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Welcome to Toronto: Thread of TTC Fare Hikes and Blunders

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The Everyman
EvilMario said:
$126, cold hard cash, baby.
wait. so buying tokens is cheaper now?

2 tokens per day < 126 a month right?

edit: nvm. that was bad math

edit edit: actually no wait. the tokens are cheaper when you exclude weekends.


Will QA for food.
-COOLIO- said:
wait. so buying tokens is cheaper now?

2 tokens per day < 126 a month right?

edit: nvm. that was bad math

edit edit: actually no wait. the tokens are cheaper when you exclude weekends.

Yeah, the TTC's complaint has been for years that too many people are buying the metropass. Their goal is to make it equal to 2 trips per day, 6 days per week ideally. Basically forcing people on the edge of the metropass/token territory.

I'll continue to get the metropass because I need it; I travel a lot, and jumping on the back of the streetcar/entering unmanned stations has its advantages.

It's a catch-22. I have to use the service, but I hate it.
As long as the TTC relies on fares to make up the bulk of their operating income, they will continue to lose money.

Especially if the most cost-efficient method for occasional and 5-day-a-week commuters is tokens.


I'm not educated enough on most of the issues to complain properly about the TTC misusing whatever money it's getting its hands on, but I will add to the cry of angry voices about the fare hike. It's getting ridiculous!

I'm pleased that post-secondary students will get a break and finally be recognized as 'students' for the purpose of the metropass fee, seeing as I'll be one of them again come January.
Magnus said:
I'm not educated enough on most of the issues to complain properly about the TTC misusing whatever money it's getting its hands on, but I will add to the cry of angry voices about the fare hike. It's getting ridiculous!
Let me repeat: Fare is already $3.00 in most of the 905, has been for a year, and it's $3.25 in York Region. Even for little kids and seniors.


lunarworks said:
Let me repeat: Fare is already $3.00 in most of the 905, has been for a year, and it's $3.25 in York Region. Even for little kids and seniors.
I wish Mississauga had a separate student fare


Will QA for food.
lunarworks said:
Let me repeat: Fare is already $3.00 in most of the 905, has been for a year, and it's $3.25 in York Region. Even for little kids and seniors.

GTA transit systems love to hump each other. One raises fares, the others will follow. One raises employee wages, the others will follow. Toronto has a much larger userbase for their transit system, so you hear about it more. Next time you're Mississauga Transit decides to increase fare, make a thread.

On topic: Streetcars continue to pile up on Queen Street. Three, four cars in a row between the half hour breaks. Only one of those three, or four heading for Long Branch. Thankfully, I'm off before Humber. The City is insane for not insisting on right-of-ways for the streetcars/LRT, or investing in a subway. At least a few of the proposed 2020 projects have the right-of-way in order, but it still cheeses me off that the busiest route will never be 'fixed'.
Magnus said:
I'm pleased that post-secondary students will get a break and finally be recognized as 'students' for the purpose of the metropass fee, seeing as I'll be one of them again come January.
Starting in September.

Talk to your students union, some of em offer discount metropasses because they can buy em in bulk.


And post-secondary students will pay the same for their pass as high school students are charged, $99 a month, though the change won't take effect for students until Sept. 2010.
yes :D
though the change won't take effect for students until Sept. 2010.
no :(
The TTC workers seem to be on a roll right now. First we get the infamous "sleeper" photo, which got worldwide mini-meme attention, then more photos of sleepers, then photos of the streetcar driver getting off to do his banking at an ATM. Now someone took a video of a bus driver taking a 7 minute coffee break, which he apparently does almost every night.


I've had situations like this happen several times, myself. One time a driver went into a deli for ten minutes to get a sandwich, and casually got back on the bus without a word like nothing happened.

I don't necessarily blame the TTC itself for all this. The union has had them cowed for years. The public is furious, and getting angrier by the day, so now maybe they can grow a backbone and slap-down the union.
lunarworks said:
I don't necessarily blame the TTC itself for all this. The union has had them cowed for years. The public is furious, and getting angrier by the day, so now maybe they can grow a backbone and slap-down the union.
And yet, Adam Giambrone, the TTC chair, thinks he has a shot at being Toronto's mayor.

With management skills like that, how can he be denied? /sarcasm.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
TTC cares about the average rider... THIS much:

from The Toronto Star's article
BladeWorker said:
And yet, Adam Giambrone, the TTC chair, thinks he has a shot at being Toronto's mayor.

