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Wasteland 2 Kickstarter project by inXile entertainment [Ended, $3 Million Funded]


Gah, when was this supposed to come out again? I wish I had went for the big collectors edition but only got the Big Boxed™ version :/


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Looks like a fantasy dungeon than a post-apoc one. :thumbs down:



I don't think it looks like a fantasy dungeon at all :eek:

It kinda does look like it could be from Baldur's Gate or Diablo 3, some underground cellar or whatever. But it also looks like it could be from Fallout. I don't think there's anything particularly "fantasy" about it, but it also looks like ti could be from just about any setting.
It kinda does look like it could be from Baldur's Gate or Diablo 3, some underground cellar or whatever. But it also looks like it could be from Fallout. I don't think there's anything particularly "fantasy" about it, but it also looks like ti could be from just about any setting.
I was seeing some outdoor stuff going on, but maybe I just need to put on my glasses haha. It's really more a guessing game than anything else right now.
Lack of identity is worse than wrong identity. This is an outrage!

haha I love how we're evaluating games from far away now.
It's like peeking through a telescope watching the neighbor play it and then complaining that the textures don't look sharp enough.
with all that said it really looks like they could have put more effort into their texture work
Hard to say, but I'm guessing that screenshot is of the tunnels underneath the Agricultural Center where a huge and disused radio satellite dish sits in the middle of a large scientific research compound that was converted in the post-apocalypse into a walled-in farm. That is one of the first locations you can reach from the starting point at the Ranger Center of the original Wasteland. Avellone was supposed to have created one of the introductory scenarios set in the old WL1 starting locations, specifically the Agricultural Center, AFAIR. If it's what I think it is, it should serve the same purpose the location did in the first game, and that is to give your party a first experience with lots of combat against mutated rodents living off of the farm's produce, sorta like a noob area with rats to fight and level up from nothing. Of course, it could also be the first and closest location to the starting point, the old campgrounds at Highpool.


Between the posts here and people complaning about Project Eternity I think we can officially declare GAF insane.


Still waiting. This will be very exciting. Seeing the game in motion is what a lot of people have been waiting for. A first good impression will help them a lot.


Inxile has their clocks set to Valve time.

Why the hell did I stay up :/

At least there are updates:

shot myself in the foot there. On final check, the sound was off by about a second with a bad render :(. Need to redo it

we are still at the office working on getting it rendered. Ever try to put 50 gigs of lossless video into vegas before?



That's good, I guess.

For the record, I have put 50 gigs of 1080p video into Sony Vegas before and it does take long to render...


Damn so close to see it finally. I don't expect to see something amazing (since it isn't really even alpha) but i am glad.


The whole update on kickstarter. There is also an audio file (OST track) I cant link here.

Update #23
Without Furfer Ado...
We are very proud to provide the first gameplay video of Wasteland 2, which will allow our backers to see how far we've come and how everything is coming together. The usual way of doing things in this industry would see us create a demo specifically for displaying to the press or at game shows, but we're very glad to have been allowed the freedom to create a demo video from an actually playable area, which ensures there's no wasted code. This is a straight video capture of Development Director Chris Keenan playing the game. The only element that is not running in code is the sound effects, as it was faster to do in post, but as you will hear, there is nothing being done audio wise that isn't easily replicated in engine. In fact, we plan to have many more sound effects in the final game than what is heard here.

Wasteland 2 - Early Gameplay Footage

This represents not just the strong synergy of the inXile team but the effects of your continued input via the forums. The game has continued to improve thanks to this communication, and Wasteland 2 will be better for it. The benefits have ranged from changes to the combat mechanics to finalizing the name of our attribute system.

It also represents the success of working with Unity and the asset creation experiment we did to increase the variety and density of the world look. We were pleasantly surprised at the talent that submitted art content, and we look forward to continuing to work with them.

I’d also like to thank the military personnel who joined our Yammer group to help us develop the slang and communicate more real world experiences for us to draw on. We love to learn little things like how much they hate it when movies say “Over and out!”… There is no “out” after “over” dammit!

This first level you will see is one of the first areas you will encounter in the game. The agricultural center was also a part of Wasteland 1. It was an area that Chris Avellone had some affinity for and he did the design for the level. Also thanks goes out to Nathan Long, who provided this area’s clever writing. We had a chance to show Chris the level last week, and when we commented that it was coming together he said “not coming together … it has COME together.”

Our objective was to show off some of the HUD and how both the combat and skill systems work. There are many elements not represented here but to name a few:

Minimal particle effects
Minimal sound
Mini-map not working
Inventory, logbook and other character screens not shown
Not all skills (in and out of combat) being represented
No world map movement
It needs more messaging in the UI
And not a comprehensive list of all the combat variables
Sorry if we're over communicating, but it's just a reminder: we're just past the halfway mark, so don't expect to see everything that you can expect from the final game just quite yet.

