i(wii) + !(metal gear) = revolution(what that console was supposed to be)scitek said:
LiK said:
Negaiido said:If I make the Killzone 2 logo green will you guys think it will get a 360 port? ..
Kojima did that shit beforelawblob said:I hate to admit it, but I find this sort-of plausible. :lol
HUELEN10 said:
Jinfash said:I see boobies.
rager said:Lets not get ahead of ourselves.
that is just the international symbol of power. It is on everything. I see it now on the mac I am typing on. So does that mean its coming out for mac?
In-Fucking-Deed. Well, maybe this as well......LCfiner said:This thread is why GAF exists.
Costanza, it is times like these where you should just go with your name's sake and do a "That's It For Me!", for your own sanity and peace of mind.Costanza said:damn what am I waking up to...
epaturun said:Saw this few days ago on hotukdeals http://www.hotukdeals.com/item/2858...sole-with/showpost.php?p=3608147&postcount=52 and dismissed it but now...
The ps3 is having very poor sales and a futher price cut is on the table for q1 09. Also Metal gear solid is also going to be announced the same quarter on the Xbox 360 so it will have an even tougher time ahead.
Wait for Q1 and you will see. Reminds me posting about seeing an early cycle of GTA on the PSP months before it was announced and stating that on the lovely gizmondo forums and being told I was making it up.
And do you really think the $ony execs will let it out about the price drop and halt sales? I am glad that they are having a hard time at the moment as that is the only way to get them to start putting the price down and getting more exclusives signed up. I hardly touch my launch P$3 and hope to finally get some good games Q4 next year.
rager said:Lets not get ahead of ourselves.
that is just the international symbol of power. It is on everything. I see it now on the mac I am typing on. So does that mean its coming out for mac?
rager said:Lets not get ahead of ourselves.
that is just the international symbol of power. It is on everything. I see it now on the mac I am typing on. So does that mean its coming out for mac?
13. As many have said before me, and as I have as well, REAL GAFers use the 100 posts per page option.DaCocoBrova said:26 pages. Wow.
Staccat0 said:I'm gonna agree with the guys who said:
Ac!d on DSi or iPhone
What is it: A Series of PubesThrei said:wtf is this thread and why is it so long
Threi said:wtf is this thread and why is it so long
Ghost Babel 2?painey said:
What wii? I mean, Id love to see it on there, but the meltdown from that would be catastrophic.manueldelalas said:Waiting to be announced on 360 or Wii to see the meltdowns
Kojima has expressed interest though...abstract alien said:What wii? I mean, Id love to see it on there, but the meltdown from that would be catastrophic.