Here are my updated reads on living players.
01 [m] CrimsonFist I have talked about him a lot today, huh. He had posted some good insight in Day 1, but now he has been just
there, not doing much to the game. Flying under the radar, and most of all, under everyones suspicion, due to obtaining the sheriff status. I have gone through today in many posts, why I think him still being alive is very suspicious, and I warrants staying wary of him. Posts wise, he has not said anything inherently suspicious, but his posts in general have been a bit on the safe-side. SOME SCUM VIBES
02 [m] Xamtheking I feel that I should trust him, like I said in my D2 begin reads. Its just that he has been playing quite anti-town so far, which is no good. The point about him using directly a word that was used in the only surely flipped sleepwalker so far (Even though a scum one), makes me think, that he is telling the truth. Unless Ultron wants to tell us, that the word was not used in his role.
04 [m] Lollipop Dave Dave has
disappeared from the face of the earth after the Baker business of D2. There are RL reasons for it, so its okay. But I still hope he begins to bring more of his insight, as the only things that are going for him right now are the weird baker business, and Makai making his soft claim D1, neither of them helping on my stance about him. NEUTRAL, NEED MORE POSTS
05 [m] FluxWaveZ He has been really, really arrogant in this game. Like, arrogant to the point that it makes me a bit frustrated, even though I understand that its his playstyle. His play reminds of how Darryl plays, just that Flux makes much longer posts, than what Darryl does. He seems to jump on people quite aggressively, and then really hold on them. So far every target he has been hunting has been either town, or most likely town (Batsnacks). I think its also interesting, that whenever he is accused, he somehow turns very defensive in his posts, or so I at least feel. If he is town, why the need to get so aggressive
06 [m] CzarTim So far I have a good feeling about CzarTim. He seems to have been more active participant in the game after my original assessment of him I wrote during N1. He has been a much more driving force to the game, which has made me feel good about him. However, I do feel that his posts have been a bit safe, and I feel that if there is a scum town leader, he would be a good nominee for that. Also his jumping between votes was odd yesterday, although now we know that he was trying to save town. TOWN, BUT RED FLAGS
08 [m] RobotNinjaHornets -> Replaced by Trigger - One of the players, who just... are there. Both RNG and Trigger have made some posts, but somehow I just can't find anything to take a firm grasp on, a problem I have with few other players. Problematic... - ...NEUTRAL/NO READ
09 [m] ultron87 Ultron is the first sleepwalker-claimer. He was also seemingly targeted by someone during first night, if Batsnacks is telling the complete truth. But the question is
who? The Scum? Why would they try to kill Ultron, who was almost lynched D1? There is something funny going on with Ultron, but I just cant pinpoint what it is. He has mostly disappeared from the game in general after D1, its almost like he trusts that people will keep trusting him. I still try to think that he is town, but Im not really sure. One thing I do think, is that Bats should have definitely revived Drop over Ultron, thats for sure. TOWN
11 [f] StarSketch -> Replaced by Sawneeks Starsketch did not talk that much, and just gave me the feeling that she was disinterested in the game. Swamped said that she looked like frustrated town, but I dont know. She has been replaced by Sawneeks now, who said that she would return today to post. Im waiting for it, but right now I have no good picture of Sawneeks, and I just get the feeling that she was laying low. - BLENDER
12 [m] Septimus Prime He has been quite silent, and making safe posts all around. He certainly keeps flying under my radar, I keep forgetting that Septimus is even in this game, which is quite worrying, as he is not the lowest poster of the game by any means. Also one thing I noticed, is that brings up the idea of a Serial Killer in almost his first gamepost, and has today began to talk about the Serial Killer a lot today, suggesting the idea that Rats is one. I dont know
somehow I get the feeling, that he might be hiding something
13 [m] QuantumBro After my N1 reads, not much has changed. Has not written much, but what he has, has been okay insight, I guess. The yesterday semi-rolefishing was something, that did caught my eye. Im still waiting for you explanation on it. NO READ/NEUTRAL, BUT HUGE RED FLAGS
14 [m] Timeaisis Time is one of the players who make me frustrated. He posts reasonable amounts, but at the same time, I feel that he just
is there, sometimes. Its annoying, I just cant get a good grasp at him, which is always a worrying sight. He has been very unmemorable in general, and he did try to start the bandwagon in D2, which he then denied to not remember, other people called him out of it. Im also worried that he kept forgetting the existence of a Strongman, even after I directly reminded him. Something bothers me, but Im not sure what. SLIGHT SCUM ALIGNMENT
15 [m] GreatLord Tiger -> Replaced by Hyperactivity I have detailed about my suspicions on GLT so far. Im not sure if those point out to a frustrated townie like Hyper says. However, Hypers entrance to the game has not exactly made me confident so far. His first reaction was to both only look at the end vote results of every day, and mostly ignore the context of the end of days, which I think is very dangerous mindset. He also seems to be fixated somehow in telling us, that our suspicions of GLT were stupid, and that everyone who voted on him D3 were suspicious. I dont know if he has a bad case of confirmation bias, but his first posts in this game have not made me feel better about him. However, he did just only now really enter the game well, so I want to give him a benefit of doubt. What is odd too though, it hat he has posted after I claimed, but didnt mention the claim at all, even though he had told me before the claim that he thinks Im suspicious. NEUTRAL
17 [m] El Topo -> Replaced by Burbeting Thats me.
