Washington Post Suspends a Reporter After Her Tweets on Kobe Bryant



Unconfirmed Member
I'm just a realist, not some dumb kids who worship pretty girls and put them on pedestal
No you're just a dumb person who puts a man on a pedestal for dribbling a basketball in spite of everything else he may do.

too bad so sad.....

Kobe will be remembered as one the greatest sportsman, he's a hall of famer, 5 times champions, a father, a devoted family man, an inspiration, a community man. Statues will be built for him. Arena will be named after him...........He's not a saint, he's flawed, he got himself in that situation with that girl in Colorado. I don't know what happened in that room, no one (other than the two of them) knows........( yeah I don't buy that all women must be trusted bullshit, women are just as manipulative as men)......So they settled. She enjoys her large payment, more than anything most people could earn in their entire life.... victim?? ha!!!
Ok first off a devoted family man? Seriously?
Secondly, her getting financial compensation doesn't suddenly make it alright.
Thirdly.... dude, you just sound like a women hating twat in this thread.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
I don't like to use the "victim" label when we don't know for sure exactly what went on between those two.

However, I can express doubt if there are enough inconsistencies in her story. I don't follow the notion to "Believe Women" because "I Believe Facts" regardless of anyone's gender.
I'm a survivor of sexual assault.
too bad so sad

So...I haven't been on this site very long, but is this type of exchange accepted here? Because that's awful, Terra sholdn't have to put up with that from anyone and TBH I don't want to be on a board with scumbags like this. That's not a free speech or culture politics thing, treating someone like this is just actual evil. Don't let the crusade against 'woke' make you lose sight of actual right & wrong. But if this is cool and that's what this place is, let me know and I'll show myself out.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
I wish when I got in "trouble" I could pay people 2.5 million dollars to make it all go away. I would be out there doin' what ever tha fuck I wanted. 2 million for you! 2 million for you!

then some dumb girls story like this (with credible evidence) would just go away!!!!!1!!

""According to court documents, the facts of the June 30, 2003, incident to which I refer are that Bryant showed up at the Cordillera Spa in Edwards, Colorado, ahead of a knee surgery. A 19-year-old female concierge brought Kobe to his room. He asked her to return later to give him a tour of the hotel. She did so. At the end of the tour, he asked her to enter his room. She did. She said there was flirtation and consensual kissing. When he began groping her, she said, she tried to get away. He grabbed her by the neck, and she feared for her life. He bent her over a chair and removed her panties. She said twice that she begged him to stop but he penetrated her anyway. She left about five minutes later. Her clothes were messed up. She was upset. There was blood on her panties and on his shirt. That blood matched her DNA.""

Blood means it was rape? They can literally get DNA evidence from a very, VERY small amount of blood.

But let's look at things that casts doubt in her story.

She had sex hours after her encounter with Kobe.

Newly released court papers in the rape case against Kobe Bryant suggest that his accuser had sex with a second man not long after her encounter with Mr. Bryant. They also show that prosecutors were concerned that disclosure of that information could undermine their case.

The evidence was discussed in a two-day hearing in June in which defense lawyers sought to persuade the judge to allow testimony about the woman's sexual history. The judge last month ruled that much of the evidence was admissible. A transcript of the hearing, which a court clerk had mistakenly e-mailed to seven news organizations last month, was officially released late Monday.

This is not usual for rape victims at all.

But that's when you start digging deeper.

She tried to seduce Enimem, according to the alleged victim's ex friend.

Ex-friend LAIE WEATHERWAX admits she never believed Faber was the victim of a rape attack, because the blonde had a longtime plan to trick a celebrity into bed - and then force him to pay up.

In an exclusive interview with America's the GLOBE, Weatherwax, who had agreed to testify for the defence before the case was dismissed, says, "Kobe's a good looking guy and he has a fat wallet.

"In my opinion, at least 98 per cent of her (Faber) attraction to him was simply because he's famous. She's always wanted to be famous.

"My friend and I liked Eminem, but Katelyn took it to the extreme. She was obsessed with him and felt compelled to go meet him to try for sex."

Weatherwax claims Faber even plotted to lure Eminem to bed when he was scheduled to play a New Year's Eve show in Vail, Colorado - months after the Kobe Bryant scandal exploded.

