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Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 2 |OT| FOR THE EMPEROR!!


Llyranor said:
Is Last Stand only 1 map?
Unfortunately, yeah. It can get a little repetitive, because the waves are fundamentally the same every round as well. Only thing that differentiates every match is the selection of heroes/war gear equipped.

Nevertheless, for free DLC, I can't complain, and definitely enjoyable in 20-30 minute spurts.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Really enjoying this. The lack of base building is a god send for campaign mode, I wish their were some more units that you got to use though, it sucks to see a predator tank drive by and not be able to control it. Campaign modes in RTS's are usually painful and I get bored immediately, but this RTRPS, or whatever it is gonna be called, is much more addictive and enjoyable. I haven't tried multiplayer beyond a few quick games of LMS, but I just got Supreme Commander for the large scale base building skirmishes, so LMS is probably the only MP I will play for a long time.


I think I need to get a premade group for Last Stand. People always go "OMGWAVEWHAT?WHATNOWAAHHH!" on wave 19 and get raped buy those damn plasma marines. :lol


Traced-Velocity said:
Unfortunately, yeah. It can get a little repetitive, because the waves are fundamentally the same every round as well. Only thing that differentiates every match is the selection of heroes/war gear equipped.

Nevertheless, for free DLC, I can't complain, and definitely enjoyable in 20-30 minute spurts.

I bet we'll get 2 or 3 new maps at least in the next patch. I hope they can try and do a more random wave type too. Or at least have completely different waves on each map.
Hey, I just bought this on Steam and was wondering how the online community is? Is it possible for me to jump right into the multiplayer and easily find other newbies to play against, so I can get some practice? Or should I just do the campaign and CPU skirmishes to prepare myself?


crimsonheadGCN said:
Hey, I just bought this on Steam and was wondering how the online community is? Is it possible for me to jump right into the multiplayer and easily find other newbies to play against, so I can get some practice? Or should I just do the campaign and CPU skirmishes to prepare myself?

The community is strong. I can always find a game within a minute or two. I'd probably do a couple of CPU battles first and get to know whats what as the online can seem pretty damn hard at the start(when you know what units do what you'll find good strategies though). Try a 2vs2 as well I find them a lot easier than 1vs1.


GAF parliamentarian
I'd do a CPU match just to get the hang of what your units can do, but don't focus on learning how to play from it. The AI is nothing like a human player, and the best way to learn that is to jump in.


i just played TLS and my first online vs game.

TLS was lots of fun. seems like it will be great in short bursts.

got my ass raped in multi head to head of course. NO idea what was going on. :lol hopefully i can stick with it and at least have some fun with it. i need more practice and i should probably read up a bit on what the hell is going on.

my opponent did give me a tip or two, but i probably just need a good amount of practice to let things sink in a bit.

really great game. im loving it.
I think I'm very close to the end of the campaign and I was wondering if I could play through the game on harder difficulty levels with my current commander? Or will I have to make a new one?

The game is excellent so far. It's really enjoyable and it's the first time that an RTS has held my attention. I've played Starcraft, Warcraft 3, and CoH, but none of them ever seemed to hold my attention for more than a few days.


Having grabbed this during the Steam sale, I've been playing the campaign co-op with a buddy, and we just obtained the
, a little bit after we just got our first
Terminator armor
. Awesome! Really enjoying the game. The game plays somewhat like Diablo where each controls 2 chars, and it works pretty well. The RPG skillsets are nice; we have trouble thinking about how best to level up characters. Item management is pretty fun as well.

I was disappointed in the beta (skirmish/PvP was pretty meh), but I'm really glad I got the game for campaign/TLS. If the xpac provides good co-op content, I'll be there much earlier this time around.


Llyranor said:
If the xpac provides good co-op content, I'll be there much earlier this time around.

same for me. the expansion is very much on my radar now. definitly a first for me with any RTS.


GAF parliamentarian
I hope it doesn't launch at the same price as DoW2. As much as I love the game, I've felt burned time and time again looking at sales. The most recent being the THQ pack at the same price I shelled out for it. ><


Lyphen said:
I hope it doesn't launch at the same price as DoW2. As much as I love the game, I've felt burned time and time again looking at sales. The most recent being the THQ pack at the same price I shelled out for it. ><

dont do that to yourself. this can be said about most games this gen and espceially PC games. this is the price we pay for wanting a game right when it comes out.

if you want it at a discount dont buy it right when it comes out. i got DOW2 at a sale price, so i have no problem paying full price for an expansion. the game is awesome.


will learn eventually
Lyphen said:
I hope it doesn't launch at the same price as DoW2. As much as I love the game, I've felt burned time and time again looking at sales. The most recent being the THQ pack at the same price I shelled out for it. ><

PC expansions are generally around 30$.
Chaos Rising preview

From the very first mission, Chaos Rising starts setting out its stall and showing off how much Relic has learned and improved since the launch of DOW2. The inclusion of Chaos provides one of the biggest new features, the Corruption meter, a meter on each of your character pages which can, if filled to certain levels, unlock various traits for your squad members.

