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Watch_Dogs |OT| PS4 would probably melt trying to do this

THIS is the downgrade that matters most to me.



looks interesting like


looks SO dumb like

I mean why change the character model?
I can understand lighting, but this has no effect on performance, but is quite sad.


PC version for me is a complete cluster fuck just as i suspected.

Stays around 40-45fps even on low settings with vsync off but i get screen tearing for some absurd reason so when vync on i am then capped at around 30-35 fps. Looks like i will be running back to this game shop and picking up the PS4 version as well because i don't have patience to continue with this game. I will revisit it on PC once they patch it 13 times and get it semi-optimized. I should of known better and i told myself i wasn't going to get the PC version but they had it and i guess i had an ounce of hope.

Game shouldn't run this bad on a i7-3770, 12gb ram and a GTX 660. It's not a super high end PC but i can run Saints Row 4, Wolfenstein, Wildstar and just about every other new game out there on high/ultra at 60fps. Wildstar pre-patch around 40fps.

It's completely rediculous to have those system requirements and then have the game look the way it does.

Are these statements blanket hyperbole or legit criticism? I saw a post a few pages back about someone running this game with 24 GB of RAM and struggling to mimic the quality in the trailer. It's still a good game but I'm concerned.

I just bought a PS4 and this is encouraging for at least another 12 months. If games look this good now then both next gen console (no diss to Nintendo) are in great shape.



By just responding with a gif I'm just going to assume that you're implying that people are playing a cracked version of the game. In reading some other posts some people were saying that others are unlocking their games legitimately. I thought maybe I missed something on how to unlock it in Uplay.


The "delete all skills when you go into offline mode"-thingy is still in the game btw, so much for those claiming this was a beta "bug".
I have a question: you say you can guarantee it being one of the best next-gen games, but that's subjective. How can you guarantee something to be "good" when the very notion of quality is subjective in the first place?

Would be happy to answer that. Alright, first, you are 100% correct. It is almost certainly subjective. However, I've seen enough of this game to know that it's already more interesting, ambitious, and refreshing a release than a lot of what has already been released on these new consoles. I've seen a lot of things that I really like about this game that make it feel like a pretty unique entry into an ever growing field of open world titles. When people either screw around or just don't know what they're doing, this game can look a bit off putting, but when they play it right or the player is damn good, and they carefully take advantage of the possibilities, this game looks downright amazing.

I love how the player can interact with the world around them, and influence and affect enemies and other NPCs in all these cool and interesting ways. This game is just amazing cool as a concept, but what I love most is that it appears ubisoft, albeit with some blemishes here and there, have succeeded to a strong degree. I have not allowed the craziness (more like silliness) about graphical downgrades or lighting changes to distract me away from the fact that the game I saw back at E3 2012 is still very much here, and appears even more ambitious than what that E3 2012 video ever showed.

What they're trying to do with this game isn't an easy thing, and maybe I'm cutting them a little too much slack, but I tend to reward devs that take real creative risks with an optimistic outlook until I get to play it myself.


Well if others are like me, they've been waiting to see the end result. Giving it the benefit of the doubt. Now that's it here and legitimately looks bland as hell, I imagine less restraint will be used. I'm not sure why unbridled adulation is allowed but criticism not.

This isn't even reaching Revenge of Shit Mountain quality of venom to be sure. I'd call it Revenge of Smelly City. And if you've ever been to Wrigleyville, you'll know what I'm talking about. Heyoooo.
Would be happy to answer that. Alright, first, you are 100% correct. It is almost certainly subjective. However, I've seen enough of this game to know that it's already more interesting, ambitious, and refreshing a release than a lot of what has already been released on these new consoles. I've seen a lot of things that I really like about this game that make it feel like a pretty unique entry into an ever growing field of open world titles. When people either screw around or just don't know what they're doing, this game can look a bit off putting, but when they play it right or the player is damn good, and they carefully take advantage of the possibilities, this game looks downright amazing.

I love how the player can interact with the world around them, and influence and affect enemies and other NPCs in all these cool and interesting ways. This game is just amazing cool as a concept, but what I love most is that it appears ubisoft, albeit with some blemishes here and there, have succeeded to a strong degree. I have not allowed the craziness (more like silliness) about graphical downgrades or lighting changes to distract me away from the fact that the game I saw back at E3 2012 is still very much here, and appears even more ambitious than what that E3 2012 video ever showed.

What they're trying to do with this game isn't an easy thing, and maybe I'm cutting them a little too much slack, but I tend to reward devs that take real creative risks with an optimistic outlook until I get to play it myself.

I disagree.
Too mature? Probably didn't went well with the focus groups for the target audience.

Yep, why should the main character be interesting? That makes no sense, lets make him absolutely forgettable.

