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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Gold Member
damn, that's impressive. what's your routine?


- 5/2 fast.
- I try to keep fast days at 700kcal after full 24h fast
- Other days goal is 2000kcal but more often than not I end up at 2400kcal
- No strict macros goals, and have eaten a lot of crap occasionally (beer & burgers are my weakness)

- 4 x lift per week
- 3-4 x cardio per week, either spinning or swimming
- Lifts used to be 3 x Starting Strength, 1 x Assistance
- Recently swapped to a hypertrophy program, to see how it works now

My big learning is that it's not about being super strict about everything, but sticking consistently to the broad strokes week after week after week. I mean, I party a lot, eat out a lot etc. and I just can't do the joyless spartan chicken and broccoli only routine. So what I fail on the odd night here and there I make up every other day.

Chris R

I hate looking at the scale in the morning, because while it's down almost every single day I don't feel or look any thinner. -18 since I've been keeping track every day but my gut is still so huge. If I could just take a few inches off the gut I'd be happy since everything else isn't so fat. Sub 200 is still the goal, onward we go! Thanksgiving dinner will include some turkey and salad and not much else :(


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I hate looking at the scale in the morning, because while it's down almost every single day I don't feel or look any thinner. -18 since I've been keeping track every day but my gut is still so huge. If I could just take a few inches off the gut I'd be happy since everything else isn't so fat. Sub 200 is still the goal, onward we go! Thanksgiving dinner will include some turkey and salad and not much else :(

Pictures are important. I felt the same way, but when I took pictures of my progress it becomes very clear where the changes are being made. Has to be the nasty kind of pictures tho (skin in front of mirror). None of this "compare facebook photos of before/after" stuff.

20 pounds should be significant enough to see a change. Regardless, 18 pounds down is awesome progress. Just have to keep going. It's worth it.


My big learning is that it's not about being super strict about everything, but sticking consistently to the broad strokes week after week after week. I mean, I party a lot, eat out a lot etc. and I just can't do the joyless spartan chicken and broccoli only routine. So what I fail on the odd night here and there I make up every other day.
After 2 years of constant progress, this is right on the money.

Quick update for me, I've stagnated in weight loss (go between 178-185), but I'm putting on a fair bit of muscle. Recently bought a new house on 5 acres, and have spent most of my free time building fence, clearing trees/brush, and some home renovation.

Up to this point, I hadn't done much lifting, focusing almost entirely on diet, then diet and cardo. Now my arms have just exploded. It's nice to see such a seemingly quick change. Wanting to maintain that, I picked up some dumbells and a bench to put in my new office.


I was thinking of waiting until January for posting the latest progress pic but figured that what the hell, might post one now.

This is me


Jan 2013 / May 2013 / Sept 2013 / Nov 2013

I have been mixing priorities between strength and cutting. Now I decided I will need to just focus on getting lean and then go on a bulk and strength phase after that. Getting lean was always my goal so that comes first.

It's funny how by after almost every step in my journey I have thought that 'ok, this is it, I am cut in a couple of kilos now'. Looking back I know better now, we carry much more fat than we perceive. Amazingly, the weight difference on the scale between the two left pictures is about 20kg, whereas between the three right pictures is just about 7kg. I have no idea when I will be ripped with all the lose skin, but when I get there I will start my bulk and strength.

Love this stuff. And love GAF for helping me do it.

Amazing job man! Keep it up! Love seeing progress pics.


I hate looking at the scale in the morning, because while it's down almost every single day I don't feel or look any thinner. -18 since I've been keeping track every day but my gut is still so huge. If I could just take a few inches off the gut I'd be happy since everything else isn't so fat. Sub 200 is still the goal, onward we go! Thanksgiving dinner will include some turkey and salad and not much else :(

Don't look at that scale everyday. The scale isn't really a good metric to use in the first place, and its ridiculous day to day fluctuations will drive you mad; there's everything from water weight to whether or not you've taken a shit that morning that'll affect the day to day #s. Not worth it.


I was thinking of waiting until January for posting the latest progress pic but figured that what the hell, might post one now.

This is me


Jan 2013 / May 2013 / Sept 2013 / Nov 2013

I love you. Congratulations man, the change is astounding, and it's just the beginning.


Back on the weight loss train again. This time Im motivated like a muthafucka, so hopefully I dont regress.


