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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

There was a time when I was actually relatively strong but that was a long time ago and I was a younger man. I haven't really lifted in about 7 years. I'm not a huge fan of the gym but I know it's the logical next step in improving myself.


There was a time when I was actually relatively strong but that was a long time ago and I was a younger man. I haven't really lifted in about 7 years. I'm not a huge fan of the gym but I know it's the logical next step in improving myself.

There are other options obviously, but a good gym is invaluable.


just hit 18kg of loss. I should take a picture. I'm about half way. I should've really been taking pictures so far, but I've JUST hit 4 months on Atkins.


181.0 lbs this morning, the lowest I've been in ages. Was about 205 back in March of this year and have been consistently doing P90X, P90X2, and some Insanity along with bit by bit improving my diet. I haven't been under 180 in probably close to a decade (I'm 5'8", and was 245 at my heaviest 3 years ago). Getting all sorts of psyched to hopefully cross into that 170 range soon (was 188.6 four weeks ago and haven't had a single cheat meal in that time and the pounds are flying off).

Getting excited preemtively, basically. Goal is still around 165.


I check all my labels, the only ingredient should be the fruit itself. There's no difference in sugar content between fresh or frozen unless they add syrup to the frozen, which will be listed in the ingredients. Frozen fruit is not only cheaper, but they're frozen at the peak of their ripeness, which is the best time to eat fruit in terms of nutrition, the freeze process essentially locks in all the vitamins and minerals. I've bought frozen fruit from both Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, neither has any added sugars.

Our Trader Joe's are different then, because the fruit I've tried to purchase from there, particurally the frozen strawberries and frozen mixed berries (I looked at multiple packages of each) all had added sugar :/

Fresh 1 Cup: 9 net carbs: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/2064/2
Frozen 2/3 cup strawberries 11 carbs for 2/3 cup: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/2064/2
Frozen Organic Strawberries 11 netcarbs for 3/4th cup: http://www.livestrong.com/thedailyp...food/trader-joes/frozen-organic-strawberries/


Full werewolf off the buckle
181.0 lbs this morning, the lowest I've been in ages. Was about 205 back in March of this year and have been consistently doing P90X, P90X2, and some Insanity along with bit by bit improving my diet. I haven't been under 180 in probably close to a decade (I'm 5'8", and was 245 at my heaviest 3 years ago). Getting all sorts of psyched to hopefully cross into that 170 range soon (was 188.6 four weeks ago and haven't had a single cheat meal in that time and the pounds are flying off).

Getting excited preemtively, basically. Goal is still around 165.

Quite right to get excited, you're almost there!

Keep up the awesome job.


Our Trader Joe's are different then, because the fruit I've tried to purchase from there, particurally the frozen strawberries and frozen mixed berries (I looked at multiple packages of each) all had added sugar :/

Fresh 1 Cup: 9 net carbs: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/2064/2
Frozen 2/3 cup strawberries 11 carbs for 2/3 cup: http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/2064/2
Frozen Organic Strawberries 11 netcarbs for 3/4th cup: http://www.livestrong.com/thedailyp...food/trader-joes/frozen-organic-strawberries/

There's no added sugar in them. You realize that calories are only an approximation, that's why macro breakdowns vary from brand to brand, not just with fruit, but in general. 1 gram of fat is not actually 9 calories, protein/carbs are not 4, each nutrient has a range and these numbers are in the middle of that range, for simplicities sake. And even if there was a difference, it's so miniscule that it would have no effect on metabolism, berries are so energy sparse. Eat the berries man!


There's no added sugar in them. You realize that calories are only an approximation, that's why macro breakdowns vary from brand to brand, not just with fruit, but in general. 1 gram of fat is not actually 9 calories, protein/carbs are not 4, each nutrient has a range and these numbers are in the middle of that range, for simplicities sake. And even if there was a difference, it's so miniscule that it would have no effect on metabolism, berries are so energy sparse. Eat the berries man!

Well, I meant carbs, but sugar is pretty closely related, and in that regard there is a pretty huge difference.


Gold Member
Had the funniest exchange today with my PT. I started Berkhan style 16/8 IF last weekend, and went training early afternoon before my feeding window. Somehow I just was landing really hard punches today to my PT's pads.

