Anyway, really can't wait to hear what spin Ubisoft put on this...
As an ARG, extending the hacking experience to the players.
Anyway, really can't wait to hear what spin Ubisoft put on this...
Man you people are gullible as fuck. Totally found this additional line of code in!!!
1.3 million views for this thread? jesus christ
1.3 million views for this thread? jesus christ
So I avoided Watch Dogs altogether after all of the stuttering issues. Does this mod now make it worth it to jump in?
But the line IS in there, the thing is that it was a single line taken out of context, since the entire file had to do with PS360 settings, and thus didn't apply to PCs at all (the developer LITERALLY saying "Who cares about this PC setting in our PS360 build.")
Honestly I don't think there any conspiracy here.
If you look at games like Assassin's Creed 3 and Splinter Cell: Blacklist, they scale vastly above the console versions on PC.
What I feel is more likely here is they abandoned these features long ago and then just assumed they either wouldn't work well and/or look good with the current version without actually testing it out, since they were presumably death marching to get the game out by the end.
We still only have one source for this, same person as the one that took the image of the code, with mentions of the TheWorse confirming, but no link to that confirmation.
float3 GetRainLightProbeAmbient( float3 worldSpacePos )
....float3 volumeUVW = GetUnifiedVolumeUVW(, CenterBaseZ);
....float4 finalUVW4 = float4(volumeUVW, 0);
....finalUVW4.z += (0.5f / PROBE_VOLUME_SIZE_Z);
....#ifdef READ_3D_TEXTURES
............// On XBOX, since the texture filtering is good, we stick to
............// 8-bit texture. We dont use gamma because this would require us
............// to use one of the _AS_16 format the the shader becomes
............// texture cache stall bound. We opt for a manual (non-gamma-correct)
............// filtering using a sqrt() for encoding and x^2 for decoding.
............float4 encodedUpperColor = tex3Dlod(BigProbeVolumeTextureUpperColor3D,finalUVW4);
............float3 upperColor = (encodedUpperColor.rgb * encodedUpperColor.rgb) / (encodedUpperColor.a * RelightingMultiplier.y);
............float3 upperColor = tex3Dlod(BigProbeVolumeTextureUpperColor3D,finalUVW4).xyz;
........// This is PC only, who cares.
........float3 upperColor = DefaultProbeUpperColor;
return upperColor;
We still only have one source for this, same person as the one that took the image of the code, with mentions of the TheWorse confirming, but no link to that confirmation.
How quickly people were quick to believe shows the state of consumer trust in Ubisoft.
1.3 million views for this thread? jesus christ
Edit: PR & Events Manager Ubisoft Benelux . Holy fuck I give up.
PR by Ubisoft = WorseSoft.
At times like this the LAST thing Ubisoft needs is PR. What type of PR have they taught her? How do these people do it? This is going to re-open the broken nose and let blood run loose again.
1.3 million views for this thread? jesus christ
This isn't just a few gaffers who are seeing this now, this downgrade issue has gone pretty much viral at this point with loads of sites posting about it - as the post above states, this thread alone has over 1.3 million views (and god knows how many views in total for this issue from all sites combined).The game is out, it sold more than they could ever wish for.
I doubt they'll lose sleep on a few gaffers being butthurt about the game's downgrade.
Even if this thread gets a couple million views they still made out like bandits on the game. Unless somehow this information drops all future sales down into oblivion.
It's legit. I just did it myself. This page will help explain how to unpack the files from shaders.dat, although it's not quite straightforward:
I don't think it means anything, though. It's not some OH GOD UBI HATES PCS admission or anything.
I understand her job, I do. She's PR. But holy shit, when things like this explode and melt down, PR needs to be saving face and working to win back the consumer(s), not lazily slopping together Twitter responses that amount to "I already said before it wasn't downgraded don't bring me this nonsense proof."
This isn't just a few gaffers who are seeing this now, this downgrade issue has gone pretty much viral at this point with loads of sites posting about it - as the post above states, this thread alone has over 1.3 million views (and god knows how many views in total for this issue from all sites combined).
From Guru3d using 0.7 of the 'mod':
From Guru3d using 0.7 of the 'mod':
This isn't just a few gaffers who are seeing this now, this downgrade issue has gone pretty much viral at this point with loads of sites posting about it - as the post above states, this thread alone has over 1.3 million views (and god knows how many views in total for this issue from all sites combined).
Yeah but this isn't the first time they hugely downgrade a title right? And yet they keep selling a boatload of copies.
Some people may be annoyed by this stuff, but they'll still buy their games.
The game is out, it sold more than they could ever wish for.
I doubt they'll lose sleep on a few gaffers being butthurt about the game's downgrade.
TheWorse said:Well thank you all gaffers for this, for the exposure, for the feedback, for the support.. I mean I can't even describe what I feel right now, not even about the 1 million views. It is so weird because a week a go I was just a simple person trying to find mods for Watch Dogs because I'm so obsessed with graphics but then I realized.. "why can't I make one?" I mean even if you don't think this is a mod I'm so greatful to make this a better experience for gamers and for showing once again why pc is so much better than anything else. Again, thank you so much for all of this! I higly appreciate every comment and critique.
TheWorse is not a member but he has a message
so are there any direct comparison screens?
downgrade me if old but IGN has the story up and the title finally reflects it properly