With management skills like that, how can he be denied? /sarcasm.

Giambrone better not win, I don't even know why he thinks he has a shot at winning
BigJonsson said:
Giambrone better not win, I don't even know why he thinks he has a shot at winning
TTC Chairs always have a harder time, because among Torontonians, the TTC is and always has been shit.

He's running a distant second behind Smitherman, and it's a long way to the election. There's a chance that if the landscape stays the way it is, he has the "anyone but Smitherman" vote, but that shouldn't hand him the game by any means.

And yeah, I'd probably vote for Rob Ford before I voted for either Smitherman or Giambrone...and I do not like Rob Ford.


I get the full priced Metropass, even though I can get it at a discount at University...but waiting out in the cold for 3 hours just to save around $12 is not worth it. York has a terrible distribution method.

Oh and I passback like never before, since it costs so much, might as well help others. :D
BladeWorker said:
And yet, Adam Giambrone, the TTC chair, thinks he has a shot at being Toronto's mayor.

With management skills like that, how can he be denied? /sarcasm.
Yes, he's not perfect in his role, but the thing that bothers me about the hate is that he's actually improved service over the past few years. Buses run more frequently, notification systems are being put in place, new subway cars and streetcars are on the way, Transit City (while admittedly not perfect) is well under way. Most the fuck-ups have been union-instigated, unexpected technical failures, suicides shutting the subway, middle-management doing stupid things on their own, etc. The fare increase was necessary, since the various levels of government aren't contributing. However, he gets all the blame for all the problems.

Personally, I don't think Giambrone should run for mayor. He's gonna get creamed. He needs to stay in his position of heading the TTC, he's not the problem, and all the dinosaur-minded nimrods who have been managing things there for 40 years need to be let go.


lunarworks said:
The TTC workers seem to be on a roll right now. First we get the infamous "sleeper" photo, which got worldwide mini-meme attention, then more photos of sleepers, then photos of the streetcar driver getting off to do his banking at an ATM. Now someone took a video of a bus driver taking a 7 minute coffee break, which he apparently does almost every night.


I've had situations like this happen several times, myself. One time a driver went into a deli for ten minutes to get a sandwich, and casually got back on the bus without a word like nothing happened.

I don't necessarily blame the TTC itself for all this. The union has had them cowed for years. The public is furious, and getting angrier by the day, so now maybe they can grow a backbone and slap-down the union.

Hah, that's hilarious. This happened to me this morning on the street car. The driver needed his Timmies fix.

I've also seen a street car driver wear ear buds (at least in one ear) while driving.


BladeWorker said:
And yet, Adam Giambrone, the TTC chair, thinks he has a shot at being Toronto's mayor.

With management skills like that, how can he be denied? /sarcasm.
That reminds me, Adam Giambrone came to speak at my high school about 3 weeks ago. Seems like a nice guy, and he was totally trying to get some votes from the seniors (like me) :lol
lunarworks said:
Yes, he's not perfect in his role, but the thing that bothers me about the hate is that he's actually improved service over the past few years. Buses run more frequently, notification systems are being put in place, new subway cars and streetcars are on the way, Transit City (while admittedly not perfect) is well under way. Most the fuck-ups have been union-instigated, unexpected technical failures, suicides shutting the subway, middle-management doing stupid things on their own, etc. The fare increase was necessary, since the various levels of government aren't contributing. However, he gets all the blame for all the problems.

Personally, I don't think Giambrone should run for mayor. He's gonna get creamed. He needs to stay in his position of heading the TTC, he's not the problem, and all the dinosaur-minded nimrods who have been managing things there for 40 years need to be let go.
Well, the notification systems were being put in place as a result of a lawsuit, so I'm not sure I really give Giambrone full credit for that.

As well, TransitCity is an ad-hoc solution for a city that needs major infrastructure overhaul, and in addition, was Miller's baby, not Giambrone's.

As for the union and other uncontrollable factors being to blame, there's an axiom in management that seems to have escaped Adam: Control what you can manage, manage what you can't control. He hasn't been able to develop enough of a rapport with the union reps and frontline staff to talk them off the strike ledge, and he doesn't even have enough capital with the staff to keep them from pulling embarrassing shit in the dumbest places.