PT: My god, what have you been eating today??!
Me: Nothing actually
PT: !!!


i was about 200 lbs at the beginning of september

i started limiting my calories to 1800 a day and walking a few miles 3 times a week and now im at around 185 lbs

im glad its actually working


Had the funniest exchange today with my PT. I started Berkhan style 16/8 IF last weekend, and went training early afternoon before my feeding window. Somehow I just was landing really hard punches today to my PT's pads.

PT: My god, what have you been eating today??!
Me: Nothing actually
PT: !!!
I actually find my lifts easier to do on an empty stomach, as well. Sucks that I can't typically work out in a fasted state since there's no way I'm getting up that early.


Gold Member
I actually find my lifts easier to do on an empty stomach, as well. Sucks that I can't typically work out in a fasted state since there's no way I'm getting up that early.

Yeah I know what you are saying, this was well in the afternoon too. I knew we'd go out with our friends for a dinner, which would involve lots of food and wine, so I pushed my window way out. Paid off, after a big ass meal with dessert, I am only 50cal over my daily 1700 net carbs window (I calculated in 600 cal for my hour of boxing).


Full werewolf off the buckle
Just did my weekly weigh-in and I'm officially below 250 now! 249.1 to be precise.

I've really been trying to redistribute my calorie allocation more sensibly and control my boredom snacking better, and I guess that's working.

I'm still on that program to help me be able to do 100 real push-ups eventually. Basically I've started by doing wall push-offs until I can do 100 without stopping. At that point you move onto simple knee push-ups until you can do 100 of those without resting, then you should be able to do real push-ups well enough to get a good benefit out of them.

It's going to be a long stretch, but I think given my lifestyle it's my best bet if I want to start working on my strength, which is still in a very pathetic state for a grown-ass man.

I'm noticing with all the jogging and walking I've been doing that my thighs are getting a good deal more muscular, though you can't tell visually yet, due to the fat still there.

I know it's a crapshoot where your body loses fat from, but I'm going to start doing squats to try to really jump start my thighs and ass, because I have like absolutely no ass to speak of.

Well, thanks for giving me someone to talk to about all this, GAF :)


Just did my weekly weigh-in and I'm officially below 250 now! 249.1 to be precise.

I've really been trying to redistribute my calorie allocation more sensibly and control my boredom snacking better, and I guess that's working.

I'm still on that program to help me be able to do 100 real push-ups eventually. Basically I've started by doing wall push-offs until I can do 100 without stopping. At that point you move onto simple knee push-ups until you can do 100 of those without resting, then you should be able to do real push-ups well enough to get a good benefit out of them.

It's going to be a long stretch, but I think given my lifestyle it's my best bet if I want to start working on my strength, which is still in a very pathetic state for a grown-ass man.

I'm noticing with all the jogging and walking I've been doing that my thighs are getting a good deal more muscular, though you can't tell visually yet, due to the fat still there.

I know it's a crapshoot where your body loses fat from, but I'm going to start doing squats to try to really jump start my thighs and ass, because I have like absolutely no ass to speak of.

Well, thanks for giving me someone to talk to about all this, GAF :)

I also started working on pushups as a preliminary form of building some muscle and worked through the phases like you described. I'm noticing a real difference after doing this for a few months now. Initially I had to start with knee pushups to be able to get through 10 each morning and night, but now I'm up to 25 standard pushups. I also picked up these which seem to help a lot. Amazon's price isn't great as they can be found for less in most sporting goods stores, but I think they really do maximize the effort in a safe way.


I find the whole fruit thing very confusing. We're told to eat more fruit, but then turns out it contains lots of sugars which is bad for you. So what do I do here? Eat them or not.
I find the whole fruit thing very confusing. We're told to eat more fruit, but then turns out it contains lots of sugars which is bad for you. So what do I do here? Eat them or not.

As part of maintenance they are fine. If you are going super low carb you will want to keep your intake low but having some now and again won't kill you. Avoid super sugary fruits like Grapes at all costs though.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I find the whole fruit thing very confusing. We're told to eat more fruit, but then turns out it contains lots of sugars which is bad for you. So what do I do here? Eat them or not.

Don't feel bad, it's something we all get puzzled by when we learn of it.

