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Was the Dreamcast actually powerful at launch? Or the beneficiary of no competition?

Was the Dreamcast a powerhouse at launch?

  • No

    Votes: 115 11.1%
  • Yes

    Votes: 921 88.9%

  • Total voters


Of course it's in-engine real time 3D like most if not all of Shenmue 1 & 2 cut scenes, hence the higher res rendering/potential glitches/other improvements in emulators, hence knowing the polycount of this or that model as people have extracted it in various ways and got the data, etc., do you and Crusher know ANYTHING about the system you're dissing and its existing games before moving on to its theoretical max via ports or later generation titles that didn't happen or whatever you wanna pretend you know?
I was looking at the specific higher resolution shot, and the line rendering for hair, and the skin and eyes looked like it was multi-pass beyond the hardware capabilities of the DC, not the rest of the cinematics in Shenmue. hence I asked was that FMV.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I was looking at the specific higher resolution shot, and the line rendering for hair, and the skin and eyes looked like it was multi-pass beyond the hardware capabilities of the DC, not the rest of the cinematics in Shenmue. hence I asked was that FMV.
He specifically said it was probably an emulator shot given the hair glitching which doesn't happen in game, don't pretend someone tried to pass higher resolution than Dreamcast can ouput as the real deal. So you're really discussing Dreamcast capabilities and don't even know what it does in its existing games. Like it's so hard to view any of the direct from real hardware videos here. Or like this example is some rare unknown Japan only game you've never heard of to know what it does.

I even posted a video that includes that footage in the last page myself after that Namco PS2 model (just timestamped differently to show other stuff):

PaintTinJr said:
Take it as a compliment to the DC hardware, that it is.
I'll stick with taking it as a sign of your blatant ignorance over the subject you've been so very adamant about, Dreamcast doesn't need any little praise you may throw here and there to pretend you haven't been unfairly and without knowing pretty much anything about it and its games bashing it🤷‍♂️
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The model are perfectly fine, I just posted and image showing you the same behavior on blender when you set the backface culling, that part shouln't be facing the camera, nothing to do with the Dreamcast GPU....
But general 3D models are self optimized for backface culling, because(opengl's state machine) rendering by default doesn't enable two sided lighting and polygons sent for rendering are either defined consistently as counter clockwise, or clockwise wound, and backface_culling is enabled by default.

So the model has had its attributes set with that as an optimisation for the scene it was render in on PS2, which if you alter in blender would let you use the model anywhere without visual artefacts in scene at the original position you placed it.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
The model doesn't have its back part anyway, whether you can see the backfaces rendered or not so it becomes invisible it still looks wrong and isn't intended to be viewed from that side and they didn't model or put that side in the original game at all knowing it won't be shown. Esppiral will make it so it's not visible in the available camera angles in the game imported in DOA2 either if possible and that's the end of that, now you're just arguing semantics that don't matter, the statue just isn't complete regardless of the backfaces. Many games only modeled what would be visible by the camera angles in game to maximize the possible details of said visible stuff (often not even caring about glitces in replay/reverse cameras at that for the game to look better during gameplay). Otherwise they'd lose precious rendering resources for stuff the player wouldn't see as again culling of non visible assets wasn't solved at the time, if it even is now (hence it was super funny folks earlier suggested the DOA2 models may not be fully rendered with all their polygons in game because Tecmo may have deviced a magical seamless invisible to the eye lod system better than tesselation).
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He specifically said it was probably an emulator shot given the hair glitching which doesn't happen in game, don't pretend someone tried to pass higher resolution than Dreamcast can ouput as the real deal. So you're really discussing Dreamcast capabilities and don't even know what it does in its existing games. Like it's so hard to view any of the direct from real hardware videos here. Or like this example is some rare unknown Japan only game you've never heard of to know what it does.

I even posted a video that includes that footage in the last page myself after that Namco PS2 model (just timestamped differently to show other stuff):

Take it as a compliment to the DC hardware, that it is. I thought the image looked too good, and probably exceeded its cinematic real-time rendering abilities at a FPS of 24fps or more. It looks nice really and sharper than I remember seeing back in 2001 on DC hardware on a CRT :)


"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
Let's make a simplified comparison between Shadow Man and Max Steel just for fun

Description: SM is a third-person action and adventure game, whose theme is hellish things and darkness. Max Steel is an action-adventure game with an industrial setting.

both are 30fps games

animations: Max Steel has few animated elements in the stages, most of the time they are stereo environments and the Skybox moves very poorly
SM has a greater number of animated elements such as rivers, traps, smoke, skybox has superior animations too.

Shadows: only SM has proper shadows

lighting and lighting effects: Max Steel has inferior lighting, flat, grenades and shots don't emit dynamic light.

Max Steel: Covert Missions is a video game developed by Treyarch (Dracunus) released for the DC exclusively in NA on December 5, 2000.
Shadow Man is a video game developed by Acclaim Studios released for the Dreamcast on November 30, 1999.

What does Max Steel do better than Shadow Man? honestly, nothing. But someone might suggest that MS has better texturing maybe more poly count. Max Steel apparently doesn't use mipmaps, and unfortunately has an unusable portion of most stages, making use of invisible walls. Where is the power? how can I compare these games with X-Squad Release August 3, 2000 ?

X-Squad settings

CD-Rom game
polygonal water
5,000 polygon characters
Lighting with some volume
Shadows on all characters and enemies.
bullet marks on the walls
Destruction of glass.
specular in environments
solid 30fps
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The model doesn't have its back part anyway, whether you can see the backfaces rendered or not so it becomes invisible it still looks wrong and isn't intended to be viewed from that side and they didn't model or put that side in the original game at all knowing it won't be shown. Esppiral will make it so it's not visible in the available camera angles in the game imported in DOA2 either if possible and that's the end of that, now you're just arguing semantics that don't matter, the statue just isn't complete regardless of the backfaces. Many games only modeled what would be visible by the camera angles in game to maximize the possible details of said visible stuff (often not even caring about glitces in replay/reverse cameras at that for the game to look better during gameplay). Otherwise they'd lose precious rendering resources for stuff the player wouldn't see as again culling of non visible assets was hardly solved at the time, if it even is now (hence it was super funny folks earlier suggested the DOA2 models may not be fully rendered with all their polygons in game because Tecmo may have deviced some magical seamless invisible to the eye lod system better than modern tesselation).
Nonsense, I described exactly how the industry standard Opengl by SGI did backface culling, and that was defined in reference book: Computer Graphics Principles and Practice by Foley, and that was long before any of the consoles or PC GPUs were 3D capable, and frustum culling and BVH were all further visibility testing features, before we even mention a zbuffer.

