fernoca said:Well, don't know what to expect..
He likes doing damage control of his own games...but the opposite way.
Reviews: "Lair would have been better if the motion controls were optional, not mandatory."
Fanbase: "Lair controls are nice, just need time to get into."
Eggebrecht: "I don't like motion controls and it should be optional in all games"
Fanbase: ":|?"
:lolmethane47 said:
"I move away from mic to drink a delicious smoothy"
castle007 said:I don't understand how turning on your PS3 with the PSP is helpful.
So far, I am not liking this portable- home console connectivity thing from both Sony and nintendo. IMO the only thing that it might be good for is downloading demos
fistfulofmetal said:Kaz: Let me show you my FF7 remakes.
My FF7 remakes
let me show you them
kay said:Not having to leave it on all the time.
Play PS3 games?
You... press the buttons.MiamiWesker said:How do you control PS3 games with a PSP?
LittleBigPlanet, Final Fantasy XIII, Lair, Aqua...
Amir0x said:man you guys are setting this shit up for the grandest of falls
Yeah, sold.the_id said:PS3 sold 5-6 million so far...good or bad GAF? you decide...
"units shipped doesn't count"the_id said:PS3 sold 5-6 million so far...good or bad GAF? you decide...
Miguga64 said:FF VII Remake for the ending!! go Sony, surprise me NOW
Amir0x said:man you guys are setting this shit up for the grandest of falls
fistfulofmetal said:Kaz: Let me show you my FF7 remakes.
My FF7 remakes
let me show you them
.Doublethink said:What the hell is Aqua?
Amir0x said:man you guys are setting this shit up for the grandest of falls
reilo said:WHAT IS AQUA??!