Filling it up, however, is predicated on how you play the game - whether you act in an honourable, Space Marine style way, or let your anger and impatience get the better of you and barge through with wanton disregard for your surroundings, for example.

This is a much more subtle and important system than DOW2's rather underwhelming Tyranid infestation meta-game. Corruption is a self-selecting difficulty system in its own right, with players forced to actively choose between doing the "pure" thing (which may be a lot harder) and doing the "corrupt" thing (which is probably much easier).

The reasons why you might want to be very corrupt or very pure lie in the traits unlocked by the Corruption bar. Essentially bolt-on abilities for your characters, independent of its levels (the level cap, by the way, rises from 20 to 30, with each of the skill trees extending correspondingly), these are interesting abilities which all have unique trade-offs in their power. You might, for example, get a powerful new attack - but when you use it, it drains your own health.

The Corruption meter allows Relic to add even more customisation to the game's RPG-style character sheets, but without adding too much extra complexity, since the decisions you make regarding Corruption come through the flow of play rather than being left for you to puzzle out on the character screen itself. It also hints strongly at Relic's other big change in Chaos Rising - a fundamentally new approach to how it creates missions.

This is another aspect where the team knew it had a weak point that needed addressing. "When we started hearing feedback about the Dawn of War II campaign being repetitive, the missions being repetitive... We just thought, okay, that's got to be one of the key things we try to improve," Lydell says.

To that end, while the length of the single-player campaign is quite respectable - "it's about the same length as the first Company of Heroes, around 15 hours" - the structure is quite different to DOW2. There are only 15 missions - significantly fewer - but each is more complex, boasting several key decision points (which often influence your Corruption score, depending on how you tackle them) and a host of sub-objectives which build to a climax. From Lydell's descriptions, it's a far cry from DOW2's somewhat-pedestrian structure of fighting through a dungeon and then beating a boss in every single level.

Of course, no expansion would be complete without some extra units to play with in multiplayer - yet on that front, Lydell remains tight-lipped. The Chaos race, of course, will be playable, and we know that the Space Marines are getting their hands on a new unit in the form of the Librarian, a caster class with a very unusual skill-set of customisable spells. As for the other units, Lydell is happy to let Warhammer 40,000 fans speculate away.


Gold Member
Preview sounds nice. Corruption is definitely a needed factor in the DoW universe. Wonder if we'll see full-blown mutation, like your hero space marines mutating into huge spider-like demons after being too corrupted?

Lyphen said:
I figured it'd be a bit pricier, since it's stand-alone. Pray I'm wrong.

Dark Crusade and Soulstorm were both stand alone, and those were $30 iirc.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Please up the commander count to four, and give Chaos one selection for each God. That would be so, so awesome.

Chaos Rising is sounding incredible so far. March is so far away.


Really enjoyed the co-op campaign, and The Last Stand is a blast (we still can't get past the
mirror wave
, though!). Xpac is definitely day1.

What really stands out for me is how nicely implemented the RPG elements and customization options are, even better than in many other so-called RPGs - for both campaign and TLS. The stats/skills play a huge role in determining how your characters will play like. And the skill trees are through and through appealing; there's a lot of 'I want this skill' 'Oooh, I want that one too' 'Maaan, I want them all'. Items and equipments also go a long way for customization, especially given how easy it is to swap them in and out. I really like how you have a lot of viable options, and even the early items retain their usefulness until the very end, rather than later items simply replacing earlier ones simply by how much more powerful they are.


Been playing a lot more of Last Stand, and it's really fun. Good pacing (earlier waves end very quickly). The
mirror wave
was haaaard, but after some party build planning, we managed to get past it. We've gotten to wave 19, only to get butchered by a bunch of
dreadnoughts and terminators
. Awesome!

Again, really want to reiterate how awesome the customization is in this game. We've constantly switching weapons and items in and out as we plan new builds. The RPG elements are simply astounding, 'for a RTS'. Great stuff.


K.Jack said:
Please up the commander count to four, and give Chaos one selection for each God. That would be so, so awesome.

Chaos Rising is sounding incredible so far. March is so far away.

Isn't the Librarian a commander? I'm guessing that means the other classes will get a new one too.


Unlimited Capacity
Bring back the quotes! Brink back the quoooooootes!!!!

Steam says I've played Dawn of War 2 for 156 hours :lol


So anyone see a benefit of using the elite status for your character in the last stand?

I did it last night for my Farseer and I regret it. You start over at level 1, lose all your equipment, and the only thing you get is an item that increases your overall score. The problem is this item requires a slot to use and that would be better served using it on your items. Also, this elite bonus only increases your total score and doesn't even buff your exp. Pretty much worthless.

I'll get my Farseer back to 20 and keep her there! I've put over 50 hours into this mode alone, so I really don't have too much to complain about over a freebie. I'm looking forward Chaos Rising to hopefully fleshing out TLS with more characters, more items, better way to handle drops, and have elite status actually be worthwhile.