Height: 6'0
Starting Weight: 265 lb
Current Weight: 252.4 lb
Goal Weight: 190 lb 11%BF


Nov 18: 265lb
Nov 25: 250lb


Gold Member
Amazing job man! Keep it up! Love seeing progress pics.

I love you. Congratulations man, the change is astounding, and it's just the beginning.

Thanks guys! Much appreciated. Yeah I am really excited about where I can take this thing next year. This year has been cutting - getting from unhealthy and unsightly to normal, whereas next year should be getting to a great physique - definition and muscle. It will be less dramatic naturally, since muscle builds slower than fat burns.

It's interesting mentally too. I have been doing this now long enough to begin to distance myself from the person I was earlier and to start to have an identity and mindset of a healthy person. It feels weird now to look at old pics of myself on Facebook, I just can't identify with that life anymore. Not really sure what to think or do with them.


Found my old flickr account.

This was the first day of college (Sept 2008)

And April 2009

Get a haircut.

So in terms of actual weight loss, rather than improved fitness, I've been more or less in maintenance mode for about 8 months. Going from this:

to this:

left me with a lot of loose skin. I was hovering between 260-300lbs for about 7 years too. You can see it a bit in that bottom pic. Whelp, things are starting to tighten up a bit which is quite nice. I wasn't expecting that. I'm still too self conscious to post pics though. :p

Recently bought 5 acres and a house, and a lot of my exercise has switched to endless yard work. I'm totally beat most evenings, and working 8-10 hours on the weekends clearing trees, debris, and building tons of fencing. I can't even imagine what this would be like if I were still out of shape and obese.

Side benefit to all this yard/building work, my arms are starting to get buff. The best part is since there's very little fat compared to previous years, bumps are forming after only a couple weeks!

Holy crap. From random fat guy to Ryan Reynolds.


Posted this in the "New Pics of Yourself Thread" but I figured it was appropriate to share here, too!

On the left is how I looked during my last year of high school in 2008. On the right is how I look five years later.

You used to be John Carmack. Now you are just an ordinary guy.


Well, I've dun goofed.

I've been really careless these past few months with my eating and exercising. I dropped fro 320 to 220 and now I'm back up to 260. I need to get back on it, my clothes are getting tight.

Wish me luck.


Well, I've dun goofed.

I've been really careless these past few months with my eating and exercising. I dropped fro 320 to 220 and now I'm back up to 260. I need to get back on it, my clothes are getting tight.

Wish me luck.
Stay strong! It's not about quick gains, it's about a lifestyle change and persistent gains over a long period.
Holy crap. From random fat guy to Ryan Reynolds.
Hah, I'm sure my wife would be happy with that. Thanks :p


Man, holiday lbs are real. Had a "Friendsgiving" party where everyone made insane stuff (I made Crack Pie, see IronGAF) then my family Thanksgiving right after. And I eat everything in sight. I must of gained at least a few pounds, felt like 10. But a lot of it was water which I've already lost the last few days.

5'9 160 lbs (Was 150ish in August)

Right now I'm back on hardcore mode.

My current diet:

Veggie Smoothie (using Vitamix)
1 cup Kale
1 cup Spinach
Swiss Chard
1 cup Coconut Milk (veggies are fat soluble)
Half an Apple

2 Chicken Breasts
~1 Sweet Potato mashed (with butter and cinnamon)

I only eat once per day (after the gym), the rest I'm in IF. If I feel sluggish when I get home from work, I scramble 3 eggs with a little Ketchup or hot sauce.


Man, holiday lbs are real. Had a "Friendsgiving" party where everyone made insane stuff (I made Crack Pie, see IronGAF) then my family Thanksgiving right after. And I eat everything in sight. I must of gained at least a few pounds, felt like 10. But a lot of it was water which I've already lost the last few days.

From Wednesday till Sunday, I would have made a fit person weep between the crap I ate. It was so good and horrible at the same time, Now I am having a hard time getting back on the wagon so to speak.


343i Lead Esports Producer
My gym is having a Feast the Least competition. Depending on how much weight you lose you get different prizes. I want a t shirt lol


Formerly Gizmowned
Wanted to post an update. Last three or four weeks I've been eating more normal but in smaller amounts. Probably 1500-1800 calories a day instead of 1200.

Im now 157 pounds down from 174 and still want to cut down to 140-145.

I do 25-30 minutes strength and 30 minutes cardio.

