Do dead people vote count?
I see boo boos vote still on mike
Retro should probably clarify just in case but I think he is just copy and pasting straight from the voting app and unless Boo Boo himself comes in here and types out an unvote, there is no way to remove it from the app.
Wow, we've lost four townies already. I think Boo Boo was a distraction kill. He wasn't applying enough heat to anyone to be an immediate threat I think.
Sorian, I don’t really find you the most suspicious I just find everything around you suspicious. However, like you mentioned the Mafia could be leading us in that direction. But I want to go over it again because I didn’t explain it well enough.
Mafia takes out Fireblend. Why? He’s a high profile poster and he’s on the Towns’ side. Whether he was right or wrong on his leads doesn’t matter, he was moving discussion forward and trying to find scum. That’s a threat to them no matter how you shake it.
You’ve been doing the same thing. Fair enough, Mafia can’t take out two people at Night so they get Fireblend now and you later.
We start Day 2 and find out Ty4on has been Haiku’d. We have 6 options here.
1. Mafia hit him.
2. Town hit him.
3. Neutral Mafia aligned hit him.
4. Neutral Town aligned hit him.
5. Neutral with no allegiance hit him (Is this a thing? Haven’t played enough to know.)
6. He’s faking it.
If it was Mafia / Netural Mafia Aligned why would they choose Ty4on? Why not you Sorian? Surely they’d want to silence the biggest threat. Maybe they wanted to cause confusion and frame you? I can see that and it makes sense.
If it was Town / Neutral Town Aligned I can kind of see it but there are better options than Ty4on. Why not hit Seath or Trigger, two people that a lot were suspicious of during Day 1? Hell, why not hit Scrafty so she has to post without the fluff?
If it’s just a rogue Neutral then Ty4on is as good as anyone else I reckon.
He could be faking it but that seems like a big commitment and the heat wasn’t on him too bad on Day 1.
Then Boo dies. Once again the misdirection play comes into it and again, it makes sense. I don’t deny that. But there are far better options all around, no matter how you look at it.
Anyway maybe that explains it better. If not, sorry. Moving on now.
This was already brought up but with how Trigger was acting during Day 1 it seems even stranger.
Then there’s Seath. He was pretty active during Day 1 but now he’s dropped almost as low as me! Maybe RL stuff is getting in the way or maybe his Mafia bros told him to keep quiet.
I would actually feel more comfortable switching my vote to Trigger or Seath but my gut says go for you Sorian, so that’s what I’m doing. I’m sure your gut is telling you the same about me.![]()
Is this scumtell day? Nobody told me it was scumtell day. I thought it was thanksgiving.
I honestly don't know where my vote is going at the moment, but for now Seath needs to speak up. It's the season for it, apparently.
Seath, post about things that actually matter.
Vote: Seath
I was going to vote Trigger but plenty are on him right now and you are driving me crazy with this stuff! Fireblend is in another mafia game right now. He's not coming back! Can you post something substantial for once?
Is this scumtell day? Nobody told me it was scumtell day. I thought it was thanksgiving.
I honestly don't know where my vote is going at the moment, but for now Seath needs to speak up. It's the season for it, apparently.
Sorian, I dont really find you the most suspicious I just find everything around you suspicious. However, like you mentioned the Mafia could be leading us in that direction. But I want to go over it again because I didnt explain it well enough.
Mafia takes out Fireblend. Why? Hes a high profile poster and hes on the Towns side. Whether he was right or wrong on his leads doesnt matter, he was moving discussion forward and trying to find scum. Thats a threat to them no matter how you shake it.
Youve been doing the same thing. Fair enough, Mafia cant take out two people at Night so they get Fireblend now and you later.
We start Day 2 and find out Ty4on has been Haikud. We have 6 options here.
1. Mafia hit him.
2. Town hit him.
3. Neutral Mafia aligned hit him.
4. Neutral Town aligned hit him.
5. Neutral with no allegiance hit him (Is this a thing? Havent played enough to know.)
6. Hes faking it.
If it was Mafia / Netural Mafia Aligned why would they choose Ty4on? Why not you Sorian? Surely theyd want to silence the biggest threat. Maybe they wanted to cause confusion and frame you? I can see that and it makes sense.
If it was Town / Neutral Town Aligned I can kind of see it but there are better options than Ty4on. Why not hit Seath or Trigger, two people that a lot were suspicious of during Day 1? Hell, why not hit Scrafty so she has to post without the fluff?
