So Nightvale: Great town or The Greatest Town?
Sorry Scrafty! ahaha
I kinda feel like I deserve an apology too Mike.
So Nightvale: Great town or The Greatest Town?
It was Flush!
Damn, inside baseball everyone, I didn't push Ferret because I thought he was scum, I pushed him because I thought he was the neutral lyncher. When he backed down I figured he was ordinary but I didn't want to derail where the day was going by switching tracks onto someone else. So, sorry Ferret, also sorry to Scrafty, I know how frustrating that was for you but I was not going to back down. Jay provided a lot of assistance to us and I wasn't going to let him get a loss over people rushing when he could just have the kill instead.
You nailed Razmos and you nailed Karu, I am extremely thankful for both, you made this game for town and there is no denying that. That being said though, I did have to divert from you on day 4, it is what it is. I made a promise to Jay and I knew he was telling the truth.
Not to diminish the accomplishments of some great town players but I have a hard time believing that scum ever wins a game with this setup, all things being equal.
Certainly most fortunate town.
Sorian Friend to the Neutrals and Sacrificer of Ferrets.
I'm not actually upset about this.
It looked a lot more balanced during setup.
I unlocked two titles! It was fun playing with you, you have cast iron defense when you get accused. That's a great talent.
I think scum needed one more member. I was starting to think there was only one left and I think I know why the numbers were why they were (the SK should have sided with scum since that win condition was "easier" since finding two scum would have been hard under more normal circumstances) but I think scum ended up with some weaker powers on their end. I would have maybe just split Razmos into two roles.
It was Flush!
Damn, inside baseball everyone, I didn't push Ferret because I thought he was scum, I pushed him because I thought he was the neutral lyncher. When he backed down I figured he was ordinary but I didn't want to derail where the day was going by switching tracks onto someone else. So, sorry Ferret, also sorry to Scrafty, I know how frustrating that was for you but I was not going to back down. Jay provided a lot of assistance to us and I wasn't going to let him get a loss over people rushing when he could just have the kill instead.
Why would you try to lynch Steve? If I lost when Jay wins, I'd be out anyway and if not, I'd win with town (I won't side with a crippled scum team!) Just say it, it's because of that government conspiracy I keep telling you about!
Well played, everyone. Sorry if I got a little frustrated near the end; I've been having a pretty crappy week and it wasn't fair for me to take it out on all of you.
Glad that things turned out like they did though; I rather enjoyed playing a town-aligned power role for the first time and hopefully I was able to play it well.
I also don't really understand the thought process behind glow cloud...... the disruption in communication wasn't severe enough to, yknow, actually disrupt communication
and yet it couldn't be used on the same player twice in a row?
I'd rather just have a roleblock, thanks.
Retro in Mafia chat said:Here are some fake roleclaims. All of these are actual characters from Night Vale who are not currently in the game.
Big Rico - Owner of Big Rico's Pizza
Josh Crayton - A Shapeshifter*
...Okay so I have limited time and my internet is yet again not working. Few people have role claimed so why not me...
I'm Josh Crayton, son of Diane Crayton and I'm supposed to be a dumb high school student with shapeshifting abilities that allow me to become undetected by scum. Well sort of.
Basically I'm something different each night, and if scum targets me, it can have negative repercussions in whoever is carrying out the death depending on what I am on that night. That includes day killer or whoever the serial killer is. Which I have no idea why since I shapeshifr evey night but same days too? (Idk Retro plz...)
That's why I've been baiting scum since day 1, hoping they with target me and nope.
Yes, I am town sided. Beyond that, I don't have any other useful role beyond being a meatshield for town.
Sigh. ;_;
As I said before, scum knows who scum is.
Something I was confused on, did you know all of their roles too as the lost partner? If not, mighty big coincidence that you used the wolf cub as your scapegoat.
Seath gonna Seath. Love you buddy.
Funny thing about that too. first of all I did not know their roles. second of all when I first poked at Razmos that was actually a read as I hadn't really read my PM at that point. I read my pm like late late late day 1.
Sorian attempted to invite ScraftyDevil to Gossip Chat, but sent the command too late.
And here I am thinking that Fallout excuse was some weird cover.
Squidy x Razmos for OTP this season
Please don't leave Razmos, I saw your post in the mafia chat ;_;
I find this hard to believe.
Congratulations by town, that was some good decisions.
congrats by town or for town, crabbypants : D
I unlocked two titles! It was fun playing with you, you have cast iron defense when you get accused. That's a great talent.
I think scum needed one more member. I was starting to think there was only one left and I think I know why the numbers were why they were (the SK should have sided with scum since that win condition was "easier" since finding two scum would have been hard under more normal circumstances) but I think scum ended up with some weaker powers on their end. I would have maybe just split Razmos into two roles.
Now that I now WHY Squidy was doing what he was doing I felt very stupid for getting so worked up, but to be fair I can't have expected that he would be gunning for me when he knew I was mafia, so I didn't consider the possibility.And here I am thinking that Fallout excuse was some weird cover.
Squidy x Razmos for OTP this season
Please don't leave Razmos, I saw your post in the mafia chat ;_;
Doesn't this picture match Raz and Squidy almost, maybe if they actually had Squidy in the scum chat.
It's Cecil and Carlos (a.k.a Retro and Scraftyalso razzie, i had asked retro but he couldnt provide a definitive answer but who's the man that the man in iron jacket is hugging in your avatar
also your avatar is *______*
my favourite this season![]()
It's Cecil and Carlos (a.k.a Retro and Scrafty)
I'd imagine Cecil has a blurred face because we have no idea what he looks like.
I was originally not going to invite anyone. I thought Scrafty was the cop but wanted to see Razmos die to know for sure. After the day had ended but before the roles flipped, Razmos gave his evil monologue so I knew he was scum and sent the invite but since it wasn't day, Retro declined. Then the flip happened and I got confused because Razmos was immune to cops.
I really seriously debated this. Sorian's request was juuuust after time, but close enough that I COULD still allow it. For one thing, I wasn't sure what the outcome would be, since Sorian and Scrafty have clashed on multiple occasions, whether it would be a fun firework show or if these two could actually team up.
I ultimately declined, because Sorian and Scrafty are both really strong players, and there was only one scum player left. As rough as watching the battle between these two titans was, I couldn't let them steamroll Karu, either.
I'm not sure they were iron clad, I was just being honest and I'm pretty sure if someone wanted to they could still pick me apart. Also It's really weird that more than once someone said I was playing well for a newbie, apparently not since everyone thought I was shady.
Mazre's role really should have been a watcher (also no Apache Tracker role Retro come on), sure the use of the scum chat could have been useful for finding Squidy but it really creates more risk than it's worth. Glow Cloud could have been a good cover type thing, where the kills are carried out by the townie who's possessed, so basically a framer I guess.
Doesn't this picture match Raz and Squidy almost, maybe if they actually had Squidy in the scum chat.
I wonder what would have happened if Scrafty had been there to read Jay's reveal to us. Probably my only regret now that I know everything. Would have changed the dynamic of this last day A LOT.
So 50% of my farfetched theories were right!
Also the one person I was highly suspicious of which I was gonna say but because day ended early was ultrajay.
I kind of regret not doing it, but I felt bad for poor Karu. Also, at the time, I had no idea Scrafty was going to catch him.
They're in the top of the page for me. Maybe make sure you're logged in?Are the off site threads open? I can't find them if they are.
The Scum Thread is not open for me, at least.
Also, congratulations town, you basically sweeped the table clean!