Aiming to be 150 pounds by Christmas. Might do some fasting.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Wanted to post an update. Last three or four weeks I've been eating more normal but in smaller amounts. Probably 1500-1800 calories a day instead of 1200.

Im now 157 pounds down from 174 and still want to cut down to 140-145.

I do 25-30 minutes strength and 30 minutes cardio.

Aiming to be 150 pounds by Christmas. Might do some fasting.

Glad to hear that's working for you. Keep it up, but don't beat yourself up if you get a bit tempted during the holidays. You're only human.

Onto my update I feel a bit of an idiot. The past 6 months or so I've been hovering wildly between 170-180 pounds with seemingly no rhyme nor reason. As it turns out I'm a damned fool who needed to change his scale batteries! Now it's reading at a nice, stable 172 and I'm feeling much more secure in my efforts.

I recently hopped on the Wii Fit U bandwagon and am enjoying that so far! Fitness-wise I'm doing great. I've been putting between 10-20 miles a day on my bike, doing my pushups and such more regularly and I feel like I'm seeing some real improvements in my overall fitness and upper-body strength.

I still can't do a real chin-up and that's one of my goals. Does anyone know if you're supposed to be "jumping" into them? That is to say to assist in doing them should I be springing up with my legs at the start or is the point in doing it all with your arms completely unassisted by the legs?

Anywho, like I said I'm down almost 200 pounds from two years ago. I don't know if I can realistically get any lighter since I have a good deal of loose skin and I don't know how much of my 172 might just be that. I sure wish there were some accurate way to find out!


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
If you cannot do a proper pull-up, do not "jump" into them.

The best thing to do is get a stool or chair, get yourself into the "up" position, hold if for a few seconds, and then let yourself down as deliberately and controlled as you can maintain. Some people never take their feet off the assist, some step off for each rep... doesn't really matter as long as you shift as much of the work to your upper body as you can maintain good form coming down.

Do a few sets of these, you'll be able to do proper (unassisted) pullups before long though assists are nothing to be ashamed of. My favorite machine at the gym is the pullup machine with counter-weights. It's fun and I feel like I get the most out of it.

Btw when I say "proper" I do not intend to sound like a douche. If that's how it sounds. I'm just saying.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Thanks for the advice! I'll see how that fares for me tomorrow at my park's fitness center.

I totally understand "proper". There's absolutely a safe way and an unsafe, ineffective way to exercise and I appreciate the tip!
I appreciate the pull-up tips too, thanks!

I've lost a good deal of my weight this year and next year's goal is to do a pull-up, something I've never done.


Haven't shared progress with this side of gaf in a while

Funny fact, I'm the same weight in both pictures.

Keep up all the awesome weight loss, guys


been eating 1900 - 2000 calories for almost a week now and I'm still at the exact same weight(in fact I've gained about a pound) This is getting depressing. The only time I've ever legitimately lost weight was through pretty much starving myself over a long period of time. It's beginning to seem like that's the only way I can lose weight.


been eating 1900 - 2000 calories for almost a week now and I'm still at the exact same weight(in fact I've gained about a pound) This is getting depressing. The only time I've ever legitimately lost weight was through pretty much starving myself over a long period of time. It's beginning to seem like that's the only way I can lose weight.

Do you measure yourself at all? Honestly, dropping the scale and pulling out the measuring tape is the way to go IMO :)


Do you measure yourself at all? Honestly, dropping the scale and pulling out the measuring tape is the way to go IMO :)

Never have, I probably should start.

I'm gonna change up my diet a bit next week and see if I get any results.


Full werewolf off the buckle
So you guys may have noticed I've been bitching about stagnating in my weight loss for a fair few months. Evidently I'm a moron because after putting a new battery in my scale I'm doing quite well!

This was all spurred by my starting Wii Fit U and it saying I was 168 lbs. My scale kept telling me 10 pounds over that! With the new battery it has me at 172 now so I'm rounding the two and figuring I'm 170-ish, though I hear the Wii Balance Board is one of the more accurate consumer scales.

I've really been hammering it with the physical activity since I got the bike. On work days I put in at least 10 miles and on my days off I've been getting between 15-20 miles, and I've gone from an average of 9 mph when I first started riding again to almost 12 now! It's really amazing how it's improved my balance and coordination, too. When I first got a bike after not having one since I was a kid I was riding around like a drunk, always weaving all over.

