I noticed that today when i was driving around. I go forward, and the shadows move. I stop, and the shadows stop. I reverse, and the shadows start moving again.
It seems like the time of day only progesses when you are moving which is weird
I noticed that today when i was driving around. I go forward, and the shadows move. I stop, and the shadows stop. I reverse, and the shadows start moving again.
It seems like the time of day only progesses when you are moving which is weird
Who is that giglees guy? I got a bug when you meet T dog, the screen went black then I heard deadsec telling Aiden about asking for his help to go find giglees but the screen just stay black, I can actually move and shoot, reloaded the check point and that mission didnt have to be there. Also I dont remember any mission about him before or after.
I was walking through an alley at one point and the sun was setting. I saw the shadows creeping up one of the walls but when I'd stop walking, the shadows stopped as well. I'd nudge a foot forward after a couple seconds and the shadow would nudge ever so slightly self. Is this in other open world, real time games and I just never noticed? Time stands still for special lil old me.
I created a guide for the Cheat Engine table I use for free camera and modifying FOV
FOV Free cam Time stop Time of Day
Lets you get camera angles like this:
And pause the action for shots like this:
You can also control the time of day. Useful if you want to take screenshots at the exact same time of day easily... or just go from night to day with a few button presses. Always nice to get the best lighting for a screenshot
Few more I captured today:
I was walking through an alley at one point and the sun was setting. I saw the shadows creeping up one of the walls but when I'd stop walking, the shadows stopped as well. I'd nudge a foot forward after a couple seconds and the shadow would nudge ever so slightly self. Is this in other open world, real time games and I just never noticed? Time stands still for special lil old me.
I noticed that today when i was driving around. I go forward, and the shadows move. I stop, and the shadows stop. I reverse, and the shadows start moving again.
It seems like the time of day only progesses when you are moving which is weird
I watched this happen yesterday with the shadow of a lamp post. I thought I was tripping but time really was moving along with me.
Far Cry 3 did the same thing from memory.
Just tested and it didnt happen
Went back to watch dogs and found out that only moving the camera allows the time to pass
I'm not getting these QR code missions. I found one and am looking straight at it with a camera but nothing is happening?
You have to find the correct camera to be able to scan them.
Jesus, is the PC version still not fixed? I just booted up again after waiting about two weeks and I still can't launch the game unless I first put Uplay into offline mode.
Hmm, I dont have this problem at all, been playing for a couple of weeks.
Just tested and it didnt happen
Went back to watch dogs and found out that only moving the camera allows the time to pass
I did 10 online hacks, and my in-game progression meter says 10/10, but on the XB1 achievements app it shows only 90% completion. Dammit.
I'm not even at home - I'm at work and now I see that this achievement magically popped for me. Phew. Something similar happened with Ryse achievements as well. Hopefully MS fixes these delayed achievement unlocks.
I think the 1000/1000 is now pretty much mine (eventually - I'm still early). Only thing I can think giving me trouble is the drinking mini-game, but I was much more worried about 10 online hacks.
111mb patch on my PS4 right now. Any info what this will be?
111mb patch on my PS4 right now. Any info what this will be?
Automatically reconstructed corrupted save files which prevented loading to go further than 90%. Some collectibles may remain unrecoverable.
Fixed the issue preventing players from using hacks in game.
Fixed several mission-breaking bugs.
Fixed minor mission and item-related issues.
Fixed the issue that caused the empty weapon-wheel.
Fixed several minor respawn issues.
Fixed some connection and session joining issues.
Wait a minute. Did you just create photomode??? O.OI created a guide for the Cheat Engine table I use for free camera and modifying FOV
FOV Free cam Time stop Time of Day
Lets you get camera angles like this:
And pause the action for shots like this:
You can also control the time of day. Useful if you want to take screenshots at the exact same time of day easily... or just go from night to day with a few button presses. Always nice to get the best lighting for a screenshot
Few more I captured today:
I was walking through an alley at one point and the sun was setting. I saw the shadows creeping up one of the walls but when I'd stop walking, the shadows stopped as well. I'd nudge a foot forward after a couple seconds and the shadow would nudge ever so slightly self. Is this in other open world, real time games and I just never noticed? Time stands still for special lil old me.
I noticed that today when i was driving around. I go forward, and the shadows move. I stop, and the shadows stop. I reverse, and the shadows start moving again.
It seems like the time of day only progesses when you are moving which is weird
Wait a minute. Did you just create photomode??? O.O
That's awesome dude. Hopefully it gets used alot.Sorta, yeah.
Lol no you should be much more worried about that fucking drinking game. I'm at 985 in this game and fuck that shit.
Guys what's with online tailing?
I thought the idea was I got dropped into some one else's world without them knowing yet the last 3 times I have done it people have obviously known they are being tailed the moment I enter. First guy was hiding on a roof with no way to get to him, one guy was hiding in an alley that was a dead end and the last guy I had seems to drop what he was doing to just go and stand in the middle of a park so that I couldn't get to him without it being obvious. I know these guys were prepped the moment I was dropped in the world as two of them never had there markers move at all and were quite a trek from me and the other guy I was able to see do it. Compare this to online hacking where It's clear that they don't know I'm after them till I initiate the hack. So yeah what gives? There some trick these guys all did that warned them I was about?