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Watch_Dogs reviews

It looks like a lot of people in this thread are in denial that their negative preconceptions may not be true and are grasping at straws to confirm their bias.


If these reviews are indicative of the reviews as a whole (and I will concede that is a BIG if) then it looks like we can infer this game's detractors are going to be eating some serious crow in a day or two.

Off-topic but Is 'eating crow' a NeoGAF thing? I've heard the expression of course but I see it in every thread I view here.


You're saying that an embargo forces a reviewer to take more time with a game review. True or false?

You seen to be operating under the assumption reviews are just generally insincere, so there's no point in laying a ground rule that creates room for/encourages quality.
If these reviews are indicative of the reviews as a whole (and I will concede that is a BIG if) then it looks like we can infer this game's detractors are going to be eating some serious crow in a day or two.

Then perhaps the delay was actually worth it. Yves Guillemot must be relieved.
Lol I didn't find the game to be all that great personally. Then again I thought GTAV was relatively mediocre.

Edit: I don't have a review copy. Just the beta that I've been playing for months.
Off-topic but Is 'eating crow' a NeoGAF thing? I've heard the expression of course but I see it in every thread I view here.

I actually don't use the expression very often, to be perfectly honest.

I think I was subconsciously compelled to do so, by this board or something. :)


Oh Jesus, don't start demanding "True or False" answers dude. It doesn't look cool. Especially when you're trying to put words in my mouth.

No, I didn't say that.
I said that it prevents the rush of reviewers not playing through the game properly to upload a quick review and generate easy hits for their websites on account of being the first.

If everyone uploads their reviews at the same time, it stops this from happening. It benefits us, as it gets us proper reviews that haven't been rushed.

That fine then, just wait and read those reviews that stick to the embargo. I personally don't base any game purchase decision on a new IP from just a few reviews. I wait for a full gambit of reviews as well as user impressions.

Sorry I didn't "look cool" on a video game message board.

Anyone who bases a game purchase purely on "industry reviews" with no user impressions is doomed to be disappointed. Case in point, GTA IV.
It looks like a lot of people in this thread are in denial that their negative preconceptions may not be true and are grasping at straws to confirm their bias.
I have no doubt reviewscores will vary. I think they'll all love the variation and core gameplay and i guess they will say the game looks great at night but not at midday. Then it's a matter of what percentage of the score goes to other aspects of the game like story. Personally, i'm all about gameplay (i love a good story but they are rare in videogames imo). A bad story never ruined a game for me. Bad gameplay instantly kills a game. From what i've seen, i'd like to play the game no matter what reviewers say.
There is soo much footage out allready.


It looks like a lot of people in this thread are in denial that their negative preconceptions may not be true and are grasping at straws to confirm their bias.

Yep. And then they will cling to the 1 or 2 6/7 out of 10 reviews and claim all the higher scoring reviews are biased/moneyhatted.

All signs are pointing towards it being a great game but the peopleb who have spent the best part of the last few months bashing and trolling the game since the re-reveal dont want to admit it.


That fine then, just wait and read those reviews that stick to the embargo. I personally don't base any game purchase decision on a new IP from just a few reviews. I wait for a full gambit of reviews as well as user impressions.

Sorry I didn't "look cool" on a video game message board.

Erm, wut?
Do what you want geezer, you asked a question and I answered it. Makes no odds to me what you do with your life my friend.

You also misunderstood my use of "not cool" as well.


You're the one who said embargo dates benefit everyone because it forces reviewers to spend more time with their reviews. That sounds like you're the one assuming non-embargo reviews are insincere.
That probably depends on the nature of the non-embargo review. If they're not worried about getting a review out fast then yeah, they may be some of the most reputable reviews. We also wouldn't see them until a few days or weeks after launch, ones before launch with most copies only showing up now seem to be highly dubious.


That fine then, just wait and read those reviews that stick to the embargo. I personally don't base any game purchase decision on a new IP from just a few reviews. I wait for a full gambit of reviews as well as user impressions.

Sorry I didn't "look cool" on a video game message board.

Anyone who bases a game purchase purely on "industry reviews" with no user impressions is doomed to be disappointed. Case in point, GTA IV.

LOL I guess it's good thing no one has indicated that this is how they operate.


