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We'll never go to Mars

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member


Gold Member
NASA was confident that Apollo crews would be passing through the belts fast enough that the spacecraft’s skin and all the instrumentation lining the walls would be enough protection.

LOL, so we can run through miles of fire too if we run fast enough?

It’s hilarious how bad the acting is in those moon landing footages but it was the 60s and it was believable for people back then.

We can’t go back because there’s no Cold War anymore 😀😉



One of the green rats
Meh our sun will explode well before we are able to escape it anyway. Even if we live on mars.

Have a nice day. 🤣
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My dad when he was alive was a pretty down to earth mostly rational guy but even he believed the moon landing was fake all his life its crazy how wide spread that conspiracy theory got before the internet even was a big thing
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Why would we send the waste to Mars and not just…Space?
Well, rotation and gravity come to mind. We may want to use that space at some point in the future. I'll leave that to the mathematicians. But that waste could also be useful elsewhere, though it be dangerous sitting here so close to us. We could possibly harness the energy from the "meltdown" instances.

Either way, simply ejecting it into space seems like more recklessness. We have no idea how that could effect us in the future. imho


Well, rotation and gravity come to mind. We may want to use that space at some point in the future. I'll leave that to the mathematicians. But that waste could also be useful elsewhere, though it be dangerous sitting here so close to us. We could possibly harness the energy from the "meltdown" instances.

Either way, simply ejecting it into space seems like more recklessness. We have no idea how that could effect us in the future. imho
Space be real big tho


Space be real big tho
Just sayin'. I mean, if we're already contemplating eternity and infinity, even if only in a fantastical way, with the technology we already have, there seems to be the suggestion we might be using space in ways we haven't even imagined yet. And leaving that type of thing out there could just be the straw that breaks us in the end. I don't know... Of course, if we were in dire straits, I imagine I wouldn't put up much resistance to the idea of doing it. We might know when/if we get there, eh?


I think we will eventually. Not for pleasure, but for rare minerals. Then you'll have worker settlements develop around that. Then military applications.

Pretty easy to see how a corporation would find it worthy of funding a mining operation worth trillions.
That’s what I always enjoyed about the Expanse, Aliens, and Avatar space exploration won’t kick into high gear without a financial incentive but once it does companies will find a way to get there. Think of how appealing gold or diamond deposits with no competition would be? Even if it costs the price of a making an Avengers movie to get there corporations will find a way because the reward is higher than the risk.

Personally I’d love to see Mars but the moons of Jupiter and Saturn are also extremely interesting.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
That’s what I always enjoyed about the Expanse, Aliens, and Avatar space exploration won’t kick into high gear without a financial incentive but once it does companies will find a way to get there. Think of how appealing gold or diamond deposits with no competition would be? Even if it costs the price of a making an Avengers movie to get there corporations will find a way because the reward is higher than the risk.

Personally I’d love to see Mars but the moons of Jupiter and Saturn are also extremely interesting.
Diamond oceans once you get that far out. Just need tech to mine at 50,000 degrees and 14x earth gravity on a gas giant! Profits would be pretty insane though.


Colonization of Mars/other planets will eventually happen if we don't blow ourselves up back to the stone age/extinction and assuming we can continue to avoid any earth-wide cataclysmic events during our species' future. Going to Mars is a completely different beast than the moon however and thats no understatement. It will take many unforeseeable steps of progress before we see it. Personally, I think the next step for us traveling out of earth's influence is by sending robots/machines to lay foundations/framework as that preliminary step eliminates all the biological complications to overcome and can further help negates those complications for when we actually do travel to a specific destination in the future. Energy storage technologies/breakthroughs will be key/a must here.

But uh... yeah, have to say my vote is on we destroy ourselves before any of the fun (planetary/solar travel) stuff happens. With great power...
Ok, going to be posting a lot of long YT vids from Issac Arthur. Here's the 'kickstart humanity's space expansion' plan.

Step 1, build a quasi-orbital ring on the plane of the lunar orbit.

Step 2, industrialize the moon.

Step 3, use the material refined from the moon to construct no-bullshit orbital rings.

Step 4, use the orbital rings to start building cis-lunar rotating habitats, launch vehicles, and become a distributed species.

Step 5, we are now trillions of humans connected by hours of light lag with each other. We have set up shop on every rock worth burying a rotating habitat in, powered by abundant fusion fuel.



Thread title and contents are very different. Verbs matter OP.

We absolutely will go to Mars. There's no doubt about it. And there will be people who 'live' there.

Now what 'living' there entails; that I probably do agree with you on somewhat. Unless we somehow come up with a very quick way to terraform*, then I can't see us ever living on Mars as we do on Earth (most people there for close to or entire lives). In that case, it'll just be research and resource extraction outposts, not requiring many humans as it'll mostly be done by AI and robots. I'm sure leisure and perhaps people living there will happen to some degree, but Earth will always (within reason) be so much better.

*As far as I know, this would also still require a) living under cover (likely underground) during Martian winters - which are long or b) being able to temporarily heat an entire planet. And even then, the night time temperatures are lethal most of the time, even in summer. Terraforming would only partially help this.
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There's no need to colonize any planets.

We do plenty of "useless" things all the time. We don't know if it is going to be useful beforehand, that's the whole point.
We want to go to Mars for the things we will learn along the way. Same reason we went to the moon.

Then you'll think to yourself, if we got so much space why the hell is the local government zoning it so its all sardined condos?

You can have good quality of life and high density zoning. There is plenty of European cities that do it already.
I rather have more green space and forests than endless urban sprawl.
The zoning rules in the USA are completely fucked up if you ask me.


Even IF we make it to Mars and get set up, do you really think us common plebs will be able to visit? Mars will become the total capitalist planet, only billionaires need apply to visit. It's not going to be like Total Recall where we visit something like an airport to transport between planets, this shit will be locked off to the rich so they can have the planet as their own playground whilst common blue collar workers on Earth eat their bug paste.


Gold Member
Even IF we make it to Mars and get set up, do you really think us common plebs will be able to visit? Mars will become the total capitalist planet, only billionaires need apply to visit. It's not going to be like Total Recall where we visit something like an airport to transport between planets, this shit will be locked off to the rich so they can have the planet as their own playground whilst common blue collar workers on Earth eat their bug paste.
Consideing how much it costs, it'll be one way tickets for rich people who want to die being famous being on board a Mars ship.

Googling it, the time it takes to get to Mars can be anywhere from 5-9 months depending on the site. So lets say 7 months for sake of taking the average. Youre stuck on a ship for 7 months. And when you get there it's not like you can just waltz outside and hike up a Mars mountain like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the opening of Total Recall.

Every sci fi movie with interplanetary scenes always make it looks so easy. Everything is already set up with buildings and utilities everywhere and all you got to do is put on a spacesuit. Half the time, they dont even wear anything as if the alien planet has a totally calm and breathable atmosphere like it's Earth v2.

By the looks of it, the first batch of Mars travelers will land on Mars (assuming it even successfully lands) and they'll be stuck in the ship staring out the shuttle windows until they die. The chances of a crew of travelers being engineers and construcution workers putting up a slick space outpost like the movies is zero.
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