So the last two lines of the paragraph above are completely showing your technical ignorance of how polygons actually make it through the vertex pipeline if you think any of the obscured or internal geometry within the DOA2 models actually gets rendered; especially as the Dreamcast even sorts overlapping polygon layers - like an old software hidden surface removal prepass - to eliminate even more redundancy in the polygon rendering. In any fighting gaming on any system, with any model polygon count, when you render the characters in an effective 2D orthographic side camera for fighting, half the model is back facing or occluded by the front facing geometry, meaning if you compare the same exact same models at 1200polys to 800 polys in that scenario, the comparison of rendered triangles in absolute terms isn't 800polys different from 2400 vs 1600, but 400polys 1200 vs 800.

And if we are comparing different models (say between PS2 SC2 and DC DoA2) where lots of polys in the high poly model are in eyes, fingers and ears, or arms and chest pre-occluded by the models large polygon clothing, then that differential of what is actually being rendered alters further towards parity. just with the eyes, say comparing madeup numbers 30polys vs 100polys. If in both games while fighting neither eyes are seen, then it is 120 polys vs 400polys, resulting in 280 more redundant polys on the DoA2 model that don't get rendered, taking our earlier 1200 vs 800, to a madeup 800 vs 680 render, and it wouldn't stop there, for similar differential redundancy savings for ears, feet, hands, clothing occlusion, and that one console does cheap polygon count re-projected alpha transparency shadows on a flat plane, and the other I believe does real character geometry coherent lit shadow maps on any surface on Cube and PS2 versions of SC2 IIRC,

DoA2 looks great, but SC2 on cube and PS2 is a bigger rendering workload - can't remember about xbox shadows and fx because it had the poorest bonus character as I recall, and was painful on an xbox pad to play.
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I set the model texture to render in single side instead of two sides so only the normals facing outside will render effectively doing blackface culling, end of the story and the models weren't fully modelled to begin with.

Nothing to do with what the Dreamcast can or can't do, pretty standard in the industry.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
No u! That statue is not a complete model because it never needed to be. It doesn't have a back, it's not supposed to be a paper thin hollow statue, it just doesn't have its back side modeled (either as a complete statue or as just a straight cut) and is only visible from the front in the game it came from. So it doesn't matter if you make the backfaces visible or not because they won't be visible regardless, just as Namco intended. FACTS. And anyway DOA2 characters have more polygons than SC2 characters so it's smart to save elsewhere as it's always smart to save anywhere, just as Namco did. And again the polycounts given for DOA2 characters are accurate with what's rendered in game in real time, if certain clothes remove invisible bits underneath then that particular costume version's polycount can also be measured by exporting it as esppiral has done for various. And he never claimed to be a master modeler with all the time in the world for this hobby project for you to tell him what he should spend more of his time doing when once again it's gonna be useless for the way he wants to use this model in the game, ie just as it was used in the game he got it from.
Let's make a simplified comparison between Shadow Man and Max Steel just for fun

You say you'll compare two games then you add a third? And again, confirmation bias the poster.

You can compare a multiplatform 3rd person action game of the era like MDK2 (which is better than both, if not all 3 games), a few less/less severe frame drops and additional effects/better texturing on DC over PS2 but quite similar...

Then you can claim it's just one game and doesn't indicate much for PS2's power because there are better. But then you can claim it maxes out the DC for whatever reason same as any random game/port you claim does that. Go ahead.

Skim around to see the lighting, shadows, breakables, speculars, vast areas/levels etc. Of course NONE of these features is a simple on/off like you keep comparing them in different games, constantly showing how ignorant you are about these things you're adamant about, so with their specific methods and engine they cause this or that performance and require this or that reduction on this or that platform. It also happens to be quite the leap from MDK on the original PlayStation so that can also show what kind of a gap is possible when they aren't merely porting a last gen game.

So there you go, thank God MDK2 happened to be made for DC too otherwise you'd keep claiming minor enhancements like those of the Tomb Raider games are all Dreamcast can ever hope to do over the PlayStation, or something.
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I set the model texture to render in single side instead of two sides so only the normals facing outside will render effectively doing blackface culling, end of the story and the models weren't fully modelled to begin with.
Here's the important question: Why not just fix the model when I first mentioned the missing geometry in your remaster?

Why continue to double down on the wrong focus and course of action, when it is a simple fix for someone with your blender modelling skills?
Nothing to do with what the Dreamcast can or can't do, pretty standard in the industry.
I agree, so patch up the missing part of the model, and do another video with it working correctly in the original location

You were the one that took a half complete model and placed it in a scene where the missing geometry would be visible, so you can see why I didn't think a highly competent modeller like yourself would have done that, and that it looked like an engine issue, yes?
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Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
For 2 decades, Sony boys told us that Douglas was out of reach for the Dreamcast in terms of geometry. According to 3D beyond it has 8800 polygons...
Konami were wizzards but it has nothing to do with the stellar raw power of the PS2 😘. (probably modern tools helped a lot as well)

(amazing model by the way...)

On the other hand, Shenmue was so amazing in 1999 that Sony believers even think on GAF that the intro is a FMV 😎.

And a little details just for you: 🤣

Shenhua (Shenmue intro) :

9104 polygons/ In Engine.

Panic at Playstation Home:

Yes, it is.

The Dreamcast was actually a power house at launch 😘

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Here's the important question: Why not just fix the model when I first mentioned the missing geometry in your remaster?