He's not the worst TTC chair we've ever seen, but he's not one worthy of particular lauding, either. And no, as you say, he shouldn't run for mayor. Not because he'll get creamed - but because he won't be able to do the job.


Junior Member
ForzaItalia said:
Best pic ever :lol
You know what one of the PR defenses was? "I'm disappointed that no one bothered to check if he was sleeping or actually dead." (paraphrase).

This union is going to be the downfall of the city. Isn't there a major city in the world that has automated transit that actually works?


NetMapel said:
TTC cares about the average rider... THIS much:

from The Toronto Star's article

But this isn't the first time Robitaille has been recognized while wearing TTC colours.

In 1995, he was honoured for saving a disabled man's life, according to a Toronto Sun article.

A former Wheel-Trans driver, Robitaille was sent to pick up a passenger who had a rare lung disease and muscle disorder. Robitaille found the man collapsed on the floor in his home, barely conscious after falling and hitting his head.

"The door was unlocked, but I would have broken it down if I had to," Robitaille said at the time.

He lifted the man into an upright position and called for an ambulance.

The passenger, Brian Mitchell, later said he would have died if Robitaille hadn't helped him.

I bet more people sleep at work than save lives, so let's give him a pass.


YYZ said:
You know what one of the PR defenses was? "I'm disappointed that no one bothered to check if he was sleeping or actually dead." (paraphrase).

This union is going to be the downfall of the city. Isn't there a major city in the world that has automated transit that actually works?

Yes several shuttle services as automated, such as the AirTrain to JFK airport in NYC.

However, the issue with automation is the Union will not let it be activated and loose those jobs, such as the L line in NYC. All the automation equipment is installed but as I said the union will not even allow trains to run, less one person, still leaving another crew member on board.

The reality is that the best way to make a transit system profitable is to automate track based vehicles, removing the crew. This would allow frequency to be maintained on and off peak continually but allow active scalability of train length (capacity).

But the unions will not allow automation. More than %50 of NYMTAs cost's are labor BTW.


Junior Member
So basically the only way to get good transit is to start your own country and not allow unions.


YYZ said:
So basically the only way to get good transit is to start your own country and not allow unions.

I would say that forbidding unions from state enterprise would not be a bad thing at all.
Empty Vessels anus just shat a little bit.

But the reality is and historically this is true, the best way to get public transit is to remove all subsidies of all transit, including roads, and allow user fees to cover %100 of cost and externalities. You could privatize it at this point.

NYC's best age of transit was when it was private enterprise, who knows what America's interstate transportation system would look like had we not had government funding competition to the railroads.
Gallbaro said:
But the reality is and historically this is true, the best way to get public transit is to remove all subsidies of all transit, including roads, and allow user fees to cover %100 of cost and externalities. You could privatize it at this point.
If the amount of public subsidy bears an inverse relationship to the overall quality of transit, then Toronto's should be among the best in the world.

It's not.
BladeWorker said:
He's not the worst TTC chair we've ever seen, but he's not one worthy of particular lauding, either.
Well, all I know is that under the previous TTC chairs, jack shit got done. (Aside from Lastman's mini pet subway gift to North York.) It was all about the maintaining the status quo, and a lousy status quo at that.

Compared to their track record, his is seemingly outstanding.
YYZ said:
So basically the only way to get good transit is to start your own country and not allow unions.
Unions are okay in concept; when they start acting like the corporations they despise - problems! A union owning professional sports teams is... creepy.


Subete no aware
DevelopmentArrested said:
Unions are okay in concept; when they start acting like the corporations they despise - problems! A union owning professional sports teams is... creepy.

Well, to be fair, it's the union's fund managers. And hell, given that people will watch the Leafs even when they are shit, they made a great investment. :lol


BladeWorker said:
If the amount of public subsidy bears an inverse relationship to the overall quality of transit, then Toronto's should be among the best in the world.

It's not.

MTA is about 55% annually [2009 data], while TTC is 71%.

edit: those of the percentages of the budget coming back as revenue from the fare box. Toronto is more "private" than NYC.


BladeWorker said:
If the amount of public subsidy bears an inverse relationship to the overall quality of transit, then Toronto's should be among the best in the world.

It's not.

