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Welcome to Toronto: Thread of TTC Fare Hikes and Blunders

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Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
You defenders of the TTC are fucking jokes and shills.

Honestly, there are other MUCH better transit systems out there that are more well-managed and provide better service. I honestly wonder if the TTC even bothers fining or disciplining their shit ass union employees. Filled streetcars/buses followed by empty streetcar/buses are a way of life here WHEN IT SHOULDN'T BE IF THEY WERE DOING THEIR JOBS. Stopping 2 stops before the station and waiting 5 minutes doesn't fucking count.

It's costing 6 dollars now for a two-way ride. I know that inflation is eventually going to drive prices up, but you do realize they're only doing this to make up for all the stupid decisions they've made over the past decade, not the least of which is the Sheppard line that almost nobody uses and goes to the middle of nowhere. Plus, I'm NOT willing to let taxpayers fund more of the crappy TTC until they open their books and get an audit. That many workers making that much money selling tokens is a freakin joke. Union or not, they have to realize that if they keep these price hikes up, they're going to alienate their riders AGAIN, and THEN who'll pay for their $100 000 employees?

Half the drivers are competent, but the other half is rude, lazy, greedy and effectively negates what image I have of them. Fuck short turns, and honestly, FUCK YOU, if you support them. If you guys think we honestly have a 'good' system here, I suggest you go to some other cities outside Ontario to get a feel because the GTA area is the pits...

Queen streetcar changes? Ridiculous! Changes were supposed to improve flow. They've only made a worse mess and it's taking me longer to get where I want to downtown. Wanna get rid of short turns? Get rid of the streetcars! I find it odd to hear that Torontonians 'like' streetcars. I don't know which people you're talking to, but everyone I talk to freakin hates them, which is why they drive...and makes them hate it even more.
Talking about the TTC makes me so incredibly angry. I can't believe a city of our size has so epically fucked up such an essential service.

What's the new proposed price on the Metropass?


Will QA for food.
The Interrobanger said:
Talking about the TTC makes me so incredibly angry. I can't believe a city of our size has so epically fucked up such an essential service.

What's the new proposed price on the Metropass?

$126, cold hard cash, baby.
this would suck a lot less if Miller did not start his war on cars. Damn Hippie.

I mean he Okayed a new 20+ floor building with only 9 parking spots. WTF is that? Bike lanes(during winter), Car taxes, maybe Tolls now too?


Kuro Madoushi said:
You defenders of the TTC are fucking jokes and shills.
I dunno man, you got a response to my posts maybe?

Honestly, there are other MUCH better transit systems out there that are more well-managed and provide better service.
For a city our size without an exception they either

a) have far more of their operating funds funded by taxes and not on the backs of user fees
b) are in far far denser cities
c) mostly both of the above.

not the least of which is the Sheppard line that almost nobody uses and goes to the middle of nowhere.
Blame Mel Lastman for that. It was his pet project and doesn't reflect much on the TTC itself. You do realize that the next subway exapansions are projected to push the subway into Richmond Hill and Vaughn right? Fucking VAUGHN. And that's completely not the choice of the TTC but of the Ontario government trying to drum up support in the 905.

Plus, I'm NOT willing to let taxpayers fund more of the crappy TTC until they open their books and get an audit.
Man it's a public service, they get audited all the time.


Kabuki Waq said:
this would suck a lot less if Miller did not start his war on cars.
A war on cars is a myth. Gridlock isn't caused by any political decisions it's caused by a whole lot of new cars and no place to put new roads. Hell highways have been getting expanded and they just all fill up with cars and gridlock doesn't get reduced. Bike lanes are tiny and more space is taken up by parked cars.


Subete no aware
Firestorm said:
Is that the fee for one month though? That's huge ._. I pay your weekly student rate per month. We have students who take courses, wait until they get their pass, then drop them just to get the pass during semesters they're not in school =P This is with the $50 fee for dropping a course that late.

Oh yeah, it's a huge ripoff, but trust me, it took YEARS for the Student Unions across the combined campuses of UofT, York, Ryerson AND the colleges to convince the TTC to treat their students like "Students".

