Vyse The Legend
My guess: Metal Gear Acid for Xbox Live Arcade.
Haunted said:iPhone
Okay. Apparently full 360 titles as downloads from the marketplace might become a possibility. Couldn't one buy the game from there, play it, and have it install while you play? I have heard that the Vista version of HALO 2 Installs part of the game, then lets you dive into it while installing the rest. Would it be possibly to do that for mgs4?VanMardigan said:I don't know what the hell you're talking about. In fact, I haven't understood any of your posts in this thread. Clarify, please.
Vyse The Legend said:My guess: Metal Gear Acid for Xbox Live Arcade.
HUELEN10 said:Okay. Apparently full 360 titles as downloads from the marketplace might become a possibility. Couldn't one buy the game from there, play it, and have it install while you play? I have heard that the Vista version of HALO 2 Installs part of the game, then lets you dive into it while installing the rest. Would it be possibly to do that for mgs4?
I am not saying ti would be perfectly sensible. I am merely pondering if it is possible.VanMardigan said:I don't see how that would make sense. MGS4 on Ps3 is probably around 40-50GB's, and even compressed it's going to be much larger than would be practical for download. Disc swapping is fine, it worked for Lost Odyssey just fine, and is a better alternative than the retarded installs in the Ps3 version.
I won't lie. I wouldn't mind this at all. AC!D 1, 2, and 3 for Xbox Live Arcade? Yes please! I just want something fresh and new. None of this port garbage!NeoGAFFer said:Metal Gear AC!D LiVE
xbla port.
Plus disc swapping is faster than the installsVanMardigan said:I don't see how that would make sense. MGS4 on Ps3 is probably around 40-50GB's, and even compressed it's going to be much larger than would be practical for download. Disc swapping is fine, it worked for Lost Odyssey just fine, and is a better alternative than the retarded installs in the Ps3 version.
:lolFuu said:bullshit
The next Metal Gearcjelly said:So what is it?
Metal Gear Acid on iPhone or what?
I need to know what I'm supposed to be getting excited about.
No. People are doing the bolded i thing and I thought I'd join.HUELEN10 said:What I said? How so?
I just figured it out. Sorry, my shitty monitor shat out on me.Fuu said:No. People are doing the bolded i thing and I thought I'd join.
Kolgar said:Whatever this is, it's 360 related.
The use of that distinctive green color and the resemblance to the 360 power button is no coincidence.
Brobzoid said:I for one hope that Kojima has finally moved on to other projects. give it to that other fellow who worked on mgs4.
niogafFuu said:bullshit
LiK said::lol found this pic online, sorry if it's a repost. too many pages to search through.
That was FROM GAF.LiK said::lol found this pic online, sorry if it's a repost. too many pages to search through.
LiK said::lol found this pic online, sorry if it's a repost. too many pages to search through.
TheKingsCrown said:This will forever go down, either way, as the "A Next Metal Gear Is" saga.
Too late.industrian said:In before it's run into the ground.
Cyntec said:it's made by some gaf user![]()
LiK said::lol found this pic online, sorry if it's a repost. too many pages to search through.
Guymelef said:PlayStat¡on 3 .
I bet for a Ac!d for ¡phone.
sprocket said:internet + metal gear = metal gear online on XBL.