She adds, "She called a friend at his (Eminem) hotel, found out what room he was in and where he'd sing. There was a plan to lure him into his room, the pool or hot tub, to be in position to score."

She Allegedly bragged about the entire thing.

The young woman accusing Kobe Bryant of rape bragged about the alleged assault at a party last week - and gave a graphic description of the NBA star's anatomy, partygoers said. Steve Evancho told NBC News that he was surprised when the 19-year-old woman showed up at his house party on July 15 - three days before prosecutors slapped Bryant with sex assault charges. "She was bragging about the whole thing," Evancho said, adding that the woman seemed "happy. She was having fun.

She admits to lying about several details.

KOBE BRYANT'S accuser admitted she lied to Colorado cops about several details when she alleged the basketball star raped her - and kept quiet about the fibs for a year, according to new court documents. The 20-year-old woman came clean in a July 31 letter to prosecutors, explaining she embellished her account because she felt the police didn't believe her. "I wanted to come forward and inform you of a few things that have been weighing heavily on my conscience," she wrote. "I am extremely disappointed in myself and also very sorry to anyone who was mislead [sic] by my mixup of information.

Some are key details, while some are minor. Still, she admits to lying.

First, she confessed she concocted a bogus excuse for why she was late to work the night she met Bryant at the Lodge & Spa at Cordillera in June 2003. Although she told Detective Doug Winters she had car trouble, "in all reality, I simply overslept," she said, adding she didn't want to get in trouble with her boss at the hotel. More importantly, she disclosed she also made up her claim that after they had sex, Bryant forced her to stay in the room and wash her face. "While I was held against my will in that room, I was not forced to wash my face . . . Instead I stopped at the mirror by the elevator on that floor to clean my face up," she wrote. "While there is no excuse for that mixup, I said what I said because I felt that Detective Winters did not believe what had happened to me," she added. "In reporting this crime one of my fears was that I would not be believed.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Oh, one more thing.

I wish when I got in "trouble" I could pay people 2.5 million dollars to make it all go away. I would be out there doin' what ever tha fuck I wanted. 2 million for you! 2 million for you!

What are you talking about?

The case was dropped because the accuser refused to testify and it was likely based on the reasons why I mentioned above.

The LATER filed a civil case against Bryant, which was settled.

In short: Kobe didn't get out of so called "trouble" by paying the accuser off. The case was dropped because the accuser refused to testify.
Sammy Hagar once sang “theres a time and place for everything”

Bringing up a alleged rape case that was dropped by it’s alleged victim during a time a father lay dead still at the scene with his dead daughter is in extreme poor taste. Its incredibly low.

I definitely wouldn’t want to employ someone so hateful.


Another thread that gets derailed from the actual news. The real reason behind the suspension has been found out by Matthew Keys in an update:


too bad so sad.....

Kobe will be remembered as one the greatest sportsman, he's a hall of famer, 5 times champions, a father, a devoted family man, an inspiration, a community man. Statues will be built for him. Arena will be named after him...........He's not a saint, he's flawed, he got himself in that situation with that girl in Colorado. I don't know what happened in that room, no one (other than the two of them) knows........( yeah I don't buy that all women must be trusted bullshit, women are just as manipulative as men)......So they settled. She enjoys her large payment, more than anything most people could earn in their entire life.... victim?? ha!!!

funny how people turn a blind eye because the accused is good with a ball
So...I haven't been on this site very long, but is this type of exchange accepted here? Because that's awful, Terra sholdn't have to put up with that from anyone and TBH I don't want to be on a board with scumbags like this. That's not a free speech or culture politics thing, treating someone like this is just actual evil. Don't let the crusade against 'woke' make you lose sight of actual right & wrong. But if this is cool and that's what this place is, let me know and I'll show myself out.