I often wonder what kind of people QA testers for big companies are. Or maybe it's better not to know.


Would be happy to answer that. Alright, first, you are 100% correct. It is almost certainly subjective. However, I've seen enough of this game to know that it's already more interesting, ambitious, and refreshing a release than a lot of what has already been released on these new consoles. I've seen a lot of things that I really like about this game that make it feel like a pretty unique entry into an ever growing field of open world titles. When people either screw around or just don't know what they're doing, this game can look a bit off putting, but when they play it right or the player is damn good, and they carefully take advantage of the possibilities, this game looks downright amazing.

I love how the player can interact with the world around them, and influence and affect enemies and other NPCs in all these cool and interesting ways. This game is just amazing cool as a concept, but what I love most is that it appears ubisoft, albeit with some blemishes here and there, have succeeded to a strong degree. I have not allowed the craziness (more like silliness) about graphical downgrades or lighting changes to distract me away from the fact that the game I saw back at E3 2012 is still very much here, and appears even more ambitious than what that E3 2012 video ever showed.

What they're trying to do with this game isn't an easy thing, and maybe I'm cutting them a little too much slack, but I tend to reward devs that take real creative risks with an optimistic outlook until I get to play it myself.

How on earth can you say that without playing the game, it's ubisoft, it has a high chance of being uber repetitive yet you watching a few videos = great game guaranteed?
I'm doing the internet equivalent of looking at an accident on the side of the road. I'm also a consumer that they want to buy the game and they're doing a shitty job to me.

You're free to use your ignore feature if you take someone ripping on your anticipated video game personally.

Hm questioning people who are shitting on the games graphics incessantly is equivalent to taking it personally? Well ok then.

And an accident on the side of the road is a poor analogy. You don't like the graphics of Watch Dogs yet you're still here. An accident isnt equivalent.

But by all means do you I guess. If you're enjoying the shitting you're enjoying the shitting.
I disagree.

That's cool. It's better than a posting of my avatar response at least. :)

How on earth can you say that without playing the game, it's ubisoft, it has a high chance of being uber repetitive yet you watching a few videos = great game guaranteed?

I've watched a lot of footage to assess this game. A lot Games by their very nature are repetitive things, and, yes, games can come off too repetitive for their own good, which can ultimately be a serious detriment to the experience. However, I'm not at all getting that sense from this game, because it's such a very cool bag of tricks that the player has access to in this game. You can approach things in so many interesting and fun looking ways. The combat (if you see a skilled player) really looks like a good time. I love some of the elements I've seen, such as the ability to hack devices that are on an enemy's physical person, or how you can prevent people from calling the police, how you can hide inside a vehicle when cops are searching the surroundings, how you can hack elements in the environment to get the attention of enemy AI, how you can leapfrog from camera to camera to gain angles on possible hacks that you couldn't from your character's actual position. It goes on and on, man. This game looks cool as hell. And it strikes me as bizarre that people would only be noticing these things if the graphics were absolutely out of this world.

I've seen people use the hacks in this game in very useless, stupid ways that didn't gain them any benefit, and I've seen people use hacks in this game in ways that look like an absolute blast. Do people not realize yet that the primary reason the earlier footage impressed so much, wasn't necessarily just do to the graphics, but because the dev played it perfectly using the hacks only in ways that benefitted them in meaningful ways, and they knew how to work the AI? It's an awesome feeling to just be standing amongst a crowd totally unaware of what you can do, yet have the ability to hack into everything around you and see very personal information about people. You can screw with AI in this game in ways that just weren't possible in other games, and I've seen footage with some truly lovely AI responses to players doing troublesome things. The way some have played watch dogs, is to go around hacking everything without any clear purpose or plan in mind, hoping to get some sort of cool outcome, but that's not the way to go about it. This game, to me, looks worth the purchase, and if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but I won't regret taking a chance on a game like this.
The "delete all skills when you go into offline mode"-thingy is still in the game btw, so much for those claiming this was a beta "bug".

They are temp skills that go up and down anyway. If you don't want to participate in online invasions you can't have your cake and eat it too. People would exploit the system too much if they could just turn off the offline stuff whenever they wanted.
It looks.. alright. Why the hell did that woman patiently wait for her car to explode? After a crash like this people would be dead in GTA, honking the horn with their dead body. I guess details like this are not in the game :(

Can you fly out the windowshield?

GTA quality this game is not.


After watching several streams yesterday, I'm glad I kept my expectations low for this one.

It looks like a Ubisoft Montreal open world game through and through.

I'm still buying it, but I just wish they tinkered with their tired formula a bit more. I don't want to go through the motions for another 40 hours.

Who knows, maybe they will surprise me. I'll have to wait and see.
I was hoping that the game would look a lot better...