If its just a rogue Neutral then Ty4on is as good as anyone else I reckon.
He could be faking it but that seems like a big commitment and the heat wasnt on him too bad on Day 1.
First part about Sorian vs Fireblend is fine, I think that's a reasonable assessment. The second one, there certainly are true neutrals who aren't aligned and there is some precedent for them in GAFia (Serial Killer is a true neutral who has to kill everybody for example). As for why they'd target Ty4on instead of Sorian, it could make sense. Right now a lot of people have given Ty4on a pass and suspect Sorian because he's not impacted. The thing I don't understand is why people think a town-aligned version would necessarily want to target scum with it. Unless this impacted them in scum chat too, it doesn't really hamper them too strongly, and regardless they have multiple people who could combine to create stronger haikus. I agree targeting Scrafty would be an interesting target because it would change her writing style even more than it already is.
How can we know this?I'm surprised Scrafty Devil decided to vote against Pop O matic. I've had the two of them on my list of possible scum but that's a very interesting move by Scrafty.
Your claim on D1Do you really know who I am? All I've said is that I know that someone can pull the trigger tomorrow night, and that it's one and done.
If I was scum readI promised reads, and I come bearing them! Sorry for the megapost.
Stanley hasn't really posted enough for me to have any implications one way or another. Have to make him a null read for now, but the relative silence is disconcerting.
Trigger had that flinchy moment earlier in the thread, but I attribute that to early game jitters. Going to go with a null read for the moment, but will be monitoring closely due to squidyj's good point I'll discuss later.
Unmasked Ferret
Ferret, Ferret, Ferret... My, what an eventful opening you've had. Ferret has been thrown right into the vote fire, and has spent most of his time playing damage control. He is playing very passive, and I'm not so sure that's a good thing. Leaning scum for now.
Seeing a lot of unease towards Biggs, and I can't say I blame it. I am not feeling strong about him, but can say that there's enough for me to lean scum for the moment. Time will tell. Leaning scum.
Boo Boo'n
Boo Boo'n hasn't posted very much outside of the Ferret incident. I am not liking this. Feels scummy.
Mike has been playing it safe. Not sure if clearly town or smart scum yet. Keeping my read for him at null until further notice. Keeping an eye on him
Not seeing enough from Razmos to go one way or the other, but he is reacting quite a bit towards being pressed, though this appears to be due to bagage from a previous game. Keeping it null for now, but monitoring.
A lovely role-player, Scrafty has made it hard to read her as a result. Has also caused me to get on the hotseat with Sorian, but that's my own fault for not paying attention. The inconsistencies are what is causing me to lean towards scum for the moment. Rightfully in the hotseat.
We all know my take on Seath at the moment. That was a bad idea. I'll let it slide for now, but watch your back buddy.
Squiddy has been busy with Fallout aparently, and thus has been rather silent. Very thoughtful post on Trigger that tinged my read a tiny bit and has me questioning if I should leave that read at null, but the silence since then is a bit offputting. Currently sticking with a null read for more investigation.
Setre has been very fluffy so far and has already made a town claim. The lack of recent posting also makes me a bit suspect. I'm very suspect. Leaning scum
Only if there is one vote in the day...
Anything more squid?role block and vote deny as a town power? and pigs fly.
Any update here?Who do you think killed him?
Don't have a strong lead here, Ferret seems overly obvious, but other than that it feels pretty wide open to me, I probably need to reread with a focus on Booboo'n
What alignment are they?
neutral/scum seem most likely; as above I need to double check on booboo'n but nothing is jumping to mind that he's done to draw a town kill to himself
I've said this to town just so they are aware that this situation WILL probably happen where we will highly paint a picture on ferret. However, its either you skipped my post while you were looking through other posts or its one of THE most suspicious things I've read so far. And to me, it looks like coppa wanted to start instigating what I said for option a) atm I have a high suspicion that coppa is scum even though he is one of the more active posters which I don't really like to vote on but this has been uneasy for me everytime I reread it.
Mike doesn't give me a vibe where hes acting too suspicious but still have to be wary
Scrafty...just targetting those low posters and having no opinions about the current situation. No offense though.
Other people atm, I'm still in the mix atm.
VOTE: Coppanuva
After this nothingYour allowed to quote but the quoted post was a bit late in response so it was pretty suspicious to me.
Of course I realize there might be delays inbetween postings but so far this is what I can gander atm.