Why continue to double down on the wrong focus and course of action, when it is a simple fix for someone with your blender modelling skills?

I agree, so patch up the missing part of the model, and do another video with it working correctly in the original location

You were the one that took a half complete model and placed it in a scene where the missing geometry would be visible, so you can see why I didn't think a highly competent modeller like yourself would have done that, and that it looked like an engine issue, yes?
Because the back part of the model will never be seen since is supposed to be in front of a wall, it would be a waste of time and resources, I will leave the model as is and how the original developers used it in soul Calibur 3
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"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
You say you'll compare two games then you add a third?
I compared the two. I just said that if I put X-squad neither of them would be able to reach
But if you want to use MDK2 against XS be free.

X-Squad settings

CD-Rom game
polygonal water
5,000 polygon characters
Lighting with some volume
Shadows on all characters and enemies.
bullet marks on the walls
Destruction of glass.
specular in environments
solid 30fps


Because the back part of the model will never be seen since is supposed to be in front of a wall, it would be a waste of time and resources, I will leave the model as is and how the original developers used it in soul Calibur 3
Your whole tinkering unofficial remaster is completely at odds with how the original developers intended the game to be, and you put time and resources into making a SC3 inspired level for DoA2, where you are now the original creator of that mod level, an have used a model from the PS2, and you are drawing your line in the sand at fixing a model you've already used in an area where its missing geometry section can be seen, and doing a 5min edit on that is where you supposedly draw the line for authenticity? really? Are you sure it isn't just you don't like the source of the suggestion and are now struggling to get out of your own way to do what's best for your creative work, and the people you are asking to buy you Coffee if they appreciate that effort?

Go the Ubisoft early launch modelling route if you want, but why not try both options? You can always go back to the authentic incompletely model if you really want.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Your whole tinkering unofficial remaster is completely at odds with how the original developers intended the game to be, and you put time and resources into making a SC3 inspired level for DoA2, where you are now the original creator of that mod level, an have used a model from the PS2, and you are drawing your line in the sand at fixing a model you've already used in an area where its missing geometry section can be seen, and doing a 5min edit on that is where you supposedly draw the line for authenticity? really? Are you sure it isn't just you don't like the source of the suggestion and are now struggling to get out of your own way to do what's best for your creative work, and the people you are asking to buy you Coffee if they appreciate that effort?

Go the Ubisoft early launch modelling route if you want, but why not try both options? You can always go back to the authentic incompletely model if you really want.
If you don't like his mod don't use it, who do you think you are dictating what he should or shouldn't do with his time & patronizing him about the awesome skills he never claimed to have (I guess the next step is to demand ground up new assets rather than take from other games), it just makes you look silly. He could say he "fixed" it according to your (Not Ubishit but Namco btw) standards and then not do it but just polish the level select screen or wherever else you could see its back so that it never is visible and you'd never know better. He's just honest/shows WIP. I already said I prefer the more consistent vanilla look myself (at least from how it's done so far, I personally have no idea how much he can polish the new stuff so that they have the correct placement and collisions etc. when he's just editing someone else's game without the source/an official editor but I guess we will find out) and in this level which was a semi request from a user iIrc I prefer the original sand texture for example as to me the new one doesn't look as fitting with the way characters sink in the sand and I could say many other things but it's not my patronizing way or his oh so wrong way and the same goes for you. He already said his bit regarding the model, Idk why you are being so childish pushing him to what you want pretending it's the objectively right way. Buying him a coffee doesn't give you the right to demand anything of the sort either and you're free to not buy anything too.

Thanks for the report, whoever, I guess you've already reported esppiral to Namco/Tecmo for using/distributing assets without permission hoping to shut down the project before it gets polished and shows how wrong you've been about everything and/or if it doesn't go your way, lol.
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"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
Straight facts. Also i do get some of points of Geometric-Crusher and PaintTinJr but dudes, you can write off all that you want, but Esppiral being just one person with no budget it´s taking one of the most demanding and advanced games on DC and further than anythingwe have seen befotre and still 60fps.
I respect the remaster that Esppiral is doing but I need to point out that he is just stressing the engine created by Tecmo, believe me Tecmo delivered the best product they could, yes I personally prefer the official versions from Tecmo But again I respect anyone who prefers the mod.
So just go and wonder what AM2 or another studios would had done if the console stood commercially alive and selling well at least another FY. DC just had tecnhically one generation of AAA games, most of them started since 99 or with technology created on that year or before.
studios can do a lot, however the power of a console is finite. There are a number of textures you can use, there are a number of polygons you can use, you know? Thanks to the Dreamcast community, today we have access to incredible data, for example we know that the Blue Stinger model has 3,000 polygons (in-game) and 18 wheeler can reach 5,000 polygons F Fafalada explained about rigid body (the truck) when talked about CT2 limitations.

The Blue Stinger (contrary to popular belief that games evolve, improve) all the main characters (in-game model) on Dreamcast of the games that matter ( like MDK2) has fewer polygons than it (a launch game ! ). In general, the main characters on the Dreamcast have 900 to 2,000 polygons in-game and accumulate more than 3,000 in-engine (6,627 on Kou the green guy in Death Crimson ox, even 9.104 polys Shenhua Shenmue intro) .
I interpret that the Dreamcast had 3 generations of games but was maxout since day one with VF3TB. SC looks best ? but it's simpler ( imo vf3 looks way better on vga too).

The first gen from 98 to 99 is defined by poor use of polygons, Seventh Cross/MK Gold are the symbol.
The second gen 2000/2001 is defined by the maturity in the use of the Dreamcast Dead or Alive 2 is the symbol.
The third generation of games begins with Skies of Arcadia/HeadHunter and through the arcade Naomi and Atomiswave with games such as Mazan Flash of the Blade and Under Deafeat, this phase is marked by the abandonment of maximizing the hardware, preferring only that the game looks beautiful on the screen.
Obviously an project AAA which would had started from zero in late 2000 or even 2001 would had take the console beyond to what we have just seen...I insist, just look the Atomiswave games like Demolish Fists, Faster Than Speed and Force Five...Yes, all DC elite games still stomps them, but they make interesting things which help them to look better than the equivalent budget games of actual DC lifespan, incluiding all 32/64 bits ports.
Again, the console is a finite entity, you can claim 'art' over 'technique' but this was done while the DC was active, in HeadHunter a very good game, technically simple but which seems more advanced than it really is. Mazan Flash of the Blade too.

