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We are a dying breed, how do we adapt?

Should NeoGAF change and adapt to bring in more Zommers?

  • Yes, it is important to bring in new young blood to keep GAF growing.

  • No, let GAF be a forum focused on bommers.

Results are only viewable after voting.


we were soldiers.....................

I never understood the phenomena of discord. The chat goes too fast in popular places, there’s no traceability of a discussion possible. It’s like intertwining all our first page posts but at any time they happen and without the topic.

It’s messy
It's great for meeting people to team with and set up dedicated custom group chats/channels with. I've had a group chat with eight people I play Hunt Showdown with for a couple years now. Very useful for online gaming imo.


I never understood the phenomena of discord. The chat goes too fast in popular places, there’s no traceability of a discussion possible. It’s like intertwining all our first page posts but at any time they happen and without the topic.

It’s messy

That’s me. Don’t know and don’t care to learn. I’ll only use it to play with real life friends.
I don’t post on gaf that much anymore and I’m frankly not as sociable anymore on the internet for discord either. I stick with the 3-4 irl gamer friends I have and they’re like my mini community when it comes to all things gaming.
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Discords great for dedicated small groups, like my pathfinder group or my D2 clan. But large groups on it are fuckin nauseating.

Even medium sized groups.

It doesn't help that the software is complete arse to keep up with anything if you're gone for even 5 minutes. And they have no intention of fixing that.


Discord is kind of pain in the ass. I don't see why it is so great.

Do you use headsets on discord? All I use was text. I get really annoyed with people that make you go through Discord to get their software.
Doesn't Gaf process the signups in bunches? If I remember right, there was one time where they signed up thousands of them. It's a smaller group of regulars depending on the threads you visit. I use this as a gaming news site basically so I primarily see the gaming users, but the other sections probably get more of the newer users.

Is Gaf tweeting (Xing?) popular threads or poles? Maybe they could try putting on some kind of competition for a specific game (maybe one of the popular F2P ones that the youngins like) even if it isn't super serious.

At any rate. 5k visitors doesn't seem too bad. Some other forums that I visit don't get half of that. Long live the gaf.
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Thinks Microaggressions are Real
lmao, there are way more than 2 gaming forums out there. Some that have been around before gaf and resetera, and will be around when people stop caring about this place. Broaden your horizon.

Also, something like discord offers a lot more utility than a web forum ever could, so they're not going anywhere. You're more likely to see deeper integration into consoles than you do now.

Gaming and the platforms used to discuss it has always lived where most people are. That used to be at the computer. Then it changed to the living room TV, and it's been changing to whatever is in your hand wherever you are for a while now.

You adapt by playing what you want to play where you want to play it without worrying about what everyone else is doing.
I feel there should be a 3rd option to just stay who we are, what we're doing, and let whatever happens happen. being a boomer myself, I definitely see the appeal to keep this a "sanctuary" for us. but I also believe that change is a necessity. no matter if it's nature or human society. there are plenty of rooms to co-exist as long as respects and restraints are shown for everyone. within reason of course. if the other side isn't doing the same then they don't deserve it either.


lmao, there are way more than 2 gaming forums out there. Some that have been around before gaf and resetera, and will be around when people stop caring about this place. Broaden your horizon.

Also, something like discord offers a lot more utility than a web forum ever could, so they're not going anywhere. You're more likely to see deeper integration into consoles than you do now.

Gaming and the platforms used to discuss it has always lived where most people are. That used to be at the computer. Then it changed to the living room TV, and it's been changing to whatever is in your hand wherever you are for a while now.

You adapt by playing what you want to play where you want to play it without worrying about what everyone else is doing.

Which other gaming forums are you referring to?


Gold Member
But what about boxed sales in Spain? I don’t think we should ever let go of that info and physical sales in general.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
My only wish is that GAF returns to primarily talking about games, and not worrying about what’s woke or anti woke or whatever stupid political bullshit is happening in the rest of the world. WHO CARES. I just want to talk about games.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
It's the same way I feel about classic movies.

