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Watch_Dogs original graphical effects (E3 2012/13) found in game files [PC]

From "deferredambient.inc.fx":



This thread should come with popcorn.


Guys it is a mod lol. Even if it enables effects already present it's modding the game to enable them. Maybe it's just flipping a 0 to 1 but that's still a mod.


I don't know if a lot of these lighting changes are necessarily for the better. A lot of the pictures being posted have this commonly "washed out" look to them.

The increased rain and proper headlight shadows look great, though.


So the bloom needs to be backed off.

We need a little more DoF (just a LITTLE) when standing still and LESS DoF when running.

The tweak is getting there..lol.

Agreed. 0.7 needs a bit more DoF in the distance (Dark Souls II's vanila DoF is my favorite), less while running, and considerably less bloom. Color saturation seems to be back to normal.
I don't know if a lot of these lighting changes are necessarily for the better. A lot of the pictures being posted have this commonly "washed out" look to them.

The increased rain and proper headlight shadows look great, though.

Really hoping someone will step in and create a customization program for it. I could do without the bloom and just a few solid tweaks to the DoF.

The Cowboy

To all the people companying about PC gamer referring to this as a mod, you do realise this is the original thread title of this.
"TheWorse Mod for Watch_Dogs (0.7 Version)"
The maker him/her self is even referring to it as a MOD. But seriously, don't you all (the people going after PC Gamer) think your going a bit overboard simply because they referred to this as a mod?.


Just be patient, guys. There's only one person working on this and as of today, his life turned into something definitely beyond his expectations.
I took the liberity of reinstalling Watch Dogs and opening the shader.dat file.

In it's entirety; the contents of 'deferredambient.inc.fx'

#include "Ambient.inc.fx"
#if defined(XBOX360_TARGET) || defined(PS3_TARGET)
float3 GetUnifiedVolumeUVW(in float3 worldSpacePosition, float baseZ)
// Figure out where we stand in the our 3x3 grid (128m per tile).
float2 distFromCenter = worldSpacePosition.xy - VolumeCentreGlobal.xy;
float2 uv = (distFromCenter / (256.0f / 23.0f * 120.0f)) + 0.5f;
// Since we have 24x24 probes, but we have 1 row/column of redundancy between
// tiles, we need to introduce a 1px offset for each tile as we move away
// from the center.
uv += round(distFromCenter / 256.0f) / 120.0f;
float w = saturate((worldSpacePosition.z - baseZ) / LINEARZSPACING / PROBE_VOLUME_SIZE_Z);
return float3(uv, w);
// This is al ultra dumbed-down version of what there is in DeferredAmbient.fx,
// designed for rain light. Assumes normal pointing up and no floor correction.
float3 GetRainLightProbeAmbient( float3 worldSpacePos )
float3 volumeUVW = GetUnifiedVolumeUVW(worldSpacePos.xyz, CenterBaseZ);
float4 finalUVW4 = float4(volumeUVW, 0);
finalUVW4.z += (0.5f / PROBE_VOLUME_SIZE_Z);
// On XBOX, since the texture filtering is good, we stick to
// 8-bit texture. We dont use gamma because this would require us
// to use one of the _AS_16 format the the shader becomes
// texture cache stall bound. We opt for a manual (non-gamma-correct)
// filtering using a sqrt() for encoding and x^2 for decoding.
float4 encodedUpperColor = tex3Dlod(BigProbeVolumeTextureUpperColor3D,finalUVW4);
float3 upperColor = (encodedUpperColor.rgb * encodedUpperColor.rgb) / (encodedUpperColor.a * RelightingMultiplier.y);
float3 upperColor = tex3Dlod(BigProbeVolumeTextureUpperColor3D,finalUVW4).xyz;
[B]// This is PC only, who cares.
float3 upperColor = DefaultProbeUpperColor;
return upperColor;

I stand corrected; it's actually in there. Not that it matters, it seems this entire inc was targeted for PS3/360; so in context there's nothing wrong with the comment.


Neo Member
more like it ain't done and we have a shipping date. Taking it out will make broke shit even more broke, so just disable them.

Really wish more studios were like cd project RED that can give out free 2.0 patches with completely rebalances and visual improvements.

how do we know this wasn't the plan with this game?

Evo X

Just played .7 for about 30 minutes.

