The Lunch Legend
GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Read the post.Could you be specific as to what war crimes were committed that violated the Hague Convention of 1907 and the Hague Draft Rules of Air Warfare of 1922-1923?
Read the post.Could you be specific as to what war crimes were committed that violated the Hague Convention of 1907 and the Hague Draft Rules of Air Warfare of 1922-1923?
Read the post.
Go read the documents.Sorry, I mean can you post the actual part of the law/treaty/convention that you feel was violated. You're referencing some big documents and saying they were violated, but expecting people to either believe you or read the whole thing to find out where the violation occurred.
Go read the documents.
Also, Japan firmly denounced the use of nuclear bombs in a protest :
"The Hague Conventions also prohibited the employment of "arms, projectiles, or material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering". The Japanese government cited this prohibition on 10 August 1945 after submitting a letter of protest to the United States denouncing the use of atomic bombs"
It was a war crime.
You engaged me, and I told you what to do. If you don't want to do it, fine. Go quote someone else.I'm not going to read through every single part of the Hague documents (which are quite large) to try to figure out YOUR argument. Respectfully, either cite what section was violated or don't engage in the discussion. Coming in and saying, "You are wrong and something else proves it, but I won't tell you how or where so figure it out for yourself," is a poor way to engage in a discussion.
You engaged me, and I told you what to do. If you don't want to do it, fine. Go quote someone else.
There's no discussion here. I'm trying to enlighten you, but I can't hold your hand.Great rebuttal. Way to really hold your own in this discussion.
There's no discussion here. I'm trying to enlighten you, but I can't hold your hand.
Go read the documents and stop crying like a bitch.
Cool down and go engage someone else.You're not enlightening anyone by saying, "Somewhere there is evidence that proves my claim." It isn't hand-holding to say, "This is what the U.S. violated, which is why the action was a war crime." That's you supporting your claim, which is what everyone does in a debate. Even without knowing your exact argument (likely because you don't have one and just want to sound intelligent) I still rebutted your claim (which you didn't quote since you wanted to be a brat about this). Sorry your feelings got hurt. Maybe you can find a safe space on Ree.
Cool down and go engage someone else.
We're done here.
I didn't call you a bitch, I said stop acting like one.I don't need to cool down. You're the one that called me a bitch. I was respectful the entire time. You behaved like a child. I'll engage anyone I please on this open forum. If you don't like that then set me to ignore or don't bother posting.
Also, I have stated several times that Germany and Japan violated existing laws/treaties/conventions that made their actions war crimes at the time they were committed. I have also stated that the aggressor is allowed to be punished by the defender(s) when the aggressor loses. By my logic we would not have needed to absolve every Nazi accused during the Nuremberg trials. In contrast, the U.S. broke no laws/treaties/conventions at the time they dropped the two atomic bombs. The U.S. was not the aggressor. We didn't start it, but we sure finished it.
I didn't call you a bitch, I said stop acting like one.
I can't have an actual discussion with you if you haven't done your proper research.
If you go do that, then we'll talk.
If not, that's fine. "engage" elsewhere.
I think you don't understand the issue with legal positivism and the moral crux of the Nuremberg trials.
Why do you insist on disobeying me? Are you that hard-headed?Do you think that makes it better? It's disrespectful for absolutely no reason.
I have proven that I did my research. You didn't respond to the rest of my post that rebuts your statement, and it isn't my job to make your argument for you. Nobody has debates or discussions in that manner.
See above.
Again, I will engage when and where I please. You're just a nobody on GAF like everyone else on here (myself included). I'm not about to bow down to some keyboard warrior.
So youre fine with how the Nazis behaved then.The whole notion of "war crime" is absurd to me. The whole premise of war is to get your way via *force*. War is war. Personally, I'm a man of peace, but to suggest there are appropriate and inappropriate or legal/illegal actions in a contest of blunt force is ridiculous. In my view, war itself is a crime against humanity. And even if there are agreed-upon "rules of engagement", again the essence of war will see all sides circumventing any agreements wherever possible due to the nature of the type of conflict.
This is gaslighting with a strawman.So youre fine with how the Nazis behaved then.
I'm not pro war/force in *any* way, shape or form. Violence will never solve the problem of violence.So youre fine with how the Nazis behaved then.
The whole notion of "war crime" is absurd to me. The whole premise of war is to get your way via *force*. War is war. Personally, I'm a man of peace, but to suggest there are appropriate and inappropriate or legal/illegal actions in a contest of blunt force is ridiculous. In my view, war itself is a crime against humanity. And even if there are agreed-upon "rules of engagement", again the essence of war will see all sides circumventing any agreements wherever possible due to the nature of the type of conflict.
It can not be helped when you are dropping bombs on targets inside cities with 1945 level technology. I have made it clear that the alternatives were more cruel and that the nukes were nothing compared to what the Japanese government had in store for their own citizens.That in the end they dropped the bombs and killed civilians and children... It is a very cruel and cowardly act.
Not in the slightest.This is gaslighting with a strawman.
Yes the fuck it is.Not in the slightest.
Allied warcrimes are consistently played down because 'we' generally come from those countries and were the victors. in ww2 it was quite clear cut who was in the wrong an evil compared to ww1 where everyone was at fault.
The person I quoted Is the typcial I see nothing wrong it's war argument. As I said nuking Japan was the right choice at the time in terms of cost of lives on both sides.
But bombing cities into oblivion are warcrimes and as time hass shown consistently, that strategic bombing of cities barely achieved anything compared to tactical bombing of military targets.
It wiped out innocent families. It stopped their generations.Can we also stop saying the bombs caused generational harm. It hasn't,
It wiped out innocent families. It stopped their generations.
I was replying to someone, scroll back for context.As opposed to the Strategic Air War? Try searching for any of my posts on this topic in this thread.
It wiped out innocent families. It stopped their generations.
People tend to have families. Dying can wipe out your generation, especially if young.What's that even mean? Nukes killed a bunch of people - so did the fire bombing, and general prosecution of war. I am failing to put together what you're saying here. My post, which I think you're snipping a part of, was that there is no ongoing radiological harm or risk to those who live in the targeted cities so there isn't "generational harm" or other such long-term impacts.
Yes, dead people are dead so there's that, and there were civilians, but that's not exactly novel when it came to WW2.
People tend to have families. Dying can wipe out your generation, especially if young.
Did I say it was a wrong action?
Simply pointing out a nuke can wipe out generations, it's that simple.
Christ, my post was obvious.
Yes, congrats. Wars kill people. Nukes wipe out cities with undoubtfully generations in it.So your point was people die in wars? I mean, yes, that is obvious so my bafflement is more around why you stated something obvious. But that's it... got it.