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Was "Undying" a good FPS?


I found it overrated. It has spooky moments, but a lot more boring ones. Weak weapons too, though some people seem to like that.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
First few hours have some nice atmospheric thrills and enough loony weaponry to cull interest...it fades big time though. Lots of irritating platforming mixed with snoozer level layouts and atypical spawn bot killing just breaks that intial excitement. The Turok inspired endgame areas were a complete joke. It did have some kewl boss fights though IIRC.


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Brandon F said:
First few hours have some nice atmospheric thrills and enough loony weaponry to cull interest...it fades big time though. Lots of irritating platforming mixed with snoozer level layouts and atypical spawn bot killing just breaks that intial excitement. The Turok inspired endgame areas were a complete joke. It did have some kewl boss fights though IIRC.

Agree with this 100%. Starts out strong and runs out of steam as you get farther in.


OK, for a devil's advocate perspective: Personally, I loved it and still do. The scythe weapon you get about halfway through is still the best melee weapon in any FPS, and the game did dual wielding first and handled it very well. Late-game, you're blasting fools with a high-powered revolver while flinging screaming, flaming skulls that sound like Beavis to finish off anyone else...and it's just as good as that makes it sound. Also, the audio in Undying was totally incredible--easily some of the best of any FPS. I guess the game had a few too many locked doors and maybe dragged a bit near the end for some people's tastes, and there was no multiplayer; but, with the possible exceptions of Painkiller and the original Doom, I've never played a horror-themed FPS that I've liked as much as Undying. It hit all the right notes for me.
I gave it a try within the last year, but post Silent Hill and System Shock, low poly Unreal geometry just couldn't suspend my disbelief, and scorn, or scare me for even one second. You start out in one of those big mansions whose porportions feel too wide. It just felt shoddy to me, I know I should forgive much of that due to when the game was released, but I just couldn't.

I didn't play long, a bit past when enemies start coming out of the floor all the time, I guess. None of the weapons, none of the enemies, none of the areas felt solid at all to me. I'm sure this is a game where concept was meant to triumph over execution, kinda like Bloodrayne, but I simply didn't enjoy my time wih it, at all.

BTW, there's no way the audio is better than what was done in System Shock 2 and the Thief games; no contest.
I enjoyed it, but the Turok bit was indeed very v. poor.
Some of the magic was great though, like the spell that made your enemies commit suicide.


kasavin said:
Late-game, you're blasting fools with a high-powered revolver while flinging screaming, flaming skulls that sound like Beavis to finish off anyone else...and it's just as good as that makes it sound.

:lol :lol :lol

Oh man, I'm glad I snagged this for $5 when I had the chance now I MUST install this, if only for the screaming, flaming Beavis-sounding skulls.

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