Not only does it look better, but it performs better as well!

Pretty much got rid of all the stuttering. Running max settings 1080p with 2x TXAA with a 780Ti.


Is there a way we can use twitter to call out the journalists who are trying to cover this disaster with shilling lies like "MOOODS"? Absolutely everybody that cares and does not care needs to know about this.


If that is true, I'm going to blow a gasket.

I think this comment is getting blown out of proportion.

I write code all the time and this is just a note marker that could mean anything to anyone but only the right thing to the coder who was one of hundreds playing in the repository libs.

I have put //all kinds of crap in comments and taken as a read it could be massively misconstrued.
i dont know if there is some parity thing that some are advocating, but i do know that the gulf between PC and consoles is pretty damn big. Much bigger than the petty squabbling of the two hd consoles

Good to see you're still posting thoughtful/meaningful contributions to threads.
OT: will download when I have some time tonight to see how it runs.


PS4/XB1 were released in 2013.

In 2012, a company like Ubisoft must have known almost every little detail about both consoles, upgrades aside.

They've showed the game a year and a half before consoles release and started working on it at least another year prior to that. It's likely that they didn't know jack shit back then and full details were disclosed to them only shortly before a public announcement.. Console makers keep as much as possible under wraps before launch because of competition constantly spying one on the other.
Why do you think we have these NDAs and embargoes? Leak via third parties are the most common types of leaks these days. Some guy at a partner company hears stuff and tells it to a friend who turns out to be a GAF regular etc.
It is totally possible that they've initially overshoot with WD next-gen version. Think about UE4 and its SVOGI. These type of things happen all the time during a generation shift.
I like the new mod, but bloom is over the top - especially at night. Every little light seems like it's shining in your eyes, filling up the screen.

And I still think the DoF is too noticeable when you're running. It's not realistic. No one's vision screws up that dramatically just because they're running.

Needs a bit more tweaking, but getting there.


that code comment is hilarious but really it could mean anything

it could mean "who cares, no one uses PCs" or it could mean "who cares, PC build doesn't need to worry about this because its more powerful, or any number of 100 other reasons"

code comments are not PR


Is there a way we can use twitter to call out the journalists who are trying to cover this disaster with shilling lies like "MOOODS"? Absolutely everybody that cares and does not care needs to know about this.

"cover this disaster", seriously?

It's a mod, the creator called it a mod. What do you expect PC Gamer to do? Launch an attack on Ubisoft with no evidence like some people are doing?

Most of the accusations being thrown are without proof, do you expect a professional gaming outlet to mirror them and "attack" Ubisoft based on nothing?

Some people here need to get a grip. This is not a crusade or a big injustice. They cut some features for reasons unknown. There might be more to the story, probably there isn't. It's still no reason to demand justice over it.


I've never modded before since I just built my first pc. I see there is a link to a dowloadable file. What does the proecess entail? I'd love to give this one a shot


This game is going to look great in a year when I can run it with some heavy duty anti-aliasing and all the E3 graphic goodies with an 8xx/3xx series GPU.

These changes certainly helped improve things, but I still feel its a bit lacking and I think that the aliasing is a huge part of that.


Without context, this doesn't mean anything.

Thanks. Sadly still doesn't really tell us what's going on. Is the PC version using whatever is in "DeferredAmbient.fx" on higher quality settings, and therefore we don't care about this dumbed down version on PC?

It seems like those comments are about optimisation being made on consoles so that PC feature doesn't really matter to them.

That's what I'm taking from it at least.

No Love

Just played .7 for about 30 minutes.

Not only does it look better, but it performs better as well!

Pretty much got rid of all the stuttering. Running max settings 1080p with 2x TXAA with a 780Ti.

Oh Ubisoft, why are you so full of fucking fail?
Without context, this doesn't mean anything.

Thanks. Sadly still doesn't really tell us what's going on. Is the PC version using whatever is in "DeferredAmbient.fx" on higher quality settings, and therefore we don't care about this dumbed down version on PC?

While I do find it terribly hilarious and I think Ubisoft does need to spend more time with its PC ports. Gotta agree that this should not be blown out of proportion. It could reference something.... that we just do not get right now.

Would be better to know exactly what the comment concerns.

Also, I find honest code commenting hilarious. Some of the stuff in the quake code base for example...