Also i personally do not bandwagon with people unless what they said does not make any sense at ALL. I do like to poke around the people that may not be on people's radar but at the same time they might not be townies maybe?
That way we get a little bit of variety instead of "THIS NUB ISH SCUM LYNCH DIS BICH"
They may have known more
Understood it was dual vote
Debunks my theory
If it matters to you, I 100% knew that he was talking about a double lynch when he brought it up yesterday. Never once did I think he was a vig, he talked what if we had a way to policy lynch someone while still not wasting a real day of lynching. I could see how a vig kind of could fill that purpose but I thought it was fairly obvious what he meant, I'm sure someone on scum team figured it out too.
Good point there Sorian
I guess I should also say
That I town read him
The friction from him
And genuine frustration
Doesn't look like scum
I gotta prepare for thanksgiving so i may be a bit inactive for the next 12-16 hours or so :/
The Japanese wayI lied! My name is actually 3 syllables! Haha!
Nah, I'm just kidding, my name is two syllables
Ok, so it wasn't just me reading it that way. I was looking over it and it just seems like the safest possible reads list and doesn't really provide much unique insights.
I'm surprised Scrafty Devil decided to vote against Pop O matic. I've had the two of them on my list of possible scum but that's a very interesting move by Scrafty.
Her posts are cautiously calculated and Pop doesn't really seem like town to me.
@Pop: what do you make at Scrafty voting for you?
So I'll ask now just for fun, if we only had 30 minutes left right now who would you be voting for and why?
[1]: I don't understand. That doesn't make the slightest sense. Please explain in another way.
[2]: The target doesn't make a lot of sense for an anti-town ability, as you even point out further down.
[3]: Again: What game? We weren't on to someone in particular. Also afaik in that dispute between Boo Boo'n and Ferret, Boo Boo'n was the more rusted party, so why kill him?
[4]: That smells very strong like bussing.
>That smells a lot like bussing
"No comment"
I lied! My name is actually 3 syllables! Haha!
Nah, I'm just kidding, my name is two syllables
She and everyone else has very good reasons to suspect me for how badly I've been playing, so I don't blame them. My attempt to get a train going on Stanley was a very poorly thought out move, and I totally deserve all the scrutiny that and my inactivity has given me.
VOTE: Trigger
Because of the reasons on my read-list, along with the less than stellar response to the pressure he got after I posted my list, and because, of the two players that are leading in votes right now, they're the one I honestly believe is scum.
well my absence has left me without too clear a grasp on many of our dear neighbors, so right now im awful reluctant to be pointing too many figures, but i do have one suspicion that i cant deny.
his vote for me right before the end of Day 1 was just plain weird, i cant say that i buy his reasoning at the time, or the justification he told us later,
now i know i have been inactive, and how that can drive some toward suspicion, but a vote for me at that time was a wasted one, anyone could have seen that it would not have worked, so why not vote for someone more likely to be affected by it?
im not going jump the gun and call him scum, at least not at this time o day, but he is certainly the one i have my eyes on.
im afraid that's all i can provide right at this instance, later tonight i will take another gander over what others have said and get back to you about any other suspicions that are capturing my attention.
Alright then.
StanleyPalmtree: Has been incredibly inactive and hasn't really added that much in the few posts he has made, but if his IRL reasons aren't BS then it's understandable. Reading town, though I'm still worried about him being used as a "safe" night kill, especially if he keeps this level of presence into the later phases of the game.
UltraJay: Can't get that great a read. Still making kind of fluffy posts which makes him look like he's contributing but really isn't all that much. Him defending TL21xx definately set off a red flag or two, but I can also understand his reasoning.
Trigger: Saw a lot of people reading scum on him D1, including Sorian, Coppa and even Fireblend, do to some suspicious behavior D1 and, with them continuing to lay low like they currently are, I'm very inclined to agree. Scum
Unmasked Ferret: Playing well for a first timer. Almost too well. Possible that scum chat is helping guide him here. The kill on Boo Boo'n definitely points in his direction due to their spat just before, but, of course, it could just as easily be scum trying to get him lynched. Leaning scum, but still not certain.
Karu: Scarce enough to be hard to get a real read on. May need to pressure vote.
TL21xx: Scum, for reasons explained in previous posts. Not sure if we should get him now though or waste another day to see if he can deliver the goods or not.
Ty4on: Reading town only because of my previous suspicions that the haiku curse is a scum power.
AbsolutBro: Hasn't really done anything suspicious as far as I'm concerned. Town.