I agree that the Atomiswave games were doing things that the usual Dreamcast games didn't do Ranger Mission has a 3D forest have you seen another DC game with a forest? The nice effects in Force Five but usual problems remain like the black glass in racing games, the lack of shadow in Demolish Fist (simple game) there is no way to change that, DC has sensitive weak points that limit its range of action That's why a game like X-squad is impossible.

Let's imagine that GTA 3 is possible on the Dreamcast, Can you imagine (seriously) all vehicles with black windows? you know In Crazy Taxi, the only transparent glass is that of the player's taxi.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
The Blue Stinger (contrary to popular belief that games evolve, improve) all the main characters (in-game model) on Dreamcast of the games that matter ( like MDK2) has fewer polygons than it (a launch game ! ).
That just means they all balance the polygon budget and other resource hogging content in different ways/areas than just the main characters and may also be wasting polygons just as they were wasting polygons in VF3tb (which is excused for being a 1996 pioneering game, the know how wasn't there) for a game that doesn't look better than SC with way less polygons and like Namco (who did seemingly get good at modeling PS2/DC gen characters before most people, even Sega, hence SC1-2 looking so good despite modest specs) believed they wasted polygons in TTT on PS2 so every later Tekken game on PS2 has even lower polygon characters (even though they already were less than DOA2's) and more details elsewhere, but that degratation in later titles obviously doesn't mean TTT maxed PS2 like you want to say VF3tb maxed DC, lol.

And again how does VF3tb max out the Dreamcast when DOA2 (vanilla) does a LOT more with polycounts, lighting, effects, arena complexity and even still includes uneven surfaces like VF3tb which Tekken didn't have until 4 and a tag mode with 3 full detail visible characters in tag moves/throws (which Tekken didn't do until PS3)? It exceeds DC with magic and then does it all over again with the still further improved DOA2 Japanese version?

CT2 is a 60fps game, they had the headroom to reduce a lot of things, from the draw distance to the traffic density to the blazing fast gameplay that enables good players to zoom around the map at crazy speeds, allowing much more time for the CPU/GPU to calculate additional visuals or gameplay aspects or stream more assets in. That they didn't add windows to other cars doen't mean they couldn't anyway, they just decided not to prioritizing other aspects (like potential quantity of traffic vs individual detail per vehicle to bother modeling interiors for the glass windows to make any sense) since it's not GTAIII (and therefor doesn't wish to drop down to 15 fps even though you'd apparently call it beautiful if it did like you did for GTAIII) so you can't switch cars to care about their detail and the traffic is just obstacles/backgrounds you zoom past.

You can't just take the worst aspect of every game, combine it all in one imaginary soup and arbitrarily decide that's the system's max and ignore the best aspect of every other game, lol.

MDK2 that you fault for its main character runs worse on PS2 than DC (depsite longer porting time, rebalances and tweaks dubbing it the Armageddon edition) so clearly it does resource intensive things other than the main character model(s), whether justified or not as that also doesn't mean they maxed either the DC or the PS2 (duh) but could further optimize their engine to handle this or that better and do more, maybe even improve the characters, in a sequel that never happened. It also already happens to have tons of often huge transparent glass surfaces and domes and other stuff to shatter since you want to fixate on that one thing and feature of X Squad or whatever game. Why arbitrarily claim Bioware (and Genki and whoever else) were somehow DC experts with one game under their belt and took it to the max but PS2 noobs and did so very little on it?

This is all basic knowledge and common sense we've had to repeat every other post just because you refuse to use any kind of logic beyond your confirmation bias for DC having been maxed with some PS1 ports that aren't much improved and/or 60fps, ignoring better ports/games and tech seen elsewhere and pretending feature x or y is just a toggle you can/should put in any other game regardless of what else it is doing with its engine and design if only the system is good enough.

The posters you want to idolize and like all their posts as if they agree with you just because they attack other positive DC posts have also shot down most of your arguments mind, perhaps you missed that part.
Physics and animations present in VF3 are very good, there are animated elements, such as a subway running in the backgroundd (I don't remember anything like that in doa2, only in Blood Roar Primal) there are physics in the leaves, leaving marks in the sand, lighting flashing over the character and stages completely made of glass, motion blur in the characters' movements. However, the Dreamcast lacked juice to match the arcade 100%, so it was Maxout with 95%.

Soul Calibur is in the same hierarchy but is simpler. Doa2 compares better, twice as many polygons in the arena and in the models, there are stages with glass too. Yes DOA2 outperformed vf3tb overall, the only thing missing was motion blur (present in the first PS2 version).

Have you ever noticed that except for games like Vanishing Point from December 21, 2000, there are few games on the Dreamcast whose car has transparent windows? This is a fact, I'm a Dreamcast fan and I've learned to deal with it.
You aren't responding to anything, just chose one line out of all this and doubled down with the same crap that's already been debunked, so all you need is to re-read the post above as a reply to you.

If VF3tb maxes DC out at 95% of what Model 3 does (ignoring Model 3 does what it does at 64% the pixels DC pushes out as said by others already), then the different architectures and resources and know how don't matter in porting to you (and later ports like Sega Bass Fishing and Virtua Striker 2 and Virtual On 2 which are far closer than VF3tb - if not identical - despite similar gaps in resolution also don't matter) so MDK2 maxes out PS2 at 95% of what DC does, lol? You've already been given plenty of transparency examples, MDK2 heavily uses them, PSO and SA have transparencies that were nerfed in ports to more powerful systems, etc., whether it's in a car window or not doesn't matter, transparency is transparency and VP has plenty anyway as said too. As for FV2 (ported by Scarab by the way) sure it's a late port but who knows what resources were poured into a late post death release that isn't even going worldwide? Even with Sega Rally 2 in the mix and ignoring the better games DC got in all these genres it's a tie between excellent and less so Model 3 ports, why stick to any one only?
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Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
VF3TB maxed out the console? Ok I've have enough of this nonsense.
That's why i trolled them since the beginning 🤣.