Without context, this doesn't mean anything.

Thanks. Sadly still doesn't really tell us what's going on. Is the PC version using whatever is in "DeferredAmbient.fx" on higher quality settings, and therefore we don't care about this dumbed down version on PC?

By looking at the rest of the file... It looks like the context of it is just telling other developers about what textures and shaders to use. This is a few lines up from the PC line:

// On XBOX, since the texture filtering is good, we stick to
// 8-bit texture. We dont use gamma because this would require us
// to use one of the _AS_16 format the the shader becomes
// texture cache stall bound. We opt for a manual (non-gamma-correct)
// filtering using a sqrt() for encoding and x^2 for decoding.

So.. its basically something about the texture filtering method on consoles compared to the PC. The PC version doesnt have to worry about texture cache (because its a powerful pc). Hence why it says "This is for pc, who cares".


"cover this disaster", seriously?

It's a mod, the creator called it a mod. What do you expect PC Gamer to do? Launch an attack on Ubisoft with no evidence like some people are doing?

Most of the accusations being thrown are without proof, do you expect a professional gaming outlet to mirror them and "attack" Ubisoft based on nothing?

Some people here need to get a grip. This is not a crusade or a big injustice. They cut some features for reasons unknown. There might be more to the story, probably there isn't. It's still no reason to demand justice over it.

Some people like to mention Hanlon, I'd rather mention a quite bad now long-deceased politician instead

Thinking ill of your fellow man is a sin, but you have guessed right
that code comment is hilarious but really it could mean anything

it could mean "who cares, no one uses PCs" or it could mean "who cares, PC build doesn't need to worry about this because its more powerful, or any number of 100 other reasons"

code comments are not PR

Seems more like this. But comments is for programmers only, I don't see why people offended by this. I seen trollfaces and "fixed by batman" comments. Some programmers have a blast with it. It is like graffiti :)


I took the liberity of reinstalling Watch Dogs and opening the shader.dat file.

In it's entirety; the contents of 'deferredambient.inc.fx'

#include "Ambient.inc.fx"
#if defined(XBOX360_TARGET) || defined(PS3_TARGET)
float3 GetUnifiedVolumeUVW(in float3 worldSpacePosition, float baseZ)
// Figure out where we stand in the our 3x3 grid (128m per tile).
float2 distFromCenter = worldSpacePosition.xy - VolumeCentreGlobal.xy;
float2 uv = (distFromCenter / (256.0f / 23.0f * 120.0f)) + 0.5f;
// Since we have 24x24 probes, but we have 1 row/column of redundancy between
// tiles, we need to introduce a 1px offset for each tile as we move away
// from the center.
uv += round(distFromCenter / 256.0f) / 120.0f;
float w = saturate((worldSpacePosition.z - baseZ) / LINEARZSPACING / PROBE_VOLUME_SIZE_Z);
return float3(uv, w);
// This is al ultra dumbed-down version of what there is in DeferredAmbient.fx,
// designed for rain light. Assumes normal pointing up and no floor correction.
float3 GetRainLightProbeAmbient( float3 worldSpacePos )
float3 volumeUVW = GetUnifiedVolumeUVW(worldSpacePos.xyz, CenterBaseZ);
float4 finalUVW4 = float4(volumeUVW, 0);
finalUVW4.z += (0.5f / PROBE_VOLUME_SIZE_Z);
// On XBOX, since the texture filtering is good, we stick to
// 8-bit texture. We dont use gamma because this would require us
// to use one of the _AS_16 format the the shader becomes
// texture cache stall bound. We opt for a manual (non-gamma-correct)
// filtering using a sqrt() for encoding and x^2 for decoding.
float4 encodedUpperColor = tex3Dlod(BigProbeVolumeTextureUpperColor3D,finalUVW4);
float3 upperColor = (encodedUpperColor.rgb * encodedUpperColor.rgb) / (encodedUpperColor.a * RelightingMultiplier.y);
float3 upperColor = tex3Dlod(BigProbeVolumeTextureUpperColor3D,finalUVW4).xyz;
[B]// This is PC only, who cares.
float3 upperColor = DefaultProbeUpperColor;
return upperColor;

I stand corrected; it's actually in there. Not that it matters, it seems this entire inc was targeted for PS3/360; so in context there's nothing wrong with the comment.

that code comment is hilarious but really it could mean anything

it could mean "who cares, no one uses PCs" or it could mean "who cares, PC build doesn't need to worry about this because its more powerful, or any number of 100 other reasons"

code comments are not PR

We have no clue what this means. People should calm their tits.