My too bad so sad comment is for her hatred for Kobe, because in spite of all her hatred for him, he will be remembered as one the greatest man on and off the court

I didn’t even bother about commenting her personal experience because I don’t know the full story


Unconfirmed Member
My too bad so sad comment is for her hatred for Kobe, because in spite of all her hatred for him, he will be remembered as one the greatest man on and off the court

I didn’t even bother about commenting her personal experience because I don’t know the full story
You're still a dickhead.
Her "hatred for Kobe" has fuck all to do with his basketball skills or accomplishments.
no I question her victim status in this whole thing. this sounds more like an extortion case

You're still a dickhead.
Her "hatred for Kobe" has fuck all to do with his basketball skills or accomplishments.

The dickheads and the assholes are the people here who shit on him while his body is still amongst the ruins, fuck you all, bunch of low life piece of shit
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Good! she has it coming. She's part of the cancel cutlure, who's adamant that someone has to be pure and sinless to be admired/celebrated

she could've posted that link anytime between 2016 to prior to his death, but no.........she chose to do it yesterday

whether you agree or not, it’s the perfect time to bring it up.

As the minutes, days, weeks, months, years go by Kobe will be talked about less and less.


Oh, one more thing.

What are you talking about?

The case was dropped because the accuser refused to testify and it was likely based on the reasons why I mentioned above.

The LATER filed a civil case against Bryant, which was settled.

In short: Kobe didn't get out of so called "trouble" by paying the accuser off. The case was dropped because the accuser refused to testify.
So he paid he 2 million for fun? Sorry if I’m not sold. Dude admitted to a non consensual sexual encounter.
Too bad so sad

This is

So he paid he 2 million for fun? Sorry if I’m not sold. Dude admitted to a non consensual sexual encounter.
No he didn't. It was pretty standard attorney approved "let this go away" statement

I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives of this young woman. No money has been paid to this woman. She has agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil case. Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.

Remember the settlement was in early 2005, would he have been given the same legal advise if this occurred in 2019? I doubt it. Social media wasn't a factor back then like it is now.

Why believe he felt it was consensual?

Bryant stated that he assumed consent for sex because of the accuser's body language such as her kissing him, putting her hand on his penis, and bending over, but that he did not explicitly ask for her consent during the encounter. Bryant later said that he believed his accuser was capable of saying no because during the encounter he asked her if he could "cum on her face", and she said no.

Bryant claims he stopped after asking if he could ejaculate on her face.

Does that mean she felt it was consensual? Nope certainly not.

Its funny how in 2003 I remember people claiming that the AG pursued charges because he was a Black Man due to the evidence and testimony of people around. In 2020 people claim nobody takes the rape accusation seriously. How times change


I'm a survivor of sexual assault. My rapist almost certainly thinks what he did was okay. Kobe's accuser was harassed and got death threats from toxic fans despite a positive rape kit and trauma. Even after #metoo, there's still a cottage industry of lawyers and PR people whose whole job is to make these people disappear, settle, and never speak of these things.

While I pity his family, seeing a rapist celebrated and told that the opinions of survivors are inappropriate at this time is not something I'm comfortable with. Same goes with popular nonces like Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, Mike Tyson, Prince Andrew, or Jimmy Saville. When someone dies, the crime they got away with and the damage it did doesn't disappear.

In short, fuck Kobe Bryant. When OJ dies, I don't want to hear about his sports record. His victims are still dead.

You don't know that he raped her - none of us do, we weren't there. There is plenty of evidence to support both sides. He wasn't convicted of it, that is one thing we know, but that also doesn't mean he's innocent. Again, WE DON'T KNOW.

I'm sorry to hear you were sexually assaulted, that is awful, but it also does not make you an authority on whether or not Kobe is guilty of rape. Just taking a hard stance that he IS a rapist, he DID this crime, is unfair and irresponsible. It sounds like you want justice and feel him "getting away with it" is unjust. Is there a part of you that wants justice to be served to him for the injustice done to you? I could understand those emotions. But what if he didn't do it? What if we go 100% in on him being a rapist and he did not do it?

It's okay for people to celebrate him at his death, he has done a lot of good things in the world and good things for other people. Those things are just as real as whatever bad things he may or may not have done and we as people are more than just a single event in our lives.
So he paid he 2 million for fun? Sorry if I’m not sold. Dude admitted to a non consensual sexual encounter.