A rushed launch title with no versus mode ported by Genki maxed out the console ?

Like the PS2, their bad faith has no limit. 😘


"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
VF3TB maxed out the console?
That depends, what does maxed out for you mean?

Do you think the Dreamcast is superior to the arcade board model 3? you know, no Model 3 game was better on DC not even Fighting Vipers 2 ported by AM2 on January 18, 2001


"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
And again how does VF3tb max out the Dreamcast when DOA2 (vanilla) does a LOT more with polycounts, lighting, effects, arena complexity and even still includes uneven surfaces like VF3tb ?
Physics and animations present in VF3 are very good, there are animated elements, such as a subway running in the backgroundd (I don't remember anything like that in doa2, only in Blood Roar Primal) there are physics in the leaves, leaving marks in the sand, lighting flashing over the character and stages completely made of glass, motion blur in the characters' movements. However, the Dreamcast lacked juice to match the arcade 100%, so it was Maxout with 95%.

Soul Calibur is in the same hierarchy but is simpler. Doa2 compares better, twice as many polygons in the arena and in the models, there are stages with glass too. Yes DOA2 outperformed vf3tb overall, the only thing missing was motion blur (present in the first PS2 version).

Have you ever noticed that except for games like Vanishing Point from December 21, 2000, there are few games on the Dreamcast whose car has transparent windows? This is a fact, I'm a Dreamcast fan and I've learned to deal with it.
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Gold Member
It was powerful, it had N64 and PSX to compete against, the fact they were a generation behind means nothing in the end... What surprises me is that those games could be emulated in a Pentium 4 I had in early 2000s, they looked and ran great even tho that machine wasn't too far from PS2 in terms of how game looked
That depends, what does maxed out for you mean?

Do you think the Dreamcast is superior to the arcade board model 3? you know, no Model 3 game was better on DC not even Fighting Vipers 2 ported by AM2 on January 18, 2001
Yes, but also no Model 3 fighter looks better or even on par to DOA 2....and even Soul Calibur despite having less polycount and complex backgrounds than, let´s name FV 2, surpasses that one and any Model 3 fighter on several aspects, like lighting treatment. This, thanks to Namco investing several months studying DC hardware and making the game with more modern tools than the 96,97 Model 3. And it´s a launch game, running on an effectively weaker system than Model 3...So?
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Nothing on the DC comes close to Daytona USA 2. All Model 3 ports had sacrifices. Lets not compare a super expensive, custom arcade hardware with a cheap, consumer based hardware. The DC/Naomi did have more modern tools to its advantage but the Model 3 had way more raw power.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
What are the sacrifices in Virtual On 2, Sega Bass Fishing & Virtua Striker 2? Again, given Model 3 only pushed 64% the pixels (and the difficulty in porting from a wholly different architecture with different strengths & weaknesses while attempting to keep the game/visuals intact, the same way folks understand that just because a Dreamcast port to PS2 has deficiencies doesn't mean Dreamcast is more powerful). Nothing comparable on Model 3 comes close to DOA2 as said (though that's pretty subjective anyway, to me Daytona 2001, F355 and Crazy Taxi 2 are on par with anything on Model 3, just too different in style and design to make the comparison 1:1 so folks who prefer this or that game or visual go nuts). Round 2 of emulator media with improvements to resolution and draw distance/pop in/filtering to minimize what Model 3 does worse and negate DC's strengths incoming!
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Yeah, no, DC fans who say its more powerful than the Model 3, especially the later steps, are delusional.

Feel free to count polygons if you want. You can see the sacrifices per game if you search, DF made a recent video about Fighting Vipers 2, for instace, you can see the sacrifices if you look for them.

Compare Crazy Taxi with any of the similar open word racing games on the Model 3 like the ambulance game or Harley. Look how effortlesly the Model 3 pushes these enviroments with no popup and huge structures, while Taxi has boxy buildings and very small draw distance. Look at the enviroments and buildings in Daytona 2, there is no DC racing game that pushes similar detail.

I get it, the DC was very powerful, especially for a home system but this is silly Sega fanboysm. The Model 3 is comparable with the Naomi 2 though.

As for DOA2, VF3 was released in 1996, pretty sure many years later Tecmo could make a better DOA with the same hardware.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I named 3 ports & already said 3 ported games had issues (though outside SR2 they were minor) and 3 were excellent, why pretend you're replying when you're just going back to the known lesser 3?

And LOL @ Naomi 2 only being comparable to Model 3. No fighter on Model 3 even touches DOA2 on Naomi/DC but Virtua Fighter 4 with 2x the complexity and more effects like the deforming snow is easily viable, no proof required for this, you only want more and more proof for DC vs Model 3.

And you call others delusional, lol, have you even seen Virtua Fighter 4 before and/or realize they had to halve the character polygons among other things to port it to the mighty PS2?

And lol @ going back to Crazy Taxi 1 when 2 improves it further and doesn't lack anything with the games mentioned (one of which isn't even open world in the same way at all, Ambulance has clear tracks with a couple alternate turns at best, have you played the games you're discussing or what?).

1 of those is obviously NOT like the others you lump together with it (in game design, not platform/quality/whatever you wanna disagree to) other than a somewhat similar visual style, if anything 18 Wheeler takes much more after it (and to that I'll agree it's the worse game, I'm not a truck nut).​

But as you prefer to say games you haven't even played are comparable and so much better, again, let's go back to actual ports you can compare, what are the sacrifices in the higher resolution DC renditions of Virtual On 2 and Virtua Striker 2 since you missed it the first time?

And what sacrifices would it take for Model 3 to run the same games at 640x480? Or would that magically be free performance, like it magically can do any Naomi 2 games like Virtua Fighter 4 even though it doesn't even have any half as complex games like DOA2 to show for it?

