Has any one here been reading "The Beast Arises" series? The synopsis for "The Last Wall" sounds crazy.
Are they no longer doing mass market paperback? Kinda left off at Legacies of Betrayal.
They still do I think but it seems like they usually run a print of trade paperback first (the large ones) then afterwards they do a mass market run.
Fair enough. Guess it just feels like there is a longer wait time these days. I mean, I wouldn't mind getting the eBooks, but they just feel too pricey relative to the number of other books I can get via Amazon. I suppose I do have a giant backlog anyway to get through, but I mean... once I justify spending "big" on black library books... it's breaking the dam, so to speak. XD
I just don't have the physical shelf space anymore to deal with books, and I'm... well I don't want to sell the ones I have because at some point I do re-read them. :/
I can understand that the trade paperbacks take up more shelf space, but do you not like them at all?
I mean yeah they're a bit more expensive, usually around $16-$17 with sometimes being around $20 like Vengeful Spirit. They're so much easier to read though and comfortable than the small mass market paperbacks. I can understand though if someone reads them on a train or something and needs em small to carry around.
I just watched that actually, been following the game pretty closely.
If you pre-order the game now you actually get the beta access build that TB was playing.
I was actually thinking about making the |OT| for the game since no one has claimed it yet. Anyone got any ideas for the name?
Was thinking Battlefleet Gothic:Armada |OT| In space, only Slaanesh can hear you scream.
That Eisenhorn Trilogy in hardback. I couldn't resist. I am kind of a fan. My paperback version is also really worn from reading it several times.
hum... Is the Bequin trilogy done yet?
Been waiting...
^ Did you actually paint those shade differences in the red lighting for the helm? O_O
It looks like it's actually illuminated like there's a red LED inside the collar.
How did you get those tones on the cape O_O
Thanks guys, and yep I actually painted the red shade differences on his face to make it look like there is a light in there.
I'm proud that you think it actually looks like an LED that's exactly what I was going for
I think part of the reason it looks so good is because I used red Fluro pigment to light up the brightest areas and the red flur pigment I've got is really nice and bright.
Edit: TheSadRanger the tones on the cape? I'm not sure what you mean. I started with a darker red tone and shaded with dark reds and purples and blues rather than a bright red and dark reds in the shadows if that's what you mean.
That might be the best OSL I've ever seen, good stuff man. I also love the cloak, the little highlight lines and stuff really make it pop.
Absolutely stunning work! Are the blood strings done with the blood special paint or did you rig something there and paint it?
As a Sons of Horus player... fuck me. Incredible, incredible work. Do you enter painting competitions?
As a lurker in this thread (because I used to love 40K when I was younger), I had to post and comment what a stunningly painted model that is.
Amazing stuff.
Thanks guys, and yep I actually painted the red shade differences on his face to make it look like there is a light in there.
I'm proud that you think it actually looks like an LED that's exactly what I was going for
I think part of the reason it looks so good is because I used red Fluro pigment to light up the brightest areas and the red flur pigment I've got is really nice and bright.
Edit: TheSadRanger the tones on the cape? I'm not sure what you mean. I started with a darker red tone and shaded with dark reds and purples and blues rather than a bright red and dark reds in the shadows if that's what you mean.
Just going to echo everyone else and say amazing work, ColonialRaptor. And not just the model, the base is spot on too. I really like the subtle colour difference between the steps and the eagle so it doesn't look like a homogenous lump.
Holy shit ColonialRaptor! Those are incredible, you should be really proud.
Ace username too.
Are you going to paint any of the other primarchs? Out of the Forge World models of them which one would you do next?
Konrad Curze looks like an amazing model![]()
How many people here are reading the Beast Arises series?
I am, I'm up to The Last Wall, currently listening to the Audiobook. I hate my addiction to Black Library fiction because it's so damn expensive :/
How many people here are reading the Beast Arises series?
Live stream of Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
Gawd damn the cutscenes look cool
I'm sure there will be an archive of it if you miss this.
Read all of them so far. The latest had a fucking awesome last chapter. (actual spoiler)diplomat boyz
Hey WarhammerGAF, I've been painting models for years out of love of the hobby (though I've never really played the game, ha. One of these days I'll give it a shot), but I realized that I don't really know anything about the universe aside from the readers-digest version of the races. Where is the best place for someone to jump in with the books?