I like to think of it as fruit being "Nature's Candy". Maybe if you feel like cheating a bit, have a piece once a month or so, but once I learned about the sugar and carb breakdown I really have a hard time justifying it.

Carrots and, if memory serves, some beans are pretty darn high in sugar as well. I bet there are other foods that would surprises you with their sugars as well, but I'm just learning this stuff myself.
Unless you fellows are discussing in regards to a specific (low GI?) diet, fruits are always good if kept in moderation. It's just fruit juice and preserve that's terrible.

Bananas, grapes, berries--these all have a shit ton of health properties. Yeah they have carbs, but we really don't need to bring up the good carb vs bad carb discussion again, do we? ;)

A handful of grapes a day are great because of the antioxidants, too. As long as you're sensible, you don't need to eliminate them. I find that if I get my carbs from mostly fruits and veggies (and a tiny bit of grain, just for variety), I'll be good on energy for workouts, staying awake, etc.


Fruit depends on what your goals are and how sensitive you are to sugar. The best thing to do is experiment with them. It's good to know berries are the lowest in sugar and are the most nutrient dense. Pineapples, melons, mangoes are highest in sugar. Bananas are pure starch. And always remember fruit is more than just sugar, this applies to all foods really, but don't single out one nutrient, look at it as a whole, be mindful of all the other nutrients you're taking in.


So who wants fried chicken cutlets that are actually good for you? I made these tonight and gawd damn, they were good.


Made just like regular chicken cutlets, replaced the breading with unsweetened, shredded coconut, replaced the veggie oil with extra virgin coconut oil. Mixed in salt, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg into the shredded coconut to season. The steamed brussel sprouts/carrots are covered in extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg..fuck guys, it was good. The yellow thing at the top is the remains of the egg I used to coat the chicken, figured I'd fry it while the pan was still hot :)


Full werewolf off the buckle
Thanks for straightening out the fruit situation, guys. It's tough to keep up with all the info at times.

The chicken looks good. I should try out some coconut sometime. It's honestly been years.


Coconut is so good, it's also one of the healthiest things you can possibly eat. If you ever want a boost of energy, eat some coconut or coconut oil. The fats in coconut increase ketone production! I just found out we sell shredded coconut in bulk at whole foods, only 3.60 a pound, sooo cheap. I eat it plain as a snack, mix in it my eggs/guacamole/nut butters/greek yogurt/trail mixes/home made cereals/ect, use it as breading! I sometimes I'll put some of it in a bowl and sprinkle a little cinnamon on top. But I still think whole coconuts are my favorite..a bitch to open, but worth it


I find the whole fruit thing very confusing. We're told to eat more fruit, but then turns out it contains lots of sugars which is bad for you. So what do I do here? Eat them or not.

I try to limit myself to one piece/serving of fruit a day because of the sugar content. I also try to stick with berries because they tend to have the best antioxidant/sugar ratio. However, that being said, I don't stress too much over the sugar content if I decide I want to eat a certain type of fruit one week. Fruits and vegetables are my main sources of carbohydrates, so I tend to be around what most would consider a "low carb" diet regardless of what type of fruit I choose.


I think I'm going to make it a goal of mine to try and cook one thing dralla posts a week and go from there... looks good! When I "cook chicken" it's more like heating up chicken until a point it won't kill me when I eat it, and it's super bland (but healthy!).

Today marks day 30 of my 30 day "no cheat meal challenge" which was a success. Combined with exercise 3-5 times a week I lost around 6-7 lbs and feel pretty good. Going to keep it up for the time being.


If fruit is too fattening for your diet...then just what are you eating besides lean chicken breast, fish, non starchy veggies, egg whites, and protein powder? obviously any highly processed snack or cereal is too much for you if you can't even eat fruit..that includes whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, rice, and all cereals. Even most lean sources of protein are way more calorie dense.

Go on a fruit-only diet. I doubt you could get fat on that even if you wanted to.


I said I'd post them, so here they are. I know I'm not really shirtless Gaf material but since I took the most embarrassing before picture I could, I went ahead and stayed consistent with the after.

As I said, I still have some stubborn belly fat but I hit my goal of 150 lbs.