I feel like the biggest difference is that in the 2012 reveal there was some kind of steam in the air which made for some more volumetric looking lighting.
And I think the ground had some more tessalation going on in the reveal.
But thats really about the only two differences I can spot.


After watching several streams yesterday, I'm glad I kept my expectations low for this one.

It looks like a Ubisoft Montreal open world game through and through.

I'm still buying it, but I just wish they tinkered with their tired formula a bit more. I don't want to go through the motions for another 40 hours.

Who knows, maybe they will surprise me. I'll have to wait and see.

I hope to be surprised as well. I will fall out of my chair if the games gets good reviews and is actually fun to play like Black Flag as opposed to gets good reviews and is actually terrible like Assassin's Creed 3. The other option is it's eurojank as hell or bad in a transcendent way in which case I will probably have to buy it.
It speaks to the poor optimization on Ubisoft's part. It's a similar situation with their ports of Assassin's Creed games to PC.

I hope this trend of showing off games that look noticeably better than the final versions ends... otherwise Ubisoft shouldn't show us their games so early years in advance...
from what i understand from the recent posts the game performs like shit even with a beefy CPU on PC, and apart from the performance and IQ enhancements it barely looks better than the PS4 version? how is that possible....oh i forgot it's ubisoft...


THIS is the downgrade that matters most to me.


looks interesting like


looks SO dumb like

I mean why change the character model?
I can understand lighting, but this has no effect on performance, but is quite sad.

They changed it because there was clipping when he spoke or something like that with the old model.


I feel like the biggest difference is that in the 2012 reveal there was some kind of steam in the air which made for some more volumetric looking lighting.
And I think the ground had some more tessalation going on in the reveal.
But thats really about the only two differences I can spot.

I can't put my finger on the specific differences apart from the lighting, but the general look of the 2012 reveal was just so much more impressive.

Based on footage I've seen, I actually consider AC4: Black Flag to be vastly superior in both graphical fidelity and aesthetics...


Can't wait to get my hands on it today and put all this graphics bullshit out of my mind. Really interested to see just how long the story is and if the mechanics manage to evolve over time and not feel stale by the end.


Would be happy to answer that. Alright, first, you are 100% correct. It is almost certainly subjective. However, I've seen enough of this game to know that it's already more interesting, ambitious, and refreshing a release than a lot of what has already been released on these new consoles. I've seen a lot of things that I really like about this game that make it feel like a pretty unique entry into an ever growing field of open world titles. When people either screw around or just don't know what they're doing, this game can look a bit off putting, but when they play it right or the player is damn good, and they carefully take advantage of the possibilities, this game looks downright amazing.

I love how the player can interact with the world around them, and influence and affect enemies and other NPCs in all these cool and interesting ways. This game is just amazing cool as a concept, but what I love most is that it appears ubisoft, albeit with some blemishes here and there, have succeeded to a strong degree. I have not allowed the craziness (more like silliness) about graphical downgrades or lighting changes to distract me away from the fact that the game I saw back at E3 2012 is still very much here, and appears even more ambitious than what that E3 2012 video ever showed.

What they're trying to do with this game isn't an easy thing, and maybe I'm cutting them a little too much slack, but I tend to reward devs that take real creative risks with an optimistic outlook until I get to play it myself.

Are you Greg Miller? All you basically said is "this is so cool and it will be awesome!" Which is fine if you feel that way, but it doesn't explain what's so cool to other people.

From what they've shown so far this seems to be an extremely generic open world game, completely sterile and populated only by manikins and "intercept the drugs!" icons. The only unique gimmick being the ability to read people's text messages, change traffic lights, look through security cameras and so on.

The graphics are bad, sure, but that really pales in comparison to the bigger issues.
from what i understand from the recent posts the game performs like shit even with a beefy CPU on PC, and apart from the performance and IQ enhancements it barely looks better than the PS4 version? how is that possible....oh i forgot it's ubisoft...

It's a wonder the game is making it out on PC with the console releases. Most Ubi PC games get delayed at the last minute.


Are you Greg Miller? All you basically said is "this is so cool and it will be awesome!" Which is fine if you feel that way, but it doesn't explain what's so cool to other people.

From what they've shown so far this seems to be an extremely generic open world game, completely sterile and populated only by manikins "intercept the drugs!" icons. The only unique gimmick being the ability to read people's text messages, change traffic lights, look through security cameras and so on.

That's a nice opinion you have there.

All you basically said is "this is so generic and it will be boring!" Which is fine if you feel that way, but it doesn't explain what's so bad to other people.
I used to be part of you graphical downgrade folks. Then I remembered the game has been in my gamefly Queue for ages now and they've always shipped me games that have been there that long. So now I'm just looking forward to a game I'm renting.
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