Also, modern modeling tools and methods or whatever for one example obviously don't help when they aren't remaking the models more optimized/better looking/with similar but much better used polycounts, but just porting what was already done in the 90s (that Dreamcast also came in), duh.

Hence SC models looking that good compared to VF3 (arcade too, not just DC, minor differences anyway) despite the lower specs, then DOA2 doing both higher specs and better modeling trumping both.

Then Virtua Fighter 4 taking it a step fruther (yet it's still fine on PS2's Evo with halved polygons which brings it to similar polycounts as VF3tb on Dreamcast yet fighters look way superior and almost next gen even with low res textures etc.).

Ps: Model 3 lived much longer than DC too so you can say it was more maxed out just like PS2 (incremental steps obviously didn't negate previous work like an all new system).
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And a little details just for you: 🤣
Clearly this reply isn't for your benefit, but for others not "trolling" in the thread.

But I'm pretty sure by that image the model really only has 6000-ish faces in reality, and that at least the difference between verts and faces are the same faces with reverse winding for two sided lighting, so don't ever get render together because one set occludes the other.

The dead give away is all the quad primitives below the waistline that have a cross on them, when it should just be one of those lines - from bottom left to top right - that defines the two triangle primitives that make up each quad face. The other two triangles only get seen when looking under the garment, and at that point the top reverse side quad is getting culled.

But even then, it isn't 100% clear if that would then be 6000-ish quad faces, with 2 polys per quad, meaning 12,000polgons. it looks close enough, so it would actually be closer to12K polys, unless we are talking faces :)
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Crazy Taxi 2 still doesn't come close to Harley or Ambulance. But keep living the dream.

Not to mention Daytona 2 again. The only game that compares to that IMO is Outrun 2 and that was running on XBOX hardware.

I also love how the PS2 enjoyed more modern tools, which is the sole reason why its games looks better than the DC according to Sega fans here, but no, the Model 3 being much older and having older tools doesn't apply. Pretty sure DOA2 isn't doable there with the same tools, by the same team, with the same experience, right guys?
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I also love how the PS2 enjoyed more modern tools, which is the sole reason why its games looks better than the DC
I never said it (nor did most "sega fans" here) so if you pretend you reply to things I say why post bs? In fact, you're the one who made the modern tools claim regarding DOA2 or Virtua Fighter 4 of all things being doable on Model 3, now you pretend others are fanboys for (not) saying similar? 🤦‍♂️
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Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
I never said that (nor did most "sega fans" in here) so if you pretend you reply to things I say why post bs?
Indeed and breaking... we can have different opinions !
For instance, i don't have clear opinion about the Dreamcast VS Model 3 discussions.

I only have graphic preferences:
Model 3 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Dreamcast 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Playstation 2 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Gamecube 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
Xbox OG 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋


"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
''Virtua Fighter 4 they had to halve the character polygons among other things to port it to the mighty PS2''

Fighting Vipers 2 they (AM2) had to halve the character polygons among other things (animations) to port it to the Dreamcast man
a Model 3 game.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
1. that wasn't a dig at PS2, rather showing the power of Naomi 2 to get that complex games at its launch (which Model 3 didn't reach in 4 years of maturing dev and hardware). We've all said PS2 was more powerful than DC so Idk why you still argue/get triggered like anyone said the opposite.
2. As we saw DC easily topped that polycount with other games like DOA2 reaching character polycounts as high as VF4 PS2 and putting 3 at once in the arena in the tag mode (yet no PS2 fighter goes much if any higher than VF4, certainly not any Tekken). Must you do this every post?
3. Maybe Fighting Vipers 2 is your new "it maxed the Dreamcast, you can't get any better" game given it has lower polycounts than even Soulcalibur just because it came later, fun times ahead I guess. Still better than doing that with some random PS1 port I suppose.
4. (Scarab with 3 programmers total - Toshio Arai, Takatuna Sawada, Jun Odaira - AM2 was busy with Shenmue 2 and other stuff after all, Idk where this AM2 deal comes from - the same person/place as the halved polygons stuff I guess but, the credits are there)
5. Effects aren't on/off & all the same to know what method "motion blur" uses in VF3tb & if it's more taxing than "motion blur" in Last Bronx on Saturn (DOA2 has plenty effects/things VF3tb doesn't too), not that DC had the low res/480i reason to max blurs.
6. Such an easy to program console yet such varied results in utilization, from PS1 ports you wanna pass as its max to whatever botched port vs some modestly good games like MDK2 or its actual best examples, how weird, maybe it's not easy after all.
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Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
Berserk Dreamcast (1999)
Guts 1500 triangles

5 Years later

Berserk PS2 (2004)
Guts 3550 Triangles: Hey, not bad. It's a fair evolution. After all the PS2 can push far more polygons and it's 2004...🤗

Even side characters like Puck have 3000 triangles 💪🏾 due to the fantastic raw power of the PS2...
On a limited hardware like the Dreamcast, Puck only has 3950 Triangle... Wait what ? More than Guts on the PS2 ??? 😠
Probably a conspiracy from Sammy !

Source: Beyond3D
PS: I remember the discussions in the early 2010's, Sega boys were talking about DOA2, the old man on the Shenmue Passport and then Sony boys were bringing Douglas from Silent Hill 3 as the ultimate proof that the PS2 was on another level.(I thought they were right, Doug's model was better but i never thought it was another world, first, because it was in engine cutscene, on the other hand the old man on Shenmue Passport was not a cut scene but a playable demo...it required more ressources so i didn't see a huuuuge gap. Plus, in 2024, we finally have the datas 😁...Too bad for Sony boys: Their champion has not the biggest pen...polycount 😁( less than 9000 polygons). It's just amazing skills from Konami with a good but not breathtaking amount of polygons.

Silent Hill 3, Fight Night 2...so many urban legends about the incredible polycount.