Anyone still have that "dream" TTC map from years ago? Now that was a fantasy land.
Ah, this was the best I could find:

The other one I saw was slightly different though. But hey, I'd pay 3 bucks to use that subway system.
This city's gone down the shitter anyways. Have the defenders of the TTC ever been outside of this fucking country? If I was an European tourist, I would come to Toronto and think it is in the third world. Honestly, the metro system in this city is fucking abysmal. I've been riding it for 15 years now and each year it gets worse and worse ad nauseum. Nevermind the fact that David Miller has turned Toronto into a giant pile of dogshit, similiar to how New York looked before Cousin-fucker Rudy got there and cleaned it up. You know why we have swine flu? Because the government runs ads telling people to wash their hands since they don't know any better. Streetcars are a brooding ground of disease: year old stalaktites, used snot rags and taco bell wrappers invest the average metro vehicle. You think for 100 grand, someone would pick up all the useless shit on the floor. I'm not even paranoid about germs or anything but when I see a person cutting their fucking toenails on the streetcar - I want to just puke in my soup. The average TTC ride right there - three fucking dollars for a cretinous voyage on a creaky-ass slow-as-fuck medieval vehicle. Dundas-Bay to Dundas-Yonge takes 15 minutes now. It is a two minute walk. The amount of fellating towards bikers and jay-walkers is transparent and nauseating. (Oh god, in before the fucking cyclists... reminds me of the Christian Oppression groups - part of the reason traffic is so horrendous in this city is due to bikers. most of which break about 6 laws on their way to work). The sidewalk isn't for you to ride your bike on, it's for that pissant homeless guy to take a shit on. How is it that the rate of travel goes up and up yet the quality increasingly gets worse? Scrap the streetcars, fire that Nazi fuck Miller, drop TTC union wages by 50% and maybe just maybe you won't have people hate your ponzi system. PUNK BITCHES!

Re: people hurt about how their metro systems are worse. Great. Your city isn't the Centre of the Universe though like ours remember.

Make TTC travel free.

Charge tolls on city streets for cars (407 license camera style). $1 a city block for cars ($1.50 for single-occupant cars). $2 SUVs, Vans, trucks.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Honestly, there are other MUCH better transit systems out there that are more well-managed and provide better service.

It certainly needs some work before it's world class. The fact that after all these years there still is no train line that goes to Pearson is kind of a joke.


Authorized Fister
MattyGrovesOrMe said:

Make TTC travel free.

Charge tolls on city streets for cars (407 license camera style). $1 a city block for cars ($1.50 for single-occupant cars). $2 SUVs, Vans, trucks.

The problem is funding. Canadian cities, while having no funding leverage, have to pay tremendous costs associated to transit infrastructure. You have suburbs that have brand new highways funded by provincial taxes, along as maintenance costs, with a tenth of the usage of a subway line.

In other countries, tolls and transit taxes pay for maintenance, new lines and operating costs.

Someone mentioned Ottawa. Basically the province and councillors mention that a 2.1G$ subway line is too expensive, while they spent a 1G$ in the last decade doubling highway capacity, for suburbia again. It pisses me off since the subway line would be used by a third of the city.


Subete no aware
The Pan Am games benefits everyone in the GTA except Toronto. Seriously, I just hope that after this bullshit, they will never ever try for the Olympics again.

Anyway, yes, I would totally be for a car tax downtown ala London. It would never work because Torontonians are asshats, but it'd be a great way to generate funding.

Sadly, they're spending money for a crappy York subway line instead of fixing the problems with the system that exist now. The Ontario Liberals know that Toronto will vote for them, so there's no point in pandering for the vote and the Conservatives have written off Toronto so there won't be any money from them either (for the most part), so Toronto basically has to fend for itself.


esc said:
Just want to rub in the fact I pay $50 for four months of bus service down here in KW. Eat shit Torontonians.
yeah but you live in KW. The shithole of Southern Ontario, and that's coming from someone who lived in that area for 5 years.

I'd be fine with this if they finally allowed University students (AKA the ones who actually need the discounted rate even more) as students instead of having to depend on buying a barely discounted pass from my school.

Dies Iræ

Hi guys.

So... I'm friends with Adam Giambrone. He sits on the board of directors for a youth organization I used to work with. For what it's worth, he's taking somewhat of a beating on Facebook. Also, he's a hard working dude and quite nice, at that. He was high as a kite when he spoke at a fundraiser I was running.

Edit: not defending the TTC. I hate it. I'm a native from Vancouver and I much prefer walking on illegally than paying. ha.
Happy Phantom said:
yeah but you live in KW. The shithole of Southern Ontario, and that's coming from someone who lived in that area for 5 years.
:lol I know how much you hate it here, but there are far, far worse areas in SO than KW.
esc said:
Just want to rub in the fact I pay $50 for four months of bus service down here in KW. Eat shit Torontonians.
You may as well be saying: "Just want to rub in the fact that I pay $12 per month for a 56k dialup connection. Eat shit broadband users."