I've been going to the park every day and doing push-ups and inverted pull-ups. I've even started doing chin-ups! I can't quite get my chin past the bar yet, but I can get to nose level repeatedly and I'm doing it with a mind on proper form so I have high hopes that within a few months I'll be able to do some proper chin-ups to completion.

I mentioned previously that my man-boobs were almost gone, and now I'm starting to see less and less belly fat, too. With the stretch marks and loose skin I don't think I'll ever really look "good" there but it's nice to see it steadily getting better. I'm hoping eventually to have a decent silhouette as right now I sort of just look like a rectangle.

So progress is being made, and I hope all you gents (And ladies?) are doing well in your efforts as well. Happy holidays to you all. Enjoy yourselves in moderation :)


I mentioned previously that my man-boobs were almost gone, and now I'm starting to see less and less belly fat, too. With the stretch marks and loose skin I don't think I'll ever really look "good" there but it's nice to see it steadily getting better. I'm hoping eventually to have a decent silhouette as right now I sort of just look like a rectangle.

So progress is being made, and I hope all you gents (And ladies?) are doing well in your efforts as well. Happy holidays to you all. Enjoy yourselves in moderation :)

Weight training can definitely help to alleviate the issue somewhat the more muscle mass you put on.

I think I also heard that putting lotion on your stretch marks daily will help to make them seem less apparent as they begin to blend in with your regular complexion.


so a quick update after 155 days of less eating, more exercise (indoor rowing) : since my last post I've lost another 4.5 kg, I'm now at 109.5 kg (1.91m)

I did loosen up my regime a little, exercising a bit less long and eating a bit more (damn holiday season). Still losing weight consistently :)

My strength & endurance are better than ever, plus still no injuries other than blisters, so the Concept2 indoor rower really is a great tool for me. I'm currently doing roughly 30 minutes of intensive exercise 4 to 5 times a week. I still eat pretty much everything I want, just with some days of eating less or lighter (e.g. soup for dinner). Exercise really is at the core of my weight loss.

So I'm almost below 30 on the BMI scale now. The holy grail of 100 kg will probably take a few months longer, but I'm shaping up very nicely. My legs are really toned, the arms aren't bad either, my upper body is improving ... just the belly fat left !

I still like doing a daily weigh-in, there will be massive variances between subsequent days but the trend is pretty noticeable (as are the weeks with more eating and less exercise...)

real before/after photos once I hit 100 kg ;)


Full werewolf off the buckle
so a quick update after 155 days of less eating, more exercise (indoor rowing) : since my last post I've lost another 4.5 kg, I'm now at 109.5 kg (1.91m)

I did loosen up my regime a little, exercising a bit less long and eating a bit more (damn holiday season). Still losing weight consistently :)

My strength & endurance are better than ever, plus still no injuries other than blisters, so the Concept2 indoor rower really is a great tool for me. I'm currently doing roughly 30 minutes of intensive exercise 4 to 5 times a week. I still eat pretty much everything I want, just with some days of eating less or lighter (e.g. soup for dinner). Exercise really is at the core of my weight loss.

So I'm almost below 30 on the BMI scale now. The holy grail of 100 kg will probably take a few months longer, but I'm shaping up very nicely. My legs are really toned, the arms aren't bad either, my upper body is improving ... just the belly fat left !

I still like doing a daily weigh-in, there will be massive variances between subsequent days but the trend is pretty noticeable (as are the weeks with more eating and less exercise...)

real before/after photos once I hit 100 kg ;)

Awesome progress! Nothing quite like a downward trend.

Don't be too concerned about the holidays. They're a lovely time of year and we get to live through so relatively few of them in a lifetime. You can always bust your ass twice as hard in January :)
So i saw this thread and dont know why but want to tell my story.

I didn't really have much of a social life expect forums. And coming from a family which isn't the lightest i was around 72kg and counting. Rather short, my id says 1.69m. Then i thought i had found a group of friends in school.. But i didnt pass and you know you say your going to speak eachother long after but it didn't happen.. Then i got in a class, all on my own not happy with myself.. But i have made good friends, one of them considerd my best friend now, and when we parted ways at school we said to speak echother, right.. Just like the last.. Guess what? I still speak him every day. I think that and the passing of a uncle due to his weight, the social life they gave me.. It pushed the switch.
i'm 54kg now and go to the gym 3 times a week, it is really fun to see old pictures of yourself and be like.m is that me? The response is amazing too everywhere you go people's first reaction is damn you lost some weight.

i feel fit, "musclar"(hey i didnt have any half year ago.. :p) and i enjoy life again.

