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Was Soul Calibur II a great fighting game, or was it only famous for its guest characters in hindsight?


What time is it?
Weird timing on this thread as I wrapped of Libra of Destiny in Soul Calibur VI a few days ago after not playing it since it launched. Was really disappointed in that mode. /coincidence


I didn't care much about guests, it was definitely an incredible legendary game on its own, Guests were just a small extra that may have attracted some, buy that wouldn't change the overall quality if they weren't there, the big thing was the gameplay, the roster, the art, the stages , the graphics etc
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My PS2 collection got wrecked a long time ago so there is nothing rare in it now. I slowly build it back up but I'm never going to be able to afford the games I lost so I pick good games that are a dime a dozen. I don't have sc2! Easy fix. Just got it for 12 bucks. And nfs hot pursuit 2 while I was at it.


Writes a lot, says very little
Real question, why would a guess character matter in a game that sucked? Really now, if the game was complete dogshit, unplayable, just a horrid mess, why the fuck would a "guess character" suddenly turn things around and people just buy the game to...what? Look at Link? Spawn?


People buy games for fun, the game must still be fun, functional and playable for anyone to care about guess characters, why would they care about a guess character in a terrible game?

So SC2 is regarded very fondly because it was indeed a great game, it would have been remembered even without Link or Spawn etc. So I'm going to say what I've said for Harry Potter, SW Battlefront, Spiderman and many more, a popular character or IP can only go so far, people still buy games for actual fun and if a IP or character ALONE was why a game was selling, how do you explain the flops with those characters or IPs in the past?


Oh man this game was definitely great. 3d fighters to this day struggle to achieve what SCII did back in the day. Sadly I feel as though Soul Calibur went nowhere but downwards after this. The game is actually very fast compared to some of the other entries. Watch some of the competitive play from back then, it's spectacular.


Gold Member
Nonsensical question. It was a fantastic game that only missed the eye-popping textures and the amazing single-player mission mode of Dreamcast SC1 to be absolute perfection. The chara designs were almost perfect (I liked Sophitia and Xianghua more in SC1 and that’s it), Cassandra and Talim were great additions to the roster.

The game was fast, too. I remember when the HD version released and I was used to SCIV, which is soooo much slower. When you‘d play 2 for a while, when you went back to 4 it was like being Goku seeing enemy attacks in slow motion, lol.


Gameplay, Guest Characters, Soundtrack!

Had the GCN Version which offered the Link I wanted to see after MM, not this czech Cartoon styled Baby Link.


was a fun game back in the day, the guest characters didn't mean much to me really but the gameplay was fun


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Its one of the greatest fighters of all time

Meme Day GIF


It's cited as the best fighting game of all time. No trash tekken style juggling mechanics. No emphasis on memorizing stupid combos. Just movement, positioning, and countering.


not an expert on fighting game, but it always felt excellent to me, way better than its contemporary tekken 4.
then the series started going in some strange directions...5 was the nail in the coffin, they made 6 but by that time barely anyone cared


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Werent all the guest characters banned from tournament play anyway?
So they werent even that big a deal.

But I remember spawn could hover which was really broken early in the games lifetime....people learnt to counter it, but by then guest characters werent much of a thing.


Ivy Valentine, Sophitia, Talim, Taki…Yeah it was a great game, had some decent extra modes and a good amount of unlockables.

Billy Awesomo

Neo Member
For me it was the last of what I would considered a ” good” Soul Calibur. I hated part three, and was very indifferent to part IV (although I’ve heard good things about part 5). Link was pretty awesome same with Spawn, always thought Heihachi was a bit underwhelming as a guest character. They could have picked anyone on the PS2 and they went with Heihachi. That always bothered me.
Is this a joke thread?

Was Halo 2 a good game when it came out or did people just think it was cool that mister chief could dual wield needlers?


Soul Calibur 2 was good, up there with the likes of Virtua Fighter 4
That's going a bit far, VF4 was much more disruptive in the fighting game genre : introduced the kumite mode and character customization that became standards in most other licenses, revamped evading and input buffering, improved AI mode,... It is in a category of its own.
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Me personally its definitely one of the best 3d fighting games thats ever came out, at the time it was such a huge upgrade from dreamcast soul calibur to SC2, even without the guest characters its still a 10/10 game, even though link out of all 3 was the best fighter


Its a genuinely great fighter. I'm actually playing the X360 HD version to collect all of the achievements.


There's no doubt, the guest characters, were a huge help to making the game a lot more visible to folks. But I think it's a legitimately good game, as well. I honestly loved the little "RPG story" mode ("Weapon Master", I think?), it was such a great idea to tell a story to connect all these random fight sequences. It really gave the game a lot of life.
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