BobFromPikeCreek said:
:lol I know how much you hate it here, but there are far, far worse areas in SO than KW.
The parts that are even less livable are also less notable, so they don't matter nearly as much. That's like saying that Delisle in Saskatchewan is the biggest shithole in the cornfields. Sure, it's bad, but that's why no one lives there. KW has the populous while still barely being livable that makes it the actual shithole.
Happy Phantom said:
The parts that are even less liveable are also less notable, so they don't matter nearly as much. That's like saying that Delisle in Saskatchewan is the biggest shithole in the cornfields. Sure, it's bad, but that's why no one lives there. KW has the populous while still barely being livable that makes it the actual shithole.
I agree, KW is a shithole. But it's not THE shithole. That'd probably be Sarnia or something. At least most people in the KW area aren't inbred.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
I agree, KW is a shithole. But it's not THE shithole. That'd probably be Sarnia or something. At least most people in the KW area aren't inbred.
Yeah, but who's from sarnia/really knows anything about it?
TTC sucks. But for many it is still cheap compare to stupid parking prices around town. Also there is limit on how many token you can buy till the price increases. You can only buy 5 token at a time.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Thats 1,150 employees of the city that make 100k, not the TTC.

Anyways, we have this thread every year (twice a year if they go on strike). You'd think people would be used to it by now.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
DevelopmentArrested said:
This city's gone down the shitter anyways. Have the defenders of the TTC ever been outside of this fucking country? If I was an European tourist, I would come to Toronto and think it is in the third world. Honestly, the metro system in this city is fucking abysmal. I've been riding it for 15 years now and each year it gets worse and worse ad nauseum. Nevermind the fact that David Miller has turned Toronto into a giant pile of dogshit, similiar to how New York looked before Cousin-fucker Rudy got there and cleaned it up. You know why we have swine flu? Because the government runs ads telling people to wash their hands since they don't know any better. Streetcars are a brooding ground of disease: year old stalaktites, used snot rags and taco bell wrappers invest the average metro vehicle. You think for 100 grand, someone would pick up all the useless shit on the floor. I'm not even paranoid about germs or anything but when I see a person cutting their fucking toenails on the streetcar - I want to just puke in my soup. The average TTC ride right there - three fucking dollars for a cretinous voyage on a creaky-ass slow-as-fuck medieval vehicle. Dundas-Bay to Dundas-Yonge takes 15 minutes now. It is a two minute walk. The amount of fellating towards bikers and jay-walkers is transparent and nauseating. (Oh god, in before the fucking cyclists... reminds me of the Christian Oppression groups - part of the reason traffic is so horrendous in this city is due to bikers. most of which break about 6 laws on their way to work). The sidewalk isn't for you to ride your bike on, it's for that pissant homeless guy to take a shit on. How is it that the rate of travel goes up and up yet the quality increasingly gets worse? Scrap the streetcars, fire that Nazi fuck Miller, drop TTC union wages by 50% and maybe just maybe you won't have people hate your ponzi system. PUNK BITCHES!

Re: people hurt about how their metro systems are worse. Great. Your city isn't the Centre of the Universe though like ours remember.

There are so many words in this post that you obviously don't know the meaning of.
firehawk12 said:
The Pan Am games benefits everyone in the GTA except Toronto. Seriously, I just hope that after this bullshit, they will never ever try for the Olympics again.

Anyway, yes, I would totally be for a car tax downtown ala London. It would never work because Torontonians are asshats, but it'd be a great way to generate funding.

Sadly, they're spending money for a crappy York subway line instead of fixing the problems with the system that exist now. The Ontario Liberals know that Toronto will vote for them, so there's no point in pandering for the vote and the Conservatives have written off Toronto so there won't be any money from them either (for the most part), so Toronto basically has to fend for itself.
1. Torontonians are asshats for completely different reasons. A car tax would not work in Toronto because business taxes are too friggen high, and because Toronto does not have the transit infrastructure to support a doubling in population each workday without personal vehicles.

2. Part of the problem is that the subway does not extend far enough to the suburbs. So they are fixing part of the problem.

3. There is always a point to vote pandering.

4. The Conservatives have not written off Toronto, especially in the face of eHealth (provincially) and current support levels (federally).

