapped the prototype they were working on years ago.

Well, I'm hoping for two Bran Redmaw models, really...
From what we're hearing, I'm glad I didn't go to the 40k open day. Still, nice looking new dreadnought there and the new corsair stuff looks good enough for me to start my fourth eldar faction.


Blood for da Blood God Ya'll

Great thread. Out of curiosity, is there a similar thread here on Gaf for Warhammer Fantasy also?
Blood for da Blood God Ya'll

Great thread. Out of curiosity, is there a similar thread here on Gaf for Warhammer Fantasy also?

Even dedicated wargaming forums barely have a Warhammer fantasy section these days. I don't think Age of Sigmar has reinvigorated the scene as much as GW hoped.
Games Workshop stuff on the Humble Weekly Bundle :D finally time for me to man up and jump into Dawn of War.

Edit: Eh, pretty underwhelming bundle but for $6 it's impossible to complain.


Been rereading Double Eagle. God Emperor bless Dan Abnett.
I got Double Eagle in maybe two weeks ago and am excited to start it because I have t read anything from Abnett yet. The pages are dis colored and yellowed to hell though, for being in 'like new' condition though. I will get to it soon; it showed up along with "Victories of the Space Marines" which I bought for the GK short story "Sacrifice." But when they arrived, I had just started the Ciaphas Cain omnibus. I stopped reading that last week when the Space Wolf omnibus 2 showed up, so when that is done I will resume Ciaphas. Today the second Ciaphas Cain omnibus arrived, so when both of those are done, I'll read Double Eagle.


So awhile back me and a friend decided to get into warhammer and split the cost of a starter kit. Having a pre-assembled army was great and all for beginners as I'm sure having to deal with the various wargear/weapons/formations/construction variety right from the get go would have probably turned us both off. However now that we've decided to waste a disgusting amount of money on tiny plastic men really gotten into it, and are looking to expand our armies, we're wondering if there are any good resources for army lists or just some basic build suggestions for assembling a halfway decent force? Neither of us are super competitive, and it really is more about what looks cool (for example I think I'm going to build some skitarii which I keep reading mixed things about), but if we're going to be dropping the money we'd like to make sure we're not going in building something completely ass-backwards.
I got Double Eagle in maybe two weeks ago and am excited to start it because I have t read anything from Abnett yet. The pages are dis colored and yellowed to hell though, for being in 'like new' condition though. I will get to it soon; it showed up along with "Victories of the Space Marines" which I bought for the GK short story "Sacrifice." But when they arrived, I had just started the Ciaphas Cain omnibus. I stopped reading that last week when the Space Wolf omnibus 2 showed up, so when that is done I will resume Ciaphas. Today the second Ciaphas Cain omnibus arrived, so when both of those are done, I'll read Double Eagle.

Dan Abnett is one of my favorite writers for warhammer books. Got a book signed from him once. He is eccentric and friendly.


So awhile back me and a friend decided to get into warhammer and split the cost of a starter kit. Having a pre-assembled army was great and all for beginners as I'm sure having to deal with the various wargear/weapons/formations/construction variety right from the get go would have probably turned us both off. However now that we've decided to waste a disgusting amount of money on tiny plastic men really gotten into it, and are looking to expand our armies, we're wondering if there are any good resources for army lists or just some basic build suggestions for assembling a halfway decent force? Neither of us are super competitive, and it really is more about what looks cool (for example I think I'm going to build some skitarii which I keep reading mixed things about), but if we're going to be dropping the money we'd like to make sure we're not going in building something completely ass-backwards.

1d4chan (ie, the /tg/ wiki) or Bolter and Chainsword.
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