I guess if I really wanted to show the difference, I should have taken a side profile pic back in April but oh well. I probably going to shave the beard now as well since I mainly grew it to hide the double chin.

Keep up the good work fella.


when you start avoiding fruit, that is when you know you have become too obsessed with your diet. hopefully you will realize that in the grand scheme of things, fruits are some of the best foods you can eat for maintaining or losing weight.

I think everyone reaches this stage at one point...they go so extreme with the low carb thing to the point where they start ruling out a lot of super healthy foods. Eventually they learn to relax a bit and take on a diet that can be maintained without going insane.


when you start avoiding fruit, that is when you know you have become too obsessed with your diet. hopefully you will realize that in the grand scheme of things, fruits are some of the best foods you can eat for maintaining or losing weight.

I think everyone reaches this stage at one point...they go so extreme with the low carb thing to the point where they start ruling out a lot of super healthy foods. Eventually they learn to relax a bit and take on a diet that can be maintained without going insane.

Lol, it's pretty damn easy to avoid fruit and not go insane.
when you start avoiding fruit, that is when you know you have become too obsessed with your diet. hopefully you will realize that in the grand scheme of things, fruits are some of the best foods you can eat for maintaining or losing weight.

I think everyone reaches this stage at one point...they go so extreme with the low carb thing to the point where they start ruling out a lot of super healthy foods. Eventually they learn to relax a bit and take on a diet that can be maintained without going insane.

"fruit" is quite the all encompassing term, one that carries really zero consistent meaning. Perhaps you could elaborate - any fruit? Are all fruits equally good for "maintaining or losing weight?" Surely you realize how silly this comment is.


No bananas....forbidden fruit. Oranges are meh.

Rest should be ok. Apples, berries, melons all generally have relatively low GI's.

What..?!?! Bananas are my go to snack. I eat one shortly before working out, and one right after working out.

I lived in a somewhat remote area in Panama for a month, and because I was trying to save money, my main snack source were bananas growing off the trees there. I was eating at least 12 a day in addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner(which was usually rice and beans with chicken, fish, or eggs). The bananas did not fill me up easily so I ate a ton of them.

and I lost 5 lbs in that one month. I didn't want to lose weight either.


I think I'm going to make it a goal of mine to try and cook one thing dralla posts a week and go from there... looks good! When I "cook chicken" it's more like heating up chicken until a point it won't kill me when I eat it, and it's super bland (but healthy!).

Today marks day 30 of my 30 day "no cheat meal challenge" which was a success. Combined with exercise 3-5 times a week I lost around 6-7 lbs and feel pretty good. Going to keep it up for the time being.

dude make these, they're really easy and will make you feel like a bad mother fucker in the kitchen

how mine came out


Junior Member
I don't even think you should worry about avoiding fruits. I'f you're very active, eating some grapes or other sugary fruits isn't really going screw anything up for you.

They're a hell of a lot better than snacking on sweet junk food. That's for sure.


"fruit" is quite the all encompassing term, one that carries really zero consistent meaning. Perhaps you could elaborate - any fruit? Are all fruits equally good for "maintaining or losing weight?" Surely you realize how silly this comment is.

Are you suggesting that there are "junk fruits" that I'm unaware of? Nearly all common fruits are pretty consistent in having these qualities:

-high in fiber
-relatively low in calories
-rich in vitamins

I have yet to research a single fruit that DIDN'T have a plethora of health benefits. So tell me, what are these fruits that are so radically different from other fruits?

Off the top of my head, the only fruit that you need to be very careful of if you are watching your weight are avocados, which are healthy but high in calories.


Lol, it's pretty damn easy to avoid fruit and not go insane.

if you avoid fruit but eat other sources of carbs, such as grains/pasta/rice/cereal/starchy veggies etc...sure, then it's easy.

but if you are avoiding fruit, than I'm assuming that MOST LIKELY, you are avoiding the above foods as well...it wouldn't make much sense otherwise.
Are you suggesting that there are "junk fruits" that I'm unaware of? Nearly all common fruits are pretty consistent in having these qualities:

-high in fiber
-relatively low in calories
-rich in vitamins

I have yet to research a single fruit that DIDN'T have a plethora of health benefits. So tell me, what are these fruits that are so radically different from other fruits?