5. Toronto has to fend for itself because, whoops, it lobbied to have significant autonomy. And it got it, via the City of Toronto Act.

But nice try.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
No one knows anything about Sarnia because there's nothing positive to know.
Whereas the KW area has a world class University tossed in the middle of a soiled toilet. KW's the worst


DevelopmentArrested said:
This city's gone down the shitter anyways. Have the defenders of the TTC ever been outside of this fucking country? If I was an European tourist, I would come to Toronto and think it is in the third world.
taxes taxes taxes. They spends em on infrastructure and we doesn't.

Honestly, the metro system in this city is fucking abysmal. I've been riding it for 15 years now and each year it gets worse and worse ad nauseum.
I've been taking the subway for 8 myself and I remember how trains used to just stop with no explanation. Now after a minute they always have announcements. And hey station announcements now where there were none before. Things have gotten better since the Mel Lastman days.
Happy Phantom said:
Whereas the KW area has a world class University tossed in the middle of a soiled toilet. KW's the worst
The bottom line though is where would you rather live? If you answer Sarnia you are a filthy liar.
DevelopmentArrested said:
This city's gone down the shitter anyways. Have the defenders of the TTC ever been outside of this fucking country? If I was an European tourist, I would come to Toronto and think it is in the third world. Honestly, the metro system in this city is fucking abysmal. I've been riding it for 15 years now and each year it gets worse and worse ad nauseum. Nevermind the fact that David Miller has turned Toronto into a giant pile of dogshit, similiar to how New York looked before Cousin-fucker Rudy got there and cleaned it up. You know why we have swine flu? Because the government runs ads telling people to wash their hands since they don't know any better. Streetcars are a brooding ground of disease: year old stalaktites, used snot rags and taco bell wrappers invest the average metro vehicle. You think for 100 grand, someone would pick up all the useless shit on the floor. I'm not even paranoid about germs or anything but when I see a person cutting their fucking toenails on the streetcar - I want to just puke in my soup. The average TTC ride right there - three fucking dollars for a cretinous voyage on a creaky-ass slow-as-fuck medieval vehicle. Dundas-Bay to Dundas-Yonge takes 15 minutes now. It is a two minute walk. The amount of fellating towards bikers and jay-walkers is transparent and nauseating. (Oh god, in before the fucking cyclists... reminds me of the Christian Oppression groups - part of the reason traffic is so horrendous in this city is due to bikers. most of which break about 6 laws on their way to work). The sidewalk isn't for you to ride your bike on, it's for that pissant homeless guy to take a shit on. How is it that the rate of travel goes up and up yet the quality increasingly gets worse? Scrap the streetcars, fire that Nazi fuck Miller, drop TTC union wages by 50% and maybe just maybe you won't have people hate your ponzi system. PUNK BITCHES!

Re: people hurt about how their metro systems are worse. Great. Your city isn't the Centre of the Universe though like ours remember.

You and Rob Ford must get along real well.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Yes thank the mighty lord we get to spend billions on an event that nobody will go to. YIPEE
Pan AM games up there with TTC and E-Health in the Tax Payer Scamming department.
Hey if that's what it takes to get the damn rail link between the airport and Union made then that is what it takes.


Subete no aware
BladeWorker said:
1. Torontonians are asshats for completely different reasons. A car tax would not work in Toronto because business taxes are too friggen high, and because Toronto does not have the transit infrastructure to support a doubling in population each workday without personal vehicles.

2. Part of the problem is that the subway does not extend far enough to the suburbs. So they are fixing part of the problem.

3. There is always a point to vote pandering.

4. The Conservatives have not written off Toronto, especially in the face of eHealth (provincially) and current support levels (federally).

5. Toronto has to fend for itself because, whoops, it lobbied to have significant autonomy. And it got it, via the City of Toronto Act.

But nice try.

The point would be that it would force an investment in public transit and that people who drive will slowly ween themselves off the car and into public transit.

Maybe I'm just too "downtown" focused, but I don't care about any inconveniences it would cause to people who live in Brampton or Guelph or wherever who drive into the city. They can work via Skype for all I care. The TTC has decent reach to Scarborough and North York - even before the shitty Sheppard subway line was built. They need to fix the downtown routes, because Queen, Dundas and College/Gerard are completely broken right now.