I did not say removing public subsidies from public transit would make it more efficient, NYCTA from the 70s and 90s proves that. I said removing subsidies from all forms of transportation, would actually place public transportation in a far more competitive and profitable position. As has been demonstrated historically.


will gain confidence one day
Vancouver has had fully automated trains for (I believe) 20+ years. But the system was designed that way in the first place, so not really an apt comparison. Still, as a student I currently pay ~$26/month for my UPass. Not looking forward to moving back to Toronto in a few years if I can't afford a car.


Smash88 said:
I get the full priced Metropass, even though I can get it at a discount at University...but waiting out in the cold for 3 hours just to save around $12 is not worth it. York has a terrible distribution method.

Oh and I passback like never before, since it costs so much, might as well help others. :D

Oh god those line ups at York are completely ridiculous. Luckily you can order the passes online here, that's what I've been doing.


ok my turn to bitch:

A few months ago i was at college station. There was somewhat of a big lineup at the ticket booth. Instead of lining up I walked through the OPEN gate and flashed my metropass. nearby there was a big fat TTC employee sweeping the floor. I stop and let my girlfriend catch up to me and while i do the big fat fuck starts yelling at me! "Thanks for making my job harder!" and he closes the gate.

WTF? how did i make his job sweeping the floor harder? I turned around and said "why don't you go fuck yourself?" and i walk off. As i head down the stairs he finally comes up with a comeback. 'i don't go to mc donalds and... um...'. Fucking dumbass can't even remember how to finish the insult!
firehawk12 said:
Haha, yeah, by the shitty standards of the TTC's past administrators, he's doing a good job.
You also have to understand the sheer inertia of TTC management that anyone trying to accomplish anything is going to have to battle against.

Being the TTC Chair is a probably whole lot like being Sisyphus.
Gallbaro said:
I did not say removing public subsidies from public transit would make it more efficient, NYCTA from the 70s and 90s proves that. I said removing subsidies from all forms of transportation, would actually place public transportation in a far more competitive and profitable position. As has been demonstrated historically.
I don't dispute your version of history. I am just not sure that philosophy would hold true in the GTA as it is currently constructed.
YYZ said:

He's such a fucking goober. Like, an immense nerd.

His public office is literally right next door to my gallery/shop so I can't really complain about the dude too much though. His employees grab my courier deliveries for me sometimes.


Someone correct me if I'm off, but I seem to recall the price of one-way fare in England ranging from 4 to 7 pounds... that's $8+ to $15CAD... for one way. Just saying, things could be a hell of a lot worse.


wow those prices are ridiculous, $30+ for a week pass? It's ~$60 here for a month pass. Sure Halifax is a much smaller city than Toronto, but still


Subete no aware
They weekly passes are meant to be more expensive than the monthly passes. They basically want people to pay cash/use tokens, because they make more money that way.


In my past 4 years at U of T, the fare has gone up 75 cents. It's insane. And every TTC employee looks so depressed, I've yet to encounter one on the job that is capable of producing anything remotely close to a smile or even a neutral lip orientation.

No wonder Giambrone was going after the younger votes. He was scoping out the talent.


Will QA for food.
-Rogue5- said:
Someone correct me if I'm off, but I seem to recall the price of one-way fare in England ranging from 4 to 7 pounds... that's $8+ to $15CAD... for one way. Just saying, things could be a hell of a lot worse.

Indeed, around the world, the TTC is relatively cheap. For a monthly pass though, when compared to other North American cities (particularly the US), the rate keeps climbing. There are a number of issues the TTC could address to save cash.. or just save face, such as automating ticket gates (always funny when there are 3 ticket/fare checkers at Yonge/Bloor, when it could just be automated, with maybe one ticket booth guy to help with directions.), better upkeep of stations (TTC is generally pretty damn ugly), better services for disabled people.. but perhaps even more importantly, better customer service.

These are the transit drivers that believe they can get away with whatever they want; coffee and pizza breaks in the middle of shifts, napping on the job, jawing it up with fellow drivers while leaving doors to their streetcars open so passengers freeze, ignore people asking for directions, yelling at people who are recording them..

Just a little improvement on the customer service and when the annual fare hike comes around, we wouldn't be so bitter. Of course, this transit system has no brains. They keep sticking streetcar routes in a city that is frozen five months out of the year, and humid beyond belief for another few months. And of course, when they expand the subway, it's to the middle of nowhere (note; I support the extension to York.. but even that seemingly cost too much).
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