Off the top of my head, the only fruit that you need to be very careful of if you are watching your weight are avocados, which are healthy but high in calories.
No, I'm suggesting that it's almost as useful as saying "carb" or "food". And that's funny that you think avocados are high in calories and the only problem food you can name.
if you avoid fruit but eat other sources of carbs, such as grains/pasta/rice/cereal/starchy veggies etc...sure, then it's easy.

but if you are avoiding fruit, than I'm assuming that MOST LIKELY, you are avoiding the above foods as well...it wouldn't make much sense otherwise.

This literally makes no sense. Why is avoiding fruit ok if you eat grains? And funny to see you doubling down with the clear implication that insanity will result if you don't somehow have ... what? carbs in your diet? Get a clue.


when you start avoiding fruit, that is when you know you have become too obsessed with your diet. hopefully you will realize that in the grand scheme of things, fruits are some of the best foods you can eat for maintaining or losing weight.

I think everyone reaches this stage at one point...they go so extreme with the low carb thing to the point where they start ruling out a lot of super healthy foods. Eventually they learn to relax a bit and take on a diet that can be maintained without going insane.

It's not that fruit is unhealthy, it's that many people feel that they can't control their hunger very well when they aren't in ketosis. Also, someone with insulin resistance / diabetes will experience blood sugar control issues when eating sugary/starchy fruit. Blood sugar swings can impact energy and appetite. Fruit is great for a healthy person and if everyone stuck to fruit as their carb source growing up, then I think diabetes and obesity would be very rare.


I don't even think you should worry about avoiding fruits. I'f you're very active, eating some grapes or other sugary fruits isn't really going screw anything up for you.

They're a hell of a lot better than snacking on sweet junk food. That's for sure.

That's what I'm trying to say.

If you have reached the point where you rule out common fruits, than your diet must be really limited because other sources of carbs are more likely to make you gain weight.
Are you suggesting that there are "junk fruits" that I'm unaware of? Nearly all common fruits are pretty consistent in having these qualities:

-high in fiber
-relatively low in calories
-rich in vitamins

I have yet to research a single fruit that DIDN'T have a plethora of health benefits. So tell me, what are these fruits that are so radically different from other fruits?

Off the top of my head, the only fruit that you need to be very careful of if you are watching your weight are avocados, which are healthy but high in calories.

lol. You must be kidding.

Almost all low carb foods (which tend to be calorie dense) are bad for you by that logic.

For fruit all fruit is not created equal. Some are simply not compatible with low carb dieting. If you don't want to do low carb...fine I am not complaining.....to each their own. Lets not pretend fruits like Bannanas and Grapes are a quality source of calories if trying to keep your carb counts low. Of course you could eat ANYTHING in moderation and be fine....I could eat jolly ranchers and still lose weight if I only ate one....thats not the point. Just because those fruits are better than candy doesn't make them not terrible when compared to other...better...fruit options.


No, I'm suggesting that it's almost as useful as saying "carb" or "food". And that's funny that you think avocados are high in calories and the only problem food you can name.

This literally makes no sense. Why is avoiding fruit ok if you eat grains? And funny to see you doubling down with the clear implication that insanity will result if you don't somehow have ... what? carbs in your diet? Get a clue.

1. No, "fruit" is not nearly as broad as "carb" or "food". "Food" or "carb" can mean anything that is highly processed like a snickers bar, or it can mean a sweet potato. "Fruit" is obviously more specific than that.....I can't believe I had to explain that one, am I being trolled?

2. I never said avocados are a problem food, they aren't. I wasn't even trying to name a problem food, wtf?

I was just giving an example of a fruit that is higher in calories, because most fruits are pretty similar to each other calorie wise, with avocados being an exception since they contain around 240 to 300 calories each.

3. You totally missed the point about my comparison of fruits and other carb sources. One person joked "It's easy to avoid fruit without going insane". I was responding to that person's joke by saying sure, if you are getting your energy from other carb sources such as grains/pasta/cereal etc.

4. You took the word "insane" too literally...so maybe you are the one who needs to get a clue.


lol. You must be kidding.

Almost all low carb foods (which tend to be calorie dense) are bad for you by that logic.

