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Well my x-box is in it deathroes....


And I think its about time for me to get a new one! Do any of you guys know if there is anyway to transfer the really large game files? Also how will getting a new box affect my x-box live account? Thanks! :D


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
You getting DRE's?

I never get those... At least until 2 days ago when I got DoA:U. It's the retail disc. Sounds was out of sync. When the announcer would say 'Fight' the match was almost over.

Made a backup of the game to see if the problem persisted, and it worked fine.

I have some |337-ass burning skills.


Yes I am! :( During Halo no less. I returned my copy to the store and I got a new one and I keep getting errors after some of the cut scenes. Maybe I should buy a new dvd drive? Or should i just get a whole new box?


replacing the dvd drive is stupidly easy. if you've got the right screwdrivers (torx 10 and 15, iirc), and can use them without poking out your own eyes, it won't be a problem. If you can find a reasonable price for a replacement drive, that's the way to go.


I've had dirty disc errors forever but they only happen on games after a certain point of when they were pressed. First halo has never had a dde, but i pop in halo2 and multiplayer deathmach worked fine but on multiplayer campaign it said it couldn't load the map and lots of dirty disc problems in the cutscenes in single player campaign mode. I had to play off the hard drive to get it to work. I really want to play online but i'm thinking i have to buy a whole new xbox for that :(

on a side note the first game i had that gave me a dirty disc error was enclave but EVERY game i owned before that works and still works till this day with no problem


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I have a hard time settling w/ the notion that the disc drives cannot be salvaged/cleaned.

What causes this? If it's just a dirty lense (the game I had the problems with was brand new and blemish-free) then what lense cleaners are recommended? The last time I put a lense cleaner in a CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, it snatched off the cleaning brissels.


But what happens to my x-box live account and my large saves if a get a new box? is there anyway to salvage them?
Your Xbox live account is fine since you can either copy it to a memory card or use the account recovery function in the dashboard of your new Xbox. The only way I can see you copying your large saves over is if you have a way to run a save game exploit (and in turn, gain FTP access to your xboxes) on your two xboxes. You'll either need to buy a Pro Action Replay device that can transfer game saves from your PC, or a friend with a modded xbox and a memory card.


Oh come on! As many damn X-bots on this forum not one off you can point me in the right direction of a reliable online shop that can get me a decent drive. You can't all be playing Halo! :lol

Dave Long

I called Microsoft since mine was dying too. It's going to cost me $40 to get the machine fixed/replaced and they're paying for shipping. I've heard stories of people getting it fixed completely free of charge but I wasn't able to get them to go that far. I finally capitulated, very reluctantly I might add, at the $40 charge. It's still going to cost me at least $18 for a pre-owned memory unit to keep my save games and Live account when I send it off.

Anyway, call MS. Don't do it yourself unless you have to or you're unable to get them to fix it for less than the standard $80 they want to charge you for the repairs.


that seems like too much of a hassle Dave. I think I may just tinker with my xbox. Did they say how long it was going to be before you got your system back?

Dave Long

I'll receive a box from them in 3-5 days. That will be the box I ship my Xbox back to them inside and it's already paid for on the return ship to Microsoft. I imagine it'll be 3-5 days there, maybe less, then it ships back to me. All told, maybe It's gone for two weeks? I can live with that for the low cost.

I spent maybe 20 minutes on the phone. When the guy said $80, I said "So you guys engineer these things to fail after the warranty runs out then? Is there someone else I can talk to?" Then it went to the manager guy and while he initially was trying to stonewall me, I mentioned Xbox Live and things changed. I mean, they screw with me enough, there's always that chance I won't stick with Live in a year, right? I even said I'd go so far as to sell the Xbox games, which I would have, because frankly, $80 for a repair is ludicrous when they know damn well that these things have problems.

I'm still not completely satisfied, but as long as I end up with a working unit, I'm ok with that cost. It's still cheaper than buying another DVD drive for it and the hassle was all on the phone, not in opening up the system and fucking around with it immediately putting it out of any kind of warranty and probably voiding any chance of them fixing it at all. I'm no tech dummy. I've built multiple PCs. I'm sure I could've fixed it with a drive I bought myself but I really didn't want to take that chance. No eBay hassles. Just receive box, fill box with Xbox, ship and wait.


Well that does it I tried linking up with some GAffers online i kept on getting the boot from mp games. Now I have a thompson drive in my box. If i buy a replacement do I have to get another thompson or can I just buy a phillips?
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