And both the federal and provincial Conservatives assume that they can win without Toronto. Think back to the Harris years and look at the polling for the federal Conservatives now. All they need is to pander to Quebec - which is much easier than pandering to douche leftist and racially diverse Toronto - and they'll get their majority. There is absolutely no incentive to support any Toronto cause, especially when the rest of the country seemingly thinks Toronto is the center of all hedonistic evil.

As for the City of Toronto Act... well, all I can say is Fuck David Miller. And Mike Harrisd Mel Lastman, but that's going back way too far I suppose. :lol


Subete no aware
Azih said:
Hey if that's what it takes to get the damn rail link between the airport and Union made then that is what it takes.

I'd much rather an extension from Kipling (because I'm old school or something), but yeah, this would be the only good thing that comes out of the Pan Am games.
firehawk12 said:
The point would be that it would force an investment in public transit and that people who drive will slowly ween themselves off the car and into public transit.

I understand the principle of the tax and in London, it works because of the broad transit network that they have extending to the suburbs - and by suburbs, I don't mean suburbs within 15km of the core.

The theory of the tax - to enforce investment into transit - is spot on. The reality, given the financial situation of the City, is that the tax would make up for the current budgetary shortfall, and not be allocated as earmarked.

Furthermore, taxing people who come into the city to work in businesses in the city who run businesses in the city when you already tax them more than any surrounding municipality would results in people no longer coming into the city to work, run their businesses, or enjoy the vast cultural diversity - in food and entertainment - that Toronto has to offer. The spillover effect is that Toronto has less operating income, and becomes a black hole for small business development.

Toronto does not have a concentrated urban population that London does to support a car tax like London has. Toronto does not have a transit system that is funded the same way that London's is.

So, while a tax seems like the holy grail to our transit problems, it would not work the way the current tax structure is set up. And it would take years to change the current tax structure.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
I told my mom when I was 10 years old that I wanted to be a TTC streetcar driver.

She told me to get a job where I could "make a lot of money".

........... :/


I'm glad I take GO Transit (Or I used to).

I commuted from the late 80's to the 90's and early 00's and it's consistently gone down in terms of service and quality. Real pathetic. I remember when the Sheppard line was supposed to extend to Scarborough, what happened there? Sad, sad.


JavaMava said:
Why in the fuck does any TTC employee make over $100,000 a year? That is ludicrous.
If you work non stop and have no life. TTC Employees always have access to overtime and if you optimize your schedule for the most amount of hours you can work consecutively then sure, you can make $100,000. Don't think that anymore than a handful of guys make that much.
koam said:
:lol we get one every year in montreal. Live with it.
You'd think with the number of times we've faced fare hikes in Toronto, we'd get used to it too.

I'm just glad I don't have to pay $3-4Euro per ride.


will gain confidence one day
Firestorm said:
Is that the fee for one month though? That's huge ._. I pay your weekly student rate per month. We have students who take courses, wait until they get their pass, then drop them just to get the pass during semesters they're not in school =P This is with the $50 fee for dropping a course that late.
$26 a month is pretty sweet. And I did the course drop trick over the summer, but they never charged me for dropping the course. Free U-Pass! Which is awesome because parking at SFU is a bitch. I think the screwup might have happened because I dropped the course, changed my mind and re-added it, then dropped it again after I got my U-Pass. They sent me an email saying they would charge me for the U-Pass anyways, and it did show up on go.sfu, but then it disappeared mysteriously.



Angry Riders Plan TTC Protest

Some disgruntled TTC riders are planning to protest the latest proposed fare hike, which would see an adult token jump from $2.75 to $3.00.

The hike could take effect in less than two months and would earn the TTC millions in revenue at the risk of a drop in ridership.

Nicole Winchester is one rider who won't take the news sitting down. She's organizing a day of protest on Friday, urging people to boycott the Red Rocket to show the TTC what effect raising fares would have on ridership. So far thousands of people have joined her Facebook page.

"Find a car pool...ride your bike, that's what i'll be doing, walk, anything you can do," she advised.

According to TTC officials, a fare hike is the best option when it comes to dealing with their financial woes.

"Nobody wants a fare increase, the reality is that the alternative to a fare increase is really massive service cuts," noted TTC Director of Corporate Communications, Brad Ross.

Winchester isn't buying it.

"Either other options haven't been considered or if they have been the TTC hasn't been very transparent about how they've been considered or why they've been rejected," she argues.

The plan to hike fares goes to a vote November 17th and it is expected to pass. If it does, the increase would take effect January 3rd.
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