Now, we understand why some Sony Boys changed their narrative. 🤣 Polycount is less important now...🤪

They'll probably focus even more on post processing effects which is fine.(But funny 😜)


Dreamcast was indeed very powerful at the time of its release, even surprisingly so. It is somewhat a similar so PSP's case which released six year later and was a also very powerful system within its context. Since my memory about the handled's specs was a bit vague, i took a look in detail in order to compare it to Dreamcast. If we are talking hardware specs/raw capabilities PSP seem to be undoubtedly more powerful than Dreamcast but still (of course) substantially less powerful than PS2. I think PSP is an even more underappreciated system than the Dreamcast but both are sophisticated and ingenious machines.


"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
Yes, but also no Model 3 fighter looks better or even on par to DOA 2
imo vf3tb has better IQ in vga, no game did it better, the colors the art, vf3 was a product criticized for wrong reasons and perceptions.

I already said DOA2 has advances in poly count ok but it doesn't have the physics of VF3, the animations or the motion blur in the moves (which is natural since motion blur was demanded, by the way in how many games did developers try motion blur on the Dreamcast? 4/600?)
consoles are a finite entity mainly easy-to-program consoles.
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Yeah, no, DC fans who say its more powerful than the Model 3, especially the later steps, are delusional.

Feel free to count polygons if you want. You can see the sacrifices per game if you search, DF made a recent video about Fighting Vipers 2, for instace, you can see the sacrifices if you look for them.

Compare Crazy Taxi with any of the similar open word racing games on the Model 3 like the ambulance game or Harley. Look how effortlesly the Model 3 pushes these enviroments with no popup and huge structures, while Taxi has boxy buildings and very small draw distance. Look at the enviroments and buildings in Daytona 2, there is no DC racing game that pushes similar detail.

I get it, the DC was very powerful, especially for a home system but this is silly Sega fanboysm. The Model 3 is comparable with the Naomi 2 though.

As for DOA2, VF3 was released in 1996, pretty sure many years later Tecmo could make a better DOA with the same hardware.
Oooffff! Stating Model 3 is on Naomi 2 level is actually a whole brand new level of delusional! Naomi 2 is more powerful than PS2...so youre saying that not just any DC game, also no PS2 game looks better than any Model 3 game? Really?
''Virtua Fighter 4 they had to halve the character polygons among other things to port it to the mighty PS2''

Fighting Vipers 2 they (AM2) had to halve the character polygons among other things (animations) to port it to the Dreamcast man
a Model 3 game.
Difference is no PS2 game looks on par with Naomi 2 VF4, while Dreamcast has games that actually surpass FV2 and ANY Model 3 fighter, despite being less powerful...as DOA 2 and Soul Calibur, games made around the first year of life of the console in the west.
imo vf3tb has better IQ in vga, no game did it better, the colors the art, vf3 was a product criticized for wrong reasons and perceptions.

I already said DOA2 has advances in poly count ok but it doesn't have the physics of VF3, the animations or the motion blur in the moves (which is natural since motion blur was demanded, by the way in how many games did developers try motion blur on the Dreamcast? 4/600?)
consoles are a finite entity mainly easy-to-program consoles.
Virtua Tennis 2 looks more advanced and next gen than most Model 3 games and it DOES motion blur. VF 3 could make some specific things better than DOA 2, but overall is stomped by Tecmo game...and even Soul Calibur at launch, managed to deliver a better and most surprising visuals, overcoming limitations.

As i said before, you can write off anything, facts are showing a diferent story. No one on this thread is saying nonsensical stuff like DC is more powerful than PS2, Model 3 or even PSP...People just wanna see how far DC could get running around its limits, with more modern tools and clever approach, as it happened with the playstation, xbox and nintendo consoles, which happened to last longer on market than DC. Some of you folks says, "that was already done on DC with DOA 2, Shenmue and the few elite DC games. You cant get any further. Period". Even if that worst case scenario is true,You know what? huge part of DC catalogue didnt reach those levels of complexity, so anyway there is room to improvement to more than 500 DC games. You said, hey PS1 ports like Shadowman or Soul Reaver already reached DC limits...those games on their DC versions looks as better, realistic and advanced as Shenmue 2 or at least Headhunter or Code Veronica?


Fafracer forever
Difference is no PS2 game looks on par with Naomi 2 VF4.
That'd be worth replying to if there was even a single metric associated with it. But it's either tales from headcanon or this:

You know what? huge part of DC catalogue didnt reach those levels of complexity, so anyway there is room to improvement to more than 500 DC games.
This is true of every console library though. The best in class xbox, ps2 and even gcn games are measured in teens, or fewer, while the rest fall far behind in terms of hw utilisation metrics.
There's dev budgets that inflate some of the perceptions (like ffx being a glorified enhanced ps1 port didn't stop it from impressing) but that's unrelated to topic of hw use.
Obviously DC did suffer from lower dev budgets on the tail end of its life.
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That'd be worth replying to if there was even a single metric associated with it. But it's either tales from headcanon or this:
Correct me if i´m wrong but for example, there is no PS2 fighter with characters with 14k Polys each like Naomi 2 VF4, or ther other hw feats Naomi2 has and PS2 lacks(more hw light sources and such).

And about DC catalogue, besides the lower end budgets, DC was also took by studios as a transition plattform on their entire commercial life: too good to put in quickports from their 32 bit games with some enhancements or some PC ports, because the console started it´s flight strong by 99, but not good and trustworthy enough to put all the money on the table investing on triple A games, because was smarter move to wait and put that on PS2, which was a safer and most powwerful bet. Yes, all consoles has fewer games that push it to the limits properly, but on DC we have a huge disparity, because most part of the catalogue are games that looked like effectively at PS1/N64 pro level, even if they weren´t ports from those machines (put in here Coolboarders Burn, Pen Pen, Plasma Sword and such, and also almost any PC port that wasnt Quake 3 Arena or Half Life), living along with proper 6th gen games, like the few elite DC games we haven mentioned 1233044594059 times.
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"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
You said, hey PS1 ports like Shadowman or Soul Reaver already reached DC limits...those games on their DC versions looks as better, realistic and advanced as Shenmue 2 or at least Headhunter or Code Veronica?
Soul Reaver is a game that tries 60fps, all 3 mentioned by you are 30fps games, for example Shenmue 2 reaches 20fps in many situations, shenmue 1999 was solid 30fps like Shadow Man.
The only 60fps action game that surpasses Soul Reaver is Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow Man's lighting was precisely, RECV.
HeadHunter looks good you know but it's not an advanced game, it's a smart game like Skies of Arcadia.

the lower the frame rate, the more resources can be used in models and the like.(Quake 3, slave zero, MDK2)
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Berserk was such a great game. The sword was too big for many corridors lol, but I liked the presentation of this game, it had a surprisingly good story (well, it was written by Miura after all). I appreciated the VA, they didn't half ass the localization. For that era it was rather high quality.