Couldn't find a gamertag list. Just beat it on Primarch after having it on backlog for the past year and on Recruit now to pick up some achievements. Anyone looking for a coop or last stand partner?


A friend and me have been playing a whole freaking lot of TLS, with one random every time. Community's pretty nice. We've pretty much friended everyone we've played with.


So I got this game in the THQ pack from steam, and it's a really great game, I'm loving it.

I fixed my problem I was having with my campaign. I beat the campaign today, it seemed pretty short to me but very enjoyable. Theres no way I could beat it on a harder difficulty though, or at least some of the missions. But I'll probably try to crawl through the hardest difficulty.. eventually.


Steam page is now up for the DoW2 Chaos Rising expansion:


* New Single Player Missions – Continue your fight against the enemies of the Emperor and use your squads’ wargear, abilities, and experience to battle Chaos in 15 new missions
* New environment and Multiplayer Maps – New ice planet graphics set will increase the visual diversity and adds 7 new PVP maps
* Aspire to Glory – Build your existing squads up to level 30 and unlock even more devastating abilities
* Chaos Corruption Mechanic – New single player mechanic allows you to equip incredibly powerful equipment that corrupts your squad and will guide the story towards or away from the corrupting influence of Chaos
* New Multiplayer Race – Swear loyalty to the Chaos Gods and play as the bloodthirsty Chaos Space Marines in multiplayer battles against both Chaos Rising and Dawn of War II owners
* New Units – New units for the Space Marines, Ork, Eldar, and Tyranid armies in multiplayer.
* 2 New Last Stand Heroes – Face off against the relentless horde as either the Chaos Sorceror or Tyranid Hive Tyrant

Looks pretty meaty overall. Hopefully there are a couple new last stand maps included.


They'd probably have listed new Last Stand maps if there were going to be any. Not that I think the mode necessarily needs new maps. I'd be more interested in new heroes/levels/abilities/waves.


I would like to see all of the above.

Last stand is great (I've put well over 50 hours into this mode alone), but there is a ton Relic could do to flesh it out.


man, i need to get back into this game. still havent finished the campaign. im halfway through a singleplayer and a multiplayer campaign.

need to play some more TLS too. it was pretty fun from what little i played of it.

now i want to play this when i get home.

hulot said:
Couldn't find a gamertag list. Just beat it on Primarch after having it on backlog for the past year and on Recruit now to pick up some achievements. Anyone looking for a coop or last stand partner?

sure, if youre still up for it. my steam name fbdaigoro if you want to add me. i work nights and have weird hours though. maybe PM me here if you want to try to set something up.


Steam says I've put almost 50 hrs into this game. The campaign was probably less than 20 hrs, so the rest must have all been in TLS (and considering it lists me as having spent 18 hrs on the game in the past 2 weeks - wow - that's all been exclusively TLS).

Really love the mode. All that time has only been spent on one hero so far, which I've finished max'ed out at lvl 20 (Mekboy, while my buddy plays the Space Marine). Even though it's only one single map, the mode hasn't gotten old at all. As we level up, we keep unlocking cool new abilities that make us continuously reviewing and adapting/experimenting our builds, playing them off each other. That all helps keep the gameplay very fresh. I really like how the higher-level abilities don't make the older ones obsolete at all; in fact, we're constantly switching between items every match, trying a few things out. The customization is simply oustanding. During this time, we've only made it to wave 20 once, haha :D We are definitely going to be playing through each of the other heroes as well, and two new heroes for the xpac will give it a lot more replay/lasting value.

This game is now definitely on my top10 list this year.

If you want to TLS at some point, add Llyranor to GFWL.


went to look at the steam page, was kinda interested in how much I actualy played this

Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II
256 hrs on record

kinda stoped playing after TLS, need to get back into the game, althrough I'll probably play as shit now -.-
someone tell me, SMs still broken in MP?


eznark said:
Looks freaking great. Have we heard a price on that at all? Guessing $30?
I believe that's the price that all of Relic's stand-alone expansions have come out at. Hopefully they keep the pricepoint :D


Llyranor said:
If you want to TLS at some point, add Llyranor to GFWL.

uhhh. i want to!

but why is your GFWL id different than your normal LIVE id (plutobux)? im confused.

but yes, lets play.

Enosh said:
went to look at the steam page, was kinda interested in how much I actualy played this

Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II
256 hrs on record

uhhhhhhh. wait! since when did steam start recording overall play time? does it do this for every game? is this new?

ive been wanting this feature for ever.


Daigoro said:
uhhhhhhh. wait! since when did steam start recording overall play time? does it do this for every game? is this new?

ive been wanting this feature for ever.
I have no idea how long that's up, but if you go under "my stats" on your community page you get the total number


Unlimited Capacity
Warhammer® 40,000&#8482;: Dawn of War® II
4.2 hrs / 160.3 hrs

Good show. I'm ready for some Last Stand.

SteamID: Tetsuo_2k
GFWL: Tetsuo2k


Alright, I sent some requests out. My tag is same as username. I can usually get on past 7pm EST on weekdays. Last Stand or coop. Too scared to jump into pvp just yet though...
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