Do you gaffers have any tips ob maintaining the weight? I dont want to lose more. I guess at this point i need to put on muscle weight or?


Never have, I probably should start.

I'm gonna change up my diet a bit next week and see if I get any results.

Measuring is great! I used bodybuildings website to track my measurements since they have videos showing you how to properly measure each area. There is something incredible rewarding about seeing inches lost in areas where you wanted to lose fat, and inches gained in areas where you wanted to pack on some size.


provides useful feedback
Anyone want to be my friend on MyFitnessPal? I feel this could hold me more accountable for my actions.

I will! Add me, my username is "SovanJedi".

MyFitnessPal is the best. I lost 42lbs on it last year, but my friends complained saying I looked unhealthily thin (I'm 5'9" and at my lowest I weighed 147lbs), so most of this year I ended up putting everything back on again. This time I'm making a second attempt, not planning to lose as much as before, and over 6 weeks I've lost about 16lbs, which I'm most chuffed about. I think another 14lbs altogether and I'll be done, and focus on maintaining that weight permanently. Or building muscle mass. Either way, MFP has been such a godsend it's unbelievable.
I will! Add me, my username is "SovanJedi".

MyFitnessPal is the best. I lost 42lbs on it last year, but my friends complained saying I looked unhealthily thin (I'm 5'9" and at my lowest I weighed 147lbs), so most of this year I ended up putting everything back on again. This time I'm making a second attempt, not planning to lose as much as before, and over 6 weeks I've lost about 16lbs, which I'm most chuffed about. I think another 14lbs altogether and I'll be done, and focus on maintaining that weight permanently. Or building muscle mass. Either way, MFP has been such a godsend it's unbelievable.

Thanks. Friend request sent.


looks like I've gone from not losing any weight to potentially losing too much at once. Dropped about 6 pounds in the span of only 4 days. I think it's due to a combination of me changing up my diet again and me going below 2000 calories on 3 of those 4 days.(not purposefully though, I have exams this week and I've essentially been living in the library for the past 2 days) Went to the gym yesterday and I got PR's on all my lifts, so hopefully that means no muscle has been lost.(yet) We'll see come Thursday.

I'll add you guys to MFP as well. The site is a godsend for counting calories. I honestly thought the whole counting and macros thing was too much of a hassle and next to impossible to do since pretty much 100% of the food I eat is made in bulk by my mom, but MFP makes it super easy to make pretty solid approximations. What I thought would be hassle turned out to be more like a super fun game I play with myself.

Username is Karsius there.

Dead Man

Hey all, bumping from a new weight losing gaffer.

Sounds like MFP is a pretty useful thing, I'll go check it out.

Been using horrible Duramine shit to suppress appettite. It has made me a grumpy mood fuck, but I have gone from 112 kgs to 101 in 2 months. Weight loss has slowed down the last couple weeks, which is normal on this stuff apparently. The weight loss has encouraged me to start working out again, just simple stuff like stretches and push-ups at the moment, but I'm looking at starting one of the beachbody programmes.

Belts have gone down 3-4 notchs, only a couple inches off the waist, but my neck and face look a lot better, and my love handles are now almost gone.

No real pics of my before, I didn't expect the shit to work and I hated my body lol. If I can pick up the excercie I hope to take some after pics in a couple months.


merry christmas weightlossGaf. Thanks for all the inspiration over the last 2 years...


blurry/hairy mess, but whatever. I am surprised this thread does yet not have an OT 2. are all of you now fitgaf subscribers?


This thread is so dead compared to how it was a few months ago. I really wish a Weight Loss GAF veteran could revive things with a new OT and super OP. Anyone up for it ?


Totally, best I've felt since high school. Lots of water, salad, chicken breast, steak. Waaaaay less bread. Stuff like pizza and fast food went from every other day to once a month. Couple glasses of vodka or whisky and diet soda instead of crushing 1200 calories of Pabst. Want to get some weights for the gym I've got set up in the second bedroom. Will post an update pic at the end of the year, think I can drop another 20+ by then.

I was 296 when I made this post in mid October, 262 this morning. So, yeah, another 20+!


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