Erm, wut?
Do what you want geezer, you asked a question and I answered it. Makes no odds to me what you do with your life my friend.

You also misunderstood my use of "not cool" as well.

This is a seriously degrading and condescending post.


If these reviews are indicative of the reviews as a whole (and I will concede that is a BIG if) then it looks like we can infer this game's detractors are going to be eating some serious crow in a day or two.

How so?
Reviews said AC3 was a must buy, GOTY, 5/5.
You can't really eat crow based on review scores since everyone has a difference taste on what is good or bad.


Two things I noticed is that there seems to be a problem with enemy AI and Aiden sounds as boring as I imagined.
Sorry I didn't "look cool" on a video game message board.

Don't worry, dude. I got you covered:

Now you're cool!


Lol I didn't find the game to be all that great personally. Then again I thought GTAV was relatively mediocre.

Edit: I don't have a review copy. Just the beta that I've been playing for months.

Did you do sidequests, MP, free roam? Or did you just do main missions?
Game looks like it takes its cues from Splinter Cell when you play it as a straight up shooter or stealth game but there's also using the cameras to find exploits in the AI patterns to get to the hack point. Game seems to boil down to two types of missions as far as I've seen.

Find the security guy with the access code
hack this box
do a hack minigame then open up the ctOS point
escape the area.


Chase this guy / car and hit him with the baton / disable it with the traffic light hack

sometimes they combine the two


I hope this does not turn into another Assassin's Creed scenario where the first game was so hyped and turned out disappointing.

That might not be totally a bad thing considering how good the 2nd game turned out though.

WD has been on my most anticipated list for too long
While the game isn't earth shattering, it's something that you'll end up pouring hours upon hours into. Whether it's reading the profiles of the countless inhabitants of Chicago, stopping crimes before they happen, jerking around with traffic lights, stealing money right from someone’s bank account, or cruising through the many city districts on offer, Watch Dogs is your home for the next few months..

Sounds boring as shit


I honestly feel this game has been given an unfair shake. Downgrade or not, and shitty tech here and there or not, the amount of vitriol and hate towards it has been unreal. Some of it so nonsensical and nitpicky that I've not even been sure if it's been real or satirical. If this game reviews really well, or even moderately well, I can't deny that I won't get some satisfaction in seeing those that have been consistently overtly negative towards it come up with more outlandish negatives and reasons why the reviews are all wrong, or why the game is still so inherently terrible.


This thread is going to confuse people, we should've waited for the embargo to be lifted before having a review thread.
This game has these flaws - 9/10!
Again, I don't care for reviews (and I laugh at the fact that CeX think they can review) but this is why.

I hope this does not turn into another Assassin's Creed scenario where the first game was so hyped and turned out disappointing.

That might not be totally a bad thing considering how good the 2nd game turned out though.

WD has been on my most anticipated list for too long

Outside of Rayman, Ubisoft have actually yet to publish anything good.


As someone who has been playing the game for about 6 hours on PC i can confirm that these negatives are true and that these scores are waaaaaay to high. One of the most horribly optimized ports for pc in years.
As someone who has been playing the game for about 6 hours on PC i can confirm that these negatives are true and that these scores are waaaaaay to high. One of the most horribly optimized ports for pc in years.

But Dark Souls came out in 2012 and Deadly Premonition came out last year...


it's 4th of July in my asshole
So is this a "bomba", Aus prices for consoles. New games usually 79-100 bucks.

[Uplay] Watch Dogs Standard PC Preorder $37.50 (25% off) at GreenManGaming
Watch Dogs PS3, PS4, Xbox One, XB360 $54 with Coupon @ Target
Watch Dogs 360/XB1/PS3/PS4 for $64 at Big W
We have four reviews out dozens and almost no one here has played the game yet, but we're already defrosting the crow

OT should be a fun read this week

Wonder what two tons of uneaten rotten bird smells like


As someone who has been playing the game for about 6 hours on PC i can confirm that these negatives are true and that these scores are waaaaaay to high. One of the most horribly optimized ports for pc in years.

Not exactly sure what version of the game they played, but I'm assuming PS4. At least one reviewed the PS4 version, and maybe that version doesn't have the same sorts of issues? It wouldn't be the first time a big open world game has run like crap on PC's. GTA IV was terribly unoptimised too.
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