It is real guys.
I took the liberity of reinstalling Watch Dogs and opening the shader.dat file.

In it's entirety; the contents of 'deferredambient.inc.fx'

#include "Ambient.inc.fx"
#if defined(XBOX360_TARGET) || defined(PS3_TARGET)
float3 GetUnifiedVolumeUVW(in float3 worldSpacePosition, float baseZ)
// Figure out where we stand in the our 3x3 grid (128m per tile).
float2 distFromCenter = worldSpacePosition.xy - VolumeCentreGlobal.xy;
float2 uv = (distFromCenter / (256.0f / 23.0f * 120.0f)) + 0.5f;
// Since we have 24x24 probes, but we have 1 row/column of redundancy between
// tiles, we need to introduce a 1px offset for each tile as we move away
// from the center.
uv += round(distFromCenter / 256.0f) / 120.0f;
float w = saturate((worldSpacePosition.z - baseZ) / LINEARZSPACING / PROBE_VOLUME_SIZE_Z);
return float3(uv, w);
// This is al ultra dumbed-down version of what there is in DeferredAmbient.fx,
// designed for rain light. Assumes normal pointing up and no floor correction.
float3 GetRainLightProbeAmbient( float3 worldSpacePos )
float3 volumeUVW = GetUnifiedVolumeUVW(worldSpacePos.xyz, CenterBaseZ);
float4 finalUVW4 = float4(volumeUVW, 0);
finalUVW4.z += (0.5f / PROBE_VOLUME_SIZE_Z);
// On XBOX, since the texture filtering is good, we stick to
// 8-bit texture. We dont use gamma because this would require us
// to use one of the _AS_16 format the the shader becomes
// texture cache stall bound. We opt for a manual (non-gamma-correct)
// filtering using a sqrt() for encoding and x^2 for decoding.
float4 encodedUpperColor = tex3Dlod(BigProbeVolumeTextureUpperColor3D,finalUVW4);
float3 upperColor = (encodedUpperColor.rgb * encodedUpperColor.rgb) / (encodedUpperColor.a * RelightingMultiplier.y);
float3 upperColor = tex3Dlod(BigProbeVolumeTextureUpperColor3D,finalUVW4).xyz;
[B]// This is PC only, who cares.
float3 upperColor = DefaultProbeUpperColor;
return upperColor;

I stand corrected; it's actually in there. Not that it matters, it seems this entire inc was targeted for PS3/360; so in context there's nothing wrong with the comment.

Pretty much confirms what I said 3-4 pages ago when it was first brought up :)

Obviously a note by the console devs that ended up back amongst the PC files.


That comment is not worth attention, it seems to be that in a specific case that value on PC defaults to a default color, when the rest of that section is dealing with code for the console versions.


Oh, we are seriously discuss if this is a mod or not ? Who cares.

The important thing is the the pc master race now can play the game with this graphics. I surely get the pc version when I'll find some interesting sales (hope my 6970 is enough for this challenge)

Ploid 3.0

By looking at the rest of the file... It looks like the context of it is just telling other developers about what textures and shaders to use. This is a few lines up from the PC line:

So.. its basically something about the texture filtering method on consoles compared to the PC. The PC version doesnt have to worry about texture cache (because its a powerful pc). Hence why it says "This is for pc, who cares".

Dude hahh, this guy is trolling. I'm sure he made it up to prove that gaf jump to conclusions like his other edit.

Man you people are gullible as fuck. Totally found this additional line of code in deferredambient.inc.fx!!!


I mean "NOMAD_PLATFORM_XENON" come on guys, don't fall for that.
I haven't gone through the entire thread but has anyone made a short video or webm with this enabled?

I am one of the sad fellows that was interested in this during its initial showing but then over time the negative media (and Aussie price tax) overwhelmed me, but with this mod and a potential 25% off or better sale coming up this could be welcomed to my library sooner rather than later.


never left the stone age
This makes me wonder. Why is there no PS4/Xbox One code comments in the PC files? Did they down-port from the PC build?
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