Eisenhorn trilogy is where I got started. Gives you a pretty good idea of everything going on, and the narrative is pretty good as well.Hey WarhammerGAF, I've been painting models for years out of love of the hobby (though I've never really played the game, ha. One of these days I'll give it a shot), but I realized that I don't really know anything about the universe aside from the readers-digest version of the races. Where is the best place for someone to jump in with the books?
What faction or army do you paint the most of or like the aesthetics of most?Hey WarhammerGAF, I've been painting models for years out of love of the hobby (though I've never really played the game, ha. One of these days I'll give it a shot), but I realized that I don't really know anything about the universe aside from the readers-digest version of the races. Where is the best place for someone to jump in with the books?
Welp, I got nothing for recommendations on the Skitarii. For Orks, there is the current ongoing The Beast Arrises series that had the Orks making a major push on Terra. It seems to be pretty decent from all the accounts I have seen (including people talking about it in here). A cool portrayal I have seen of Orks Is in the second Space Wolf book. And if you like Orks, I can again recommend the Ciaphas Cain series. Ciaphas and the Valhallans spend most of the time I have seen so far fighting 'Nids and Genestealer Cults but the Orks are the sworn enemy of the Valhallan Ice Warriors and there are some confrontations, specifically a great story in the book Death or Glory. Here is a short description of the book from Wiki:You guys are awesome. Thanks for the recommendations! I do like the look of the Skitarii and the Orks the most, so maybe I'll start looking in that direction.
But if you are gonna read that, then you gotta start at the beginning of the Cain series. The first omnibus on Amazon can be ordered for ~$12 but is currently OOS (will be delivered when they get more, though). The second omnibus, which contains the above story Death or Glory, is $15. I would say pick them both up: $30 or so for 1500 pages of quality 40K story is a pretty good deal.A prequel to the first novel in the series, Cain is still attached to the Valhallan 12th field artillery when the story begins. After being forced to board an escape shuttle to survive a disastrous space battle with ambushing Orkish invaders that damages the troopship he is in, Cain is reported dead in the gunfire and confusion. Landing behind enemy lines after three weeks, and after the fleet he was with makes planetfall on Perlia themselves, Cain and his aide Jurgen must make their way through an entire continent of greenskins with nothing but the supplies aboard the shuttle, what they can scrap from the Orks, and what remnants of the Perlian PDF that they can round up as they make their way back to Imperial lines.
Awe, don't mention Titanicus! I bought a New hardback of that for $5 on Amazon and the seller ended up being one of those "Do legit business until you've got decent feedback, then sell a bunch of stuff and cut n run" kind of sellers. I got my money back ($5, lol) but I really wanted the book.Skitarii show up generally when the AdMech shows up. The Priests of Mars trilogy is pretty nice, as is the novel Titanicus. The codex tie-in books are ok bolter, er radcarbine porn, if you don't mind a lot of "this new codex unit used this codex wargear" and "piston boosted strength".
And I heartily second the Cain books. It's Blackadder goes to Space! in 40k
I always recommend the first Space Wolves omnibus, there is a lot of stuff in it that explains how space Marines are built and trained.So, after reading up a bit on AdMech stuff on wikis (I actually thought Skitarii was the catch all name and AdMech/Cult Mechanicus were the factions within), I think I do want to start in there, so I'll probably pick up Dark Adeptus. Thanks for the recommendation!
Also, if I want to jump into some regular old Space Marine books(since they seem to be the central players in 40k), is Horus Heresy (Horus Rising I think is the first book) the place to start? That's the one I always hear about, at least.
The first Space Wolf book is fantastic, minus the fluff conflict with which Rune Priest found Ragnar. The first book though is great in the way it depicts the transformation into an Astartes. The rest of William King's Space Wolf books are also great and then the quality nosedives when he left and Lee Lightner took over, but you are correct when it comes to that first omnibus is great at showing the origins of a Space Marine: showing the transformation into a Marine, being a young impulsive newbie Marine, and then finally having some command and being a veteran.I always recommend the first Space Wolves omnibus, there is a lot of stuff in it that explains how space Marines are built and trained.