Mike_Hawk689: With all the pressure being put on him and his less than stellar responses, I'm definitely leaning scum.
Mazre: Not much I can say about them either. Town.
Razmos: The spat that he and squidyj are having is...weird. IDK. Watch the both of them for now.
ScraftyDevil: Her character hasn't been anywhere near as suspicious as I initially feared, so she's off the hook...for now.
Seath: Reading town if only because of how poorly his role claim went D1. Scum chat would have told him to shut up long before that point.
Coppanuva: Incredibly active yet didn't get targeted by a seemingly active-targeting scum team. Could flip either way, but consider me suspicious.
squidyj: See Razmos.
Sorian: See Coppa
Setre: Only made one post this day but it showed him doing a decent job trying to get a suspect from the info we have. Still, just something about that post to me.
gryvan: God, how long have I been typing this damned thing up...anyway, hasn't really done anything suspicous, so gonna say town.
Royal_Flush: See above.
T2lxx and Mike are my top suspects for now. The flaky role claim from one and the odd behavior of the other are my biggest reasons. At work so I can't give a full read list.
Like, stuff and whatever
So on the last page Royal_Flush asked you to come back, basically he was one the fence between you and Trigger if I'm reading right. In the post I quoted from you above you show that you understand why some people are suspicious of you and accept that their reasoning's are valid, you also answered my previous question saying that you believe Trigger to be the most likely to be scum of the current vote holders. So if the vote came down between you and Trigger, why should we vote for Trigger and not you? What makes you less suspicious and more valuable to keep around compared to Trigger?
Plus he keeps like, inviting us to vote for him which seems kinda super shady to me!
I'd like to point out that voting for Trigger seems to be a fairly easy proposition for most players from what I am seeing and I don't think scum would be bussing him so early. I definitely understand where everyone is coming from on Trigger but I think there is scum hiding in that vote and I don't think they are trying to kill a teammate yet.
I'd like to point out that voting for Trigger seems to be a fairly easy proposition for most players from what I am seeing and I don't think scum would be bussing him so early. I definitely understand where everyone is coming from on Trigger but I think there is scum hiding in that vote and I don't think they are trying to kill a teammate yet.
Wait, wouldn't bussing be the topoption this early on, if all our biggest suspects are town? I'm confused. Bussing means to add votes on a player that already got a few votes and his/her behavious is easy to pick on, no?Only scenario where I see where bussing is happening this early is if all our biggest suspects are scum and, as one of the top vote getters right now, I can assure you that is not the case.
Probably not saying much since lists can change on the fly, though. Stirs me in his direction for the moment, though, if not for the lack of other concret suspicions.How can we know this?
You just made one list D1
But Pop was missing
Wait, wouldn't bussing be the topoption this early on, if all our biggest suspects are town? I'm confused. Bussing means to add votes on a player that already got a few votes and his/her behavious is easy to pick on, no?
Ah, okay, sorry got that wrong then. Thanks.It's specifically scum voting for other scum to make themselves come off clean when the person they voted to lynch flips scum.
Only scenario where I see where bussing is happening this early is if all our biggest suspects are scum and, as one of the top vote getters right now, I can assure you that is not the case.
Any update here?
I am also wondering
Why Boo-Boo'n was killed
That is my fear and the other big name out there is Seath and I doubt he is scum as opposed to misguided town. With that in mind do you really still think Trigger is scum?
The early timing of boo's death points away from a daytime activation; this is purely my gut reaction/opinion, the possibility is there for the time being; either Mike or someone trying to frame him would be the choice here (possibly someone else on ty4on's list that Boo seemed to be working off of)
I don't have a firm conclusion from all this currently but I think this may be useful as a reference later on depending on the outcomes of night 2, early day 3. My current feeling is that at a minimum we're dealing with a night time setup for the kill, and I lean towards a worst case of repeatable hoping that it's just a one shot.
One thing is for sure
Boo looked town before dying
Vig seems unlikely.
We have TL thoughWe need definitive lynch targets. Most of my suspected scum could go either way and it is driving me crazy. I guess this is how everyone feels on the first few days. It's much different than watching a game from the sidelines.
Mind blown!
As far as what makes trigger more suspicious, all I can say is that they've had some pretty poor reactions when pressed and their logic for pressuring Mike was...flawed, to say the least. I at least feel like I've taken pressure well, and, while I certainly have had some flawed logic myself, I've at least fessed up to it.
Dammit Jay, I wish you had posted that before I started mine.