I mean, probably. This type of stuff happens quite frequently with wealthy people, no? They can afford to make a case go away rather than drag their families through it for months and months and end up paying more in lawyer fees.
Yeah some people just died in a horrible helicopter accident.
Have respect for those that just passed my god.
There are also the families of these people that now have to suffer more with stupid folk posting stupid tweets.
Humanity was a mistake.
The main thing is, that "rape" case was resolved long time ago. This is not bringing up dirty laundry or secrets, this is bringing up a case closed. Like what more do you want. Oh you want to remind people what he did 17 years ago? No problem I just have one question, where the fuck were you till today to let people know this case existed once? Why hasnt this been brought up more often, NBA banned him...actually where are all those #metoo chicks, why havent they went agains him. Most probably because they have no clue and the only reason this is news is because his death become news so hey lets get those twitter followers.

To be clear I couldnt care less about NBA or Kobe but this is such typical BS when someone famous dies. All of a sudden everyone is a fan, all of a sudden everyone was a Lakers fanboy, the biggest Michael Jackson fan but in reality last time they put on his song was 15 years ago while currently trolling his photos on reddit with his falling apart nose. Hell even when Colin McRea died (helicopter crash too with his son), now everyone is a Rally fan and im talking about people that dont even know how a bicycle operates. And comparing Kobe case to O.J. ...are you serious?
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People are allowed to be assholes; can't just fire them for it.

That said, fuck youuuu bitch! I didn't know anything about Kobe before he died, but trying to start up drama and hate right after someone dies makes you worse than garbage. Piss off. I remember when Stan Lee died and some douchebags pulled that same defamation bullshit.

Let people mourn for a bit before you go on your virtue quest for God's sake.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
So he paid he 2 million for fun? Sorry if I’m not sold. Dude admitted to a non consensual sexual encounter.

He was told to get a court order apology as part of the settlement agreement. This is like an innocent person pleading guilty, even though they believe they are innocent.

Sorry if I’m not sold.

This is the problem. You're ignoring clear evidence and stating "I'm not sold."

Criminal case was dropped. The civil case was filed AFTER the criminal case was dropped. That means there was NO WAY Kobe would have gone to jail if he lost the civil case.

If you're not sold on this, then it's because you're just ignoring facts.


So...I haven't been on this site very long, but is this type of exchange accepted here? Because that's awful, Terra sholdn't have to put up with that from anyone and TBH I don't want to be on a board with scumbags like this. That's not a free speech or culture politics thing, treating someone like this is just actual evil. Don't let the crusade against 'woke' make you lose sight of actual right & wrong. But if this is cool and that's what this place is, let me know and I'll show myself out.

First of all most of us don't care about your feelings , second of all she was the one admitting to have lied on many things. I don't care if she was a woman/man/everythinginbeetween, when you Lie and try to gain fame and money at the expense of others you are the scum of humanity .

As far as I know he hasn't been plegued guilty so she is a liar. If I'm wrong I'm sorry.


Funny how people dig up accusations that were dropped by the court more than 15 years ago to shit on a guy while his body is still warm.

funny he still settled out of court. as all innocent people do... but hey ho, believe all women unless its against a basketball player yeah


You don't know that he raped her - none of us do, we weren't there. There is plenty of evidence to support both sides. He wasn't convicted of it, that is one thing we know, but that also doesn't mean he's innocent. Again, WE DON'T KNOW.
You are wrong. If he is not convicted then the is innocent. That is a very basic law 101 principle.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I mean, probably. This type of stuff happens quite frequently with wealthy people, no? They can afford to make a case go away rather than drag their families through it for months and months and end up paying more in lawyer fees.

Most civil cases settle out of court.

People who say Kobe paid shut the accuser up don't know what they're talking about. You can't pay your way out of trouble in a criminal case, you can only pay for the greats lawyers and hope you get out of jail.

People bring up Michael Jackson and OJ as proof.

Michael Jackson paid about 20 million to the accuser, but the criminal investigation was still going. After the accusers family receive the money, the family stopped cooperating with the police. Jackson actually wanted to postpone the civil case until after the criminal case was settled, but his request was denied several times.

Everyone knows OJ Simpson was guilty. He paid for the best lawyers and the race card really worked in his favor.

OJ Simpson was later found not guilty in his civil trial.
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