"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
Why did dreamcast halved the Fighting Vipers 2 models?

Well, visually the models are identical due to the texturing used by Dreamcast but the lighting, shadows and animation of objects in the background were cut. Could the am2 get a VF4 with at least 1,000 per models like they did on the Vipers 2?
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Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia
Why did dreamcast halved the Fighting Vipers 2 models?
I don't care about the model 3/DC discussion but FV2 was a quick minor 2001 port in a year where AM2 was focused on... VF4, Shenmue 2...

Don't search logical explanations.
The FV2 port team was probably making coffee for the VF4 team 😁
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Fafracer forever
Correct me if i´m wrong but for example, there is no PS2 fighter with characters with 14 Polys each like Naomi 2 VF4, or ther other hw feats Naomi2 has and PS2 lacks(more hw light sources and such).
I'm pretty sure no PS2 game has 14-poly characters - but I figure you meant something else ;) Anyway this goes back to what are we actually measuring though (and why the genre matters - if it does)
If you're just looking for skinned&animated characters set on a polygonal stage - then plenty of PS2 games exceed those numbers (eg. a certain horror game where the final boss exceeded 100k polys by itself, with volumetric shadows and all, or Jak games where realtime cutscene models were in 10-20k range with 4-5 characters on screen at once, alongside using actual AA on them as well), but best in class examples indeed, likely aren't fighters.
Although if you have 4 7k characters on screen does that make it somewhat less impressive than 2 14k? (I can only comment from GPU execution complexity perspective - but I know everyone has their own metrics for what they count and what not).

The light source thing is one of those 'headcanon' topics I referred to above. I've seen plenty of debates in 20+ years across every console gen about 'lighting this/that' and it virtually never gets qualified with numbers. For instance - on PS2 the 'low-end' number of influencing lights per object/triangle (I was gonna say average, but really it was incredibly rare to go below this) was 4. This is in stark contrast to everything that came before it - where indeed, you'd have games with single or even no dynamic light sources for what was being displayed. But no discussion starts from 'lighting on PS2 is 4x more complex on this game' - the common argument usually goes like 'oh they probably have better lighting >because< it's PS2, but textures, colors blahblah'.
Now - it's been decades since I've seen Naomi 2 specs. While I recall total throughput with lots of lights being mentioned, 'spec sheet' does not equal real-world use, as - basically every console ever released demonstrates. 'But but hw acceleration' doesn't really say anything without that context. If VF4 is the measuring stick - what are factual stats being compared - to discuss 'what'(if anything) was 'comparable' we need goal-post to begin with.

Yes, all consoles has fewer games that push it to the limits properly, but on DC we have a huge disparity, because most part of the catalogue are games that looked like effectively at PS1/N64 pro level
I agree DC has a large gap - but so did others, and if there's one console that stands out with having the widest gap from bottom to top - it was XBox.
The best they got was things like Riddick or HalfLife 2 port, or some Gen 6 ports in literal HD (SC2 in 720P, Dragon's Lair 1080p).
The worst was literally 'PS1/N64 pro/high-res' - yes even that console received shovelware from that category.
PS2 had incredible lows/highs as well - but I think XBox gap actually has it beat.


"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
(eg. a certain horror game where the final boss exceeded 100k polys by itself, with volumetric shadows and all)

any clue?

And who said VF4 uses the power of the PS2? I mean, all Sega games on the PS2 are way way below what a first party could do, I doubt they use at least 60% of what the PS2 is capable of. Yes, no Naomi 2 game is ported 1:1 to the ps2 but from a hardware perspective the ps2 could outperform the arcade Naomi 2 if that is in the producer's interest. Naomi 2 is a 120k per frame poly machine at 60fps, the PS2 can do 150k at 60fps. Perhaps VF4 was the best a recovering Sega could do in terms of deadlines.

The NAOMI (New Arcade Operation Machine Idea) is also Japanese for beauty above all else.
CPU : 2 x Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC CPU (200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS)
Graphic Engine : 2 x PowerVR 2 (PVR2DC-CLX2) GPU's - (under the fans)
Geometry Processor : Custom Videologic T+L chip "Elan" (100mhz) - (Under Heatsink)
Sound Engine : ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM)
Main Memory : 32 MByte 100Mhz SDRAM
Graphic Memory : 32 MByte
Model Data Memory : 32MByte
Sound Memory : 8 MByte
Media : ROM Board / GD-Rom
Simultaneous Number of Colors : Approx. 16,770,000 (24bits)
Polygons : 10 Million polys/sec with 6 light sources
Rendering Speed : 2000 Mpixels/sec (unrealistic max, assumes overdraw of 10x which nothing uses)

Additional Features : Bump Mapping, Multiple Fog Modes, 8-bit Alpha Blending (256 levels of transparency), Mip Mapping (polygon-texture auto switch), Tri-Linear Filtering, Super Sampling for Full Scene Anti-Aliasing, Environment Mapping, and Specular Effect.
Compatibility : Fully backwards compatible with all Naomi and GD-Rom gam

''2x pvr2 overclocked'' 10M pps
''Polygons : 10 Million polys/sec with 6 light sources''
''2x 1,4gflops'' < 6,2Gflops

How many polygons does ps2 make with 6 light sources ?
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