For fruit all fruit is not created equal. Some are simply not compatible with low carb dieting. If you don't want to do low carb...fine I am not complaining.....to each their own. Lets not pretend fruits like Bannanas and Grapes are a quality source of calories if trying to keep your carb counts low. Of course you could eat ANYTHING in moderation and be fine....I could eat jolly ranchers and still lose weight if I only ate one....thats not the point. Just because those fruits are better than candy doesn't make them not terrible when compared to other...better...fruit options.

Are people in this thread on a specific low carb diet? It's a serious question.

If you are on a low carb diet that restricts certain fruits, okay obviously I can't argue that. I was speaking more to people on a balanced diet.

BTW, I am NOT saying avocados are bad. They aren't. I was just making the point that most fruits are consistently low in calories, and that avocados were an exception. I was NOT saying high in calories = bad.


3. You totally missed the point about my comparison of fruits and other carb sources. One person joked "It's easy to avoid fruit without going insane". I was responding to that person's joke by saying sure, if you are getting your energy from other carb sources such as grains/pasta/cereal etc.

Why are carbs necessary to not go insane?


Why are carbs necessary to not go insane?

They aren't. I didn't say or imply that they are, I just made a tongue in cheek comment using the word "insane", similar to when people say something like: "If I have to listen to her talk for another minute I will go insane!"

Someone just took my words too literally, that's all.
Are people in this thread on a specific low carb diet? It's a serious question.

If you are on a low carb diet that restricts certain fruits, okay obviously I can't argue that. I was speaking more to people on a balanced diet.

BTW, I am NOT saying avocados are bad. They aren't. I was just making the point that most fruits are consistently low in calories, and that avocados were an exception. I was NOT saying high in calories = bad.

Most are on some version of low carb yes. Probably 90% plus. (For good reason. I have lost 80+ lbs in less than 6 months on low carb with what I consider fairly minimal effort)

Its kind of the consensus "go to" diet right now.


Well, i have had enough with the weight. After many (admittedly half assed) attempts at losing weight, im going to try again, and get serious.

First thing to do is kill soda. Incredibly tempting when you have a fridge full of the shit at work, fully stocked at all times.

We have a gym membership at work, no reason not to take advantage of it.

Wish me luck.

348 lbs.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
They aren't. I didn't say or imply that they are, I just made a tongue in cheek comment about how being on a more balanced diet can keep you from going insane compared to some really extreme one. It wasn't meant to be taken literally.

Ah, yes, a balanced diet.

Be sure to balance the good with the bad, I guess.

In that case, my diet is extremely unbalanced. I only take the good stuff!
Well, i have had enough with the weight. After many (admittedly half assed) attempts at losing weight, im going to try again, and get serious.

First thing to do is kill soda. Incredibly tempting when you have a fridge full of the shit at work, fully stocked at all times.

We have a gym membership at work, no reason not to take advantage of it.

Wish me luck.

348 lbs.

Good luck. The first step is to start!

The important thing is to be fed up and not accepting failure as an option!

Also....research the hell out of diets then get to the basics and find out what works for you.


Well, i have had enough with the weight. After many (admittedly half assed) attempts at losing weight, im going to try again, and get serious.

First thing to do is kill soda. Incredibly tempting when you have a fridge full of the shit at work, fully stocked at all times.

We have a gym membership at work, no reason not to take advantage of it.

Wish me luck.

348 lbs.

You should post more info, what's your diet like now? how active are you? do you have any specific goals besides lose weight? do you have an idea of how you're going to do that? do you do your own food shopping? basically the more info you give, the better people in here can help.

Quitting soda can be a bitch for some people, I used to drink 2 cans a day personally. If your 'endgame' is to become a water-only type, it's best to ween your self off it instead of cold turkey. Switch from regular to diet, or crystal light, or something similar, if you try and cut it out completely it's likely you'll crave it more. Now if you CAN do that, than go ahead, it's the best option IMO, but it can be tough.

General advice is stick to whole foods as much as possible, avoid highly processed, non-nutritious things. Don't fear fat, specifically saturated fat, it does not make you fat or give you heart disease or anything else like that. Same with cholesterol, dietary cholesterol has such a small effect on cholesterol in the blood. Avoid at all costs, sugary drinks and white flours.
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