19 [m] Makai Oh Makai, Makai. During the first day he was really silent and blending, bar from his soft claim on Lollipop Dave, which Im pretty sure Im not the only one who thought that meant Lovers or Masons, at least. But when I voyeured Makai first night, no one visited him, not even though Scums would definitely benefit from getting a lovers kill during the first night. When I and few others pressed Makai and Dave on the issue, Makai got quite angry and aggressive, which could be because he thought we were role fishing for Baker, but did he really believe, that Baker exists? It felt quite unbelievable for Palmer to add role like that then, and it feels like that now.
From there, Makai has not made me feel much better. Like Rats pointed out, he has been doing some rolefishing, especially that ask for Vigilante to claim was just down-right odd. Contrasting this is the fact that he was on Cabots, mine and Zippedpinheads throats.
Makai also gets me nervous for the fact that in D3, the scums would have benefitted from the narrative that Cabot protected someone N1. This would have possibly given Makai and Dave an alibi, if the narrative would have sticked that Cabot protected them.
Finally, Makais reaction today to my claim. His first reaction was just Great, I believe you and Batsnacks!, it came immediately, and so fast, it makes me a bit nervous, especially because I have done the exactly same thing as a scum player in the past. The Scum would easily write a post like that instantly after seeing a claim, in hopes to getting to the good sides of confirmed town. At least the reactions of others were bit more varied, and not as 100% trusting as Makai was. Part of good town is healthy suspicion to everything.
So yeah. Multiple things bother me in Makai at the moment. -
20 [m] batsnacks Most likely Witch, just like he claims. His claim fits with my N2 results of voyeuring Cabot, and I dont understand why he would have told out loud that he killed Cabot N2, if he was Scum. However, I do think that his Ultron-save over Drop was just really dumb move, and I think its bit odd, that he ignored my claim in his newest posts. Still, I have no reason to doubt him. - TOWN
23 [m] Rats Off To Ya A low poster, although not the lowest. Tim and Fluxwave have made points about him, and I mostly agree with them. He has been blending lots, and has not seemed to really care who we lynch, just that someone flips. This was pretty close to how Terrabyte acted at the end of D1, and behold, he was a scum. Rats also seems to like make comments about vig and sk, and something in those comments bother, but I really cant say what. However, at the same time, Im not sure, if he is my major scum target, but I wouldnt mind lynching him today. ALIGNS TO SCUM, POSSIBLE SK CANDIDATE..?
25 [f] Swamped Swamped bothers me, and what is infuriating, is that I cant pinpoint what it is. She makes posts, they have insight in them
yet even then I really cant form any sort of solid read about her. Its like she just is there. At one hand, my head tells me, that she should be town, but my gut tells me that there is something really wrong with her. I know this read is annoying, and Swamped cant really answer to it, but right now I have to say that she is at least Neutral, might bump into slight scum status. NEUTRAL, RED FLAGS
26 [m] kingkitty My stance on Kingkitty has been shifting throughout the game. At first assessment, I had scum-vibes from him, but then he began to contribute by making some good reads, which made me feel much better about him. But now
its D4, and all he has been doing for quite a long time is drop in, write few reads, and then disappear off the face of earth again. I mean, reads are good, as I have said, but they do also give Scum a good smokescreen to look contributive, like Timeaisis pointed out way back in Day 2. He has made few other posts too, but in general he has been a very passive participant in the game, and by just writing reads, and nothing else, there is not much to really take grasp on him. Also, his reads seem very
safe. Thats just my gut feeling though, but I have started to feel badly about Kingkitty again. -
28 [m] Boo Boo 'n Most of Boo Boos posts are one liners, or very short. He did post a list of players, and his thoughts on them
but left half of the players uncommented, and stated there must be wolves in half of these players. Well no surprise there, Sherlock. I just dont get the feeling that Boo Boo has done anything awfully contributive so far, although he did post his Top Scum today, which was good at least. But other than that, he blends a lot, and flies under my radar, which is always very worrying. - BLENDER
29 [m] Fireblend Im sorry Fire! I know you have given quite a lot insight in your posts, which you even pointed out yesterday. Its just that even those posts feel somehow really bland and neutral, I always feel that you are trying to play it safe. There was also the fact that you instantly lined on the narrative that Cabot had protected someone during N1, and you seemed to ignore the possibility of a Strongman even after I pointed it out. Also the fact that you seemed to take it a bit too well that I think bit qarily of you is odd, like Boo Boo pointed out. Something about Fireblend bothers me. NEUTRAL/SLIGHT SCUM LINING
Town Vibes: Batsnacks, Xamtheking
Slight Town Vibes: CzarTim, Ultron,
Neutral: FluxWave, QuantumBro, Lollipop Dave, Swamped, Trigger
Blender: Sawneeks, Boo Boo, Septimus Prime (possible SK?),
Slight Scum Vibes: CrimsonFist, Fireblend, Hyperactivity, Rats (possible sk?), Timeaisis
Scum Vibes: Makai, Kingkitty,
With so many players still left, there is still too much players in Neurtal, Blender and Slight Scum Vibe-groups. At this point I have worst feeling about Makai and Kingkitty. Out of the Slight Scum ones, I feel worst about Crimson, but the others are not far behind.
Will post more later, but this how I feel right now.