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The thing about the MJ accusations is the lack of consistency about the claims.
With priests, Weinstein, or even Bill Cosby, predators demonstrated a consistent and systematic approach to abuse.
With MJ you’ve got plenty of children who say nothing happened and the testimony of those that make claims are questionable due to inconsistencies (like outright recantations).
Feldman has made accusations against several men but despite that has not indicated the slightest accusation toward MJ, which would be easy to do at this point.
This situation reminds me of Lawrence Oates who sacrificed his life in futile during an Antarctic expedition. He left a heroic legacy until some woman claimed, well after his death, that he fathered a child with a 11 year old girl (her daughter).
No proof. Just unsubstantiated claims against a man who was dead for near a century till the accusation was made public.
Now Wikipedia has it cited under his ‘mentions in media’ section. All it takes is an accusation and suddenly everything you did or were is filed under ‘monsterous’.
Don't forget that MJ paid families off to make this stuff go away. And MJ did show a consistent and systematic approach to abuse. Those priests didn't abuse "every" child they had. Only some of them.
I think we can all agree that Michael Jackson did not act "normal."
Michael Jackson sleeping in same bed with children does seem weird because that's typically what child molesters do. If Michael Jackson was alive today, I would definitely not allow my children to sleep in the same bed as him.
Since no one where knows exactly what happened, so it wouldn't be right to say with confidence that he did not molest any children.
Personally, I believe he did not molest any children. I'm confident that he didn't, but not 100%. confident because I was not there.
I look at Michael Jackson's past allegations and all of alleged victim's family wanted money. Michael Jackson settled with the 1993 accuser, but in 2005, the evidence from 1993 was used in that trail and Michael Jackson was found not guilty. So, right now, we see a pattern. All of the alleged victims and accusers wanted money and all of them proved to be liars.
Now what about Wade Robson?
Since I don't have any evidence that prove he was molested, then I have to see if this man is credible. When he gave an interview in the 90's and his testimony in 2005, he was confident and no one found any inconsistencies in his story.
But as soon as he changed his story, we're now finding a lot of inconsistencies and lies.
That is a problem for me. Yes, victims of child abuse often suffer from things and it's hard for them to remember what happened to them int the past. But for some reason, he lied about not knowing anything about the MJ estate prior to 2013?
That's just one lie of many, but the real problem is that all of this started when he didn't get his job at the lead choreographer on the Michael Jackson: ONE Cirque du Soleil show.
People say that alleged sexual assault is a pattern of a repeat sexual abuser, but what I'm saying is a pattern of so called "victims" trying to get money from Michael Jackson. They said over and over again that it's not about money, so why get a book deal when you're in financial trouble?
This is not proof that Wade was not molested, but i'm personally have a very, very difficult time taking him seriously.
That's what all celebrity say because they know people like yourself will always believe that it's just about the money. R. Kelly is literally saying the same things about his victims now on the news. They always want you to believe it's about the money.