There are enough movies that exist that no new movies could be released until the day I die and I couldn't come close to watching all of them.

There are enough games out there now that if they stopped making games, I'd be totally fine with it. It's why I don't mind if they remake games that I didn't play or don't feel like replaying in their old states.


discord sucks because discussions just get lost in the endless void. i always preferred having pages to read through. reddit's reply layout is god awful but i still use it obviously because there's still lots of activity there.


Uhhh let's bring back Gamesport forums! Who's with me?

Choose a side! Are you a Cow, Lemming or Sheep?! Blue, Green or Red?!


I rather have GAF evolve than eventually die.

Even if new generations are more interested in other stuff, I think there is still a place to discuss aspects of gaming that seldom get touched upon in other media. However, it would involve keeping an open mind to welcome new ideas which probably won't happen so...


At any rate. 5k visitors doesn't seem too bad. Some other forums that I visit don't get half of that. Long live the gaf.

I was a daily regular on another forum from 2007-2019. The site basically dried up and there was a small group of us friends still using it to hang out and talk every day. The mods eventually popped in to let us know they were closing the forum, so we setup a Discord where we could keep our conversation going. We still talk daily.

I've had a GAF account for years, but only started posting here last week. Seeing 5K people a day here seems crazy busy to me, so it's all relative.

If most of us are in our 30s-50s now, we're pretty set in our ways. I think the turnover on a forum like this is probably a lot lower than something that appeals to a younger crowd.


Gold Member
I dream of a reunification after the Great Schism, between NeoGAF and Gaming-Age.com… EviLore EviLore will decree it so, the people will rejoice and 10 days of feasting will commence in celebration. BELIEVE!


Zommers hardly care for consoles compared to millennials and Gen X'ers.

The Alpha Gen is looking like they will care even less.

Discord has taken over gaming discourse.

There are only two main gaming classical forums, NeoGAF and ResetEra. And both forums are very divided and have an aging demographic.

Serious question, how do we on NeoGAF adapt to these changes to bring in some new blood in the forum?

What current unpopular changes do we need to do in the short term to bring in new blood in the long term?
Great question!

I was just talking about this in an undergraduate business course the other day. My classes have from 75-95 students (4 sections), most of them 18-20 years old. There are probably 10 people in each section who like the high quality console games that we enjoy talking about on here. While nearly every other kid in the class has some interest in video games, or at least some knowledge and experience with them, they don't have particularly positive views on mainstream console gaming, especially when discussing topics like the time commitment (some call it "addiction") necessary to play console multiplayer games, $70 games, and the challenge of having to deal with toxic players in multiplayer games. While we certainly are not to blame for these issues, I know myself that I have a much greater tolerance for these negative aspects of console gaming because I have such a long history with the hobby.

Unfortunately, we didn't come up with any really promising solutions to this, other than to illustrate the point of the discussion, which is that video games are an excellent example of how a technological artifact fits the needs and interests of various segments of users (console gamers, casual players who only play occasionally on their phones, people who simply like to watch others play on Twitch, etc.) and/or that individually, we each have specific tastes and interests for the technology that will influence how we engage with future technology.


Gaming forums are…..🤔…… a thing of their era.or should that be Our era? We all getting old. Kids look at consoles and gaming PCs as ‘dads toys’ 🤷🏾‍♂️
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Gold Member
Allowing any type of email when creating an account is what made me join,

Now Gaf just needs the journalists back, they all moved to REset


Zommers hardly care for consoles compared to millennials and Gen X'ers.

The Alpha Gen is looking like they will care even less.

Discord has taken over gaming discourse.

There are only two main gaming classical forums, NeoGAF and ResetEra. And both forums are very divided and have an aging demographic.

Serious question, how do we on NeoGAF adapt to these changes to bring in some new blood in the forum?

What current unpopular changes do we need to do in the short term to bring in new blood in the long term?
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