I like that car! Much better than the others.
I explained to you why dark livestreams are not relevant or appropriate to make a rationnal judgement. I much prefer independent reviewers or youtubers. Or people I trust on the internet.
Youtubers that get paid for advertorials without having to disclose that they were paid? Oh yeah, trustworthy lot they are. Just make peace with it, man. You are not the arbiter of rationality and people are allowed to make judgments using whatever resources they deem appropriate.
I'm not one to judge, but the sliding-across-the-hood kill there looks like it might not have been in the name of justice so much.
I'm not one to judge, but the sliding-across-the-hood kill there looks like it might not have been in the name of justice so much.
Absolutely. Nothing essential will be a "free" bonus. It's garbage and if you're falling for it, you've been gamed.really? free map / dlc is a lame bonus??
Absolutely. Nothing essential will be a "free" bonus. It's garbage and if you're falling for it, you've been gamed.
So stealth, much carnage. I cringed.. fuck that meme!!
Played the 360 version for 2h at my friends house, and im a little disappointed. I didnt make any story/missions, just messing around in freeroam to not spoil anything till tuesday. And the freeroam gets very limited and boring IMO. But im still looking forward to my ps4 version of it. I hope the graphics are much better than the 360 version though...GTAV looks 100x better than this on 360.
The game honestly looks really good on this stream.
You probably haven't even unlocked anything yet what the hell
The soundtrack is really compelling.
There are like 5 good outfits in the game. The others are like...I don't want to wear it.
The map is completly unlocked from the start.GTA delivered much more "messing around" than this game. Just saying. All the cars looked way to similar.
You probably haven't even unlocked anything yet what the hell
They're initial impressions, not a full 100% completion review of the game. Nothing wrong with voicing an opinion that the first few hours of a game are disappointing and still limited.
They all look bad because they force you to wear that terrible jacket+hat combination. Hopefully we get some mods that rectify this fashion disaster.
The real problem is the colors, and some clothes (large pants, hoodies)... I really like the hat/jacket combination, I won't miss the awesome GTA5 character customization system.
China Rising was garbage. Anyhow, it's your choice. Preorder if the bonus is important enough, but you ain't gonna see reviews in time if you fall for it. That's their whole game, it's up to you if you play along. If you don't like the review embargoes, show them by not preordering. It won't make a difference, but they aren't "making" you preorder, especially with this game.I've been around for a long time, China Rising was used a the BF4 bonus for pre-order.. Sorry, but that is a $15 bonus for pre-ordering.
errr where should I be following along a stream with you guys? I don't want to see much but a lil taste over lunch...
Some gifs from the launch trailer:
Can't watch the stream right now but is there atrocious tearing like there is in the PS3/360/Xbone versions?
In the beginning of the game with barely any guns, just one character, and not all the activities unlocked? Eh