So... as I've just read part of the last few pages, I will admit, that I might have underestimated the information you've to keep up with, with these many people, and users I don't know. You gotta take notes or have a good memory. I will participate more now.
Here are some thoughts, though.
About Darklighter. Sorian wants him gone on fairly reasonable grounds, but reading through the thread I came to similar conclusion as Fireblend - So... unless Darklighter just doesn't play
at all, wouldn't the other scum member wake him the fuck up? What's the end game here? Haven't quite figured that out. Plus: He's a (rather mysterious, admittedly) new player. On the other hand, it seems likely one of "us", new Players, is scum. Probably not more than that, though? No idea, what the inclinations of the game masters in this and previous rounds were in that specific regard.
Sorian took over the conversation and pressures. Pressures a lot. Which is a good thing especially at this point in the game. He is experienced, though and while he makes his points, because Day One is so bla, it can be an act. Powerful player in regards to control the new one. But oh well.
Fireblend put the wheel out there, had a little dispute with TL21xx over the usefulness of RNG - his stance should be obvious. I'm inclined to say that RNG is a big part of day One no matter whether you use the wheel or out-of-your-ass suspicions, but TL21xx seems more reasonable long term - gathering as much facts as possible to paint a picture after the mess was done. Liked his stance on the current Dark-vote, though. Reasonable.
Scrafty, well... I don't like her role-playing. it's annoying and distracting. Someone notes that's rather of advantage in regards to being able to read her, and that person was probably right. Opposed to some others that's not neccessarily a reason to outright kill her, but it doesn't make her any less suspicious.
Those were the main players I have thought on. The following notes are more scattered and random. Could be possible I've missed something in between the posts I referencing and what happened further down the line.
Seath - had no internet, will "be just observing" - Okay.
Razmos v. squidyj - Don't no what that acutally was about, seemed RL-related/last game related, which I tend to dismiss, because I can't participate in such conversation.
gryvan - Seemed easy to manipulate (Not neccessarily with a negative connotion, quite the opposite in this case) - seems like the typical new player. Trending towards town at this point.
TL21xx - As noted above was arguing against RNG. Admits it's a starting point, but not much else. Double-dipps on Scrafty (Both feeling positive and uneasy) and is called out by Sorian. Probably a slip-up.
TO SUM IT UP: Do I think is Darklight a sound choice? Probably not. I said as much above. But --> Is there an alternative? Not really. Darklight is the obvious out-lyer. The "easy"-Day One-choice. Will decide to tomorrow who I will vote for, maybe there's some movement through the night (my acutal night

). Checks out with the deadline, so no trouble.