You will get to listen to the latest track from Mark Morgan (at the bottom of this update) that sets the haunting and often desolate tone of the Wasteland. And you will hear our first pass at the radio broadcasting which plays a vital role in communication, reactivity and mood setting. There will be a host of cults who are broadcasting their propaganda while other calls will be the locals who seek the help of our rangers. We have many interesting ideas on how to use the radio in novel ways.

Our vision for this game remains intact and you will see a number of examples that illustrate this. The customization can be seen in the examples of bringing in your own portraits and by the ability to set the user interface in a style that works for you.

You wanted a party and turn based RPG with tactical combat, and we are delivering that. The demo helps to show off action points, use of cover, enemy view cones, distance/height/enemy size/enemy speed affecting the chance to hit, ammo configurations, attributes changing the characters strengths and role, simultaneous party firing and more. And we are not done adding elements to make sure you are fully engaged in an interesting combat system. There is still plenty of time for you to comment on the combat system and to help us hone it in. Our goal is to build a very deep combat system, with the potential to dive in and fine-tune your damage-output and tactics, while not absolutely requiring that level of micro-management from all players.

If you played Wasteland 1, you will enjoy the many callbacks to the original, but at the same time there is no need of that knowledge. While certainly not a comedy you will get a healthy dose of the humor that gave Wasteland its charm.

Once again we thank you all for backing our vision…


It oozes with climate even in pre alpha stage. LOVE IT.

I'm even more exicted now, everything seems perfect, from the overall style, the combat,
the way the dialogues are executed (I really like that they kept it textbased, just adds
more atmosphere somehow)



Alright, now this shit was awesome. AWESOME.

I'm not crazy about the keywords dialogue system, but it seems somewhat like the system they had in QUest For Glory, and that worked pretty well, so I'm optimistic.

Alright, now this shit was awesome. AWESOME.

I'm not crazy about the keywords dialogue system, but it seems somewhat like the system they had in QUest For Glory, and that worked pretty well, so I'm optimistic.

hm I kinda liked it, feels more like having an actual interaction with somebody imo.


hm I kinda liked it, feels more like having an actual interaction with somebody imo.

I rather have the BG-style interactions, because it make dialogue more engaging and fun to read. But this seems to work for the game and it does provide some nostalgia to old Sierra games... And I am a well known nostalgia-whore. So all is good.


I thought everything shown looked great. A lot of elements right where I expected them, but some that I didn't expect.

I can't wait to play this.


I like what I see, however:
- The HUD looks way too bloated with useless art.
- The Rangers walk too slow, hopefully there's a run toggle.
- The ceiling and other parts of the map indoors seem to obscure your view and get in the way of the camera.


I like what I see, however:
- The HUD looks way too bloated with useless art.
- The Rangers walk too slow, hopefully there's a run toggle.
- The ceiling and other parts of the map indoors seem to obscure your view and get in the way of the camera.

Abouth the HUD/UI https://twitter.com/BrianFargo/status/300313938883665920

Something that we didn't highlight in our video was the ability for the user to completely minimize the UI. We are always listening.


I like what I see, however:
- The HUD looks way too bloated with useless art.
- The Rangers walk too slow, hopefully there's a run toggle.
- The ceiling and other parts of the map indoors seem to obscure your view and get in the way of the camera.
I think there's a button to toggle stances/running he presses multiple times on the video. He doesn't explain it so I'm not sure.

It's on the bottom left part of the GUI.


Man, that looks really, really good. I think the thing that made me go "whoa" the most was that keyword system. Being able to try to get a response on keywords could lead to some very cool discovery moments depending on how robust the system is.

It's really cool that they found some neat ideas to leverage within their smaller budget. "No voicework? Ok, let's make our conversation the most robust in the business."
Man, that looks really, really good. I think the thing that made me go "whoa" the most was that keyword system. Being able to try to get a response on keywords could lead to some very cool discovery moments depending on how robust the system is.

It's really cool that they found some neat ideas to leverage within their smaller budget. "No voicework? Ok, let's make our conversation the most robust in the business."

yeah sometimes not having a bigass -budget can really improve the creative process. gosh I love kickstarter for making these things possible


Truely a sign of the return of CRPGs.

I fully agree! When I saw the video, I was really impressed with how good the game looked and functioned. The atmosphere of the game was perfect. With so many games (and even films) forgetting how to show things in creative ways (which is how you create atmosphere), it was really refreshing to see how well even the alpha of Wasteland 2 did it!
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