abstract alien said:What wii? I mean, Id love to see it on there, but the meltdown from that would be catastrophic.
abstract alien said:What wii? I mean, Id love to see it on there, but the meltdown from that would be catastrophic.
HUELEN10 said:Kojima has expressed interest though...
This dvd box set would be fitting, considering you watch as much as you play.hc2 said:Some old images:
Lmao, come on, at least 60fps!!!!!!!!Jocchan said:metal gears forever
Red Blaster said:Kojima expresses interest in everything and then only works on one platform the entire generation.
With tassles!Jinfash said:I see boobies.
manueldelalas said:Waiting to be announced on 360 or Wii to see the meltdowns
You can always use an exclamation point.Neo C. said:Btw., how can you make a reverse "i"?
HUELEN10 said:
You were saying?
Remember the cutscenes.....
probably some European language crap with all their funny squigglies.Neo C. said:Btw., how can you make a reverse "i"?
Prine said:This is fucking bullshit, i bought a PS3 specifically for MGS4. Theres nothing to play on the damn system but at least i had MGS4 to remind me of its purchase.
Fuck sake what am i going to do with it now?
Neo C. said:Btw., how can you make a reverse "i"?
Play some fucking games. There is quite a nice selection of exclusives.Prine said:This is fucking bullshit, i bought a PS3 specifically for MGS4. Theres nothing to play on the damn system but at least i had MGS4 to remind me of its purchase.
Fuck sake what am i going to do with it now?
drakesfortune said:I hope it's not ... a MGS4 port (because I already have it).
HUELEN10 said:¡ = 180 º
! = 180 º
180 + 180 = 360 º == XBOX 360
Or so says a certain internet. i still think that theory is BS, regardless.
Didn't he re-direct the cutscenes himself or something?Red Blaster said:And? Kojima didn't do any hands-on work with Twin Snakes.
HUELEN10 said:¡ = 180 º
! = 180 º
180 + 180 = 360 º == XBOX 360
Or so says a certain internet. i still think that theory is BS, regardless.
I think the technical term is an othello.Neo C. said:Btw., how can you make a reverse "i"?
Prine said:This is fucking bullshit, i bought a PS3 specifically for MGS4. Theres nothing to play on the damn system but at least i had MGS4 to remind me of its purchase.
Fuck sake what am i going to do with it now?
Narcosis said::lol
Do what every GAFer does who has buyer's regret: create the inevitable "Should I sell my PS3?" thread
HUELEN10 said:Didn't he re-direct the cutscenes himself or something?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Twin_Snakes#Development, its cut scenes were developed in-house at Konami and directed by Japanese film director Ryuhei Kitamura
yepchespace said:It begins.
Ah. Thank you for enlightening me.NeoGAFFer said:no.
the cut scenes were directed by a Japanese action movie director ..
HUELEN10 said:Ah. Thank you for enlightening me.
Then what DID he do?
Jocchan said:
What is it: A Series of Pubesyoopoo said:Thread summery needed for the morning folks. Make it so.
Just read one page. Every new page is a repeat of the earlier one.yoopoo said:Thread summery needed for the morning folks. Make it so.
HUELEN10 said:
Question marks are factual?
And Kojima didn't do that. Someone posting here should know that.HUELEN10 said:
You were saying?
Remember the cutscenes.....
MGS Triology confirmed, IGN vindicated. Or not.yoopoo said:Thread summery needed for the morning folks. Make it so.
NeoGAFFer said::lol :lol
edit: in case you're serious , you can do it in an English KB: SHIFT+1
I would be happy, as I do not have a PSP. I know others would be as well.mozfan12 said:how anticlimatic would it be if it were just ports of Acid or a new Acid to Xbox live arcade?
It's gotta be. Upside down punctuation, the color of acid (green). It's almost too obvious.AstroLad said:hope it's a new ac!d.
yoopoo said:Thread summery needed for the morning folks. Make it so.